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Chapter 351 Three adults

Chapter 351 Three adults

The Jin'an River in Fuzhou is a moat excavated during the Song Dynasty. This river meanders eastward and leads directly to the sea. Merchant ships from the Nanyang area sail directly to the Leyou Bridge Wharf under Fuzhou City via this river, where they disembark to unload.

Customs clearance and exploration.

However, on this day, a large ship came from a distance, sandwiched among many large and small merchant ships. Once it docked and was inspected, it was found that it was neither blocked nor closed. The people from the Municipal Shipping Department immediately became vigilant and wanted to take the ship with its cargo.

Withholding it, only then did the guests arrive on the shore, and they actually took out a letter of credentials.

The people from the Shibo Department opened it and saw that among the colorful patterns on it, the content of the certificate of credence was written in Chinese characters. The general idea was that His Royal Highness the Crown Prince and the Princess of the Kingdom behind the Ryukyu Mountains came to the Central Plains hand in hand on the order of the King to pay tribute to China.

The emperor made a pilgrimage and offered gifts.

When the Shibosi saw that the other party was actually the prince and princess of a foreign king, who were representing the king of that country to pay homage to the emperor of their own country, he did not dare to neglect them. He quickly welcomed them into the post house, inspected and accepted the goods they had brought to pay homage to the emperor, and pulled out a list.

After that, he flew on horseback to report to the capital, and at the same time arranged for the prince, princess and other servants of Shanhou Kingdom to stay.

As a small foreign country, Shanhou Kingdom's tributes are relatively rich, including ten pieces of painted fabrics, a pair of South China Sea agarwood screens, five paintings, a pair of mother-of-pearl five-clawed dragon lacquer bottles, and ten purple gold ingots.


The prince of the Queen of Mountains is called He Tianyang, and the princess is called Pingnu. Their clothes are quite reminiscent of the Tang Dynasty, but they have been changed a lot and are very close to the costumes of the Ming Dynasty. In addition, they have more than ten male and female entourages, of which only one

The name is the accompanying official, named Xun Xia, and he is appointed as Chengzhilang of Shanhou State and the envoy of Yiwei.

According to the Ryukyu official system, the first-rank prince wears a colorful woven crown, and the second-rank official wears a purple hat; the third-rank officials, from the first to the seventh rank, all wear yellow hats when going to court; the first-rank officials, who have miscellaneous duties, always look like red hats; only the junior officers

Officials wear cuckolds, but civilians wear cuckolds. Therefore, the bearded and naive Chengzhilang Xunxia wears a green robe and a yellow hat. Except for him, all other minor officials wear blue robes and cuckolds.

Eunuch? Of course not possible.

Xia Xun is a thank-you man. Not to mention whether he would be more easily recognized if he shaved his beard, he would not be happy to just have him pretend to be a father-in-law with a effeminate voice.

On the way to Shuangyu, Xie Xie's menstruation had cleared up, and the two of them had their first time in the true sense just above the swaying waves of the sea. Speaking of the two ladies Xia Xun, Peng Ziqi's first time was

In the heavy snow in the sky, under the mountains and rivers; Xie Yufei's first time, under the wind and thousands of miles of waves, with mountains and rivers, wind and snow, it is really a romantic and beautiful scenery.

Xie Xie knew how powerful her man was, and Xia Xun was vulnerable to her tongue. But if she really wanted to get on the horse, Xie Xie couldn't stand his blows. Her body was very weak.

She is sensitive, and if she doesn't get help from her words, she has to beg Zi Qi for help in the end, so that she can lie there as soft as mud and take a breather. She loves and fears her man's domineering power, and they are newlyweds.

When they are so close to each other, how can they let their man pretend to be a eunuch and a concubine?

After receiving the report from Fuzhou, Jinling was very happy.

Jinan was besieged for three months. Zhu Di took the initiative to withdraw his troops out of strategic considerations. The siege of Jinan was lifted, but it was hailed as a great victory by the court. A group of scholars and literati wrote about heroes, praised their achievements, and praised them.

