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Chapter 341

Chapter 341 My sword, my sword

"Attack the city! Attack the city! We must capture Jinan City. I must seize Tie Xuan and cut that man into pieces with a thousand knives!"

Zhu Di was furious, and the Yan army also fired real fire. They concentrated their trebuchets and violently bombarded a fortress in Jinan City. Zhang Yu, Zhu Neng, Qiu Fu and other powerful generals took turns leading the charge. This fierce battle...

It's really more tragic than ever.

The defenders in the city have been forced to a dead end. Fake surrender has been a prudent strategy for the city defenders since ancient times, because doing so will easily lead to retaliation from the massacre of the city. Now, not only did they fake surrender, but they also almost killed King Yan. Once the city surrendered,

What would happen if they were defeated? The fear of death inspired their courage and determination to fight to the death. They fought one after another, above and below the city, in mountains of corpses and seas of blood.


After being repeatedly thrown by the trebuchet, a gap in the city wall collapsed. Aerial ladders could be placed directly on it. Soldiers were attached in an endless stream. The city head immediately mobilized troops to counterattack. The two sides fought repeatedly like a saw-saw at the gap in the city wall. The city wall collapsed several times.

It changed hands and just fell into the hands of the Yan army, but was recaptured by the defenders who made a desperate counterattack.

"Gather the copper-fire blunderbuss and shoot them all down!"

Zhu Gaoxu stood on the earth wall with a knife in hand and shouted loudly when he saw this scene.

Six or seven bronze cannons were transferred over. Although its power was not enough to destroy the city wall, the large area of ​​iron sand splashed caused great damage to the defenders at the top of the city. Since there were gaps in the city wall, the copper cannon

Suppress the enemy with flat fire on the earth wall piled up outside the city. The Yan army below can continue to climb. When the artillery stops, they can immediately rush to the top of the city to fight.

As a result, the defenders fell into a more difficult battle. They did not dare to take shelter when the artillery roared, and the casualties were naturally heavy.

"Report, general. The city wall collapsed and there was no time to build it. The Yan army suppressed our army with rapid artillery fire, causing heavy casualties. If this continues, we will not be able to defend it."

A flag officer with blood on his face staggered towards Sheng Yong. Sheng Yong gritted his teeth and drew his sword: "The situation is critical, Mr. Tie, please take charge of General Ben here. I will lead the team to recapture the city wall."


"General, wait!"

Tie Xuan stopped him: "The artillery is sharp, and the general goes to the battle in person, but it may not help. Once the general dies in battle, how can Tie Xuan command the soldiers and civilians if he is not familiar with the art of war?"

Sheng Yong said helplessly: "At this moment, what can you and I do?"

Tie Xuan was so impatient that he sneered and said: "General, wait a moment, I have an idea. Let's see if Yan Ni dares to risk the world's taboo!" After saying this, he turned around and walked towards the desk. Sheng Yong, Gao Wei and others looked at each other in astonishment.

After a moment, Tie Xuan lifted up a large piece of paper covered with ink, as long as a couplet, and wrote a line of large characters: "Open the heavens, guide the way, establish discipline, and establish the great sage, the most divine, the benevolent, the righteous, the martial, the virtuous, the successful, the high emperor!"

Tie Xuan said: "Come here, quickly paste it on a wooden board and place it at the crack of the city wall. I want to see if Zhu Di dares to attack the city!"

"Tie Xuan, Tie Xuan!"

Zhu Di was shocked when he heard that the cannon and even the trebuchets were mute. When he arrived at the formation, he was so angry that one Buddha was born and two Buddhas ascended to heaven. Unfortunately, he jumped in anger, but there was nothing he could do.

In the battle between the two armies, they really resorted to all possible means. Tie Shenzheng, who was praised as a sincere gentleman, actually invited the great emperor Zhu Yuanzhang's spiritual tablet to be placed on the crenellations of the city wall. Such a rogue method..., Yan under the City

Junkong held a sharp weapon, but no one dared to touch the small spiritual card. It was the spiritual card of His Royal Highness King Yan's father. Who dared to attack it?

"Tie Xuan, Tie Xuan!"

Zhu Di was humiliated and humiliated. He was so angry that he drew his sword and pointed it at the city. He cursed sternly: "If I don't cut you into pieces and fry you in a frying pan, it's hard to eliminate the hatred in my heart!"

He was saying harsh words, but looking at the memorial tablet of his deceased father standing at the top of the city, he was helpless. 3

The imperial court's 600,000-strong army could not stop him, but facing Huang Kao's spiritual tablet, how could he break the steel knife in his hand?


