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Chapter 380 This girl dare not climb high

Chapter 380 I don’t dare to climb high

"Today, my little sister Miao Jin and Mr. Fang's beautiful son have been married. Thank you to all your relatives and friends for coming to congratulate me. Xu Huizu is really grateful!"

Seeing that almost everyone had arrived, Xu Huizu walked to the front of the hall and thanked all the guests. He made a bow, and everyone stood up to return the favor. Li Jinglong lazily stood up last and bowed his hand to him casually.

Fang Xiaoru's face was full of joy and she said: "The Xu family has a beautiful daughter, well-educated and sensible, beautiful in appearance, a good-looking dog, and of marriageable age. Thanks to Mr. Chen Di, the Minister of Rites, to match her, Fang will have a century-old relationship with the Xu family today, haha, today

We have decided to get married on a certain day. I only hope that from now on, my children will be husband and wife, and their inheritance will be prosperous. Today, all relatives and friends, colleagues and friends are here to congratulate me, and please bear witness to each other!"

Xu Huizu then smiled and said: "Haha, after my sister marries into the Fang family, she will become a member of the Fang family. It is her duty to honor her parents-in-law and live in harmony with her brothers and sisters. If there is anything inappropriate, Mr. Xi Zhi should teach her a lesson.

, but don’t pamper her.”

Someone nearby shouted: "Once the marriage certificate is exchanged, it is settled for life, and we are the real in-laws. Why is Wei Guogong still so polite to Mr. Xizhi?"

"Yes, yes, we should change our name."

Xu Huizu turned his head and saw that the people making noises were his friends. He couldn't help laughing and said: "You guys are here today. You are just here to accompany the guests. Drink a few more glasses of wine as a gift to me. No need to make any noise."


Turning around, Xu Huizu said to Fang Xiaoru: "Mr. Xi Zhi, you and I will exchange marriage certificates and become real in-laws. Haha, you see, everyone is a little anxious."

Fang Xiaoru smiled mysteriously, waved his hand and said, "Don't be impatient, my lord, please wait a moment, there are still distinguished guests who have not yet arrived."

Xu Huizu asked curiously: "Are there any distinguished guests?"

He thought about the guests he invited. Fang Xiaoru might not care about them. This distinguished guest must be someone invited by Fang Xiaoru. But looking around at the banquet, the officials who were chatting and laughing almost covered the six departments and nine ministers.

If there are still distinguished guests, who else can there be?

Xu Huizu wanted to ask, but saw that Fang Xiaoru had a mysterious look on his face. He was the girl's parent after all, so he couldn't act more anxious than the other party, so he had to wave his hand and ask the man holding the intermarriage document, which was ready to be signed by both parties, to come up with the marriage agreement.

The maid retreated again.

Li Jinglong was Cao Guogong, and his status was not lower than that of Xu Huizu, so he also sat in the first place. Seeing Fang Xiaoru's virtue, he curled his lips in disdain. Ru Chang twirled his beard, tilted his shoulders towards him, and whispered: "

Pretending to be mysterious!"

Li Jinglong sneered and said, "A flower stuck in dog shit!"

Sitting next to him was Chen Di, the great matchmaker who facilitated the marriage. Although Li Jinglong's voice was low, he did not try to hide it. He heard it and he couldn't help but turn his head and glance.

Li Jinglong said to him with a playful smile: "We meet in court every day, and we bicker with each other from time to time. Haven't you seen enough, Mr. Chen?"

He turned to Ru Chang, the Minister of the Ministry of War, and said: "Sir Ru, is my prince really so elegant and suave, with jade trees facing the wind?"

Ru Chang cupped his hands and said with a smile: "Cao Guogong has a graceful demeanor, a talented person, a humble gentleman, and as gentle as jade."

Li Jinglong held his chin and muttered: "Oh? So it turns out that I am still a gentleman..."

At this time, Xu Zengshou answered several guests correctly and just returned to sit down at the table. He saw that he seemed to be talking strange words, so he glared at him and said: "Jiujiang, today is my sister's big day, please calm down."

Keep it on, otherwise, I won’t spare you!”

Li Jinglong shrugged and hummed: "Since you are a gentleman, I will act like a mute for once."

As soon as he finished saying this, he suddenly said "Hey", and his body, which had been lazily slumped on the chair, suddenly sat up straight, and his eyes lit up. Xu Zengshou, who was sitting diagonally opposite, noticed something strange in his expression.

, followed his gaze and turned her head to look, she couldn't help being startled, and said in a voiceless voice: "Little sister! What is she doing here?"


