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Chapter 282 Follow the army north

Chapter 282 Going north with the army

A large number of troops and logistics personnel quickly gathered on the outskirts of Nanjing. In two days, the number of people reached more than 100,000. The temporary camps on the outskirts of Nanjing stretched for more than ten miles and were vast.

Xia Xun and Su Ying were assigned to the craftsman camp. Because they were young and they were running a mom-and-pop shop, Lin Qilin, the craftsman leader of this battalion, arranged for them to cook for everyone. Early in the morning, several large pots were steaming with steam. Su Ying was in

Xia Xun was busy in front of the stove. Xia Xun dragged a few bundles of firewood over. Seeing that no one was around, he squatted down next to Su Ying.

"How about it, is there any chance to leave?"

"It's very difficult." Xia Xun looked around calmly: "The military camp is located on the periphery. It's not easy for us to pass through. Moreover, the road leads have been stamped with the seal of recruitment to join the army. If we want to leave, we have to find a way to find two new roads.

Just attract talents."

Xia Xun suddenly smiled and said: "Don't be anxious, I think... it would be good to follow them to the north. That's where I want to go. It can be said that we have reached the same destination through different paths!"

It's January in the middle of the mountain. It's not a thousand years in the world, but many major events have happened. The biggest one is: King Yan rebelled.

The Crown Prince of Yan, Zhu Gaochi, and others escaped, and after the court searched for nearly ten days without any clues, Zhu Yunwen secretly discussed with Huang Zicheng, Fang Xiaoru, and others, and finally decided to immediately attack the King of Yan, reduce his title, and arrest his officials. The imperial messenger immediately rushed to Peiping to arrest the King of Yan.

Zhang Bing, Xie Gui and other officials in Peking conveyed the secret edict on July 1st.

After receiving the order, Zhang Bing, Xie Gui and others immediately made deployments and secretly mobilized troops and generals. At the same time, they tried to get in touch with Li Rui, the guest of honour, Prince Yan's Palace, and asked him to inform Prince Yan's Palace Chief Shi Gecheng and Commander Lu Zhen to prepare for internal and external cooperation.

, captured the Yan King Zhu Di in one fell swoop.

The details of the matter are not unclear, but Ji Ren has his own destiny. On July 5, the internal and external contacts were completed, and preparations were made to attack King Yan the next day. This confidential task was revealed to some local officials in Peiping who needed to participate, but unexpectedly

However, there was one person among them who heard the news and avenged the injustice for the King of Yan. This person was Li Youzhi, the chief envoy of Peking.

Li Youzhi had always opposed the reduction of vassal states, and especially admired the achievements of King Yan in governing Beiping and intimidating the Mobei gangsters. Emperor Jianwen broke his promise to his grandfather less than a month after taking the throne, overturned Emperor Hongwu's policy, and wantonly reduced vassal states.

He demoted all his uncles to common people, exiled them to the borderlands, and even forced the King of Xiang to death. He also gave them the posthumous title of "Rou", which made the deceased uneasy. Li You said nothing, but he was very disgusted in his heart.

At this time, he heard that the imperial court was going to attack King Yan again. Li Youzhi immediately stole the official documents and went to the Prince Yan's house at night to report the matter. King Yan was shocked when he heard the news, and quickly gathered his cronies to discuss countermeasures. At that time, the whole of Peiping was full of people.

Xie Gui commanded the army, and the three elite guards of Prince Yan's palace had been transferred away. Although Zhu Neng got in touch with them, he had no time to transfer them back.

Finally, Dao Yan came up with a plan, saying that the generals in charge of the army in Beiping were Zhang Bing, Xie Gui and others, and the soldiers were still the old soldiers of Beiping, all soldiers led by King Yan. To capture the thief and capture the king, all he had to do was capture and kill these court officials.

Now, he can take over the army. The commander Lu Zhen immediately agreed and said that the news brought by Li Youzhi said that the imperial court was going to issue a decree to reduce the title of King Yan and arrest the officials of the government. Since there was no intention to kill the prince immediately, it was better to deliberately

To show weakness to the enemy, we will open the palace tomorrow to receive the order, trick Xie Gui Zhang Bing into the palace to declare the order, and then kill them all together.

The King of Yan readily accepted the advice of the two men and immediately began to deploy it. At this time, the Yan King's Mansion was on full alert, and even Li Rui, the guest of honor, could not leave the mansion. Lu Zhen wrote the message on a piece of paper and tied it to an arrow shaft.

