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Chapter 337

Chapter 337 Falling down one brick at a time

Ximen Qing, Nan Feifei.

It was Ximen Qing and Nan Feifei who came towards them.

As soon as they entered the city, they were recruited by the government because of their status as doctors. They have been working in the army. Although being a military doctor is also dangerous, it is better than starving to death. Ximen Qing, who has no way to go to heaven and no way to go to earth, has no choice but to cheer up and work hard.

He did something he didn't want to do. Ximen Qing studied gynecology. In the past ten years, he had been treating young girls and young wives. Now, in two months, he has treated more stinky men than he had in the past ten years.

There are many women who have come for treatment.

Originally, he was responsible for diagnosing and treating patients under another city wall, but the doctor here was killed by a boulder, so he was temporarily transferred here. Unexpectedly, as soon as he arrived at the city wall, he saw two people running down the troop transport road.

Once he saw the other person's appearance clearly, he couldn't help but froze.

Xia Xun stared at Ximen Qing's eyes for a moment. Seeing the slight change in his eyes, he couldn't help but feel cold: "It's bad, he knows what happened in Nanjing, otherwise, when he sees me, he won't

That's the look on his face. The imperial court has offered a huge reward for my capture. As long as he shouts, he can get high-ranking officials and rich salaries at his fingertips. Will he... betray me? "

When Nan Feifei and Xie Yufei saw each other, they were surprised and happy at first, but before their joy could bloom, they were replaced by worry and fear. Obviously, they both thought of Xia Xun's identity at the moment.

Xie Yufei stepped in front of Xia Xun, looked at Ximen Qing with an almost pleading look, and then looked at her sisters who had depended on each other since childhood and had sympathy for each other. Nan Feifei obviously learned about these things that happened in Nanjing from Ximen Qing.

She grabbed Ximen Qing's sleeves worriedly and called out in a low voice: "Mr.

One is a good sister's man, and the other is her own man. She doesn't know what kind of choice her man will make. If he shouts loudly, without anyone else taking action, he will be tortured by Yan Jun and almost go crazy.

The wounded soldier could jump up like a madman, tear Xia Xun alive, bite him, and sandwich him in the middle. What choice should she make? For a moment, Nan Feifei was confused.

Ximen Qing looked at Xia Xun intently, and suddenly said with a ruthless face: "Your injuries are not serious, why are you shouting? Don't pull out the arrow, just go and stay aside. I want to treat other people."

As soon as these words were spoken, Xia Xun, Xie Yufei, and Nan Feifei, whose bodies were tense and whose nerves were almost broken, let out a sigh of relief at the same time.

Xia Xun gave Ximen Qing a meaningful look, then walked silently to the foot of the wall and sat down. Xie Yufei glanced at Nan Feifei. The two of them only made eye contact without speaking. Ximen Qing seemed not to recognize Xia Xun at all.

He seemed to be busy under the corner. He first treated a few seriously injured people with punctured intestines and stomachs, missing arms and legs, and then walked to Xia Xun and squatted down.

After incising the skin and flesh, taking out the barbed wolf-toothed arrow, and applying the medicine, Ximen Daguan, the gynecological master of Yanggu County, has become a famous surgical doctor in two months.

The wound was painful and the wound was bleeding too much. Ximen Qing had already completed the bandaging process.

It was getting dark, and the attacks outside the city stopped. Many more lightly and seriously injured people came down from the city. Ximen Qing and Nan Feifei were always busy.

Xie Yufei didn't know Ximen Qing's dual identity. She thought that Ximen Qing was just an ordinary wealthy gentry and famous doctor. Such a good citizen with a family and a career suddenly saw an old acquaintance who was a prisoner of the imperial court. She had that kind of instinctive awe and respect for the national law.

The worry of being implicated is intertwined with the conflict of not being able to bear betraying old friends, which is why he has such an abnormal attitude. However, Xia Xun knows that if it were him, he would be like Ximen Qing, and it would be difficult to make a decision in his heart.


Xie Yufei was still worried about Ximen Qing's change of heart, and her eyes kept following Ximen Qing's busy figure. Seeing that she was too nervous, Xia Xun patted her hand, smiled comfortingly, leaned on her shoulder, and gently

He closed his eyes lightly.

Defending the city was a strenuous job, and he had to rush to shoulder the tasks assigned to Xie Yufei. Now that he was injured, he was really tired...


He was half asleep when Xie Yufei suddenly pushed his shoulders and whispered in his ear: "My lord, dinner has been distributed, and the government officials have also come to inspect the city."

Xia Xun was smart and sat up quickly. He had gone to Shandong with Huang Zhen, the imperial envoy, to supervise the White Lotus Sect banditry case, and there were many officials who recognized him. At this time, he could not be careless.

It was Tie Xuan who came, bringing with him many officials. He was a civil servant, so naturally he brought officials who did not need to guard the city in ordinary times, such as officials from the chief envoy's yamen and the inspector's yamen. In addition, there were actually a few gentry who accompanied him.

