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Chapter 32

Chapter 032 Protect with Life

Li Dayin dragged his residual leg and slowly walked to Sun Xuelian's bed, calling respectfully: "Miss."

It was afternoon, the hottest period of summer had passed, and it was a little cooler. Mrs. Sun was only wearing a small scarlet silk jacket and red gauze trousers, and she was leaning on the couch with her cheek as a pillow.

, that mature and graceful body is concave and convex, with graceful curves, like a beautiful ups and downs of the landscape. Li Dayin's eyes fell on Sun Xuelian's chest where two buttons were unbuttoned, he swallowed quietly, and lowered his head.

Mrs. Sun turned sideways and asked calmly: "Did Miao Yi go to the Jade Emperor Temple again?"

"Yes!" Li Dayin agreed, and Mrs. Sun's legs suddenly straightened, and the delicate golden lotus stretched straight, with a subtle tremor. Li Dayin was very familiar with the lady's habitual movements, and knew that the lady was enduring, no matter it was pain.

She was still angry, she was enduring it. A long time ago, he had known Miss's habitual actions of enduring pain. At that time, Miss was still very young. Not only did he call her Miss, but the servants in the Sun Mansion also called her Miss.

The custom of foot binding was not very popular in this era. Women from official and aristocratic families rarely had their feet bound. Even when selecting concubines in the palace, women with bound feet were rarely chosen. If they were ordinary palace ladies, even if they had their feet bound before entering the palace, they would have to be restored.

Heaven is enough to facilitate walking in the palace; in ordinary people's families, women have to maintain their families, and it is also rare to have feet bound. Only middle-class families, wealthy families, and non-noble officials have more daughters who choose to bind their feet.

Li Dayin clearly remembered that it was the first time that the young lady had her feet bound. He watched in the dark. The young lady was sitting on the bed. Her delicate white feet were as slender as bamboo shoots, small and delicate, and her skin was like that of a newborn baby.

As crystal clear and tender as a white mouse, the silkworm lying on its ten toes is fragrant and breathtakingly beautiful.

That beauty should only belong to heaven and should not exist on earth.

So, those feet were wrapped in long cloth, and the cloth straps were wrapped up layer by layer. The lady frowned her delicate eyebrows deeply, and her eyes filled with tears, which made his heart hurt so much.

.That night, in his dream, he kept crawling at the young lady's feet, licking her wonderful feet, soothing her pain, and listening to her giggle.

Many years have passed, and the young lady has changed from the naive and lovely girl to a charming woman. She has been married to two husbands and had three men. However, in his eyes, the young lady is still a young lady, and she has always been a charming woman.

What he saw at the beginning, that pitiful young lady with a deep frown and tears in her eyes, made him willing to protect her for the rest of his life.

Sun Xuelian didn't pay attention to his obsession when staring at her feet. Her heart was bitten by jealousy and anger: "He... is still dealing with Yi'er..."

"Miss, I think he may not be the real Yang Xu. That night in Yunhe Town, the villain definitely didn't miss. Yang Xu must be dead."

"Shut up!"

Mrs. Sun suddenly screamed. She jumped to the ground and slapped Li Dayin on the cheek. Five fingerprints were visible, but Li Dayin did not move. Although he could easily put Sun Xuelian on the spot with just one finger.

He was on the verge of death, but he didn't dare to resist at all, and he didn't even dare to lie down. He received a slap in the face, and his waist bent deeper, and he said meekly: "Miss, please calm down, it's all the villain's fault."

A long time ago, he was a well-known figure in the martial arts world. At that time, he was a gangster and the second leader of a group of bandits. His nickname was "Two Swordsmen", which did not mean that his abilities were inferior, but that he was It was because he was good at using a long knife and a short blade, capable of both offense and defense, and had sharp killing moves, that he earned such a seemingly joking nickname among his brothers. Once, there was an internal dispute in the village, and he, as the losing party, He escaped from death and escaped from the mountain.

It was during that firefight that he injured his foot and became a cripple. He was rescued by the old shopkeeper of the Sun family who was selling medicine. At that time, the Ming Dynasty had just been founded, the country had not yet been unified, and there was no complete and strict household registration system. He said that he was a good citizen who was kidnapped by bandits, and he deceived Mr. Sun, the shopkeeper, into trusting him, and he stayed in the Sun family from then on until today.

His benefactor, Mr. Sun, the shopkeeper, has passed away, but his little lady is still there, whether she was the cute little girl with pink makeup when he first met her, or she has grown into a mature woman with all kinds of charms today. , she will always be his lady, the god in his heart, the person for whom he is willing to sacrifice everything. Anyone who dares to insult him will draw his sword and fight with his life. But in front of the lady, he is willing to do something A dog that wagged its tail and begged for mercy, no matter whether she was beaten, scolded or insulted, as long as he could stay by her side for the rest of his life, he would be happy to do so.

