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Chapter 038 Disguise as a woman to go fishing

Chapter 038 Women disguise themselves as women and go fishing

The scholar sitting opposite said disapprovingly: "Brother Ji, you are just a suspicious person. As an official, you should uphold the public character in your heart. You should not judge someone's words and expressions with pity and act emotionally. If the case is decided like this

It's simple. Whoever speaks pitifully or cries loudly in court will win the case? You see, the county magistrate has detained three gangsters and ordered the government servants from the third team and the sixth room to search all over the city.

, the judgment cannot be said to be unfair. Drawing shadows and arresting people all over the world is not a trivial matter. Without evidence, how can we tamper with state weapons based only on Granny Tang's words?"

The scholar surnamed Ji said: "Absurd! If the Tang family woman really has an adulterer, her husband is not at home, her mother-in-law is old and has limited mobility, and she is the one who does the daily shopping. If she elopes with her adulterer, who will she choose?

It was not a good time to walk, but she had to choose a rainy night, and she had to go on a large-scale operation, hiring people and cars to lure her mother-in-law out? There was a night curfew, and the four cities were closed, where could she live and escape? So...

How unreasonable, do you still believe in the possibility of elopement?"

The scholar surnamed Gao said wistfully: "Oh, why didn't I think of that? Brother Ji's words make sense. Why don't we go to see the county magistrate later and share Brother Ji's insights to help the magistrate to solve the case."



The scholar surnamed Ji stopped him and said: "Xianning, you are too upright. Don't you know that people's hearts are sinister? The scholar surnamed Yang in the hall is much smarter than you. Brother, I watched with cold eyes. What the county magistrate said, that

The scholar surnamed Yang was also very disbelieving, but he never said a single word in class. Would a person who could pass the Jinshi examination and be sent to a county be as ignorant of worldly affairs and people as you, Gao Xiandi? Those who are officials

Which one of them is not a human spirit?"

He picked up the wine and said with a cold smile: "I'm afraid it's not that he doesn't know, but he's just pretending to be confused. Brother Gao Xian, the water in Putai County is very deep. For a naive person like you, it's better not to swim in it.

, if you are not careful, we brothers will all fall into it."

The scholar surnamed Gao blushed and said: "You said... the county magistrate intentionally indulged the murderer? How is this possible? The county magistrate lived in poverty for ten years. He received the teachings of Confucius and Mencius and learned moral articles. Now he is serving the country.

, How can you do something like indulging gangsters when you are eating the salary from the imperial court?"

The scholar surnamed Ji raised his neck and drank all the wine in the cup, and said disdainfully: "If you have studied moral articles, you must know how to be polite. Today's emperor no longer needs strict laws to punish corruption. Hu Weiyong came up with a 'peeling plug'

When the punishment of "grassroots" comes, officials at all levels who have embezzled more than 60 yuan will be skinned and filled with straw, and they will remain in their original offices. When new officials take office, they must look at their predecessors and try to emulate them.

After a shocking lesson, we should be able to curb corruption. But you see that corrupt officials continue to do so, so do you want to stop it?

A newborn child knows that when it sucks its mother's breast, twin brothers who snatch it will cry and brush it away. Human nature is inherently evil. It only knows that there is me and not that there is anyone else. Moral articles, poems, etiquette, and education can teach people, but they cannot.

To make everyone do good, even those who cannot resist the temptation of wine, sex and wealth, do good today and do evil tomorrow. Only the Legalists can rule the world."

At this moment, we were talking about two extremely controversial propositions: "Human nature is inherently good" or "Human nature is inherently evil" and "Rule the country by law" or "Confucianism". The scholar surnamed Gao couldn't help but change his face, and said solemnly: "I

Look at Mr. Shan’s integrity, and he definitely doesn’t look like a corrupt official who takes bribes or bends the law. Brother Ji, you were expelled from the county school just because you were cynical and often made shocking remarks. Why don’t you know how to repent?”

This sentence made the scholar surnamed Ji angry. He finally passed the exam, but because he often made shocking remarks and even had different opinions on the teachings of the most holy teacher, he was denounced as presumptuous by the teachings and instructors. Heresy, expropriation and borrowing, this matter has always been a pain in his heart. Now that his friend opened the scar, he couldn't help but became furious, his eyes were red. He glared at the scholar surnamed Gao and said viciously: "Xian Ning is already here." So, do you dare to make a bet with your brother?"

The scholar surnamed Gao said in surprise: "What are you betting on?"

The scholar surnamed Ji said: "I will think of a way to catch the traitor who raped the civilian girl. If it is confirmed that he has colluded with the county magistrate..."

The scholar surnamed Gao asked: "What then?"

The scholar surnamed Ji said: "How about you stand on the street and shout three times: 'Human nature is good, bullshit is nonsense'?"

The scholar surnamed Gao suddenly changed his expression. "Human nature is inherently good" is what Mencius said. As a disciple of Confucianism and a student of the county school, how could he dare to do such a rebellious and unethical act?

