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Chapter 375

Chapter 375 If there is divine help

Zhu Di defeated Sheng Yong, and Sheng Yong retreated to Dezhou, unable to retreat. Ping An and Wu Jie also fled back to Zhending and held on to the city, refusing to go out to fight. Seeing this, Zhu Di came up with another plan and ordered his soldiers to scatter in all directions.

They gathered food and fodder everywhere in the camp and built up a great momentum. After the fleeing people fled into Zhending City, they all talked about the fact that King Yan's food and grass were running out and the officers and soldiers left the camp to find food and grass. For a time, everyone was talking.

Ping An and Wu Jie called several fleeing people into the tent and interrogated them carefully to confirm their identities. They couldn't help but think. These two people believed that their skills, military exploits and qualifications were higher than Sheng Yong's, but now they were affected by Sheng Yong.

They were quite dissatisfied with the rule and wanted to make a great contribution. Since there was a shortage of food in King Yan's army, the morale of the army was bound to be depressed. Moreover, because the officers and soldiers of each battalion were searching for food everywhere, the camp was bound to be empty, so the two of them began to think of greed for merit.


The two men first sent detective horses to explore the truth in the Yan army camp, and the news they got was indeed what the fleeing people said. The two men were happy and immediately led their troops out of the city to surprise the King of Yan's camp. Zhu Di's secret agents had been monitoring the movements of Wu Jie and Ping An.

Zhu Di was overjoyed when he saw that the two men had fallen into the trap. He immediately gathered his troops and rushed towards them. By the time Wu Jie and Ping An found out that they had fallen into the trap, they could no longer retreat.

How can two legs outrun four legs? Retreating at this time is tantamount to death. Wu Jie decisively ordered to form a formation to protect himself. When Zhu Di saw that Wu Jie formed a square formation, he couldn't help laughing and said: "Wu Jie is experienced in using troops and is good at defending the city."

, are not good at field battles. How can we win when a square formation is surrounded by enemies on all sides? We only need to use troops and horses to attack one corner. If one corner is defeated, the rest will collapse!"

So Zhu Di feinted on three sides and attacked on one side. However, he had many cavalry in his army. Which side to feint and which side to attack could change at any time according to the changes in the enemy camp. This made Wu Jie unable to defend himself. After fighting for half a day, the formation was broken through and he was killed.

In the end, only Ping An's troops and horses could barely support him. When Zhu Di saw that Ping An had set up a watchtower in the army, and could respond at any time from the top of the watchtower, he organized a group of dead soldiers and forced their way into Ping An's army, not wanting to fight.

Just kill Xiangwang Tower.

The cavalrymen on this road were all the elites among the three guards of Yanshan. They were not afraid of death and fought bravely to be the first. They were able to fight to the bottom of the watchtower. They had no choice but to abandon the watchtower and mount their horses to fight. The watchtower was finally hit hard by this group of dead soldiers with a big axe.

They were cut down one after another, and the soldiers and horses of Ping'an's army lost their "clairvoyance", and were eventually overwhelmed by the Yan army's frenzy.

Ping An fought bloody battles, and fled back to Zhending City with Wu Jie to check the troops and horses again. The result was even worse than Sheng Yong. The two of them were killed or captured in just one battle, and they lost 100,000 troops. The two of them had originally

It was to compete with Sheng Yong for credit, but he didn't expect to suffer such a disastrous defeat. He couldn't help but feel panicked and didn't know how to explain it to the emperor.

After sitting opposite each other for a long time, Wu Jie suddenly said: "If Sheng Yong can do it, can we not do it?"

Ping An's heart moved, and he asked tentatively: "What did the Marquis mean?"

As soon as the two people's eyes met, they already had a good understanding.

Soon, another battle report was sent to the capital.

The battle report said that the wind was blowing again.

This time the wind was stronger than what Sheng Yong had encountered. The wind that Sheng Yong encountered was nothing but dust and sand. This time the wind actually destroyed houses and uprooted trees, and violently blew away the watchtowers in the army.

It fell and the imperial army was defeated.

Fang Xiaoru and Huang Zicheng believed again.

Luo Kedi was mad again.

