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Chapter 250 three two hundred five

Chapter 250 Three Two Hundred and Five

After Emperor Jianwen officially changed his reign title, the first edict was to confer the titles of father, mother, wife, and younger brother, and he was also established as a prince, further consolidating his status.

As Emperor Jianwen's most trusted minister, Fang Xiaoru also wrote a letter at the right time, setting out the political policy of the Jianwen Dynasty in the future. This memorial immediately caused a sensation in the government and the public, and Emperor Jianwen regarded it as a treasure.

However, the civil and military officials in the DPRK were talking a lot. Huang Zicheng and Qi Tai, who had always advanced and retreated with Fang Xiaoru, all kept silent and distanced themselves from the matter.

Because Fang Xiaoru’s eloquent book of ten thousand words has only two core ideas: first, to restore the ancient official system; second, to restore the well-field system.

Zhu Yunwen was convinced of Fang Xiaoru's opinion, and immediately summoned him to discuss the details. At the same time, he also summoned the Minister of Household Affairs, Wang Dun, the left minister of the household department, Zhuo Jing, and the right minister Xia Yuanji, because today's discussion was mainly about the well field system.

Zhu Yunwen wanted to hear the views of the Ministry of Revenue on this proposal. As a result, the three senior officials of the Ministry of Revenue unanimously opposed it.

When Fang Xiaoru saw this, he became nerdy and started arguing with three officials from the Ministry of Revenue in Jinshen Hall.

Fang Xiaoru said: "We are all citizens of heaven, who is noble and who is humble? Nowadays, there are differences in wealth and status. The rich are prosperous enough to hold the power of the public government, and the wealth of the small people is small enough. If the public family is scattered among the small people, the small people may not get it.

Also, if someone takes something from the official family, then the common people will lose. The rich will get richer, and the poor will get poorer; both are the root of chaos. Chen She and Han Xin have a house and a field.

If you don’t look up to others, you will remain a citizen of Nanmu for the rest of your life, so why bother doing the opposite?

Therefore, if we want to make the world stable and the world at peace, we must use what the heaven produces to nourish the people of heaven, so that those who are rich in nature will not use it exclusively for their own purposes, and those who are poor will have someone to look up to to accommodate themselves. And to equalize the wealth and the poor, there is no such thing as

The system of well fields is a grand ceremony for the three generations of saints to unite the world. Today, despite the chaos and chaos, it is less than one tenth of the level of peace. It is the right time to equalize the fields. However, everyone has a field and each field has a public field, so that everyone can work together to achieve the goal.

If we help each other and show compassion to each other without losing the intention of our ancestors, then the world will be stable."

The three officials in charge of the Ministry of Household Affairs found it unbelievable after hearing this fantasy-like theory. Xia Yuanji retorted unceremoniously: "But according to what Mr. Fengcheng said, the world may not be in great order. In my opinion, it is

There will be chaos!"

Fang Xiaoru said angrily: "What do you mean by this?"

Xia Yuanji said: "Mr. Fengcheng directly wants to conquer the two emperors and conquer the three kings. He is indeed ambitious. What he said is based on academic theory, and it cannot be said that he is not thorough and detailed. Only his concrete actions can be said.

Otherwise, it is unavoidable and is purely empty talk. The method of the well field was feasible in ancient times, but it is difficult to implement today. The way to govern the world is to adapt measures to the times and local conditions, and to use power to achieve change."

Fang Xiaoru said disdainfully: "In the Five Classics, the words of Confucius and Mencius, the three dynasties of Tang and Yu ruled the world and achieved great results. Their kings were Yao, Shun, Yu, Tang, Wen, and Wu, and their ministers were Gao, Kui, Yi, Yi, and Fu.

, Zhou Gong, all have morality, benevolence, etiquette and music. In the feudal mine fields, small use will lead to small governance, and large charity will lead to great governance. Isn't it just empty talk? "

Zhuo Jing couldn't help hearing this. Although he was firmly on Fang Xiaoru's side on the issue of reducing the vassal vassal, he had been an official in the Ministry of Household Affairs for many years and was a practical man. After hearing Fang Xiaoru's ridiculous remarks, he

I just feel that if the emperor really listens to his words and goes to restore the past and build mine fields, then there is no need for others to rebel, and the world will be ruined by himself.

Zhuo Jing couldn't bear it and said: "Sir, if the well fields are gone, the benevolent government cannot be implemented, and the world is in danger. If the well fields are established, the world will be in order. So where are the three ancient dynasties now? What are the prosperous ages of the Han, Tang, and Song dynasties like the well fields? Dry?"