When the scholar surnamed Ji saw his hesitation, he couldn't help but look up to the sky and laugh: "Haha, you don't have to say it. Your hesitation has proved that 'human nature is good and bullshit is nonsense', hahaha..."

The scholar surnamed Gao blushed, gritted his teeth, and was about to accept his bet. Peng Ziqi, who was sitting in the corner, couldn't help but asked: "Seeing that you are so determined, is it possible that you have a way?"

Ji and Gao started chatting, and it was not dinner time. Xia Xun and Peng Ziqi checked into the hotel first, came in through the back door, and sat in the corner as soon as they entered. The two of them didn't pay attention. At this time, they heard someone talking. Only then did they realize that the two of them were talking a little unscrupulously. When they took a closer look, they immediately recognized that these two people were Yang and Peng who had restrained the three rogues and saved Granny Tang. They couldn't help but be surprised and happy.

Just now, many people came to the yamen gate to watch. These two scholars had also gone there before, so they recognized their appearance. They quickly left their seats. The scholar surnamed Gao bowed from a distance and said: "It turns out that they are Mr. Yang and Mr. Peng who rescued people righteously. Discourteous, discourteous.”

The scholar surnamed Ji was much more generous. He laughed and stood up and said: "We are destined to meet each other. You two brothers, please move to your seats. How about we get drunk together?"

When he said this, the scholar surnamed Gao also extended his invitation. Xia Xun was so kind and could not refuse. Peng Ziqi wanted to know if the scholar surnamed Ji had any better ideas than Xia Xun. Sit down at a table, bow to each other, and announce your status.

It turns out that the scholar surnamed Ji is called Ji Gang, and the scholar surnamed Gao is called Gao Xianning. They are both from Linyi. They were both students of the county school and had a close friendship. After Ji Gang was expelled from the county school, their friendship did not end. Later, Gao Xianning wanted to leave his hometown for a study tour. Firstly, he was a close friend and couldn't bear to be separated. Secondly, Ji Gang had practiced martial arts since he was a child and was very good at boxing and kicking. With him by his side, the road would be safe, so he asked him to go with him.

The two of them were on a study tour in various prefectures and counties in Shandong. They visited Putai County yesterday and were left behind by the heavy rain. This morning they happened to see Xia Xun and Peng Ziqi escorting Granny Tang to the county government office. They had nothing to do, so they followed her. The whole process was watched.

Xia Xun vaguely remembered reading martial arts novels before. It seemed that in the early Ming Dynasty, there was a commander of the Imperial Guard named Ji Gang, but this name was really common. There are many people with the same name and surname in the world. Xia Xun only knew that Commander Ji was very domineering and majestic. But they didn't know much about his life, nor where he was from, and they never thought there was any connection between the talented scholar in front of him and the powerful Ji Gang, so even though his name seemed familiar, he didn't think much about it.

They informed each other of their names, and as soon as they sat down, Peng Ziqi couldn't wait to ask: "Brother Ji, do you have any good ideas to catch that bad guy?"

"This..." Ji Gang hesitated.

Peng Ziqi said: "To be honest with Brother Ji, we also hate that the gangster is really rampant. We were just discussing a solution. If Brother Ji has a good idea, maybe we can join hands to eliminate this harm to the place."

She lightly clapped the knife in her palm and said proudly: "In terms of knowledge, I am not as good as you, but in terms of martial arts, I am confident that I can help."

Ji Gang pondered for a moment and said cheerfully: "I did think of a way just now, but there are still many difficulties in doing it."

Peng Ziqi hurriedly said: "Brother Ji, please speak, let's discuss it together."

Ji Gang looked around and lowered his voice and said: "The gangster kidnapped the civilian girl, most likely for sexual intercourse. In this case, if you want to lure him into his trap, you must do what he likes and attack his weak points. What I mean is

, you can go to other prefectures and counties to spend a lot of money to hire a talented and beautiful girl from a brothel, pretend to be a village girl who seeks relatives and friends, and come to Putai County to show off. As long as the villain sees it, he will naturally have evil thoughts. As long as he

As soon as I take action..."

Peng Ziqi was surprised: "How come his method is the same as Yang Wenxuan's?"

Peng Ziqi composed himself and said: "This matter is very dangerous, how can that girl agree to it?"

Ji Gang said: "Money can make the world go round! Besides, this matter is so important, how can we tell the truth?"

Peng Ziqi said with some displeasure: "In this case, isn't it just taking advantage of her? What if something goes wrong..."

Ji Gang said disapprovingly: "Brother Peng, mother-in-law and mother-in-law, how can you do such a big thing? A woman like that is only doing skin care business, and if something goes wrong...haha, what else can she lose?"

Xia Xun slowly said: "It's easy to lure a snake out, but how to catch a thief?"

Ji Gang smiled and said: "Brother Yang is very worried, so if you want to carry out this plan, the most important thing is not to lure the snake out of the hole, but how to catch the thief. Therefore, if this plan is to be carried out, I must first rush to Qingzhou Walnut Garden to meet him.

Only with the help of one person can this plan be feasible."

Xia Xun wondered: "Qingzhou Walnut Garden? Are there any outstanding people there?"

