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Chapter 408

Chapter 408 Encouragement

"Quick! Put out the fire quickly and save the emperor!"

King Yan originally wanted to avoid the palace, but when he saw the palace was on fire, he had to come. As soon as he entered the palace, King Yan hurriedly gave an order, and the men and horses he brought quickly joined the ranks of putting out the fire. In fact, there was no need to do anything to save it.

, that palace has been burned to the ground, and what is left are all things that are not easy to burn.

When the fire was extinguished, the warriors used hooks to remove the fallen wood and bricks and clean them up. Zhu Di stood aside and watched. At this time, seeing the fire in the palace, many officials came to the palace one after another. Zhu Di

More and more people gathered behind me.

There were so many people that it was easy to do things, and the ruins were still so hot that it burned people's faces. After the ruins were cleared, several corpses were dragged out from inside. The young chamberlain Mu En stepped forward to identify them. The pair of corpses hugged tightly together should be the queen's empress.

and the prince, but the other charred corpses, judging from their body shapes and the positions they were taken out of...

Mu En hesitated for a moment and saw that King Yan was still waiting outside the scene of the fire. He hurriedly rushed to him and knelt down in front of him, saying: "Your Highness, I have carefully identified the mother and the son who died in each other's arms.

They are the empress and the young prince. As for the emperor’s body..."


Zhu Di asked in a low voice, and Mu En became a little timid. He often served in the palace and was used to looking at people's faces. At this time, he subconsciously raised his head and took a peek. Ji Gang, who was standing next to Zhu Di, had already shouted loudly: "Your Majesty...

The body has been found in the palace!"

His words were not questions, they were clearly assertions, and his voice was raised extremely high. The officials who were standing in the distance and did not dare to approach could all hear clearly. Mu En was so blessed that he quickly kowtowed and said, "Yes, Your Majesty."

...It’s already a funeral!”

Zhu Di glanced at Ji Gang approvingly and said to Mu En, "Are you someone close to His Majesty..."

Ji Gang quickly approached Zhu Di and whispered a few words to him. Zhu Di suddenly understood. When he looked at Mu En again, his expression softened a lot, and he said in a friendly manner: "Mu En, that's very good. Get up and quickly remove His Majesty's body.

In preparation for being restrained and buried!”


Mu En quickly got up, Ji Gang winked at him, and walked together to the burnt corpses. Mu En was young after all. He looked at this one and that one. He had not yet decided which one should be taken as the corpse.

His Majesty’s body, Ji Gang pointed to a corpse and said: “This is Your Majesty, take it out quickly!”

At that moment, several warriors carried out the corpse and moved it in front of Zhu Di. When Zhu Di saw the corpse, he couldn't help but burst out in grief. He covered his face and cried: "Idiot, I am really an idiot. My uncle came to the capital just to protect the Qing emperor."

Why is it that His Majesty is so obsessed with saving the Emperor from the hands of traitors that he wants to commit suicide?"

As the saying goes, "When a daughter cries sincerely, when a son-in-law cries, a black donkey farts!" When a son-in-law cries for his father-in-law, the mother-in-law is not really sad and just pretends to cry, and when an uncle cries about his nephew, how many of them are really grief-stricken, let alone

This nephew is almost ready to die. He has long been a life-or-death enemy. However, as more and more officials gather together, the drama still needs to be done.

Li Jinglong also arrived at this time. He didn't know that the body was fake. In fact, none of the officials present could tell whether it was real or fake. Firstly, it was because it was far away, and secondly, because the emperor was aloof, even though they were doing it day by day.

When they met, they didn't stare at the emperor, so they couldn't be very familiar with his figure and appearance. Only the servants around the emperor knew the emperor very well. Now that the body was burnt like charcoal, how could they see anything strange?

Li Jinglong was thinking about a very strange question: "The King of Tan, the King of Xiang, and now Emperor Jianwen also have sex. Do the people of Lao Zhu's family have this habit?"

Just as he was thinking about it, Ru Chang, Minister of the Ministry of War, winked at several of his colleagues and friends. He had already stepped forward, prostrated himself in front of Zhu Di, and said loudly: "Your Majesty is already in charge of your distinguished guests. Your Highness expresses your condolences and obeys the order!"

Zhu Di wiped his tears and said bitterly: "The prince's family is either dead or imprisoned. They are shaped like pigs and dogs. The emperor was killed in the palace today. The culprits of all these crimes are Fang, Huang, and Qitai! Gu will never do it."

Qingrao! Has Fang Xiaoru been caught?"

Ji Gang quickly stepped forward and reported: "Your Highness, Fang Xiaoru has been captured alive and thrown into prison!"

Zhu Di sneered and said: "That pig and dog refused to die. They immediately sent people to capture Huang Zicheng and Qi Tai. I want to cut the three traitors into pieces as a sacrifice to the emperor and to the countless heroes who died in vain in the past four years!"