He never dared to express his feelings to the young lady. When the young lady married a husband, he could only watch silently. His uncle died of illness and the young lady remarried Gengxin, but he still watched silently. The young lady fell in love with Yang Wenxuan, and the two of them fell in love. When the hookup turned into adultery, he could only watch silently, and even had to help the young lady cover up her whereabouts. As long as the young lady was happy, he would be satisfied.

But Yang Wenxuan shouldn't have thought about the Sun family's ancestral property; he shouldn't have been satisfied with the lady's favor, and even seduced the lady's daughter, causing the lady to be so sad. The lady finally recognized it. Li Dayin was very happy to see the true face of that heartless man. He volunteered and rushed to get rid of the heartless bastard for the young lady.

He succeeded! He originally succeeded! But I don't know what happened, that bastard actually appeared again alive and kicking.

Sun Xuelian slapped him, and her anger seemed to have subsided. She frowned and walked around the room: "He looks exactly like Yang Wenxuan. How could there be such a coincidence in the world? He could find it just after Yang Wenxuan died." A person who looks exactly like him comes to impersonate? Who has such ability, and for what purpose? I deliberately treated him that day. I wanted to trick him into taking off his clothes and see if there were any knife wounds on his chest, and Does he have Yang Wenxuan's mole on his thigh? It's a pity..."

Li Dayin took a step forward and said: "Miss, why bother? If the villain strikes again, no matter whether he is real or fake, he just kills him with one knife, isn't it all over?"

Sun Xuelian raised her head, her expression changed, and she was silent for a long time.

Looking at the pink and tender neck flesh exposed between her slightly raised eyebrows, even through the thin spring shirt, he could clearly feel the powerful temptation of those two lumps of flesh. Li Dayin could not suppress the thirst in his heart, and again He said with envy and hatred: "Could it be that Miss can't bear to take action again? Don't forget, Miss, he not only plotted to acquire our Sun family's property, but also deceived the young lady..."

"shut up!"

Sun Xuelian suddenly turned around and raised her hand to slap him again. Li Dayin raised his head stubbornly, and Sun Xuelian's hand fell down weakly. She sighed and lay down on the couch, muttering: "Get out and let me take care of myself."

Think about it, think about it..."

Li Dayin gritted his teeth and walked out step by step like a wounded wolf.

Mrs. Sun's eyes were blank, she looked up dreamily, and her heart was confused.

Her first husband was the result of her parents' orders and the words of a matchmaker. Although the two did not have a deep relationship, they respected each other as guests and gave birth to a lovely daughter. Who knew that God would not follow people's wishes?

When Yi'er was still young, her husband died of a serious illness. The Sun family ran a pharmacy and saved countless lives, but they could not save their husband.

Immediately afterwards, her father chose her second husband, Geng Xin.

He was originally from an official family, and he was a scholar with a good reputation. Although his honor was reduced because his father committed a crime, he was more than worthy of being the daughter of a merchant, and she was a married woman. However, the official position of this Geng-salary father was removed.

Deprived of his reputation, it seems that his masculinity has also been deprived of him.

He is not her lover...

After so many years of marriage, the two have never given birth to a son or a daughter. Whether outside or in the back house, he has never given her the feeling of a man. She originally thought that she would only be able to guard her daughter in her life.

I spent this time in emptiness and boredom until I met Yang Wenxuan, who was personable and elegant in conversation, but also knowledgeable, gentle and considerate in bed.

Like a helpless drowning person who suddenly grasped a life-saving straw, like a moth flying to a flame, she fell in love with this man regardless. The spiritual derailment and physical conquest made her heart melt.

Tie tightly to this man named Yang Xu, she thought that all her hardships would be rewarded, but she didn't expect that she would lead a wolf into the house.

Not only did he seek the property of the Sun family, but he also shamelessly seduced her young and ignorant daughter. She was so angry that she wanted to kill this unscrupulous bastard, so she instructed Li Dayin to get rid of him. As a result, Li Dayin actually failed.

, maybe she missed it? Somehow, she actually hoped in her heart that Li Dayin really didn't dare to take action, or that he didn't succeed...

She hoped that Yang Xu would find his conscience and no longer use the money lent to the Sun family to force the Sun family to sell shares, and no longer seduce her precious daughter who had already been promised to her husband's family. As long as...as long as he was willing to repent, she would be willing to forgive him for his past behavior.

She had done everything, but now she couldn't even figure out whether this man was still her enemy.

It must be him..., it should be him, otherwise, how could he know that Yi'er had an affair with him? If it wasn't him, how could he know the place where he had a tryst with Yi'er?

The sharp nails dug deeply into his palms. He finally let himself down. Should he let Li Dayin attack him again?

To kill or not to kill?

Heart like dual screen, there Chien knot.

Sun Xuelian's heart is very tangled and tangled...

Xia Xun restrained his instinctive desire, held down her hands that were moving around him, and said seriously: "Miaomiao, I have something to say to you."


