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Chapter 243

Chapter 243 Chaos

A group of officials who replaced the officials in Peking, including Zhang Rui, the minister of the Ministry of Industry, and Xie Gui, the commander of the Henan Guard, have left the capital according to the order, but Xia Xun has not moved yet.

Because the last time the imperial court captured the King of Zhou for treason, it did not use any fair and just means. Instead, it loudly announced that Cao Guogong Li Jinglong was going to patrol the northern border. He came unexpectedly, sneaked into the city, and accused a vassal king with the dignity of the court.

Using such a method is inevitably ridiculous, and King Zhou has always had a good reputation, so this behavior is even more disgusting. There are a lot of discussions about this between the government and the public, and there are many people who sympathize with King Zhou.

Zhu Yunwen, Huang Zicheng, Fang Xiaoru and others also felt the pressure of public opinion. This time, they had taken many measures against Peiping, depriving them of military power, removing soldiers and horses, and replacing officials. After a series of measures, they thought they would be able to subdue them openly.

King Yan did not want the notorious Jin Yiwei to interfere and ruin their reputation, so he was somewhat noncommittal about Luo Kedi's plan, and it has been delayed until now to decide whether Xia Xun can make the trip.

Before Xia Xun left, another big event happened in Beijing.

King Zhu Shu of Qi was deprived of his title and made a commoner.

According to the strategy of Huang Zicheng, Fang Xiaoru and others, they first wanted to reduce the power of King Yan, reduce the number of soldiers of King Yan, and then replace all the officials in the Military, Political and Legal Department in Peiping to make King Yan restrain his hands and dare not act rashly.

Go back and capture all the vassal kings who may sympathize with, respond to, or support King Yan, and finally eradicate King Yan, a serious problem in his heart.

According to their plan, Qi King Zhu Shu would have had at least a few more months of comfortable life, but Qi King Zhu Shu couldn't wait to see him at his door. He took the initiative to request an order to return to Beijing to see the emperor.

He was the only one named Uncle Wang, so Zhu Yunwen was not afraid of him, so he agreed immediately.

Who knows, Zhu Shu came to Beijing to ask for money.

The palace he built, originally the Ministry of Revenue only said that it would be delayed for a while. This delay was until his father Zhu Yuanzhang passed away. Once Zhu Yuanzhang died, Zhu Yunwen was "full of waste waiting to be revitalized". Anyway, no matter what it was, he wanted to

He was unconventional and different from his grandfather, so there were more places to spend money. He also drastically reduced the number of people in the tax collectors' department, which led to more tax evasion. He then reduced and exempted taxes in Jiangnan, which caused the imperial government's finances to be somewhat tight.

, Hubu Yin had to eat a lot of food, and the dispatch could not be carried out. The money owed to King Zhu Su of Qi had to be postponed indefinitely.

Zhu Fu was annoyed. When he returned to Beijing, the first thing he did was to go to Xiaoling to cry at the grave. When he arrived at Xiaoling, King Qi finished crying for his father and his mother. Then he wiped his tears and ran to the palace to meet his nephew.

The emperor clamored for money.

Zhu Yunwen was very depressed: I used to be the emperor's grandson, so I could be polite to uncles like you. Now that I am the emperor, do you understand the superiority and inferiority of father and son, king and minister? Those who quarreled with me should be replaced by

My imperial grandfather sits in the Dragon Court, do you dare?

This was an opportunity for Luo Kedi to seize. King Qi was the "rebellion target" he had focused on cultivating at the beginning. Luo Kedi had already collected all kinds of criminal evidence, but he never took the opportunity to present it. Now they see it all

The king acted like a rogue in front of Emperor Jianwen, crying for his father and mother, which embarrassed Emperor Jianwen. Luo Kedi immediately reported all the illegal acts of King Qi in Qingzhou to Zhu Yunwen, and handed over a thick pile of persecution materials.

Zhu Yunwen was overjoyed when he saw it. He made a rare decisive move. Without calling his think tanks for discussion, he ordered Qi King Zhu Shu to be demoted to a commoner and guarded by guards in brocade clothes. He would soon be sent to Fengyang High Wall for guarding, and at the same time he sent people to guard him.