Fang Xiaoru said: "In the past three dynasties, kings were governed by benevolence and righteousness, and governance was based on morality. That was orthodox. All subsequent dynasties either relied on intelligence or usurped and killed others, which was not in line with the orthodox way. Han, Tang, Song, and others The rulers all have the heart of caring for the people and can be called deputy rulers, but they are still far from the rule of saints and cannot be called orthodox rule."

In his eyes, except for the legendary ancient beautiful age, all the prosperous times since Qin and Han Dynasties were nothing. Wang Dui, the Minister of Household Affairs, laughed angrily, and he said slowly: "Mr. Gucheng, the well field system , it has been ruined for thousands of years. If we follow the ancient rules and repeat the well field now, I am afraid that not only the emperor and the court will be criticized by the world, but also chaos and turmoil. Please think twice, sir."

Fang Xiaoru said: "It is not enough to practice benevolence and righteousness without working in the well fields. But those who want to practice benevolence and righteousness must start from the well fields. If the system of well fields can be implemented, there will be people all over the world. Then we will apply the decrees and transform them into virtues and etiquette. As long as the teacher's teachings continue, the world will be governed. In my opinion, as long as the method is implemented, it may take ten years in the near future or dozens of years in the distant future, and the rule of Zhou can be seen again in the world. By then, the seas and rivers will be clear, and peace will last for thousands of years! Nowadays, the people do not understand its techniques and do not know its principles. They criticize and turmoil, but it is just a temporary act, so what does it matter? We want to govern for eternity, can we not bear a temporary humiliation or a temporary chaos?"

Xia Yuanji sneered: "Rhetoric is unrealistic, and doing this is just another Wang Mang'er!"

Fang Xiaoru was furious and shouted: "Xia Yuanji, what did you say?"

"Okay, okay, this matter will be discussed later. Let me think about it carefully."

Zhu Yunwen originally admired Fang Xiaoru's beautiful blueprint, but when he saw the three officials from the Ministry of Revenue, they refuted it without hesitation. His confidence was gone again, and he hurriedly tried to reconcile the situation.

After sending three officials from the Ministry of Household Affairs out, Zhu Yunwen comforted Fang Xiaoru and said: "Sir, don't be upset. I think what you said is very reasonable. It's just that if you want to go into the mine fields, there are many things involved, so you need to take a long-term approach. The ancients said that governing a big country is like cooking a small one." If you are in a hurry, please sit down, sir, and we will discuss the restoration of Zhou rites and the restoration of the ancient official system."

Fang Xiaoru, who was still angry, sat down, cupped his hands and said: "Your Majesty, I believe that a monarch should imitate the ancient sage kings, do nothing and have no plans, and rule the world from the top. The ancient etiquette and the ancient official system are impeccable ways to govern the world. "

Zhu Yunwen said happily: "Then, if I follow what Mr. Wang said, what skills should I practice to govern and nourish the people?"

Fang Xiaoru said: "The first thing is to restore the system of prime ministers and the positions of the three princes. In ancient times, it was said that they share the responsibilities of governing the heaven and the people. It is okay to ignore the talents of the world and put them in positions and hand them over and blame them for their success. As long as If there are prime ministers assisting the holy king, the superiors and subordinates will be respected and the order will be orderly. The second is to accept advice from the wise and appoint people to the position without false power, which is still not believed. It is power. Those who fail to use their talents to the best of their ability are the responsibility of the master. Therefore, as a monarch, you should accept advice with an open mind..."

The three officials of the Ministry of Hubu walked out of the Jinshen Hall and looked at each other as if in a dream.

Xia Yuanji said in disbelief: "I have heard for a long time that Mr. Fengcheng is a learned and talented man and a great scholar in the world. How could he come up with such a stupid argument? It is unreasonable and has no application!"

Zhuo Jing smiled bitterly and said: "The Ming Dynasty is three thousand years away from the Zhou Dynasty. In the past three thousand years, things have changed dramatically. But Mr. Fengcheng actually thought that changing the rituals and restoring the well fields was a good way to govern the world. If he really followed what he said, the court would also

There is no need to cut down any vassals. Regardless of whether they are kings or marquises, officials or citizens, as long as they can rebel, they will all rebel. This is not the art of peace, it is simply tireless in destroying people!"

Wang Bu, the Secretary of the Ministry of Revenue, said: "Mr. Goucheng is upright and righteous, and his character is not mentioned. He has always been respected for his study of Confucian classics, but if he talks about governing the world..."