Ji Gang smiled and said: "Ah, I forgot, Brother Yang and Brother Peng are from Qingzhou. Haha, have you ever heard of the Cui family in Walnut Garden?"

Xia Xun vaguely felt that the name was familiar. Before he could remember it, Peng Ziqi exclaimed softly, "Ah," he said, "Qingzhou Walnut Garden Cui family, I understand. Brother Ji must be talking about Cui Di Cui."

The old lady’s house?”

Ji Gang said: "Exactly, it turns out that Brother Peng has also heard of the Cui family. Ji has some relatives with the Cui family. Cui Yuanlie, the eldest son of the Cui family, is Ji's distant cousin."

"Cui Yuanyeol?"

Now Xia Xun also remembered that Cui Yuanlie was not the young scholar who rode a donkey on the street that day and crashed into the car with the young master of the Zhu family. Later, he fell in love with the young lady of the Zhu family and had a flirtatious relationship. He also invited Cui Yuanlie to visit him.

He left Qingzhou in just a few days, and I don't know if Cui Yuanlie has been there.

Ji Gang said: "The three most powerful families in Shandong are the King of Qi, the King of Lu and the Kong Sheng family, followed by the Cui family of Walnut Garden."

Xia Xun was secretly surprised and a little unbelievable. He remembered that Cui Yuanlie once introduced his family background to him. It seemed that his father was just a squire and landlord with no fame, and his grandfather had only served as an eighth-level tutor.

What power do you have?

Ji Gang said: "Tai Gong Cui has only served as an eunuch of the eighth rank in his life. He is indeed a small official, but even if Cui Taigong meets the first rank of the three gongs and six ministers, he is still an equal figure. This old lady, I have in my hand the platinum elegant dragon-head crutch given by the current emperor himself. The emperor has issued a special decree. Old Mrs. Cui wears first-class clothes and enjoys first-class honors when going out. However, this old lady has always been cautious and self-reflective and never shows off his power, so Not many people know.”

Xia Xun said with emotion: "What is the identity of this old Mr. Cui that he is so favored by the emperor?"

Ji Gang smiled and said: "It's nothing. It's just that when the current emperor was still working as a cow herder, he once lived in Shandong. At that time, he was herding cattle for the Cui family in the walnut garden of Qingzhou Prefecture. At that time, the old lady Cui was still a member of the Cui family. Young Master, he was very friendly to the emperor, never quarreled or scolded him, and often brought some food to give to the emperor. Later, the emperor became the emperor, and he repaid his kindness, so the reward for the Cui family was naturally very heavy."

Ji Gang finished speaking with envy, and then added: "Ji has only had one or two interactions with this distant cousin, but I know that he has always been upright. If he knows what is happening here, he will definitely help. I My cousin is the heart and soul of the old lady Cui. As long as he is willing to help, he will definitely be able to use the old lady's leading crutches. With this thing in his possession, the magistrate of Putai County will not dare to disclose it even if he has received many benefits from the villain. Favoritism, once the matter becomes public, he will not be able to protect that person."

Peng Ziqi frowned and said: "This method is of course appropriate, but first go to other prefectures to choose a girl, and then go to Qingzhou to invite Mr. Cui, back and forth, I don't know how many days it will take. I'm afraid it will take a long time until the villain is caught. The young lady of the Tang family has already..."

Ji Gang said calmly: "When you are in a dangerous situation and you are planning big things, you naturally have to plan before you act, making sure to hit the target with one strike. If we can eliminate one harm and prevent others from being harmed by it, it is already a great merit. As for the lady of the Tang family, How can you seek perfection when you know you can't be saved?"

Xia Xun glanced at him and thought: "The plotter has no intention, he is a ruthless character!"

Peng Ziqi said angrily: "What a big deal is a daughter's family name? How can we downplay it so lightly? But there is a glimmer of hope, so we shouldn't just sit idly by. Besides, if a woman who doesn't know the truth is involved, even if she is a brothel girl, there will be no means. Guangming. Let's do this. I'll think of a way to lure the bad guys to show up. Brother Kosuki on the other side of Qingzhou will start immediately. It's good if we can grab one more day."

Ji Gang said in surprise: "Brother Peng, do you have any suitable candidates?"

Peng Ziqi blushed and said, "I...I can't dress up as a man, can't I?"

Ji Gang and Gao Xianning looked at Peng Ziqi in unison. With their curved eyebrows, big eyes, straight bridge of nose, small mouth, and white and tender skin, they were more delicate and lovely than girls. They were so embarrassed that they felt dizzy. Wow, as graceful as a two-petal peach blossom, if such a beautiful young man puts on women's clothes...,

"Okay! Of course!" Ji Gang and Gao Xianning nodded immediately.

Xia Xun touched his nose and said slowly: "There is no need to go to Qingzhou Walnut Garden. If Brother Gao and Brother Ji are willing to help, we can borrow enough power to resist the magistrate in Putai County. In this way ..., can we carry out the fishing plan immediately?"

This chapter has been completed!
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