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Chapter 356 Acceptance

Chapter 356 Acceptance

More than a dozen big men gathered around the two people in front of the boat. Looking at these big men, they all looked like thugs. It was already October, and they were still wearing short brown clothes with half-bared arms. The muscles on their arms were swollen and their faces were cold and stern. They called those who were studying

When the scholars saw him, they immediately wanted to retreat.

There were two men among the big men, one of whom seemed to be more majestic than the bodyguards and thugs. He was wearing a gray-yellow robe with rolled-up sleeves, revealing a pair of big hands like cattail fans and thick wrists. He had his chest bare and a

The blue dragon showed its teeth and claws, lifelike. The other one was more neatly dressed than him, and his figure was thinner, but he had the same fierce expression as he looked around.

Most of the people who hang out on the Qinhuai River will recognize this topless man. He is nicknamed "Human Bear". He is a rogue who stands on his fist and runs a horse on his arm. His nickname is Jiang Mengxiong. All the rogues in the Confucius Temple area are like this.

his brother.

The original gangster brother in the Confucius Temple area was called Zhen Erye, nicknamed the Double-Headed Jiao. He controlled the docks, flower boats, brothels, restaurants and shops in this area. He collected monthly money from the shops, acted as a bodyguard, and was so fat that he farted oily. This

But the man-bear came later. As the saying goes, a strong dragon cannot defeat a local snake, but it does not apply to him. This man-bear can fight, and so can the dozen brothers he brought. In one night's work, Zhen Erye and Zhen Erye can fight.

His confidant was beaten to a pulp, and then disappeared without a trace. Five days later, Zhen Erye emerged from the lower reaches of the Qinhuai River. The two-headed dragon had already incubated its sac.

From then on, the Confucius Temple changed its boss, and it was Jiang Mengxiong.

With the red light on the bow of the boat, he could see clearly that the person coming was the ruthless gangster from the Confucius Temple area. Two girls who were waiting to greet the guests hurriedly came up to him. On the left was a cherry blossom, and on the right was a warbler. They took his arms at the same time.

, cried out sweetly: "Brother Xiong, why are you free to visit our Yihong Fang today?"

Jiang Mengxiong was never rude to these women who were in the flesh business, so although the girls were afraid of him, they were not so frightened that their faces turned pale. Jiang Mengxiong said with a smile: "This is my brother, his name is Xu Jiang, don't ignore him.


"Master Xu~~~"

Yue Ying's delicate body turned around, and then flexibly turned to Xu Jiang's side, took his arm, and said charmingly and seductively: "Is this the first time that Mr. Xu comes back to our Yihongfang? If there is no girl he likes, how can we do it?"

Don’t you want me to introduce you to one?”

Jiang Mengxiong said in a rough voice: "No rush, no rush. Let's discuss some business first, arrange a quiet room, make a pot of good tea, and call your shopkeeper."

Half of the people who came to the Qinhuai River to find fans were purely looking for pleasure, while the other half were just using wine and sex as matchmakers. When Mingying heard that Jiang Mengxiong had something serious to do, she didn't dare to pester her, so she quickly agreed and went forward.

, lifted the bead curtain for them, and Yue Ying obediently took Xu Jiang's arm and led them to an upper room. The bodyguards spread their hands around the boat and down the boat, and stood still with their arms folded. They were frightened by many thoughts for a while.

The scholars who came to this ship all looked elsewhere.

As soon as he entered the cabin, it was much brighter than outside. Some individual guests were sitting at the table, tasting wine, listening to music, and chatting and laughing. Only then did Xu Jiang clearly see the girl Yueying, who was dressed in a small green dress, about fourteen or fifteen years old, and had an elegant appearance.

Yan, with luscious hair hanging down her temples, crescent-shaped eyebrows, spring peaches brushing her face, her mood not yet blooming, and her skin tender and radiant, she was just a girl welcoming guests, yet she was so beautiful. Xu Jiang couldn't help but take a second look.


Jiang Mengxiong saw it and chuckled: "If you want to, ask her to accompany you tonight. The girl here is just not good at singing and dancing, so she only does the work of welcoming guests and cleaning, and she is willing to accompany the guests.


