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Chapter 330 Invincible

Chapter 330 Invincible

What does it mean to be defeated like a mountain? Even in modern times, the quality of soldiers and communication methods are not the same as in ancient times. Once an army is defeated, it is not something that can be done in a day or two to gather the remaining soldiers, let alone that era; let alone

It was a long way to escape from Baigouhe, Hebei, back to Dezhou, Shandong, not to mention hundreds of thousands of troops.

Li Jinglong was defeated and returned to Dezhou, angry and anxious. The next day, he started to get angry. Before he could clearly check his remaining soldiers and defeated generals, an even more shocking news was sent back by Tan Ma with a little red flag:

The pursuers of the Great Demon King Zhu Di are about to arrive, and the Yan army's vanguard has arrived at Twelve Liancheng and is fighting with the vanguard.

When Li Jinglong heard the news, he was struck by thunder and his whole body was stunned.

"My lord, what should I do?"

Although the generals who commanded the troops were reorganizing their troops and were not around, Li Jinglong also had his own lieutenants and a large group of generals. At this time, everyone gathered around and asked Li Jinglong for countermeasures. Li Jinglong was silent for a long time and shouted categorically.


Withdraw again?

The deputy generals on the left and right felt that it was really unreasonable, and couldn't help but persuade: "My lord, if we are on the defensive and waiting for the attack, it may not be that bad. If we retreat...how should we explain to the court? Should we...call all the generals together,

Let’s discuss it together?”

At this time, Li Jinglong's demeanor of a decisive and decisive general was clearly revealed. He said categorically: "The defeated generals and remnant troops have not been gathered yet. The Yan army has a new victory and its morale is like a rainbow. It is absolutely unreasonable to fight the enemy decisively at this time. Withdraw! Let's withdraw to Jinan."

Go to the mansion, with the strong city at your back, and no worries, it will not be too late to fight the Yan army again."

Li Jinglong couldn't help but explain. After saying this, he immediately led his troops to retreat. This time he had some conscience and did not leave without saying goodbye. Instead, he sent people to tell the generals of each battalion his decision. To say that this Li Jinglong is really a good person.

General Fu, the most difficult thing on the battlefield is to seize the opportunity to win and escape safely. When Li Jinglong escapes, he is always more alert than a rabbit and has a keener sense of smell than a dog. This time his decision may not be a mistake.


With his hurried defeat and retreat back to the unorganized army, which was as messy as a pot of porridge, even if he held on to Dezhou, it would be difficult to hold on. Maybe he would become the highest-ranking court general captured alive by the Yan army, but he escaped.

Moreover, after notifying other generals, he led his troops and fled in a hurry without even waiting for a reply.

Li ran away at the right time. With the help of Xia Xun and others, the Yan army hurried to Texas seemed to be extremely familiar with the terrain here. They did not need to explore the terrain to find a guide, as if they were assisted by gods.

Passing through the scattered defensive lines of the Ming army, they occupied all the six or seven barracks that the 12th company and battalion had not yet had time to build.

At the same time, the Yan army sent out another surprise force, accurately cutting into the weakest defensive link of the defenders of the Dezhou Pier. After a bloody battle, they seized the terminal and seized the mountains of rice grains in the official warehouse.

Lin Yuqi, who had been hiding in the dark, took advantage of the chaos of the war to show up and joined Tang Yaoju. When the Ming army was about to escape and the Yan army was about to advance, they rebelled. The White Lotus Sect is here.

The actions taken at a major historical moment did not leave a single record in the history books, because it was simply a farce, and it was a farce that was quickly annihilated before even the waves started to flutter.

They only thought that when the two bosses of the Ming Army and the Yan Army were fighting, they would start a rebellion and attract the lowest "hatred value". However, they forgot that the two bosses used group attack skills, and they were caught in the middle.

Between the two bosses;

They only think that this is the best time for them to take advantage of the fire and fish in troubled waters, but they forget that the most normal reaction for a person at this time is to flee the battlefield and stay away from the battlefield where the Ming Army and the Yan Army are fighting. Who would have the patience to stand like a fool at this time?