He went to Qingzhou Prefecture in Shandong to confiscate his home, and sent his family, old and young, to Fengyang to be imprisoned. Zhu Yunwen's actions were really vigorous and resolute, quite like the thunderous methods used by Emperor Hongwu when he punished corruption and eradicated evil. Waiting for Fang Xiaoru

, when Huang Zicheng and others received the news, Zhu Yunwen's imperial edict had already left Nanjing.

Xia Xun waited all day in Jinyiwei for news of sending him north, but before he left, King Qi was sent as a prisoner. Xia Xun thought for a long time, and although he and King Qi were just using each other, they were still old friends after all.

When he returned to Qingzhou, the King of Qi also treated him with courtesy. He could not pretend to be ignorant, so he begged Luo Kedi: "Sir, when I was in Qingzhou, I was taken care of by the King of Qi. Now, although the King of Qi has become

I am a prisoner, but since I am imprisoned in Jinyi Guards, I cannot ignore it. I want to... go and see King Qi."

Luo Kedi frowned and said: "It's certainly good that you know the truth and value justice, but..."

He pondered for a moment and then said: "Then go. After all, your status is not comparable to that of those high officials in the court. Even if you go to see King Qi, there will be no consequences."

"Thank you, sir."

Xia Xun's thank you was indeed sincere. He knew that although Qi King Zhu Su was now locked up in the Jinyi Guards and could handle Luo Qian's affairs, he still took some risks by agreeing to him to see a deposed prince.

,Although Xia Xun has made a decision about his future, he is indeed grateful to Luo Kedi, who values ​​​​him and promotes him.

Xia Xun went to see Zhu Shu, only bringing some food and a quilt. The cell was a cold place. Even in the hot summer, the place couldn't get warm. What's more, late autumn was about to end and the weather was cold and wet.

Jinyiwei's cell has not been incarcerated for many years, and the beds and bedding inside are rotten. Even an ordinary prisoner would find it difficult to stay there. Although Zhu Shu was once a prince, he only had food and clothing at the moment. It was not suitable for him.

That's the most practical thing to say.

"Common man Qi, we, the adults from a hundred households, have something to ask you. It's easy to answer it!"

The cell leader didn't care whether the prisoner was Fengzi Longsun or not. He shouted loudly, bowed his head to Xia Xun, and said flatteringly: "Sir, please, it's too dark here, and the ground is uneven, so be careful where you step.


Xia Xun walked in carefully and said to the cell leader: "Okay, you go out and guard."

The prison boss agreed and left. Xia Xun walked to the cell fence and saw that Qi Wang Zhu Su had been stripped of his python robe. His hair was disheveled and he was wearing a moon-white coat. He was sitting numbly on a pile of straw.

"Yang Xu, it's you!"

With the help of the weak light, Zhu Shu suddenly saw clearly that the person coming was Xia Xun. He couldn't help being surprised. He jumped up, rushed to the cell door, and held on to the fence tightly.

Seeing that he was in such a mess, Xia Xun couldn't help but feel pity, and sighed: "My lord, you are so good, why did you come to Beijing, and now you are in this situation..."

King Zhu Shu of Qi's face twisted for a while, and he said in a vicious voice: "Who knew that little..."

He suppressed his anger and said viciously: "Who knew that the emperor was so cruel and ruthless that he would depose Gu Gu as a commoner for a small crime?"

Xia Xun was silent for a moment, then handed the warm food in his arms and the roll of quilt in his arms, and sighed softly: "Your Majesty's sins, even if you want to cut him off, may not be dealt with properly. Your Majesty,

Relax and just go and live in Fengyang for a few years. Maybe one day the emperor will change his mind and let the prince go back."

Zhu Shu laughed and shook his head, his eyes filled with tears: "You know the pines and cypresses at the end of the year, and a friend in need is a friend indeed. My nephew who is full of benevolence and righteousness is not as good as..."

He gritted his teeth and said no more, but his heart was already full of regret. Regarding his own regret, he was a mute and couldn't tell the pain.