He came to express condolences to the soldiers guarding the city.

Someone behind was carrying a big pot, which contained a pot of vegetable porridge, which was half thin but not thick. The soldiers and civilian leaders took out the big bowls. Tie Xuan personally held the ladle and served them rice one by one. Under the reddish dusk, Tie Xuan

He has also lost a lot of weight, and his originally dark face is as dark as cast iron.

Now the top military leader in the city is Sheng Yong, and the top civil affairs leader is Tie Xuan. There are hundreds of people under this city wall alone. We can't let Master Tie fetch food one by one, so there are only a few bowls of porridge.

Rushing to do the work for him, Tie Xuan stood up, greeted the soldiers warmly, and comforted the wounded soldiers.

Xia Xun hurriedly scanned and found that several of the officials looked familiar. There were actually two people among the gentry whom he recognized. One of them was Cao Yuguang, the son of Mr. Cao, the Inspector General. The other one surprised him even more. He actually knew him several times.

Gao Xianning, a scholar from Shandong Province, failed the imperial examination many times. He continued to study hard at Jinan Fuxue, hoping to take the imperial examination again this year. It happened that the Yan army was besieging the city, and Tie Xuan needed help around him, so he temporarily went to the Yamen to help out.

When Xia Xun saw so many acquaintances, he couldn't help but feel nervous secretly. He quickly glanced at Xie Yufei and while others were pushing forward, he quietly slipped into a dilapidated alley, because most of the people in the city had been driven out.

, most of the remaining people gathered under the city, so the place was empty and desolate.

Xie Yufei kept watching his movements, and when she saw him ducking into the alley safely, she confidently picked up the bowl and stepped forward to make some rice.

"Ms. sir, sir..."

Xie Yufei walked into the alley with a bowl in her hands: "My lord, there is only one bowl of porridge. It is served per head. My lord, please drink some."

Xia Xun emerged from the darkness and saw a bowl full of porridge with a thin layer of skin on it. Xie Yufei actually didn't take a bite.


Xia Xun saw it in his eyes, a word was stuck in his throat and he couldn't say it out.

The golden sunset shone on Xie Xie's body, coating her body with a layer of gold on her shoulders, face, and hair. This was the worst time she was dressed since Xia Xun knew her.

Not only did she look like a half-grown young man, but there were also streaks of mud and soot on her face, but in Xia Xun's eyes, she was the most charming, charming and incomparable she had ever been since they met.

The setting sun stretched the two figures together in the desolate alley.

A bowl of porridge, you take a sip and I take a sip, it tastes extremely sweet.

Sometimes, two people stick their heads out at the same time, and the shadows falling on the ground are like two people kissing each other sweetly...


"How did you find yourself here?"

Cao Yuguang's face was ashen.

He likes smart and beautiful women, but doesn't like them who don't listen to him. He was following Tie Xuan, pretending to be a laborer, while he and Master Qiu Xia Qiu were looking for new ways to make money after the food lost its market. Unexpectedly, Ziyi Teng unexpectedly came to find him. She had changed into men's clothes, and it seemed that she was no longer an eyesore. The problem was that she had only changed into men's clothes. Even a blind person could tell that she was a woman, and she was a very beautiful woman.

When Cao Yuguang walked over, he noticed that Tie Xuan glanced at him. Maybe it was just an unintentional glance, but he felt guilty and nervous. Now he had seen this iron-blooded scholar with an iron-blooded face and an iron-blooded heart. He was worthy of his surname Tie. If Tie Xuan found out that he was stealing military rations through his connections, he believed that Tie Xuan would chop off his head without hesitation, and his father's face might not matter.

Ziyi Teng said anxiously: "Master, how dare you disobey the master's orders? It's really... the matter is urgent."

Cao Yuguang said solemnly: "What's the emergency?"

Ziyi Teng said: "It's Mr. Geng. He and his son Geng Xiaodan were pulled up to the top of the city to guard the city. In the afternoon, when the Yan army attacked the city, a huge stone was thrown up and they were killed alive. Mrs. Geng Howling like crazy, saying...saying..."

Cao Yuguang said sharply: "What did you say?"

Ziyi Teng said: "She said... In order to buy grain from the young master, I spent almost ten thousand dollars and all the wealth of the Wan Guan family was spent. I thought I could save the lives of the whole family, but now the master is dead and his son is also dead. , the house is empty, she doesn’t want to live anymore, she is making a fuss and wants to hang herself, I am afraid that the news of her quarrel will spread, then..."


A loud slap hit Ziyi Teng's face. Ziyi Teng covered his face and took a step back in panic. Cao Yuguang's forehead had veins and he said solemnly: "Ghost, I just asked you to sell food. Who told you to show it to the outside world and say that food is Did you buy it from me?"


Ziyi Teng murmured: "When we realized that we had food, someone once had a plan against us and reported the name of the master, so that they could retreat. Who would have known that the news spread like this, and the slave family didn't mean it. Sir...please forgive me."