When he was patrolling Prince Yan's palace at night, he took advantage of others' surprise and shot several letters with the same content out of the palace to notify Xie Gui.

Unexpectedly, early the next morning, before Zhang Bing and Xie Gui arrived, Zhang Xin, the commander of the Peking capital, also quietly arrived at Prince Yan's Mansion. Zhang Xin also came to report the news. Zhang Xin had been Zhu Di's subordinate for a while and went to the fortress with him to fight.

Zhang Xin was very unhappy when he returned to his mansion after receiving the order to capture King Yan tomorrow morning.

Seeing that her son was worried, Zhang Xin's mother asked about the reason. Zhang Xin was a well-known filial son who was extremely filial to his mother. How could he hide it from his mother? So she told her what had happened. The old lady listened to her son's words.

He was immediately frightened and hurriedly tried to dissuade him, telling his son never to attack King Yan.

Could it be that Zhang's old lady understands righteousness better than his son? No, this old lady just believes in Buddhism. Daoyan saw that the court spread many rumors. Rumors are easy to spread, but they can only reach the wise. Do you want everyone to

Knowing that it was just a rumor was impossible to do, so he simply did the opposite and helped to stir up the flames. He preached among the people that King Yan was the destined emperor and was destined to be the king of heaven. He would do it day by day, over and over again.

*, many people in Peiping are convinced of this.

Mrs. Zhang was also convinced of this, so she spoke sternly, not allowing her son to harm the King of Yan, and also advised him to show his sincerity to the King of Yan. This filial son was originally inclined to the side of the King of Yan emotionally and morally, but he was also favored by the King of Yan.

After such a lesson, I went to report the news to King Yan early the next morning.

King Yan didn't know the purpose of his visit and was still pretending to be crazy. It wasn't until he heard Zhang Xin explain what happened and it was corroborated with Li Youzhi's secret report last night that he believed that he was sincerely surrendering.

Treat him like a guest.

Xia Xun originally wanted to take the credit from Zhang Xin and easily get a duke to do it, but God couldn't stand his bad character of drifting with the crowd and getting by, so he wouldn't let him get it so easily. The credit finally fell to Zhang Xin.


In fact, even if Xia Xun is in Peiping at the moment, he still can't take away this credit, because Xia Xun only knows what is happening but does not know why. First, he does not know the specific time when the court took action; second,

He is not an official in Peiping. If he rashly advises the King of Yan that the imperial court will take action against the King of Yan soon, he cannot provide any evidence. If he finds any reason to say that someone from this mountain will just count..., then he will become a monster.

, sooner or later he will be jealous of Zhu Di; third, and the most critical point: he does not know about the rebellion of Lu Zhen and Li Rui, which is unknown in the history books. He only vaguely remembers that Chief Shi Gecheng seemed to have defected to the imperial court, and the key to the action

In fact, it was Lu Zhen, the bodyguard of Prince Yan's palace, who was in command.

If he was in Peiping at this moment and told the King of Yan that the imperial court was about to attack the Yan vassal and reported Ge Cheng, then early the next morning, the commanding officer Lu Zhen would suddenly attack and he would be captured together with the King of Yan Zhu Di. Luo really agreed.

The words of defeating the enemy: "I will punish your whole family, and destroy your entire clan. On the day of your punishment, tell me that you were wrong!"

In the dark, there is God's will.

Zhang Xin's status was second only to Zhang Bing and Xie Gui, and he was the direct commander of the Peking army, so he knew that Lu Zhen had defected to the imperial court. Zhang Xin reported the news about Ge Cheng, Li Rui, and Lu Zhen

When he told Zhu Di everything, he broke out in a cold sweat and immediately ordered the arrest of the three men.

When Zhang Bing and Xie Gui led their troops to surround the Yan Palace, Zhu Di sent out a signal in accordance with the agreement between Lu Zhen and Xie Gui. Zhang Bing and Xie Gui saw that Lu Zhen had succeeded, and he entered the palace with confidence to announce the decree, and the palace gate

Suddenly closed, Zhu Di's eight hundred tiger warriors suddenly attacked. Although Zhang Bing and Xie Gui had guards around him, they were outnumbered and were hacked to death with random knives.

