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Chapter 387 Premeditated

Chapter 387 Premeditation

Xia Xun asked calmly: "How are you going to save me? Go back to the house directly and ask your elder brother to release him? The only possibility is that you will be imprisoned by your elder brother and will never be free again."

Xu Ming'er sobbed: "But... third brother is like a prisoner now, and Fang Xiaoru and others are still refusing to let him go. You also know that this emperor is a person who has no idea. If he changes his mind one day, he will want to do it again."

What should I do if I kill my third brother?"

Xia Xun let out a long sigh and said, "Don't cry. Of course we want to save people, but we have to pay attention to methods to save people. It's not like you come to the door to rescue them openly, do you understand?"

Xu Ming'er's eyes were still full of tears, but she was already pleasantly surprised and said: "Are you willing to help me find a way? I knew that my uncle is the best, and he is the most powerful liar. He will definitely be able to save my third brother."

Xia Xun was a little embarrassed, and Xu Ming'er quickly explained: "I'm not hurting you, I'm complimenting you."

Xia Xun said embarrassedly: "Okay, I know you are praising me. If I don't help you, it's strange that you, little girl, would spare me."

Xia Xun sighed and added in his heart: "It's not just you. Since I already know about this matter, if I don't make the slightest attempt, your eldest sister will not forgive me. Even His Highness King Yan... I'm afraid he will also have it in his heart."

What a big pimple. Governor Xu, are you dead or alive now? No matter what, I took a risk for you because you saved my life in a righteous way, and I have to repay this kindness!"

Xia Xun said softly to Xu Ming'er: "Okay, if you want to save people, you must first have the strength. You sit down first, eat something peacefully, and we will discuss how to save your third brother."

Xu Ming'er had great trust in Xia Xun's abilities. Since he agreed to help her save her third brother, in Ming'er's mind, there was no doubt that the third brother would escape. Originally, thinking about Xia Xun's

What he did in Peiping, and then think about his feat of saving the "Three Little Pigs" from Jinling, he is very capable, he is a good guy who can have a bad idea in the blink of an eye!

Xu Ming'er sat down as instructed, picked up the rice, put a grain of rice into her mouth, and blinked at Xia Xun, looking pitiful.

Xia Xun just tore off a piece of elbow and stuffed it into his mouth. Seeing her like this, he had to put down his chopsticks and talk about business first. He tried hard to swallow the big mouthful of meat, coughed and said, "We have to understand the situation in the house first.

Where is your third brother being imprisoned, and how many people are guarding him. But we cannot have direct contact with the Zhongshan Palace.

Since the imperial court suspects that he is a secret spy of King Yan, how can it not be on guard for someone to rescue him while keeping a strict watch on him? We cannot let someone in instead of rescue him. A palace as big as Zhongshan Prince's Palace has thousands of rooms.

There are always people coming in and out frequently to buy the daily needs of the palace. Among these people, are there anyone you are familiar with and reliable?"

Xu Ming'er blurted out: "My Xu family servants are all old men passed down from father to mother. No matter they leave the Zhongshan Palace or betray the Zhongshan Palace, there is no way out. They are all very reliable."

Xia Xun stared at her and said: "I mean... I am particularly close to you or your third brother, so I won't be the one to tip off your eldest brother."


Xu Ming'er put down her chopsticks, raised her chin and thought seriously.

After thinking for a long time, her eyes lit up and she said excitedly: "Yes! Qiaoyun's father, Hu Tianluo, is the second manager in the kitchen. His daughter Qiaoyun is my personal maid. In the first two years, his wife became seriously ill.

, or should I give him my own private money..."

Xia Xun interjected: "Is this person reliable?"

"Reliable! Absolutely reliable!"

Xu Ming'er said firmly: "The Xu family is such a big family, and the servants are divided into two large rooms, two rooms and three rooms. He is mine and has no guts to betray me!"

Xia Xun nodded and said: "That's it, let's have a good meal. We'll go find him later and understand the situation in the palace first."


Early the next morning, the Xu family's grocery shopping cart came out of the side door and walked toward the downtown area of ​​Chicken Coop.

There are thousands of people in the Xu family, and their daily consumption of fresh vegetables and meat is astonishing, and their daily purchases have to be loaded on large trucks.

Hu Tianluo, the second steward of the kitchen, followed slowly behind the car. The steward of the kitchen was a fat man. Because his wife was sick, he often had to buy some medicinal materials. The young lady was kind and specifically asked the third master to arrange for him to work in the kitchen. Hu Tianluo responded to this

I am grateful and grateful to work in this position. Even if I don’t have to do anything with my hands, just because the Xu family purchases so much every day, there are many grain and oil shops and vegetable stores that actively fawn over him and grant him benefits. These people often want to give him some benefits. These benefits

It's enough to supplement household expenses.