Li Jinglong gritted his teeth and returned to Jinling with his tail between his legs.

He led the remaining defeated generals from Jinan to flee south, and fled to Xuzhou in one breath. He couldn't leave. He couldn't leave. The emperor gave him 800,000 troops one after another. As a result, he suffered consecutive defeats. Now,

With only tens of thousands of people around him, why would he have the nerve to return to Jinling? It would be unreasonable for him not to be beheaded if he goes back.

Li Jinglong established a foothold in Xuzhou and thought about it. He thought it would be better to gather the remaining soldiers first. He first sent people to inquire about the movements of the Yan army and learned that the Yan army had surrounded Jinan. Then he sent orders to Guo Ying, Ping An, Chen Hui and others.

The general and his troops came to wait for orders.

This old man waited for more than half a month, but the old general Guo Ying didn't bother him. He threw his command arrow directly into the face of his messenger, blasted out of the Chinese army's tent, and then went on to write his apology and complaint.

; Ping An still gave him face, he hummed and agreed, but he just promised to promise, but he didn't move. He worked hard near Shanjiaqiao, built a small soldier town like a copper wall and an iron wall, and then continued to send troops to intercept Yan's military food road.

, and went to take the retreat of the Yan army; Chen Hui agreed, but today he said that the remaining defeated soldiers had not yet been gathered, and tomorrow he said that he had found out that the Yan army had set up an ambush halfway, but in short, he did not move.

The other generals are generally similar. The senior ones just don't give him a good look, while the others of the same generation find many weird reasons. Since ancient times, generals have not given orders to foreign kings, but when Li Jinglong came here, he changed it to generals.

The commander-in-chief refused to grant his orders, and no one paid attention to him. Cao Guogong, the rebellious general Li Jinglong, was abandoned by his generals before he was dismissed by the emperor.

Li Jinglong could neither advance nor retreat. In desperation, he had no choice but to blame others for the defeat. Then he wrote a secret letter and asked someone to send it to Jinling to Huang Zicheng, hoping that in the critical moment, Mr. Huang would be able to help him again.

A little brother.

Huang Zicheng was about to collapse after reading Li Jinglong's letter. Previously, Li Jinglong's 500,000-strong army retreated to Dezhou City. He was able to hide such a major event that was known to both the government and the public, and only the emperor did not know about it. This was almost

It was an incredible feat. Now the 600,000-strong army was completely defeated. It was even worse than the last time. Only half of the 600,000-strong army were alive. Among them, there were tens of thousands of disabled soldiers. Millions of pounds of military supplies in Texas were all lost to the enemy.

Jinan Prefecture was besieged, and all the generals wrote letters one after another, pointing the finger at Li Jinglong. Even if Huang Zicheng covered the sky with one hand, he could not hide this matter.

Huang Zicheng did not help him again, but took his letters and went to the emperor to impeach him.

Zhu Yunwen was still learning the Zhou rites, which were profound and profound. If he wanted to use the Zhou rites to rule the world and restore peace to the country, he couldn't do it without learning it thoroughly. He was learning it with gusto when Huang Zicheng came in disgrace carrying Li Jinglong's letter.

When Zhu Yunwen saw the difference in his expression, he couldn't help but wonder: "Why are you so panicked, sir?"

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty..."

Huang Zicheng fell to the ground, crying: "Li Jinglong was defeated, Dezhou was defeated, and the 800,000-strong army was completely defeated. Now Yan Ni has trapped Jinan City, Li Jinglong was defeated in Xuzhou, and all the generals are fighting for themselves, Your Majesty..."


Zhu Yunwen was shocked. He stood up and said: "Didn't Li Jinglong lead the troops to attack Beiping? How come they were defeated in Dezhou? The 800,000-strong army was... unexpectedly defeated? How many troops does Yan Ni have?"

Huang Zicheng kept kowtowing: "Your Majesty, Li Jinglong sent his troops to Beiping and arrived at Baigou River to meet the Yan rebel army. Li Jinglong was arrogant and arrogant, and his troops were arrogant and slowed down the enemy. As a result, he was completely defeated and lost his army and humiliated the country..."

Zhu Yunwen's face turned pale, he took two steps back and fell down on his chair. Huang Zicheng crawled a few steps and cried loudly: "Li Jinglong's improper command has destroyed countless soldiers and horses of my court. Please, your majesty, issue an order immediately to summon Li Jinglong back to the capital and execute him." His head was given the official punishment to thank the world, encourage the officers and men, and inspire people."