Are you there to listen to their instigation?

They only thought about the Yan army attacking Dezhou. If the storm they caused was too small, they could turn to the Yan army to protect themselves, but they did not want to think that this was the age of the family. Zhu Di and Zhu Yunwen were uncles and nephews fighting for the family property.

It's not that two Xiangtangs of the White Lotus Sect are fighting for territory. If you, an outsider, come over and say that you want to help one fight against the other, and the territory is divided equally between them, what will happen?

They did not expect that the troops of the Yan army attacking Hejiazhuang were the cavalry of Duoyan Sanwei. Before the Mongolian cavalry of Duoyan Sanwei rushed in front of them, they greeted them with a barrage of arrows, then pulled out their swords and slashed. These fierce soldiers only knew what was in front of them.

These people are not our own, so we can just kill them casually. How can I understand what you are saying about heaven and earth being dead? Huang Tian should establish Maitreya Buddha to rule the world. What they believe in is the Immortal Heaven, okay?

They didn't expect that Xia Xun had already arranged some so-called believers who deliberately hated the imperial court and were passionate about superstition, but were attracted by them to join the religion. At this critical moment, he suddenly gave them a severe blow from behind...

Tang Yaoju was just a small businessman, and Lin Yuqi was just a restaurant owner. Although they secretly had the identity of gang bosses, the biggest battle they had ever fought was just a gang fight involving dozens or hundreds of people.

With no combat experience, how could you imagine that the battlefield would be so cruel?

The White Lotus Sect uprising in Putai, which had been gathering momentum for a long time, was like a flash in the pan, which quickly withered as soon as it bloomed. Among the rebellious army, the White Lotus sects dispersed and fled for their lives. For a while, it was not known who was dead and who was alive.

At this time, Peng Ziqi and Xie Xie were riding a large car heading east. Not long after they left Pingyuan County, they saw refugees coming in droves. After asking for a while, they learned that the Yan army was about to arrive in Texas.

I felt a little uneasy.

After driving for a while, we saw dust and smoke again, and a large group of Ming troops hurriedly fled. Chaobarshi finally panicked and immediately decided to return to Jinan, the starting point. No one on the same car objected to Chaobarshi's wise decision.

, it’s a matter of life and death, when you can’t visit relatives and friends, who dares to take risks in Texas at this time?

Xie Yufei frowned slightly and whispered to Peng Ziqi: "Sister, do we also want to go back to Jinan with them?"

Peng Ziqi thought for a while and said: "If we have to go to Texas, we can't go there on foot. If we want to ride a horse, I can do it. What should you do? You are not good at equestrianism and your body has just recovered. Besides, Dezhou is not the best place to go.

There is a war in our country, and although the man we are looking for is on the side of the Yan army, how can we find him in such a chaotic situation? It is not a good idea to rush to such a place."

Xie Yufei said: "I am only worried that Jinan City has high walls and thick walls, which are not comparable to Texas. As soon as we enter the city, if the two armies are in a stalemate, we will be trapped in the city. When can we... meet him?"

Peng Ziqi frowned and thought for a while, then said: "Let's go back for the time being. We won't enter Jinan City. If there is a chance on the way, I will get a carriage and horses. Let's bypass the battlefield where the two sides are fighting and get to the place controlled by the Yan army."

Go to Yongping City and inquire about the whereabouts of your husband when you get there. Or, you can directly return to Qingzhou and make a decision."

Xie Yufei also knew that among the rebellious army, it was not a good idea to rush into the areas just occupied by the Yan army. It would be even more troublesome if they encountered some soldiers who did not observe military discipline. It was also very difficult for them to get a carriage and horses now.

Those who own transportation are now fleeing towards Jinan. No matter how much money you pay, no one will sell their carriages and horses to you. After much deliberation, only Peng Ziqi’s idea was sound, so he nodded and agreed.