Xu Jiang's face turned red and he replied nonchalantly: "Talk about business, cough! It's more important to talk about business."

That Yue Ying girl glanced at him shyly, held his arm tighter, and rubbed her crystal-clear chest twice, embarrassing Xu Jiang, a man who had never experienced love and romance, to the point of being helpless.

There was a small table by the window, and Xia Xun sat there alone, watching them pass by, listening to their conversation, and just smiled faintly.

Jiang Mengxiong and Xu Jiang entered the private room, and tea was served. Seeing that they had something serious to talk about, Yue Ying bowed to her and left without letting her sit down. Xu Jiang breathed a sigh of relief and said with a smile:

"How long has it been since we last met? Why did your brother become a pimp? Be careful to let the adults know and punish you severely."

Jiang Mengxiong chuckled and said: "Sir, we have to pretend to be like a dragon or a tiger. Now I am pretending to be a rogue gangster, drunk, lustful and wealthy. Of course I can't live without my wife. How can I become a pimp?"

Just as he was talking, Xu Shiling opened the door curtain and walked in, smiling and saying: "What are you talking about?"

Jiang Mengxiong pointed at him and smiled: "Look, let's talk about Cao Cao. When Cao Cao arrives, the real pimp is here."

It turned out that after Jiang Mengxiong, Wang Guanyu and others arrived in Jinling, they each had their own business. Jiang Mengxiong killed the two-headed dragon Zhen Erye and occupied the Hunhun eldest brother of the Confucius Temple, while Xu Shiling bought the prostitute house and became a brothel.

The big shopkeeper of Yihongfang, made a big teapot, listened to the corner and looked at the erotic palace, and looked very romantic. The Qinhuai River is conducive to transportation, and dignitaries come and go in the romantic place. They are well-informed, and intelligence is easy to get. Moreover, the inland river connects to the outer Qinhuai River.

, and it is also convenient for retreating and escaping.

Originally, Xia Xun stipulated that they should communicate with each other in a straight line and not interact with each other. However, after Jiang Mengxiong became the rogue leader who dominated the Confucius Temple, he unexpectedly met Xu Shiling, who bought the prostitute house, and was stunned.

Pretending not to know each other... isn't that to cover one's ears? Besides, something happened to Xia Xun at that time and he disappeared for three months for no reason. His whereabouts and life were unknown. King Yan made the worst plan and ordered the people in Jinling to

The secret agents are headed by the four of them, and they can discuss and resolve matters by themselves, so there is no need for the four of them to hide their identities from each other.

The three of them laughed and chatted for a while, and then Xu Shiling said solemnly: "Brother Xu Jiang, you are coming from the north. Please tell us how the situation is now. We know that we here are not very well-informed. We only listen to the news all day long."

The imperial court is so boastful that today they won a great victory, and tomorrow they will win another great victory, which makes me feel very anxious."

When Xu Jiang was about to speak, Jiang Mengxiong said: "Why are you so anxious? Stay calm and wait until Boss Xia arrives."

Xu Shiling said: "Is the boss really okay? I heard that no one knew about him for more than three months in a row. I was worried... Who knew that not long ago, I received news from the boss from Licheng.


Jiang Mengxiong chuckled and said: "Of course it's okay. If you die, the boss won't lose a hair. I don't think about how many great things the boss has done and how many big scenes he has been through. Is he so easy to be set up by others? Today

, isn’t it the boss who called us here?”

Xu Jiang said: "What is the boss's current status?"

Jiang Mengxiong and Xu Shiling shook their heads together: "We don't know, nor do we know where the boss is. We just received the boss's order and came here. We don't know any more than you."

Just as he was talking, Zhang Jun and Wang Guanyu also arrived one after another. The business of these two people was different from that of Jiang Mengxiong and Xu Shiling. Zhang Jun opened an oil and rice shop, and Wang Guanyu opened a Four Treasures Shop in the west corner of Gongyuan.

It's all serious business.

Five people gathered together. They had just sat down and before they could talk in detail, as soon as the cabin door opened, a bearded man stood at the door.