He made up his mind to put aside King Yan's secret spies for the time being, and went all out to build momentum and start the anti-pornography campaign.

He finally understood that if those losers don't step down, the world of Ming Dynasty will change hands sooner or later.

Zhu Di won two great victories. The haze of the previous defeat in Dongchang was swept away, and morale was at an all-time high. However, Wu Jie, Ping'an and Sheng Yong held the city firmly. No matter how you scolded the formation to lure troops, they refused to leave the city to fight in the field.

Zhu Di was at his wits' end. At this moment, Xia Xun's people quietly found Zhu Di's camp. Seeing the detailed information sent by Xia Xun, Zhu Di couldn't help but laugh up at the sky!


Pei County belongs to Xuzhou Prefecture, is adjacent to Weishan Lake and Zhaoyang Lake in the east, and is adjacent to Weishan County in Shandong Prefecture. It is the hometown and place of prosperity of Liu Bang, the founder of the Han Dynasty, and the ancestral home of Zhu Yuanzhang, the founder of the Ming Dynasty. Compared with the Dezhou Front,

This is still the rear area, and the people still live and work in peace and contentment.

The weather in June is very hot.

In the evening, the people of Xiaowangzhuang had dinner and came out to enjoy the cool air with their wives and children. The old people spread out small tables in the yard, brewed a pot of crude tea, and chatted leisurely. The young people gathered in the yard, sat on the ground, talked and laughed.


Suddenly, a group of officers and soldiers came on horseback. They were a mighty group of thousands of people, and they were all cavalry. Although the war has not yet reached here, the people here are already used to seeing armies coming and going from north to south.

The imperial army kept passing by, how could they not be familiar with it? However, this was the first time they saw such a neat military appearance like this group of officers and soldiers, and they couldn't help but secretly praise their might.

These thousands of people are indeed elite soldiers who have experienced hundreds of battles. They marched neatly in formation and had strict discipline. They rode their horses without squinting or talking to each other. Even in the hot summer, they were fully armored. Although they were sweating, there was not a single person.

An army with its chest and belly exposed is a mighty and majestic army.

Amid the admiration of the people, the team gradually disappeared into the night.

The general of this cavalry is Li Yuan, the commander of Yuzhou. To be precise, he should be the former commander of Yuzhou, because when King Yan attacked Yuzhou, he had surrendered to King Yan. The people of Peixian County never expected that this team would

It turned out to be the legendary soldiers and horses of the King of Yan. The imperial army was stationed all over the city passes along the way. How could the soldiers of the King of Yan appear here? There had never been any soldiers and horses of the King of Yan in Peixian County.

The next day, an astonishing news spread. King Yan's troops, like heavenly soldiers and generals, suddenly appeared at the dock of Peixian County, where the secrets of the imperial court were stored, and tens of thousands of ships of grain and grass could be sent to the front line at any time.

The fire was all burned out. Sheng Yong learned the lesson of the Yan army's previous seizure of millions of tons of military rations in Dezhou. This time he placed the military rations in the rear area so that they could be transported at any time when food and grass were needed. In this way, it could be said that everything was safe, but he could not

I never expected that a fire would break out in the backyard, which would be enough to feed tens of thousands of ships!

This fire boiled the river water, and countless fish and turtles floated downstream of the Cao River, all of which were boiled to death.

Hearing the bad news suddenly, Sheng Yong almost fainted.

The enemy's 6,000 light cavalry were able to reach the rear without being noticed. The route of transporting grain and grass, the distribution of the garrison, the inspection of passes and defenses along the way, the retreat route of the Yan army, all of this... how is all this happening?

Can it be done?

The grief-stricken Sheng Yong had no time to beat his chest, so he quickly ordered General Yuan Yu to lead his troops to pursue Li Yuan. Yuan Yu had 30,000 elite soldiers under his command, and they were recently armed with war horses brought back from North Korea. They were a relatively mobile team.

When this team, most of which were riding horses as big as donkeys, hurriedly caught up with Li Yuan's six thousand cavalry, they sadly discovered that it was not their horses that were faster, but that they were deliberately waiting for him. Li Yuan's retreat

Above, there was actually an ambush by King Yan long ago, and the result can be imagined.