Today is the wedding date between the Fang and Xu families, but the person involved does not need to show up, especially the woman. She does not need to be present at all. Especially for a family like Zhongshan Palace, there is no need for the little princess to show up. This is extremely rude behavior.

At least he had to be told that his discipline was lax. Xu Zengshou was naturally shocked when he saw Ming'er suddenly appear.

Those who recognized Xu Ming'er among the greeters today couldn't help but be dumbfounded. Those who didn't recognized Xu Ming'er. Seeing the strange expressions of others, they asked a few words in a low voice, and their own expressions immediately became strange. In just a moment, the entire Shengqi Tower was completely stunned.

There was total silence. Xu Huizu was surprised to see his little sister appear. He hurriedly stood up to greet her and whispered: "Ming'er, you... why are you here?"

"What you are discussing is my lifelong event, why can't I come?"

Xu Ming'er pushed Xu Huizu away and swept her eyes coldly. Following what Xia Xun taught her, she clearly saw Fang Xiaoru, whom she had seen in the house before, but she acted as if she didn't recognize him and looked at Xiaoyao.

He raised his nose and said loudly: "Who is Fang Xiaoru, please come out and see me!"

Fang Xiaoru frowned. He knew that the daughter of the Xu family was not willing to be his wife. When he heard her reciting a ridiculous poem that day, he knew that this little girl had some prejudices against the Fang family. But for the sake of the great cause, Fang Xiaoru frowned.

He could barely bear it. Besides, although her three sisters were married to nobles, they were just precarious princesses. Among them, Princess Dai had become a prisoner in Shu. She was a great scholar in the world and a hidden minister in the court.

Could it be that his son couldn't marry a girl from his Zhongshan Palace?

Therefore, Fang Xiaoru expected that even if Xu Miaojin was dissatisfied, she would change her mind once the rice was cooked. Unexpectedly, she was so ignorant of etiquette. This was the future daughter-in-law of the Fang family. She would just show up and embarrass the Fang family.

She actually dared to call her father-in-law by his first and last name, even her eldest brother wanted to call her Mr.

Do you still dare to treat me like a princess?"

He lowered his face, stood up slowly, and said as if he were a father-in-law: "Fang is here, who is this girl?" As he spoke, he kept winking at Xu Huizu.

According to his wishes, the emperor's envoy will arrive soon. Regardless of whether the guests and friends here recognize her or not, they can just pretend not to know her and ask Xu Huizu to take her away when he sees the opportunity. It's all about saving face. Deal with it first.

After what happened today, I will go back and wait for her to marry into my own family. I will try to discipline her at that time, but even the Xu family can't interfere. Why should I embarrass myself in front of all the ministers?

But Xu Ming'er was coaxed and frightened by Xia Xun, and she had already firmly remembered what Xia Xun told her: "Fang Xiaoru, a good reputation is more important than life, you have to humiliate him and make him give up the marriage on his own initiative.

.Otherwise, in order to gain your eldest brother's support, he would tolerate even your slightest problems and insist on getting married to your family. Then even if you run away to the ends of the earth, you will still be the wife of the Fang family, because no matter whether you want it or not.

, as long as your eldest brother signs it, you will be the recognized daughter-in-law of the Fang family!"

So when she saw Fang Xiaoru pretending, Xu Ming'er didn't point out that she had met him once. She just flicked her sleeves away from her elder brother's arm and said loudly to him: "Are you Fang Xiaoru? I can teach you that I am.

Xu Miaojin!”

Discussions buzzed around like flies, and everyone began to whisper among themselves.

"Something's wrong. The little princess seems to disagree with this marriage. Look at her, her nose is not her nose, her eyes are not her eyes."

"What! Why is the nose not a nose but an eye? Isn't that pretty? This is the first time I see the little princess of the Xu family. Wow, she's really handsome."

"What nonsense are you talking about? I'm talking about her air!"

Ru Chang tilted his shoulders, moved closer to Li Jinglong, and whispered: "My lord, there is something good to watch."

Li Jinglong was sitting upright and full of energy. He only replied with two words: "Watch a show!"

The discussion reached Fang Xiaoru's ears, causing his face to turn red and blue for a while. The scholar's stubbornness also came up for a while. Seeing Xu Huizu trying to drag the girl away, he stopped him and said in a deep voice: "It turns out that he was about to drag the girl away.

It’s the young princess. I wonder if the princess wants to see Fang. What’s the matter?”