In fact, it was just that the siege of Jinan was relieved, and it was only when the opponent took the initiative to withdraw, but it was unilaterally promoted by the court as a great victory. According to their description, they stayed in the city until the opponent took the initiative to withdraw.

The officers and soldiers of the imperial court were brilliant and brave, but the side that surrounded the outside and took the initiative to advance and retreat was in a state of embarrassment, exhausted, suffered major setbacks, and lost countless troops.

This kind of propaganda really played a big role in winning the hearts and morale of the people for the court, because after all, the common people knew too little information. They could only listen to what the court said. In this way, the court tasted the sweetness and achieved a great victory.

Battle reports began to be announced to the world.

The imperial court recovered Yucheng, the imperial court recovered the plains, the imperial court recovered Dezhou, the imperial court recovered Cangzhou, the imperial court recovered Hejian...

In short, wherever Zhu Di's troops retreated, they were recaptured by the imperial court. Don't worry about whether they gave up on their own initiative. What the newspaper said was that the imperial court recovered them. Recovering, of course..., right?

After the imperial court noticed the benefits of having a mouthpiece, it deliberately strengthened its propaganda in this regard. At this time, another foreign envoy came to perform Hajj. Do you think this is because the virtue of the emperor of the Celestial Dynasty was admired all over the world, including Weijiayu, and all the foreigners were convinced?

Where's the sign?

In fact, the first foreign envoys to arrive were not Xia Xun and other Xijia goods, but genuine envoys from other countries. These people had just arrived in Hangzhou Bay and were also waiting to go to Beijing for pilgrimage. They were sent by the Japanese shogun Ashikaga Yoshimitsu.

The coming messenger.

Before the founding of the Ming Dynasty, the Adachi clan occupied Kyoto, deposed Emperor Go-Daigo, established the Emperor Komei, who had no name, called himself the General of the Conquest of Barbarians, and established a shogunate in Muromachi, Kyoto. After the establishment of the Ming Dynasty, the Ashikaga Shogunate paid homage to the Ming Dynasty.

He claimed to be a vassal and paid tribute, but because the Ashikaga shogunate failed to exterminate Japanese pirates, Japanese ronin later got involved in Hu Weiyong's rebellion, which made Zhu Yuanzhang furious, and he imposed many restrictions on Japan's tribute as punishment.

Now the news of the death of Emperor Hongwu has just been heard by the Ashikaga shogunate. When they heard that the stubborn old man who was not easy to talk to had died, Ashikaga Yoshimitsu was very happy and quickly sent another envoy. This time, it was not a public event.

pay tribute, because they came this time just to inquire about the imperial court's intention. If the imperial court was willing to accept it, they would formally send envoys to pay tribute to the Ming Dynasty again, in exchange for the opening and preferential treatment of the tribute trade.

After all, Ashikaga Yoshimitsu is now regarded as a big figure in Japan who holds the emperor in power to order the princes. Without first exploring the Ming Dynasty's intentions, he rashly sent an envoy to formally pay tribute, just in case the Chinese emperor followed the old man Zhu Yuanzhang's advice.

It would be a shame to not accept the order at all and then drive them back.

Zhu Yunwen had just heard that the Japanese envoys had landed in Hangzhou Bay, bringing heavy gifts and requesting to be received. Then he received a report from Fuzhou that there was a mountain country in the Ryukyu Islands, Jiumu Tianyan, and now it sent its prince and princess to Beijing for pilgrimage.

He was really beaming with joy. This was the first time since he became emperor that foreign envoys came to perform Hajj, and there were two of them at once, especially the Shanhou Kingdom. Not only did they send a prince with such a grand ceremony, but they were also not known to the Ming Dynasty before.

Now that a foreign country has come to surrender, isn't this Zhu Yunwen's martial arts in opening up new territories?