As he was walking, a big fat man suddenly walked towards him. When he saw Hu Tianluo, he laughed and came up to him. He put his arms around his shoulders and called out affectionately: "Old Hu, you are such a busy man. It's rare to see him."

When I see you, why didn't you come out when I came to have a drink with you last time?"

Hu Tianluo was a thin man with a moustache. When he was hugged by this tall fat man, he was like a father hugging his son. The fat man also had body odor, which made Hu Tianluo dizzy. He looked up at this man, as if he had no impression at all. He couldn't help but

He said quietly: "You...recognized the wrong person?"

"That's right, Hu Tianluo, it's you. Haha, if I peel off your skin and burn it to ashes, I will recognize you. Don't you just owe me two ounces of money? My brother is loyal and I am not in a hurry to ask you for it. You keep hiding.

What am I doing?"

The man was talking and laughing, and suddenly lowered his voice and whispered a few words urgently. Hu Tianluo was a little angry and was about to break away from his arm, but after hearing his whisper, he suddenly calmed down. The man smiled and said: "

Let's go for a walk. It's better to meet by chance than to meet each other. Let's go have a drink in the store. I invited you last time but you didn't come. This time you have to invite me."

Hu Tianluo turned around and gave instructions to the guys in charge of purchasing, telling them to drive to the market. He obediently followed the fat man into a tavern on the roadside.

In the tavern, there were two tables next to each other. Fatty and Hu Tianluo were sitting here. A step away, an old man with a white beard sat in front of another table. Opposite him sat a little girl, because the little girl had her back to the door.

, only her back can be seen. Judging by her age, she seems to be the granddaughter of the old man with the white beard.

The fat man ordered a few side dishes to go with the wine, and he and Hu Tianluo exchanged glasses of wine and became very affectionate. At a glance, they really looked like a pair of friends reunited after a long absence. Outside the tavern, there were several passers-by wandering around, their eyes vaguely vague.

Be wary and scan other pedestrians.

"Lao Hu, where is my third brother being held?"

The little girl didn't turn her head, and asked in a low voice while picking at the dishes on the plate.

Hu Tianluo also lowered his voice and said: "The third master is imprisoned in the "Sijin Pavilion" in the West Garden."

The little girl asked again: "How many people are there to look after it?"

Hu Tianluo said: "There are not many people, just four generals, but the eldest master has given orders, and the third master does not dare to go out of "Sijin Pavilion". In the past few days, the second lady and several young masters have been crying and begging the eldest master. , I want to see the third master, but I am not allowed to do so."

"No one is allowed to see my third brother?"

"Of course not. The eldest master brought the Jin Yiwei to arrest the third master that morning. In the evening, he drove the third master back in a car. He directly opened the corner gate of the west courtyard and escorted the third master into the "Sijin Pavilion". Hey, it seems that the eldest master is really popular, and the third master is like being in jail now..."

The old man with a white beard coughed, rubbed his beard with his hand, and asked in a low voice: "How has Duke Wei been doing these past few days? Please tell me carefully."

This old man with a white beard was Xia Xun. Xu Ming'er looked at him in surprise, not understanding what he was asking her elder brother for. Hu Tianluo didn't recognize him and was a little surprised, so he didn't answer.

Xu Ming'er said: "Old Hu, just answer it."

"Yes, I..."

Xia Xun stared at him and said, "Speak slowly and carefully!"

Hu Tianluo was stunned, and then he said thoughtfully: "Eldest Master... The night when the third master was imprisoned in "Sijin Pavilion", the eldest master went to the ancestral temple alone, apologized to his ancestors, and knelt for a whole night. Later, he was still a big man. The madam went and knelt down at the door of the ancestral hall to beg, and the eldest man came out. In the past few days, the eldest man did not see any outsiders, and did not even go back to the back house. He just lived in the study. Alas! The eldest man... was also very angry. , he is his brother after all. The eldest master is loyal to the court and cannot but report what the third master did, but he is also worried that the emperor will really kill the third master."

Xia Xun thought for a moment and asked, "How has Duke Wei been eating these days?"

Xu Ming'er and Hu Tianluo were stunned again, not understanding why he was asking these questions. Hu Tianluo thought for a while and replied: "We ate very little. In the first day or two, we almost brought back as much food as we brought to the study. These two Genius started eating, but his appetite was much smaller than before."

Xia Xun's eyes flashed slightly, and then asked: "So, has Wei Guogong ever been to "Sijin Pavilion"?"

This is not within the scope of Hu Tianluo's management, but this is the only thing that has been discussed in the Xu family these days. He has naturally heard others talk about the eldest master's movements, and said: "Old Hu didn't see it with his own eyes, but I heard from the chief steward that he has been to "Sijin Pavilion" several times."