Xu Ming'er said: "Mr. Fang is well-known in Beijing. Everyone knows about it. I heard that the eldest brother is going to betroth Miao Jin's life-long betrothal to the second son of the Fang family, so the little girl came here specially to have a look."

Fang Xiaoru was startled after hearing this. He heard that the tone was not quite right, but what she said was actually praising him. For a moment, he was not sure what the little girl was thinking.

Xu Ming'er said loudly: "I heard that Emperor Taizu worked hard for thirty years, which made the Ming Dynasty smooth, the country peaceful and the people peaceful, the people abundant, and the world peaceful. Since Emperor Jianwen inherited the great treasure, he invited Dr. Fang to join the government to assist the government.

Within three years, the royal family was in trouble, wars were frequent, the treasury was empty, and the people were in dire straits. Is this possible?"


Fang Xiaoru's face was as red as chicken blood, and his breath was stuck in his throat. He pointed at Xu Ming'er and was speechless.

Xu Huizu was furious and rushed towards Xu Ming'er. When Xu Zengshou saw his ferocious look, he said that he was going to do something to his little sister. He quickly winked at his good friend, the Governor Chen Xuan, and raised his eyebrows from left to right.

He rushed forward from the right, grabbed Xu Huizu, and pulled up a side frame.

Xu Ming'er said in a clear and crisp voice: "I heard that the vassal world was a legacy of Taizu. As soon as Dr. Fang entered the court, he advocated the reduction of vassalage. Before Taizu's bones were cold, the princes died and were imprisoned.

, killing each other with flesh and blood, leading to today’s chaos;

I heard that Dr. Fang is a well-educated scholar and a great scholar in the world, and he admires the ancient well-field system the most. Those who have been determined to reform since ancient times will benefit, some will be frustrated, some will support, and some will oppose. Only Dr. Fang's ancient well-field system has made a difference to the world.

, regardless of scholars, farmers, industry and commerce, all people opposed it, and he can be regarded as the first person in ancient and modern times!

I heard that Dr. Fang admires etiquette and admires Zhou's official laws. He believes that as long as the government is named according to Zhou's rituals and the world is governed, the Ming Dynasty will be prosperous and far away from the ancestors. Therefore, today's provinces and states will be tomorrow's counties. Today, we will defend the country tomorrow.

The official system is being changed today, and the official ranks are being changed tomorrow; the names of the palace gates are being updated day by day, and there is no time to rest, and new plaques are often made before the paint is dry on the plaques at the gates of each government office?"


Fang Xiaoru was trembling with anger, but some people in the crowd were already giggling.

Different from the so-called "four years of lenient government and the lifting of strict laws" touted by later generations of literati, people like Fang Huang's reforms have different evaluations.

In fact, this is also the case. Zhu Yuanzhang was ruthless and strict, but to whom was he ruthless and strict? Whose sentiments were expressed by the so-called "four years of easing the government and relieving severe hardships"? Could it be ordinary people? This is when Zhu Yunwen came to power.

After four years of endless wars and continuous military conscription, would any ordinary people happily come to the conclusion that "four years of easing the rule of law and lifting the severe frost"?

Quite the opposite! The public is opposed to and ridiculed by Fang Xiaoru and others' so-called Jianwen New Deal and stupid reforms.

Needless to say, the reduction of vassal status has already forced King Yan to rebel, and the people will not dare to make unreasonable objections, because if you object again at this time, you can be accused of sympathizing with rebellion; needless to say, restoring the well-field system, even his final

None of his staunch allies supported him. This incredibly naive idea was extinguished by officials belonging to different factions as soon as he proposed it in the court. He did not even leave a spark for him.

It is really harmful to the world and needs no discussion.

For officials and people, the most annoying thing is Fang Xiaoru's reform of Zhou official regulations, merging several states and counties, changing the official names to ancient names, changing the names of palaces, and changing the names of city gates, and they were changed again and again.


Once he changed it, every government office had to follow suit. Plaques had to be changed, official seals had to be changed. Under the strict household registration system of the Ming Dynasty, countless documents of the prefectures, counties and their people involved had to be changed. He changed it every time.

Just talking, there are countless people who are as busy as spinning tops, but they are doing useless work. How can the people not complain?

The paragraph in the third article mentioned by Xu Ming'er just now says: "Today's provinces and prefectures will be tomorrow's provinces and counties; today they will be united as guards, and tomorrow they will be united; today the official system will be changed, and tomorrow the official ranks will be changed; the names and inscriptions of the palace gates will be updated day by day, and there will be no time to give them.