Zhu Yu regretted it, not for anything else, but because he went to Beijing to ask for money to build the palace, which he did deliberately. Some of Zhu Yuanzhang's sons were good, some were evil, some were cruel and some were heroic, but none of them were idiots. Zhu Yunwen

To cut down the Zhou vassal, the drunkard's intention was actually King Yan. Zhu Shu had vaguely seen some clues about this. He went to the capital to ask for money and deliberately acted like a rogue. In fact, he used the princes and ministers who had been feared by emperors since ancient times.

A common method: self-destruction.

In order to eliminate Liu Bang's wariness, Xiao He deliberately accepted bribes, bought land by force, and violated the king's law. He did this to make Liu Bang think that he was greedy for comfort and had no ambitions. Zhu Shu did this in order to eliminate Zhu Yunwen's wariness of him.

He believed that Zhu Shu was short-sighted and had no ambition to seek the world.

But he didn't know that Zhu Yunwen had such a big appetite, and his plans were not limited to King Yan, and his plans were not limited to this life. If you don't rebel, he is worried that your son will rebel. If your son doesn't rebel, he is worried that your grandson will rebel.

In short, he wanted to get rid of it once and for all. Except for the flesh and blood passed down by his father Zhu Biao, all Zhu Yuanzhang's descendants would be demoted to common people and lose the chance to aspire to imperial power forever. All that was left was a matter of who should be killed first and who should be killed later.


Now that he, Zhu Shu, has come to his door, and there is indeed evidence of illegality in the hands of the court, isn't that because he has committed his own crime and will not be able to survive?

There were two people, one inside the cell and one outside the cell. One was worried, and the other had something to say about his sufferings. They were silent for a long time, and they could only sigh. In this lonely and cold prison, the sighs were so helpless and desolate...


The news that King Zhu Shu of Qi was demoted to a commoner made King Zhu Gui angry. King Zhu Gui of Dai and King Zhu Shu of Qi once obeyed the orders of King Zhu Di of Yan in the Northern Expedition to Mongolia. They were brothers who fought side by side. Moreover, King Zhu Shu of Qi was good at martial arts.

, the acting king Zhu Gui is also a martial artist, and the two princes are both fierce-tempered masters. It can be said that they are in love with each other, and their friendship with each other has always been good.

The last time the court found no evidence and only relied on a word from the second son of King Zhou, he killed a prince. This had already made Zhu Gui very dissatisfied. If his cronies hadn't repeatedly comforted him, asking him to wait until King Yan made his attitude clear before making a decision.

, he had long written a letter accusing the court of unfair law enforcement. Now, just a few days after the memorial to plead for King Zhou was submitted, King Zhou had no hope of getting him back from Yunnan. King Qi was actually demoted to a commoner again, and the late emperor was buried less than half a year ago.

, what does the emperor want to do to his uncles?

King Dai was so furious that he immediately wrote a severely worded memorial and sent it to the capital, accusing the emperor of disregarding family ties and making things difficult for the princes and uncles. He even boldly ridiculed Zhu Yunwen for being hypocritical and hypocritical.

The late emperor made a vow in front of him that he would treat his relatives well and convince others with his virtue. However, before the corpse of the late emperor was cold, he broke his promise and became fat.

After reading this memorial from King Zhu Gui, Zhu Yunwen's face burned. He tore the memorial into pieces angrily, patted the imperial case and shouted: "The king looks down on the court and me, and must be severely punished. Gentlemen, don't Advise me, I must severely punish the king, otherwise where is the dignity of the court and where is my dignity?"

Huang Zicheng didn't expect that his originally good plan would go so far. But he didn't know that behind the reaction of the King of Qi, Dao Yan persuaded the King of Yan to seek pardon for the King of Zhou. This head gave the feudal lords an outlet to vent their dissatisfaction. Otherwise, if the anger in the lords' hearts was suppressed again and again, sooner or later it would become internal injuries and they would not be able to vent their anger.