Xia Xun nodded, smoothed his beard and said nothing.

While Hu Tianluo and his fat friend, whom he had not seen for many days, were still drinking from glass to glass, the old man with the white beard had already led his little granddaughter out of the hotel and walked staggeringly on the street.

After turning a few alleys, the grandfather and grandson disappeared.

In the guest room of a small inn, Xia Xun, dressed as a businessman, and Xu Ming'er, dressed as a boy, were sitting on a bed and a stool, talking across from each other.

"Uncle, we want to save my third brother, why are you asking my eldest brother so many things?"

"I'm wondering...if this is a trap."


Xu Ming'er was stunned for a moment, then realized: "No way, no matter how ruthless the eldest brother is, he is always his brother. He is loyal to the emperor, so he had to report the third brother. He must feel uncomfortable in his heart. The eldest brother's behavior is not special... …”

"Well, you don't have to worry. No matter what, we always have to find out clearly, even if it is a trap with many traps, a dragon's pool and a tiger's den! I just want to be as careful as possible."

Xia Xun said, took the bag, took out the paper, pen and ink cartridge, spread it out on the small square table, and said to Xu Ming'er: "Come, draw as much as possible of the West Crossing Courtyard, and explain it to me in detail."


Xu Ming'er quickly agreed, spread out the paper, and explained to Xia Xun seriously while drawing...


"Our Zhongshan Prince's Mansion is mainly divided into two parts: the east and west. The east courtyard is the main residence. After the screen wall is the gate, the front hall, the second entrance hall is the reception room, and then the back house. The residences of the eldest, second, and third brothers are divided into courtyards.

, are all nearby. The west courtyard is mainly a garden, and occasionally there is an embroidered pavilion, which is where the daughter of the Xu family who has not left the pavilion lives.

The original embroidery building of the three sisters is now occupied by the eldest brother and the grown-up girls living in the second brother's room. My residence is also in the west courtyard. The west courtyard consists of a main garden and five small gardens in the shape of petals.

The garden is called Jingmiao Hall, which was originally my residence. "Sijin Pavilion" is on the west side of Jingmiao Hall and is one of my study rooms. Outside the study room, there is a low wall with green tiles. Outside the low wall is a corridor with a wall. It is convenient to go out.

On the street..."

Xia Xun walked slowly under the shade of the road on the west side of the Zhongshan Palace. While thinking about what Xu Ming'er told him, he quietly looked at the Zhongshan Palace. Although he deliberately stood on the other side of the road, separated by the high wall,

Still unable to clearly see the scene in the courtyard, he could only vaguely see a corner of the cornice, which must be where the "Sijin Pavilion" was. Xia Xun frowned, raised his head and looked forward, and saw the "Sanyou Pavilion" restaurant in front of him.

This restaurant is across a street from Zhongshan Prince's Mansion, and is slightly behind the general location of Sijin Hall. If you climb to the three-story building, you can definitely see the situation in the courtyard clearly. Although he is already here

I saw the movement of the Zhongshan Prince’s Mansion upstairs. After all, I didn’t know much about the buildings at that time. What remained in my impression was only the scenery of the mountains, rivers and pavilions, and I didn’t remember clearly the roads and the specific locations of the buildings.

Xia Xun thought about it and walked away. In the evening, he came to the restaurant again. He was still dressed in the same dress, but he didn't let Ming'er follow him. The waiters in these restaurants have very poisonous eyes. After seeing a customer, he was very surprised.

I will never forget it for a long time. If Xia Xun changed his clothes again, he might make them suspicious, so Xia Xun still dressed up as a merchant, entered the restaurant and went up to the third floor, choosing the one where he could best observe the scenery of Zhongshan Prince's Palace.

Elegant room.

Xia Xun moved the chair to the balcony of the fence and quietly observed the movements of the Zhongshan Palace. He thought quickly in his mind: "The emperor put Xu Zengshou under house arrest just because he took care of the Zhongshan Palace, which was the first contributor to the founding of the Ming Dynasty? Not necessarily, right?

Even if he is like this, will Luo Qianshi let this opportunity pass easily? In their eyes, Xu Zengshou is the most successful eyes and ears of my Feilong Secret Agent. Now that Xu Zengshou has fallen into their hands, will he turn the other way?

, become a bait for the imperial court to fish?"

After thinking for a long time, Xia Xun showed a sarcastic smile on his face: "For both public and private purposes, Xu Zengshou must be saved. If I can save him, I will repay Governor Xu, and I will also treat the Yanwang family."

If we can’t save him, at least... Li Jinglong and Mu En will be safer.”

He leaned against the thick pillars of the building and began to pour himself a drink, as leisurely as an old man fishing by the river.

With the afterglow of the setting sun, the picturesque garden in front of him was firmly engraved in his mind...

This chapter has been completed!
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