And never stop." It comes from a folk song, similar to the current "You shoot one, I shoot one", which has been sung by children for a long time.

Xu Ming'er added: "Dr. Fang was able to destroy the thirty years of Emperor Taizu's hard work and hard work to lay the foundation in three years. With such a great ability, Xu Miaojin did not dare to climb up to the Fang family. The little girl was worried about ants.

If the building collapses, even my Xu family will be affected. With talents like Dr. Fang, a tiger father has no son, so his son Fang Zhongxian must be a first-class hero among men. The little girl is ashamed of herself and dare not climb high.

So, thanks to the favor and good intentions, Xu Miaojin said this and said goodbye!"

Xu Ming'er had a young girl's voice, but every word was like a halberd or a knife, poking Fang Xiaoru's sore spots, making Fang Xiaoru so angry that one Buddha was born and two Buddhas ascended to heaven. Smoke came from Xu Huizu's nostrils, and he roared angrily.

: "Xu Miaojin, I've turned against you! Someone, get her for me! Get her!"

When Li Jinglong looked at it, he jumped out like a rabbit, opened his arms to block Xu Ming'er, and said with a smile: "Don't move! Don't move anyone! Oh, I said Lao Xu, follow me

Why is a child so angry? A child is ignorant and his words are not profound. Don't take it to heart. Mr. Xizhi, don't take it to your heart either. Come on, come on, let's drink, drink!"

Xia Xun had already expected that Xu Ming'er would come out calmly after going in to say these words. If his child said something he shouldn't say in public, what is the first thing the head of the family should do? Of course it is not to teach his child a lesson, he

He had to first apologize to the person who was mad. Besides, not to mention how many of his people were in the Shengqi building, even the relatives and friends of the Xu family had to come out to persuade them to make peace. Xu Ming'er only said to break off the engagement.

, I didn’t say escape, but I could tie her up right away.

As expected, there was no need for the people Xia Xun arranged in advance to come forward. Huaiqing's consort, Shang Shu Ru Chang, Yu Xin, Huang Zhen, and even all the congratulators who thought they had friendship with the Xu family or were trying to establish friendship all jumped up.

Come out, pull this, persuade that, all talking and making a mess.

Taking advantage of this time, Xu Ming'er had already left the Shengqi Tower in a grand manner and got on the carriage waiting at the door. Xia Xun, who was a temporary driver, pushed down his felt hat, waved his whip, and the carriage drove away.


"That's all, that's all, our Fang family... Our Fang family doesn't dare to climb up to your Zhongshan Palace. We can't afford such a good wife!"

Fang Xiaoru was so angry that her lips were numb. After saying this sentence, she could hardly breathe evenly.

Xu Huizu was furious, but his arms were tightly held by Xu Zengshou and Chen Xuan, and Ru Chang stood in front of him and tried to persuade them earnestly, so he could not rush out to arrest them.

While they were busy, there was a thump at the top of the stairs. A young eunuch wearing an indigo eunuch's robe held a fly whisk and led four palace guards up the stairs. The four guards at the back were holding lacquer trays in their hands.

There are Ruyi, jade pendants and other items on it.

That little eunuch was none other than Mu En, the little chamberlain who was walking in front of the emperor. The Shengqi upstairs was bustling with excitement, but he didn't know what was going on. Weddings are always bustling, right?

Mu En ran to the steps and stood still, raised his fly whisk, lowered his eyelids, and without looking at the crowd, sang in a long voice: "The Emperor has a decree~~~~"


The noisy people upstairs at Shengqi immediately fell silent. Many people still kept pulling and pushing, and all turned their heads to look at the stairs.

Mu En said without raising his head or opening his eyes: "Your Majesty said, I am delighted to hear that Princess Miaojin of the Zhongshan Palace and Mr. Xizhi's second son Zhongxian are happily married. I am very pleased and I will give you a pair of Ruyi jade and a pair of dragon and phoenix jade pendants."

, a gilt-silver and jade-inlaid blue Guanyin peach heart, and an incense embroidery bag hanging from the Xia pei pendant. May the newlyweds raise their eyebrows together, grow old together, and have children and grandchildren..."

After Mu En finished speaking as if singing a happy song, he raised the fly whisk again, and then opened his eyelids. When he opened his eyes, he was startled, and saw all the guests in the hall looking at him, looking dumbfounded.

Mu En also felt strange. He looked left and right, and found nothing wrong with himself. He raised his neck, raised the dust, and sang: "Xu Huizu and Fang Xiaoru came forward to receive the order. Thank you."


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