Zhu Yunwen immediately issued an edict, ordering Hangzhou Prefecture and Fuzhou Prefecture to immediately arrange vehicles to transport the envoys of the two countries to Beijing. He asked them to arrange their itineraries. It is best for the envoys of the two countries to arrive in the capital at the same time. Just imagine, Japan and Shanhou State

The two countries' special envoys entered Nanjing at the same time and swaggered through the city. Isn't this also an excellent form of publicity?

Therefore, under the arrangement of the Ming Dynasty, the envoys from Japan and Shanhou State marched towards Nanjing at the same time and arrived at Nanjing City at the same time.


In the eastern suburbs of Nanjing, there was a guard of honor and three adults.

The minister is Ru Chang, the minister is Meng Fusheng, and the imperial envoy is Huang Zhen.

This is all the people who received the envoys from the two countries.

In fact, if the Japanese envoys came alone, they would not need such a grand welcome ceremony. They would be taking advantage of the "country behind the mountains".

This was the first time that the "Shanhou Kingdom" paid tribute to the Ming Dynasty, and the envoy who came to perform the pilgrimage was a prince. When Zhu Yunwen urgently needed to promote the country's prestige, the etiquette standards were naturally upgraded.

The envoys from the two countries have not yet arrived. Tan Ma reported that the two missions were still ten miles away from Changting. The accompanying personnel were pressing their steps, constantly adjusting their pace under the notifications of the outpost personnel who kept coming and going to ensure that they arrived at the same time.

Ru Chang is not the Minister of Rites, he was temporarily captured by Zhu Yunwen to work as a part-time job. Because the imperial court was suppressing the rebellion in the north a few days ago, which caused a mess, the time for the Qiu Wei scientific examination was also postponed for some time. Now,

When the news of the "Great Victory in Jinan" came back, the imperial court breathed a sigh of relief, and the scientific examination officially began. The Minister of Rites was presiding over the scientific examination and could not get away, so only one minister came. Zhu Yunwen was worried that the standard was not high enough, so he spared one more

Ru Shangshu.

The three adults were all literati, and they got along well with each other. They sat under the pavilion, reciting poems and composing poems, enjoying themselves while waiting for the envoys from the two countries to arrive.

The three of them were chatting when suddenly a big yellow dog scurried past the field in front of them. When they saw it, they immediately had the idea of ​​​​controversial. They pointed at the big dog that was running in the weeds and caressed it.

Xu smiled and said: "Look, you two, is it a wolf or a dog?"

Meng Shilang turned his head and looked into the grass. Huang Zhen, the imperial emissary at the side, had already laughed heartily. He had heard that Ru Shangshu was joking about Meng Fusheng in a harmonious tone: "Is it a wolf or a dog? Is the minister a dog?"

When Meng Shilang heard Huang Zhen laughing, he understood immediately. He was funny and angry. After thinking about it for a moment, he retorted with a smile: "The wolf's tail is hard and the dog's tail is short, so..." The lower official thought that by looking at its tail,

Then you can know: if it is hanging down, it is a wolf, and if it is standing up, it is a dog!"

This word "Shangzhu" is homophonic to "Shangshu". Huang Zhen was even more delighted when he heard it. He just clapped his hands and laughed.

"Is this old guy just trying to make you laugh?"

Ru Chang glared at Huang Zhen and said calmly: "Well, it seems that we can distinguish it this way. Wolves eat meat, but dogs are different. They eat meat when they encounter it, and they eat shit when they encounter it!"

As soon as these words came out of his mouth, Meng Shilang also burst into laughter and said with laughter: "Okay, what a good envoy to eat shit, hahaha..."

When Huang Zhen heard this, he immediately became embarrassed, but after thinking for a long time, he could no longer think of any witty words to tease them. At this moment, he saw a team appearing on each of the two forks in front of him. Huang Zhen breathed a sigh of relief and quickly

He stood up and said solemnly: "Ahem, two adults, the envoys from Japan, Shanhou, and the two countries have arrived!"


p: Heroic please ***, please vote for recommendation!!!

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