The big car was carrying more and more refugees as it embarked on its return journey. The two girls looked at the scene outside the car and could only secretly sigh, "Good things come in hard times."

Soldiers and civilians were mixed together, and the streets were full of people who had retired from Texas. Ximen Qing was carrying a medicine box and dressed like a tomboy. Nan Feifei was following him closely. He was driving quickly along a field road, and suddenly the ground was running behind him.

Here comes a fast horse: "Get out of the way, get out of the way, ***, do you have ears?"

A Ming army soldier who had lost his helmet and only wore light armor came galloping towards him. It was already April weather. It had just rained. The soil on the roadside was fertile. Every time he stepped on it, there was a deep hole. Pedestrians were everywhere.

On the road, it was very difficult to dodge to both sides. Because the dodge was too slow, the knight on horseback became furious and whipped down his whip.


Nan Feifei was caught off guard and received a whip on his thin shoulder, which made his body tremble with pain. Ximen Qing couldn't help but became furious when he saw it. He had a family, business and status, so he was reluctant to go against the government easily, but this did not mean that

He didn't have the spirit of a man, and he was not an obedient citizen in the business activities he did secretly in the past. When he saw Feifei, he was beaten, but the one who beat him was a spineless runaway general. Ximen Qing roared, threw away the medicine box, and a

When you pluck onions from dry land, they jump up.

The Ming army on the horse was wearing light armor and carrying a sword under his ribs. He was obviously not a small soldier, but at least an officer of the general banner, a hundred households. He reined in his mount and whipped Nan Feifei away. Just as he was about to knock his horse and move forward, Ximen

Qing stood up from the ground and jumped in front of him.


With a firm kick, the officer was kicked off his horse. His whole body fell more than two feet away and fell into the soft plowed mud beside the road. The officer struggled a few times, his vision went dark, and he fainted.


Ximen Qing cursed angrily: "You bastard, if I don't give you some strength, you don't know that Lord Ma has three eyes!" As he said this, he rushed over, supported Nan Feifei, and said distressedly: "Feifei, you

How are you, are you hurt?"

Although Nan Feifei's clothes were not torn, there was already a blood mark on his shoulder. It was extremely painful at first, but seeing him cherishing her so much, she felt sweet and shook her head and said: "I'm fine, sir, you... you kick

How can we survive without that military master?"

Ximen Qing glanced into the field and saw that there were only a few fleeing people around. They were looking at him with awe, and said with a heart: "Let him alone! If you don't do it, come on!"

He picked up Nan Feifei from the waist and put her on the horse. He then picked up the medicine box, jumped onto the horse, picked up the reins, and galloped away.

After about a stick of incense, the officer woke up in a daze. Covered in mud, he struggled to get up and staggered to the side of the road. He saw several horses in the distance like arrows.

Running towards here, the knights on the horse were several men in civilian clothes. The officer was overjoyed and rushed to meet him. He stood majestically and shouted: "Stop! I, the official of Dezhou Changfengcang, keep the warehouse of Baihu Wubi.

Requisition your horses!"

"Huh?" The keeper Baihu's eyes widened. Suddenly, he felt that the knight on the horse in the middle looked a bit familiar. He seemed to be Shopkeeper Xia from Baiquan Hundang.

Before he could see clearly, the knight on the horse in front yelled: "Get out of here!"

As soon as the man picked up the reins, the horse raised its front hooves and kicked him hard in the chest with a "bang!" Wu Baihu screamed and flew towards the fields beside the road again, spurting blood.

"Eh? This person looks like the current shopkeeper Xu of Baiquan Huntang!"

He still didn't see it clearly, and he would never have a chance to see it clearly in the future. Those horses were as fast as sparks, and they galloped away without stopping...

p: It’s the 30th. From this month to now, an average of 9,000 words have been updated every day. Brothers and sisters, please submit your final ***. Whether we can sit back and pick flowers depends on everyone!!!

This chapter has been completed!
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