Wang Dun shook his head and said: "In the fifteenth year of Hongwu, a minister recommended Mr. Goucheng to Taizu because of his reputation as a virtuous man. Taizu liked his dignified behavior and eruditeness, but he only rewarded him and encouraged him to continue.

After studying his studies, he was sent back to his hometown. In the 25th year of Hongwu, courtiers recommended Mr. Gucheng again, but Taizu still refused to let him enter the court, so he only sent him to Hanzhong as a professor, teaching and educating people, and tirelessly giving lectures.

. Taizu has a deep understanding of his nature and has a keen eye to recognize people. Mr. Fengcheng is a good minister if he uses it correctly. If he uses it improperly, I'm afraid..."

Wang Dun stopped his voice and the three officials shook their heads together. The guard standing at the palace gate looked from a distance and saw that the three officials' movements were uniform. Even the frequency of the black gauze trembling was exactly the same. He couldn't help but marvel.



Fang Xiaoru was busy writing a letter to reform the system. When Jingtian was restored, Qi Tai and Huang Zicheng were not idle. The action of cutting down the vassal was in full swing. The soldiers around King Yan were all reduced, and the officials who should be replaced in Peiping were almost replaced. The two began

Thinking about how to successfully capture King Yan.

There was a light snowfall in Jinling today. The snowflakes were falling, adding to the fun. The Huang family's warm pavilion was filled with heat. Huang Zicheng set out wine and food and had a drink with Qitai.

Huang Zicheng said: "Thank you for your courtesy. The difficulty in cutting down the feudal vassal is to cut down Yan. We have worked hard to plan the easy things first and then the hard ones. Now we are almost ready. However, the King of Yan has no fault, and Jin Yiwei has not caught him so far.

Officials sent to Peiping visited privately and found no evidence of his crime. Now he has killed three vassal kings in a row, which has shocked the world. If the Yan vassal is forcibly removed, the imperial court will inevitably lose the public opinion of the world. If so,

What can I do?"

When Qi Tai heard this, he was furious. At first, he tried his best to persuade the thieves to capture the king, but Huang Zicheng refused. He had to follow the steps and cut the wings first. Okay, now the wings are almost done.

The hair on King Yan's body has almost been plucked out, and he cherishes his own feathers again. He wants to shave off King Yan while also preserving his reputation. If you ask me what my clever plan is, who should I ask?"

But he didn't want to get angry with Huang Zicheng, so he suppressed his anger and thought about it carefully. Qi Tai replied: "Now everything is ready. We just need to find out the misdeeds of Yan Fan, so that we can justifiably arrest him, but there is no evidence against him."

It’s so easy to catch, I can’t think of any good way. These Jin Yiwei really can’t do anything big now. They are always good at making things out of nothing and finding bones in the eggs. Why can’t they find out the reasons this time?”

Huang Zicheng smiled proudly, stroked his beard and said: "Shang Li, I am also troubled by this. I have been thinking about it all night and have thought of a way. I am about to discuss it with you. Please let me know if it is feasible."

Although Qi Tai was dissatisfied with his showoff, he was still very concerned about such important matters. He immediately leaned forward and said, "You have an idea? Come and tell me."

Huang Zicheng said: "The imperial court changed its reign, and the Yan vassal sent Chief Shi Gecheng to the capital to congratulate him. Ge Cheng and his brother were Jinshi in the same year. My brother knew that he was timid and afraid of getting into trouble. If he could be like a rat, he would have both ends. The power of the imperial court is so coercive that they want to instigate this person to rebel. He will be hidden next to King Yan. He will be very useful in a hurry. If he really can't get hold of King Yan, let Ge Cheng come forward to report him. He is the official of King Yan's palace. Chang Shi, if you accuse King Yan of treason, even if there is no solid evidence, you can barely stop everyone in the world from talking about it."

"Instigating rebellion against Prince Yan, Chief Shi? What a wonderful opportunity. This is the opportunity Prince Yan has given us. Brother Yixing really has a clever plan. In the future, the whole country will be unified. Brother Yixing is indispensable!"

Huang Zicheng laughed proudly, raised his glass in his hand and said: "We are loyal to the country, and our personal achievements are nothing. Since Shangli also agrees with the idea of ​​being a brother, we will present this plan to the emperor early tomorrow morning. Come, you and I will drink this cup first. May our Ming Dynasty be prosperous and our country’s fortune be prosperous!”



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