Zhu Yunwen was in a state of confusion and waved his hand: "Quickly convey the decree to announce that Li Jinglong has returned to the capital!" He then stepped forward to help Huang Zicheng up and said in a panic: "Sir, Li Jiujiang has been defeated and Shandong Prefecture is in danger. What should I do? good?"

Huang Zicheng opened his mouth, but he could no longer show the magnanimity of Wolong and Phoenix.

Seeing this, Zhu Yunwen quickly said: "Quickly, please tell Mr. Xiaozhi, Qi Tai of the Ministry of War and other important military officials to go to the Zhengxin Palace to discuss matters!"

Li Jinglong looked through the autumn water in Xuzhou, but he did not wait for Huang Zicheng's clever plan, but instead waited for an imperial edict, so he had to return to the capital in despair. At this time, the news of the defeat had spread throughout the government and the public, and the impeachment memorials flew like snowflakes to Zhu Yunwen's imperial letter case.

When Li Jinglong arrived in the capital, he tied his hands and went to the palace to plead guilty. Huang Zicheng was the first to come out and said: "Your Majesty, Li Jinglong has humiliated the country and mourned his master. His crime deserves to be punished by death. Please put him to death to express his gratitude to the clan and the world."

Li Jinglong also knew that his crime was serious, so he was so frightened that he kowtowed to apologize. Zhu Yunwen saw this and thought that when he was still the emperor's grandson, he had a good relationship with him. Now that he is the king, he This minister, his life and death are in his own hands. With compassion, his anger felt a little weaker, and he said: "The most urgent task is how to deal with Yan Ni. Although Li Jinglong's crime is unforgivable, remembering him is the founding of the country." After such a meritorious official, I really can't bear to kill him, and... I show mercy outside the law, so please spare him a life."

Huang Zicheng spoke sternly: "The law is the law of the ancestors, and those who practice the law can inspire the soldiers. Now Li Jinglong has been ordered by the emperor to fight against rebellion, but he has failed to do so and has lost his master and humiliated the country. Even if he is killed, he will not be able to atone for his crime!"

Li Jinglong gritted his teeth and glared at Huang Zicheng with resentment. But at this time, he was already a street rat that everyone was shouting to beat, but Huang Zicheng was the emperor's most favored minister. How could he dare to anger Huang Zicheng and make things worse for himself.

Seeing that the emperor wanted to pardon Li Jinglong, Lian Zining, the deputy censor of the capital, rushed out of the class angrily and said: "Your Majesty, the way to run an army should be clear rewards and punishments. Your Majesty should not grant mercy, but punish severely without mercy. Only in this way can the morale of the army be stimulated! "

The generals pretended to be deaf and mute, and no one said a word. They just watched these civil servants talking to themselves. The young imperial envoy Yu Xin, who was firmly opposed to violating the ancestral system and cutting down barriers in the civil servant class, jumped out angrily and shouted: : "Your Majesty, Li Jinglong cannot be pardoned! Not only Li Jinglong cannot be pardoned, but Huang Zicheng who recommended him to lead the army cannot be pardoned either!"

When Yu Xin said this, everyone in the hall was shocked. They heard him say impassionedly: "Not only is Huang Zicheng unpardonable, I heard that the imperial army suffered a big loss when they rebelled against Beiping. If the situation is true, Qi Tai, Minister of the Ministry of War, concealed military information.

, cannot be pardoned; Fang Xiaoru was in charge of the state affairs and intercepted the defeat memorial, and cannot be pardoned. These people tolerated the incompetent Li Jinglong, causing heavy casualties to the imperial court's 800,000 troops, shaking the country, and causing countless families to be left with only orphans and widowed mothers.

We cry day and night. All of them have committed unpardonable crimes, and it is not an exaggeration to punish them all!"

When Yu Xin, an angry young man, jumped out, he was not helping. He was not willing to kill his eldest cousin Zhu Yunwen. If Fang, Huang Qitai and others were to be held accountable, what capable ministers would he have around him? Jianwen's new policy would not be necessary.

Did he die midway? Faced with such consequences, how could he afford to sacrifice the Shangfang sword in his hand?

p: Zhu Di’s knife and Jianwen’s sword are very difficult to chop down. Everyone’s recommendations, ***, it’s not difficult to throw it down! Throw it out, we won’t have Zhu Di’s embarrassment, Jianwen’s Yurou, ***


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