After Zhu Yunwen learned the news, he began to go crazy. Then Sheng Yong's memorial arrived. In anger, Sheng Yong severely criticized the imperial court for improper employment, causing all the rear deployment of the imperial court to be detected by the enemy. Finally, he still managed to

I remember that Fang Xiaoru, Huang Zicheng and others showed favor to him in promoting him, but they did not directly name these people.

However, the young faction in Beijing to reduce the vassal state, the peace negotiation faction, and even the newly established anti-Huang faction of Luo Kedi didn't care about that. There was a clamor between the government and the public, and everyone accused Huang Zicheng and others of being incompetent. For a while, they criticized each other with words and writings, and memorials flew like snowflakes.

Zhu Yunwen's desk.

Zhu Yunwen couldn't bear it anymore.

Late at night, the lights in Fang Xiaoru's study were still bright.

Fang Xiaoru, Huang Zicheng, and Qi Tai sat speechless.

After a long time, Huang Zicheng said in a hoarse voice: "After successive defeats, now even the tens of thousands of ships of grain and grass stored in the rear have been burned by the Yan army. The civil and military officials are in a fierce mood. Your Majesty... Your Majesty is also jealous of you and me.

No regrets, alas! Our situation is very difficult..."

Qi Tai said coldly: "The wealth that Taizu saved during his lifetime has been almost exhausted. The originally full treasury has been emptied. It is difficult to recruit enough soldiers. In the first year of Jianwen, Jiangnan was greatly reduced.

As a result, the Ministry of Household Affairs has been unable to make ends meet in the past two years. Now it is stretched thin and cannot produce enough money to pay the military salaries of the soldiers at the front. These are all the results of your and my reign. Shouldn’t the Emperor be annoyed?"

Huang Zicheng became angry and said: "You..."

Fang Xiaoru sighed, cut off their words and said, "You two, in times of adversity, you and I should work together to help each other and stop quarreling."

Huang Zicheng and Qi Tai each snorted coldly.

After pondering for a long time, Qi Tai said: "Now, people like Li Jinglong and Ru Chang are constantly criticizing us. People like Jing Qing and Lian Zining are also constantly writing letters of impeachment. There are complaints in Jinling City. I think... it won't be long before the emperor has to

We are being attacked to calm the morale of the army. Instead of sitting back and waiting for death, we might as well take the initiative!"

Fang Xiaoru's eyes flashed and he asked hurriedly: "Will the gift-giving plan be implemented?"

Qi Tai said with emotion: "I am in charge of military affairs and I am in charge of political affairs. The two of us cannot escape the blame for the situation the country has ended up in. Therefore, the two of us must take the initiative to write a letter of apology and take all the blame. In this way, we can maintain our filial piety."

Sir, he still remains in the court."

Fang Xiaoru suddenly stood up when he heard this: "You can't do it with courtesy!"

Qi Tai held him down and said, "Mr. Xiaozhi, please don't refuse. We have been slandered by treacherous ministers and squeezed out by people who are greedy for profit, but we have the leverage. Now we have to make a gesture to come out. As long as you are in the court, we will have it."

There is nothing to be afraid of in the future. It's just that after the two of us leave, Mr. Xiaozhi will be the only one left in front of the emperor. Jiangshan Sheji and our emperor will be entrusted to Mr. Xiaozhi."

Seeing the solemnity of his words, Fang Xiaoru did not dare to refuse anymore. She just stood up and bowed to them solemnly: "If you have unworthy ambitions, you will live up to your trust!"

Huang Zicheng opened his mouth, but finally said nothing.

Qi Tai added: "Mr. Xiaozhi is alone in the court and cannot support himself. He must find a strong supporter. Chen Shangshu is the matchmaker for your son's son, and the Duke of Wei is already interested. After we leave, your husband must make a marriage arrangement with the Prince of Zhongshan as soon as possible.

As long as the marriage is certain and you get the support of the Zhongshan Prince's Palace, you can continue to control the court and avoid being taken advantage of by traitors!"

Fang Xiaoru said solemnly: "Xun Zhi will go all out!"

p: Breast lifters, please vote~

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