Huang Zicheng frowned and thought for a long time. He felt that the fact that the King of Qi had become a prisoner was an unchangeable fact, and the move to reduce the vassal status would no longer be possible. In this case, it would be better to use this reason to eradicate King Dai as well, so he nodded and agreed. However, he originally did not want Jin Yiwei to interfere with the affairs of Peking anymore, but now King Qi and King Dai have provoked one after another, disrupting the court's steps to reduce the vassal state. In order to ensure that Peiping was safe, he proposed to Zhu Yunwen and asked the emperor to agree to Jin Yiwei sending personnel to Peiping. For internal response.

Zhu Yunwen was slapped hard in the face by the memorial letter to King Dai, which made him feel ashamed. Now he just wanted to kill King Dai. With such a bad breath, everyone naturally agreed.

King Dai was usually domineering and domineering, and he indeed committed many illegal acts in the vassal country. He caught a lot of pigtails, and the next day an imperial envoy was instructed to accuse King Dai of being corrupt, cruel and illegal. Emperor Jianwen acted vigorously and resolutely , immediately issued a public edict to deprive King Zhu Gui of his title, and moved the whole family to Shu, under the strict supervision of King Zhu Bang of Shu.

In fact, although King Dai was overbearing, he would not dare to rebel if he was asked to do so.

Zhu Gui is only three years older than Zhu Yunwen. When they were young, the two went to school and played together. In Zhu Gui's impression, this nephew who was only three years younger than him was gentle, humble, mature, honest and honest. He thought he had won Even if he scolded him like an elder, the emperor's nephew would not do anything to him. Little did he know that this scolding would directly cost him his throne.

He was in Datong, Shanxi, and he didn't know that he was about to bring his wife and have a baby, so the whole family went to Sichuan to find his eleventh brother, Zhu Chun, for food.


In the left side hall of Kunning Palace, twenty or thirty young girls from the families of princes and princes are taking classes. These are all girls who have not yet left the court. The oldest is sixteen or seventeen years old, and the youngest is eleven or twelve years old. They are all young girls. , the moon looks like a flower.

Xu Ming'er is also inside. Little Princess Ming'er is eleven years old this year, and she is about to celebrate the New Year. After the New Year, she will be a 12-year-old girl. Zhongshan King Xu Da died early, and the eldest brother is like his father. Xu Huizu feels that the little As the girl grew older and could no longer act like crazy all day long, she was sent to the palace to learn the etiquette of her daughter's family from the female officials of the Shangyi Bureau every day.

While the class was in progress, Mrs. Zheng Zheng from Shangyi Bureau suddenly barged in. Mrs. Zheng was serious and rigid, and the girls from the duke's family were a little afraid of her. When they saw her coming, they immediately became honest and acted out their faces. He has a gentle and virtuous demeanor, and he is afraid that Zheng Shangyi will find fault with him.

Zheng Shangyi held a ruler and walked past the girls with a straight face. She stood at the end of the hall and nodded with satisfaction. Her tense face relaxed a little. When the girl saw this, she quietly breathed a sigh of relief. Zheng Shangyi glanced at her. Turning around, he suddenly stared at a girl of fourteen or fifteen years old and asked: "Chang Juan, what are the two religions in my daughter's family?"

This Chang Juan is a granddaughter of E Duke Chang Yuchun. When Zheng Shangyi asked her, she quickly replied: "First, teach her to be silent and not to talk nonsense; second, teach her to be simple and not to modify her appearance."

Zheng Shangyi said with a straight face: "You have just made a promise, and you just had your hair extensions last month. You are not yet a woman, so why do you pay so much attention to grooming, carry a sachet around your waist, and even embroider gold and jade!"

Chang Juan blushed and quickly took off the sachet and put it in her arms. When Xu Ming'er, who was standing behind her, heard this, she hurriedly hid her purse and took a peek. Zheng Shangyi didn't notice it and couldn't help but stick out her tongue.

.Unexpectedly, Zheng Shangyi saw this action of sticking out his tongue. Zheng Shangyi had a straight face and said: "Xu Miaojin, tell me how your daughter looks like a housewife."


Xu Ming'er said with a bitter face: "Shangyi, it's been less than a month since I entered the palace to learn etiquette."