Then Zhang Xin rode away to recruit soldiers from Peiping. Most of these soldiers were commanded by King Zhu Di of Yan. Now that the first and second-ranking officials among the imperial officials were dead and the third-ranking official surrendered to the King of Yan, many soldiers and generals surrendered.

He came under the command of King Yan.

At this time, there were still many troops loyal to the imperial court in Beiping City. Zhu Di used his 800 dead soldiers as the main force to fight to the death with these troops loyal to the imperial court. The troops who surrendered to King Yan entered the battle one after another. Zhu Di gradually gained the upper hand, and the bloody battle continued throughout the day.

One night, all nine cities of Peiping fell into Zhu Di's hands, and Zhu Di's territory changed from a palace of Prince Yan to the entire city of Peiping.

Early the next morning, Zhu Di gathered his troops at the Peking Campus, swore an oath to the Heavenly Alliance, and officially launched the Jingnan Rebellion. This day was July 7, the first year of Jianwen.

Just one year after Zhu Yunwen ascended the throne, he imprisoned his seventh uncle, thirteenth uncle, and eighteenth uncle, exiled his fifth uncle, forced his twelfth uncle to death, and finally rebelled against his fourth uncle.

"I am the direct son of Taizu, Emperor Gao, and Empress Xiaoci Gao. I am a close relative of the country. Since I was granted the title, I have only known how to abide by the law. Now that I am the heir, I trust a traitor and cause great disasters, killing my family. My father, the Queen, and my mother are having a hard time starting a business.

The feudal princes dominate the world, and their influence is endless. Once they are destroyed, the emperors, emperors and queens will all learn from it.

The people of the world, brothers and clans, can still care about each other, but as a relative of the emperor, I cannot save my life. To this day, there is nothing in the world that cannot be done!

"Ancestor's Instructions" says: "There are no honest ministers in the dynasty, and there are evildoers in the court. We must train troops to fight against them and clear away the evildoers on the side of the emperor." Now that disaster has hit me, I really want to die. If I can't do it, righteousness and evildoers cannot live together.

Only by following the instructions of our ancestors can we achieve peace and stability, and bring peace to the country. The gods of heaven and earth will teach you how to do it!"

This was Zhu Di's message to launch an army to quell Nanjing. With the spread of it by interested people, it has spread all over the world.

After breakfast, the craftsmen all held large bowls of porridge and vegetables and squatted around the tent, listening to Lin Qilin, the leader of the craftsmen, setting up the dragon gate array. Leader Lin was a fat man, and the military commander in charge called him Fatty.

Lin, Fatty Lin was already very talkative, and when a mature and charming girl like Su Ying glanced at him with her autumn eyes, he became even more enthusiastic about chatting.

He spat and showed off: "If you want to talk about this King of Yan, oh, I should say Yan Ni. Yan Ni started his career with eight hundred guards, but he was really powerful. The next day, Yan Ni sent troops to attack Jizhou.

, the guard general Ma Yi died in the battle, and the commander Mao Sui surrendered. Immediately after Zunhua, the guard generals of Miyun surrendered..."

When Xia Xun heard this, he thought to himself that of the three cities, only one was captured, only one was fought to the end, and one of the two commanders surrendered voluntarily. Although many of them had King Yan standing by the side for a long time, he had great prestige.

Because of Jianwen's unwillingness to be a general since he ascended the throne, I'm afraid it is also an important reason. Otherwise, King Yan still has no chance of success at this time. If he only considers his personal future, how can those generals surrender without a fight?

? If they don’t dare to fight, why don’t they just run away? I’m afraid they also have a feeling of depression and injustice in their hearts.”

Fatty Lin said: "Immediately afterwards, Yan Ni sent troops to attack Juyong Pass. The defender Wang Zhen was defeated and defected to Song Zhong, the governor of Song Dynasty in Huai Lai. The governor of Song had 30,000 soldiers under his command, and more than 10,000 generals who had joined Wang Bing. There were 40,000 soldiers in total, but Yan Ni had only 8,000 fine soldiers on horseback, so he went straight to Huai Lai without fear.

Forty thousand to eight thousand, I'm afraid he will come, but the governor of the Song Dynasty made an unnecessary move. In order to boost morale, he told the soldiers that their family members living in Peiping were killed by Yan Ni's rebel army, and their women were all humiliated and taken captive to Yan Ni. The wives and concubines of the rebel army were killed, and this news was discovered by Yan Ni's detectives, so Yan Ni called their family members to take the lead.