Miaomiao opened her eyes in surprise, and her hazy expression gradually became clear.

"Miaomiao, the reason why I have avoided seeing you these days is because... I feel that your father seems to be suspicious of our relationship..."


Miao Yi's expression showed disdain: "What qualifications does he have to care about me?"

"I'm not worried about him, I'm worried if he tells your mother..."

Miao Yi's face changed, and she became a little worried: "No way... we are acting so carefully, how could mother notice?"

"I haven't been to your house these days just to see if your father has really noticed anything. Have you noticed anything strange about him recently?"

"No, I really haven't noticed him, but what can be different about him? He's not like that. He shows off his power in front of the servants. As soon as he returns to the back house, he's like a cat and a mouse. If anything happens, he will

I got myself drunk, what else could I do besides that?"

Xia Xun asked tentatively: "He doesn't know martial arts, or has he made friends with some people in the world?"

Miao Yi said: "The scholar surnamed Geng was born as a scholar, and his boxing and kicking skills are not as good as yours. As for the Jianghu people? How can he know any Jianghu people? Who among the top and bottom really regard him as the master of my Sun family? He is in my family."

The Sun family is just a loser who eats and drinks. When it comes to martial arts, only Uncle Li in our family has good martial arts."

Xia Xun said blankly: "Uncle Li?"

Miao Yi said: "Yes, he is the lame man in my family. You have seen him. Huh, if you are heartless and unkind, I will tell Uncle Li and let him castrate this bad guy like you. Uncle Li loves me very much."

, his martial arts are very powerful...

Xia Xun's heart skipped a beat: "Is Uncle Li very powerful? What kind of martial arts is he good at?"

"How did I know? Practicing martial arts is not a big deal. A martial artist has to bow his head in front of you, Master Zhusheng. I dare to offend you. I have seen him practicing martial arts, but I am too lazy to watch."

"No, you don't understand. Haven't you heard what happened in my house these days?"

Miao Yi asked curiously: "What happened? What happened? Oh, I remembered it. I heard that your home was robbed. After being discovered, you rushed to escape and killed a servant in your house?"

Xia Xun was startled and thought to himself: "Why did it become like this? Could it be that the government deliberately spread the news to avoid influence?"

Wuxia thought too much for a moment, and Xia Xun said: "That's not the case. The thief didn't break into the house to steal, but to kill me. The person who died was my personal companion. He died to save me."

Miao Yi exclaimed, her face turned pale, and she said with concern: "The thief is after you. What kind of enemy have you provoked to kill you?"

Xia Xun said slowly: "I have suspected some people, and the most suspicious one is in your family."

Miao Yi shouted: "My family is a good family, how could I..."

Her voice suddenly paused and she hesitated: "Do you suspect...Uncle Li?"

Xia Xun secretly praised and nodded: "It's probably him."

Miao Yi said blankly: "Uncle Li...why do I want to kill you?"

Xia Xun thought about it and said: "Didn't I just say that I suspect that Geng Yuanwai found out about our affairs? If Yuan Yuan Yuan discovered our affairs and told your mother, in order to prevent this matter from being exposed and ruining your family's reputation,

Will they... let this Uncle Li, who is loyal to your Sun family, kill me?"

Miaoyi's face turned pale, and Xia Xun said softly: "Don't worry, even if they did it, for your sake, I won't do anything to them. I just want to find out the truth to protect myself.


"No, no, how could they..."

Miaoyi grabbed his hands worriedly: "Brother Wenxuan, what should I do?"

Xia Xun said: "I want you to help me pay attention to every move of Li Dayin and Geng Yuanwai. If a person has an agenda, it is impossible not to reveal the slightest trace, and you are someone they will never suspect. I want you to

Keep an eye on it for me, and if you find anything strange, be sure to tell me in time."

"Well, this is easy." Miaoyi agreed hastily.

Xia Xun smiled approvingly: "Okay, let's go back now. My companion is a master invited by someone, not a nurse in my house. I can't keep him waiting for a long time."

"Oh..." Although Miao Yi was reluctant to leave because it involved his lover's life and death, he did not dare to keep him, so he had to go out with him reluctantly.

Xia Xun couldn't bear to take advantage of this girl's feelings for Yang Wenxuan. But if he couldn't bear it anymore, he would still act rationally.

Xiang Yu valued friendship and loyalty, and Liu Bang won the hearts of the people. If he has the benevolence of a woman but lacks the decisiveness of a husband, he is not a man!

It was Yang Wenxuan who owed the Sun family, and it was Xia Xun who was threatened with his life. He was willing to do his best to clean up Yang Xu's mess, and he was willing to help compensate as much as possible for what Yang Xu owed to others, but...

Let him pay with his life, it won't work!

There is no one in this world who is worthy of his life in return. Will there be one in the future? He doesn’t know, he hopes there will be. If the most precious thing a person has is his own life, that would be a very sad thing...

This chapter has been completed!
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