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Chapter 307

Chapter 307 Liujiakou

That night, Li Jinglong was more frightened than Xia Xun.

Li Jinglong led his army to the foot of Peiping City, set up camp, and surrounded the Peking City. Outside the nine gates, they built fortifications, siege engines, ladders, trench bridges, artillery, trebuchets, and various siege equipment. In terms of tactics, such as digging holes in the ground, scattering leaflets, burning the city wall with fire and then pouring fire on it, hoping to destroy the city wall and crack it, in short, all the various siege methods familiar to the Ming army were used on Beiping City.

However, Peiping City was well prepared and carefully deployed by King Zhu Di of Yan. The city had deep ditches and high fortifications, and the city walls were thickened. The artillery in the early Ming Dynasty was not sharp enough. The 500,000 Ming army could not help the defenders in the city for a while. Of course, in fact, in the end, The key factor is still people.

The garrison in Beiping City was limited, and they were very willing to die. Moreover, King Yan was a wise king in Beiping. He was very popular among the people and was very popular. Especially Dao Yan and other eminent monks in the Buddhist world were very concerned about the people's religious beliefs. It was a success, and women and children were sent to defend the city to help the Yan soldiers defend themselves against the enemy, which greatly made up for the lack of troops in the defenders.

The second son of King Yan, Zhu Gaoxu, went on an expedition with his father. The eldest son, Zhu Gaochi, and the third son, Zhu Gaosui, were all guarding the city with their mother. Princess Yan was fully clothed and risked herself to guard the city. Although the fat Zhu Gaoxu had difficulty moving and was as fat as a pig, But it was only his body that was stupid. This prince was also well-versed in military and military strategies, and he was even more proficient in logistics and civil affairs. He managed the various resources in the city of Beiping in an orderly manner without any chaos.

He often went to the top of the city to command battles with his mother, and even picked up a big stone and threw it down the city. The fact that the princess and the prince could do this was a great encouragement to the military morale and even the people's hearts.

Despite this, the Ming army is not only large in number, but also professional soldiers. This is something that the common people at the top of Peking City who have never received military training can hardly match. However, the Ming army has 500,000 people, coming from different factions and different regions. The generals all had a hilltop mentality, and the soldiers also had some comparisons. Li Jinglong, the commander-in-chief of the three armies, was in a hurry when it came to commanding. Therefore, they originally had several opportunities to break the city, but they all missed it.

For example, the Ming army attacking Li's main gate in Peiping once broke through the city gate, and Yu Yan's army started fighting hand-to-hand in the Wengcheng area within the city gate. If Li Jinglong could seize the opportunity at this time and immediately send an additional force to expand the victory, Li There is no doubt that the main gate must be breached. No matter how indestructible Beiping City is, as long as one gate is breached, the entire city will fall easily.

However, what is amazing is that such a good fighter plane was actually let go by Li Jinglong. I really don’t know what the rebellious general who was standing on the watchtower at that time, condescendingly seeing everything clearly, was thinking. , he did not send the reserve team immediately. This is a fact recorded in history. We have no way of knowing why Li Jinglong responded so slowly.

However, because the reserve team was not dispatched in time, Princess Yan and the crown prince led the reinforcements to the main gate of Li in time. The fat man Zhu Gaoxu, holding a knife in one hand and a stick in the other, commanded the death squads to counterattack while dripping with sweat. The Ming army that broke through the main gate of Li saw Yan. The army fought back desperately, but reinforcements were delayed, so... they retreated.

At this time, Princess Yan led a group of women, children and children to throw bricks and tiles downwards from the top of the city to prevent the Ming army from continuing to increase their troops. Taking advantage of this gap, the main gate of Li, which had been knocked open, was re-closed and topped with a stone.

The perfect opportunity that was supposed to change the entire history floated past like a cloud in front of Li Jinglong, who looked nothing like a pig, but was actually a real pig.