Hey! This is great. On the battlefield, parents, brothers, uncles, nephews and uncles meet each other. They are all surprised and crying. Where is there anyone fighting? Everyone said that Governor Song deceived us, and they all surrendered and surrendered. Yan rebelled, and as a result, the guards Peng Ju and Sun Tai were killed by the rebels. The Song Governor was caught off guard and fled to Huailai City and hid in a latrine. He was eventually captured alive. Otherwise, how could the emperor hastily mobilize his troops to go north? Woolen cloth……"

"Fat Zi Lin, what nonsense are you talking about here again! To grow the ambition of others and destroy your own prestige, grandma, do you want to eat a military stick?"

A small flag patrolling the camp led several soldiers over, glanced at everyone, and said loudly: "Don't look at Yan Ni's arrogance. The emperor has appointed General Geng, the Marquis of Changxing, as the general to conquer the captives, commanding 300,000 troops. , will set off to Peiping in a few days to conquer Yan Ni. Once the army arrives, Yan Ni’s 30,000 to 20,000 mob will surely fall apart! Eat and go to work, don’t talk nonsense here!”

When the craftsmen heard this, they immediately dispersed. Xia Xun glanced at Su Ying and walked away obediently.

Zhu Yunwen was really going to send troops. This emperor was determined to overturn the late emperor's policy and focus on civil governance. After sending people to Peiping to deliver the decree, he and Fang Xiaoru discussed the "Zhou Guan" laws and the feasibility of restoring the well field system every day. King Yan has put in a lot of effort, and now that all the kings can be captured in one fell swoop, King Yan is naturally no problem.

Who would have known that while he was studying the Zhou rites diligently in the palace, the urgent military news of Huailai's defeat was sent to the capital, and then Gu Wang Zhu Su fled in a panic. Gu Wang's vassal was in Xuanfu, and his fourth brother's Before the soldiers and horses arrived, he took his three guards and ten thousand soldiers and fled with the intruders. Zhu Yunwen was shocked, so he threw down the "Li" of Zhou in panic and dispatched his troops to prepare for rebellion.

The veteran Changxing Marquis Geng Bingwen was appointed as the general to conquer the captives, the prince-in-law Li Jian was appointed as the commander-in-chief, and the commander-in-chief Ning Zhong was appointed as the deputy general. He also sent orders to recruit Wu Jie, the Marquis of Anlu, Wu Gao, the Marquis of Jiangyin, and Geng Qi, the commander-in-chief. They all commanded Sheng Yong and Pan Zhong. , Yang Song, Gu Cheng, Xu Kai, Li You, Li Hui, Ping'an and other troops went north together. Among them, Wu Gao, Marquis of Jiangyin, was the father-in-law of Zhu Bai, King of Xiang. His daughters all followed their husbands to commit suicide. Zhu Yunwen also returned If you are willing to use him, he is really a trustworthy employee.

In response to King Yan's appeal for peace, Fang Xiaoru drafted an imperial edict for Emperor Jianwen to attack Yan: "...I am the closest relative to my relatives, and I can't bear to deal with it. Now I'm calling for military rebellion, trying to endanger the sect and society, and I won. He has sinned against the ancestors of heaven and earth, and his righteousness cannot be pardoned. I will send out a large number of soldiers to punish you. I advise all the subjects and soldiers at home and abroad to be loyal and righteous, and to be united with the country, so as to eliminate the adverse atmosphere and achieve eternal peace and order."

On July 24th of the first year of Jianwen, Zhu Yunwen offered sacrifices to the Tiandi Ancestral Temple and Sheji, and officially launched his troops for the Northern Expedition. When the army was setting out, Zhu Yunwen told the veteran Geng Bingwen: "Raise the army for a thousand days, and use it for one day. I hope that you will work together and work together." , use the imperial court's millions of troops to save our Ming Dynasty. However, the old general must remember not to let me... bear the name of killing my uncle."

Geng Bingwen understood the idea, clasped his fists and responded: "As a minister, I will share the king's worries. Your Majesty, don't worry, I will keep it in mind!"

***: Well, this chapter is a transition. In order to leave the positive image of the protagonist to the audience and not let the supporting characters steal the show, the specific details about King Yan’s revolt are concentrated in one chapter. Next

, it’s time for Xia Xun to show off his skills, please ***, please vote for recommendation! (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for recommendation at ***(***.***),

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