"Incompetent and extremely stupid!"

Cao Yuguang cursed and lowered his head to make calculations.

Ziyi Teng looked at him timidly and expectantly. A sharp light like a knife flashed in Cao Yuguang's eyes, and he said sadly: "Mrs. Geng, you must die!"


Ziyi Teng covered her mouth in surprise and whispered: "Are you going to kill her? The Geng family is a big family in this city, I'm afraid..."

Cao Yuguang sneered: "Isn't she just wanting to die? As long as her hands and feet are clean, who knows whether she committed suicide or committed suicide?"

Ziyi Teng timidly said: "Then...who will take action? Those people under me are just evil slaves who bully good and fear evil. Let them kill people, especially Geng Juren's wife. I'm afraid they don't have the courage. "

"Well, don't worry about this..."

Cao Yuguang smiled sinisterly: "If you can be so careless in the business of losing your head, you should die. So, it's not just her, you will die too!"

Just as Ziyi Teng opened her frightened eyes, Cao Yuguang's big hand caught her throat and said with a ferocious smile: "If you are dead, let's see who can still find out who I am! Based on my father's identity, he is Sheng Yong, Tie Mr. Xuan doesn’t dare to cause trouble for me based on just one-sided words!”


Ziyi Teng only shouted one word, and with a "click", her slender neck was pinched.

Cao Yuguang used all his strength to press his two thumbs on her throat, pressing the joints of her throat deeply. Ziyi Teng's eyes almost bulged out, and no beautiful color could be seen at all. Gradually, On the ground, those eyes were frozen, completely losing the color of life, but under the shining of the setting sun, there was still a faint glimmer of light.

Cao Yuguang let go of his hand fiercely, and the purple vine fell softly to the ground like a half-broken sack.


Suddenly there was an exclamation from the corner, and a person suddenly jumped out from behind the half-collapsed wall.

It was Xie Yufei who noticed someone entering the alley and crouched down quietly to hide there. She and Xia Xun were hiding there, watching this amazing scene. A big rat that had eaten too much human flesh and became extremely fat was not afraid of people at all. It jumped up to her feet, causing her to jump out of hiding.

Cao Yuguang didn't expect that there was someone hiding here. In shock, he pulled out a short knife from his waist and shouted sharply: "Who is that person?"

When he saw that he was a thin young man, Cao Yuguang felt relieved and sneered: "There is a road to heaven, if you don't take it, you are seeking death!" As he said that, he rushed towards him with a knife.

Xie Yufei screamed, smeared the soles of her feet, squeaked, turned around and ran away. Her movements were extremely flexible, like a loach. Cao Yuguang was not willing to give up. He took great strides to chase after him. He had just caught up to the crenellation of the wall that had collapsed in half. A big hand came out from inside, holding half a brick in it, and slapped him hard on the head.


There was a dull sound between "bang" and "pop". Cao Yuguang's body suddenly stopped. He slowly turned his head and saw a familiar face. Then, blood dripped down from the top of his head. , his eyes were blood red and he couldn't see anything.

"Bang bang bang, puff puff puff..."

Xia Xun's expression remained unchanged. Who among those who came from purgatory would be surprised and moved by death? It turned into a dull "Puff" sound. Cao Yuguang's head turned into a rotten watermelon. It wasn't until Xia Xun released the hand holding his collar that he bent his legs like a purple vine and "Puff" Falling to the ground with a sound.



The one who yelled was Xie Yufei, and the one who screamed was Qiu Xia.

They were going to work elsewhere. Qiu Xia ran to the alley to look for Cao Yuguang. He happened to see this amazing scene. Qiu Xia screamed, picked up his robe and turned around to run away. Xia Xun broke out in a cold sweat. As long as Qiu Xia was killed He ran out and shouted loudly that Jinan City would be the burial place for him and Xie Xie. Without thinking, Xia Xun threw the bricks in his hand like a reflex.

However, unless this brick hits the back of Qiu Xia's head, how can he keep him? Xia Xun has never practiced flying knives. Even if he has practiced, he suddenly changes to an object with a completely different weight. How can he be so good? Accurate.

Qiu Xia was only three steps away from the entrance of the alley. He almost rushed out in one stride. At this moment, a person suddenly appeared from outside. He raised his hand lightly, and a cold light fell on Qiu Xia who was about to shout.

Throat flashed.

Immediately afterwards, Xia Xun's brick arrived and hit the man's forehead accurately with a "pop" sound.

Xia Xun was surprised and said: "Ximen Qing?"

Ximen Qing stared at Xia Xun with his eyes wide open. He made a growl in his throat, rolled his eyes, and fainted.

p: I have worked hard for countless nights, and now my shoulders seem to be suffering from periarthritis and a dull pain. But today I still have to spell out 11,000 words. I won’t say any heroic words or touching words. I will state the facts and tell the truth.

Reason, please ***! The vote at the beginning of the month is a benchmark and is of great significance, so please vote for the guarantee, sooner rather than later!

This chapter has been completed!
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