At the same time, King Zhu Di of Yan was not idle. He asked his second son Zhu Gaoxu to lead a light cavalry to destroy the Ming army's supply lines and burn the Ming army's grain and baggage. He led the main force to make sneak attacks on the Ming army from time to time, which caused a lot of trouble.

The Ming army focused on one thing and missed another, and the chickens and dogs jumped.

On the night when Xia Xun and Saihazhi stayed at the home of Wu Enqi of the Batlen tribe, King Yan personally led the army, with Zhang Yu and Zhu Neng on the left and right, and was attacking the military camp of the governor Qu Neng at night. Li Jinglong ascended the point.

The generals were waiting eagerly to see what was going on in Governor Qu's camp, but they were not prepared for the Yan army in the city to see the king attacking the enemy camp at night. The flames were soaring into the sky, and their morale was greatly boosted. Monk Daoyan and the third prince Zhu Gaosui personally led a suicide squad to self-defense.

The city wall next to the main gate was quietly lowered, and they entered the Ming army's camp.

This camp is the Chinese army camp of the commander-in-chief of the three armies, Li Jinglong. The Ming army's death squad dared to fight and kill, and rushed directly to the Chinese army camp. Among them was a monk with a bald head, long sleeves and black monk's robes, who looked like a king subduing the devil.

He looked tall and thin, but he was like a fierce tiger fighting in and out of thousands of troops. Li Jinglong was horrified, fearing that he would make any mistakes in the chaos, and immediately ordered a retreat.

The officers and soldiers of the other battalions were not sure why. Suddenly, they saw the main camp of the Chinese army commander suddenly retreating. The three armies were shaken for a moment, and they all retreated. It was not until dawn that they realized that it was a false alarm. When they returned to the gate of Peiping City, it was a pity that the army was abandoned in panic.

The military tents, musical instruments, food, grass and baggage were all burned by the Yan army. Even the fortresses were destroyed as much as possible.

Li Jinglong was frightened by this and refused to camp under the city of Peiping. This dear man led the Chinese army and stationed it at Zhengcunba, more than ten miles away from Peiping, and remotely commanded the offensive and defensive battles of Peiping. His princess and prince

The hero is fighting on the front line, while his own commander is hiding in a place where he can't even see the city walls to direct the battle. With such a strong contrast, how can the morale of the army be improved?

Under such circumstances, Xia Xun and Saihazhi found King Yan's military camp.

When they arrived at King Yan's camp, King Yan was personally giving instructions to his subordinates: "Go and tell Gao Xu to temporarily stop harassing the Ming army's supplies and let them transport the military supplies and weapons."

Just as he was talking, he suddenly saw Xia Xun and Sai Hazhi already in front of him. Zhu Di was surprised and happy, and hurriedly came forward to greet them. He hurriedly asked: "Wenxuan, how was the result of the trip outside the customs?"

Xia Xun clasped his fists and saluted: "Congratulations, Your Highness, I am fortunate to have fulfilled my destiny!"


King Yan Zhu Di was so surprised that his voice trembled: "Succeeded? Wenxuan really convinced the seventeenth brother?"

Xia Xun said: "Yes, His Highness Prince Ning has promised to devote all his resources to help His Highness Jingnan. However, at present, Prince Ning still has a calamity, and His Highness still needs to rescue him."

Xia Xun gave a brief signal, and King Yan hurriedly retreated. Xia Xun and Sai Hazhi reported to him for a long time. Zhu Di laughed loudly: "What's the matter? I will kill the seventeenth brother outside the pass and rescue the seventeenth brother. As long as I can get

With the elite cavalry of the three guards of Taining, Duoyan and Fuyu, and the 80,000 elite troops outside the pass, what should the children of Jiujiang have to fear?"

Xia Xun asked: "Just now, Cai Chen listened to His Highness's instructions not to let the second prince continue to harass the enemy's supplies. Why is this?"

King Yan smiled and waved his hand and said: "I am fishing. If the line is too tight, the fish will escape. The weather is not cold enough now to make the Southern Army realize that food, grass and uniforms are a big problem. They must be kept."