When Xia Xun was in Dezhou, he also had a big beard, but the beard at that time was glued on, but his appearance was not much different from now. But after three months in Jinan City, he really shaved off his hair.

He was too thin, so even though the five of them had preconceived notions that he must be Xia Xun, they were still stunned for a moment before jumping up.

Wang Guanyu praised: "Boss, your disguise skills... are really brilliant. Others can only draw eyebrows, glue a beard, and change clothes. But you have even changed the shape of your face. If you hadn't known it was you, Boss."

, I would never dare to recognize him when I look at him coldly. This kind of disguise technique is really amazing and breathtaking. When will the boss also teach it to his brothers?"

Wang Guanyu was educated, and even though he had no fame, he still knew how to read, so it was not very difficult for him to open this Four Treasures Shop. Xia Xun was dumbfounded after hearing this, and said angrily: "This art of disguise does not need to be taught.

, I’ll put you in a place where you’ll have a bowl of porridge and half a steamed bun every day, and you’ll be so tired from working that you lie down to sleep. In three months, you’ll be like me.”

Zhang Jun smiled and said: "How could this happen? Three months, three months, God! The boss was... in Jinan City at that time?"

Xia Xun waved his hand and sat down in the middle seat left for him. With a solemn expression, he looked at Xu Jiang first: "I just arrived in Jinling, and I was supposed to meet a few of them tonight, but I didn't expect that.

You arrived just in time, let me tell you first, how is the situation in the north?"

Xu Jiangzhengrong said: "His Royal Highness returned to Peiping in mid-September. After Sheng Yong succeeded the rebel general, the entire army was ready to attack Peiping again."

Xia Xun frowned slightly and said: "Seeing that the weather is getting cold again, Li Jinglong suffered a defeat last year mostly because of the severe cold weather. It seems that this time, Sheng Yong is fully prepared?"

Xu Jiang said: "Yes, Sheng Yong has prepared enough winter clothes this time. It seems that he does not want to give His Highness a chance to breathe. However, His Highness did not wait for him to send troops this time, but took the initiative to send troops to fight back. At that time

, Ping'an, Wu Jie was stationed in Dingzhou, Sheng Yong was stationed in Dezhou, Xu Kai and Tao Ming were stationed in Cangzhou. Sheng Yong sent a large number of exploration horses for the Northern Expedition. In order to cover up others' eyes, His Highness secretly sent two generals, Xu Li and Chen Xu, to attack Zhili.

Gu built a pontoon bridge, and he led the troops and pledged to conquer Liaodong.

His Highness commanded his troops to the north, and when they arrived at Xia'andian, they suddenly turned south and attacked Cangzhou via Zhigu. They traveled three hundred miles day and night. The Cangzhou defenders were completely unprepared and only thought that our troops were heading towards Shanhaiguan, resulting in a battle.

It was about to collapse. Hehe, the commander-in-chief Xu Kai, the commander-in-chief Cheng Xian, and all the commanders Yu Qi, Zhao Hu and others were all captured alive by His Highness, with tens of thousands of soldiers reduced."

Hearing this, everyone got excited. Jiang Mengxiong laughed wildly and said: "Hahaha, hahaha, just listen to it these days..."

Xia Xun glared at him fiercely, and Jiang Mengxiong hurriedly lowered his voice: "I've heard the imperial court talk nonsense these days. It turns out that His Highness has won another great victory."

Xu Jiang also smiled and said: "When I arrived, His Highness was transporting a large amount of winter supplies stored in Cangzhou to Peiping. The next step depends on the actions of the imperial court. After all, we don't have the strength to march south yet." .”

Xia Xun nodded. The battlefield was changing rapidly. No one knew whether Sheng Yong would act according to the ambiguous and inaccurate information in his memory. Even if he remembered something, he couldn't pretend to be a prophet, let alone the specific progress. He didn't know much either.

He took a breath and said to Jiang Mengxiong and the others: "His Highness has not suffered a single defeat since he launched his army. This is a good thing. However, the imperial court is very powerful. It will be of great benefit to His Highness if we collect more information here. Okay, now the four of you, let’s talk about what achievements you have made since arriving in Beijing, and what information have you collected?”

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