Zheng Shangyi shouted: "Back!"

Xu Ming'er flattened her mouth, coughed, and said without squinting: "Every woman must first learn how to stand up and maintain her body, and she must be pure and chaste. If she is pure, her body will be clean, and if she is chaste, her body will be honorable. Don't look back when you act, and don't speak when you speak.

Lift your lips, don't move your knees when sitting, don't wave your skirt when standing, don't laugh when you are happy, don't raise your voice when you are angry. Do nothing in your daily life, stay in a quiet place. Don't come in front of the hall less often, don't peep outside, don't listen to obscene sounds, don't look at evil looks, although brothers

Kiss, don't sit at the same table, be aware that men and women should not kiss each other..."

"Huh?" Zheng Shangyi glanced at her in surprise, her serious expression softened a lot, and said: "When a woman gets married, she must carry her back!"

Xu Ming'er coughed again, tilted her head slightly, thought for a moment, and then said loudly: "When a woman gets married, her husband is her mother. A general's husband is compared to the sky, and rebellion is lighter. A husband is strong and his wife is soft, and love each other. Treat each other at home.

"Respect us as guests..."

"Okay, okay, no need to carry it anymore."

Zheng Shangyi smiled brightly and said to the girls from the prince's family: "Look, Xu Miaojin has just entered school for less than a month and can recite "The Analects of Confucius" backwards and forwards. You should learn from her. Okay, you guys have a rest.

Let’s continue class in a while.”

Zheng Shangyi left with satisfaction. As soon as she left, the group of young ladies immediately changed their appearance and suddenly gathered around Xu Ming'er, chirping like a flock of sparrows: "Ming'er, thank you for your good idea.

Zheng Shangyi even concealed it."

Xu Ming'er said proudly: "That's right, I only need to use a little trick, but I'm afraid I won't be able to deceive her."

Chang Juan took off the shawl from her shoulders. The shawl was densely covered with small characters, which were written neatly and beautifully. At first glance, they looked like fine patterns. If you didn't look closely, you wouldn't have known they were rows of characters.

Chang Juan said: "Don't forget your promise to take me to Mochou Lake and invite me to Yuejiang Tower for dinner."

Xu Ming'er smiled and said, "I know, you stingy guy."

She waved her hand and said boldly: "I'm not just inviting you, I'm inviting everyone in this palace!"

There was a burst of cheers in the hall. At this moment, Princess Baoqing ran in. She was still young and had not yet entered school. Princess Baoqing squeezed into the crowd, grabbed Xu Ming'er's sleeves, and said reluctantly: "Sister Ming'er

, the emperor yelled at me."

Xu Ming'er bent down and picked her up, and said with a smile: "You went to Jinshen Palace to be naughty again? Didn't I tell you, don't go there in the future? Your father is not the emperor now, he is your nephew.

You can't ask your nephew to coax you to play."

Princess Baoqing pursed her lips and said, "I didn't ask him to play with me. I went to fight with grasshoppers in the grass. When I heard the noise in the palace, I ran over to take a look. He shouted at me very loudly to go away."

Xu Ming'er hugged her and walked aside, asking in a low voice: "What's wrong with the emperor? Did someone make him angry?"

Princess Baoqing scratched her head and said, "It seems so. There was an old man with a white beard who said that King Zhou and King Qi should not be killed. He also said that he should not issue an order to capture King Dai and move his family to Bashu..."

Xu Ming'er raised her eyebrows and her expression changed a little: "Baoqing, please tell me clearly why the emperor wants to arrest the king?"

Princess Baoqing said blankly: "How do I know?"

Xu Ming'er thought about it, and the more she thought about it, the more uneasy she became, so she said, "Let's go, let's go find the emperor."

Princess Baoqing timidly said: "Sister, let's not go, he yells so fiercely!"

Xu Ming'er's pretty face was covered with frost and she said: "No, I must ask clearly. Why did he arrest my second sister and second brother-in-law for no reason!" (To be continued. If you like this This work, you are welcome to vote for recommendation at ***(***.***), ***, your support is my biggest motivation.)

This chapter has been completed!
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