, wait until the cold winter comes, then cut off all the supply lines, leaving his army of 500,000 with no way to go to the sky and no way to enter the earth!"

Speaking of this, Zhu Di couldn't wait to say: "Let's ignore him here, tell me quickly, how did you and the Seventeenth Brother discuss it, and how will I send troops to relieve him?"


Zhu Di is missing.

Cao Guogong Li Jinglong learned from the painful experience and mobilized several troops to encircle and suppress the army of King Yan Zhu Di to prevent him from constantly holding back. As a result, as soon as the army was sent out, Zhu Di suddenly disappeared without a trace. Two days later, news came that in

Near Yongping, traces of King Yan were found. At this time, Yongping was once again in the hands of the imperial army.

Li Jinglong was shocked, and hurriedly summoned the generals to discuss it. He was afraid that the King of Yan would repeat his old tricks and seize Yongping again, so he divided his troops and went all the way to aid Yongping. He also informed Yang Wen, the commander-in-chief of Shanhaiguan, to be on full alert to prevent King Yan from sneaking into Shanhaiguan. As a result, Shanhaiguan

He Yongping's Ming army was waiting for the day, and they stayed awake for three days. Every one of them yawned all day long, but they didn't see a single soldier sent by the King of Yan.

The most terrifying enemy is the enemy who can't be found. Li Jinglong didn't know what King Yan was planning. He was as anxious as an ant on a hot pot. While sending scouts around to find out the news about King Yan, he also picked up new troops from the siege troops.

He mobilized two guards and horses to strengthen the defense of Zhengcunba where he was located. At this time, King Yan's army had bypassed Songting Pass and was about to arrive at Liujiakou.

In Liujiakou, Liu Kuigang, the general's flag officer, sent a bodyguard to Funing County on his behalf. Funing County is in the Qinhuangdao area, where his family is now housed. A message came from his family saying that his son was seriously ill and had to wait for medical treatment.

After asking for medicine for more than half a month, Liu Kui still didn't see any improvement. Liu Kui was worried about it, so he took some money and sent a soldier home to take a look.

After sending away the personal soldiers, Liu Kui returned to his residence gloomily and saw the old family member from the town outside the pass waiting there. Liu Kui said impatiently: "Didn't I already give you the monthly routine? What are you doing here?


The old steward nodded and smiled, leaned in front of him, and said mysteriously: "Sir, that young lady...is here again and wants to see you."


Liu Kui was startled, slightly surprised. Although Shan Ning always had the opportunity to come here several times every year, this was the first time that he was so close. He didn't know why Shan Ning came so frequently this time. He wanted to ask,

However, this old family member only knew that he had a beautiful girl hidden in the golden house, and that the extremely beautiful young lady was not his wife. He knew nothing about anything else, and there was no way he could ask about it.

Liu Kui thought for a while and then said: "You go back and wait on the good lady first, and I will go and arrange the closing matters."

"Yes yes yes!"

The old steward left with a smile on his face. He usually guarded the empty house and didn't have much to do outside, so he often rented out the house and used it as an inn for passing guests, but every time this unknown lady came to live here.

When he was young, the master was much more generous, and the young lady's reward was also particularly generous. From his point of view, he wished that the young lady could live here all year round.

Liu Kui's father was originally just a slave captured by the Duoyan tribe, and Liu Kui's status was not much higher. It can be said that it was all thanks to Sha Ning that he became what he is today. He had a family, a career, and became an official.

When Ning came, how could Liu Kui dare to neglect him? He quickly summoned Vice-General Wang Yanxi and explained to him about the defense. There was no airtight wall in the world. Vice-General Wang vaguely knew that the General-General had set up a house in the town.

He bought a house and raised an outhouse. When he heard that he was going to stay in the town for two days, Wang Yanxi agreed with a smile.

Liu Kui changed into casual clothes and without any bodyguards, he rushed towards the town along the familiar path in the mountains...

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