After saying that, Zhu Di stood up. Ru Chang waited and did not get up. When he saw Zhu Di standing still, he immediately kowtowed and said: "Your Highness, the country cannot be without a king for a day. Now that the emperor has passed away, the world is in turmoil and the world is uneasy. No one but the Ming Lord can do it."

The world is determined. At this moment, only His Highness can inherit the throne and be able to protect our Minghai, Yanhe and Qing Dynasties, and the peace and tranquility of our country. I respectfully invite Your Highness to succeed to the throne of the Emperor!"

All the officials behind Ru Chang said in unison: "Your Highness, I respectfully invite you to succeed to the throne of emperor!"

Li Jinglong gritted his teeth with hatred and almost gave himself a big mouth: "What am I thinking about here? Persuading people to come in! Persuading people to come in! Grandma, this is the first time to persuade people to come in, and it has become the old cunning Ru Chang!"

Li Jinglong hurriedly lifted up his robe and knelt down, urging King Yan to succeed to the throne.

Zhu Di waved his hand and said: "Our vassal was innocently persecuted by the treacherous ministers' slander, so we had no choice but to raise troops to defend the clan. We wanted to get rid of the treacherous ministers to protect the ancestral society. We followed the example of Duke Zhou and helped protect the young master. Unexpectedly, the emperor could not forgive the minister's hard work and instead treated him lightly."

I have given up my life. I am so distraught at this moment that I have no intention of seeking great power. Please ask all the civil and military ministers to choose another virtuous king to inherit the great power."

Just as Li Jinglong was about to speak, Ru Chang already said: "The emperor has passed away, and the prince has also returned together. His legitimate grandson and eldest son are no longer here. Your Highness is the direct heir of Taizu, and he is the eldest among the kings. Regardless of morals and martial arts,

Regardless of elder or younger, it is only natural that His Highness should inherit the throne."

Zhu Di just waved his hand: "Don't mention this matter again. Soldiers and horses cannot be stationed in the city permanently. As soon as the traitors on the 'treacherous list' are arrested, I will return to the Longjiangyi military camp. The emperor's funeral affairs have not yet been announced."

Lord Ru and the officials of the Ministry of Etiquette, please have a good time. I am so confused right now that I don’t want to talk about anything. If there is anything else, let’s talk about it later!”


Even the successor designated by the late emperor had to be rejected three times according to ancient etiquette before he could accept the throne. Ru Chang did not expect this persuasion. Zhu Di immediately agreed impatiently. Anyway, he had already succeeded in persuading him.

When he was waiting, he kowtowed, stood up, and took a step back respectfully.

Someone in the palace brought white cloths and covered several bodies first. Then it was time for the Ministry of Rites to prepare the coffins and collect them first.

Zhu Di was actually full of doubts about the life and death of Emperor Jianwen. He was not sure whether the fire in the palace was caused by the emperor's wife or someone else. When Xia Xun secretly sneaked into the city, he once said to him,

To solve the embarrassing situation of "the king meets the king" for him, he could only call Xia Xun to find out the mystery in his mind. Therefore, as soon as he left the palace and mounted his horse, Zhu Di told Ji Gang: "I will return to Longjiang first.

Yi, find Yang Xu and ask him to come see me quickly!"


When Xia Xun left Jinyiwei, he learned that King Yan had returned to Longjiang Station, so he immediately rushed back to King Yan's residence in Longjiang Station.

As soon as they entered the Chinese army's tent, King Yan retreated, leaving only Ji Gang, who knew about it, and asked eagerly: "Wenxuan, there was a fire in the palace, was it you who did it?"

Xia Xun glanced at Ji Gang and said: "As soon as I entered the city, I asked Ji Gang to lead people to guard the palace, pay close attention to everyone entering and leaving, and be prepared to act according to the situation and clear the obstacles for His Highness. However, the fire in the palace is indeed not a small one."

This is what I did."

Zhu Di frowned and said worriedly: "It would be great if it was Wenxuan who did it, but now I'm afraid someone is trying to spread suspicion."


Ji Gang then repeated what he had asked Mu En privately before returning, saying: "Mu En is very familiar with the emperor. He said that there should be no doubt about the bodies of the queen and the prince, but the emperor... I'm afraid they are not among them! By the way, Mu En

En also said that in the past few days, the royal guard Luo Kedi has been called into the palace several times!"

Xia Xun has always been curious about this eternal mystery. He also wanted to find out whether Zhu Yunwen died in the palace or escaped and escaped. At this moment, after listening to Ji Gang's words, he suddenly thought of what Luo Kedi said to him before his death.

What he said: "You beat me in a round! Today, I set up another round. This time, can you win?"

Before he died, there was still a smile on his face, with a hint of pride and a hint of pride in his smile. Luo Kedi was a very proud man. Could it be that the mystery of Jianwen's life and death was the last game he set for himself?

Xia Xun thought for a while, but did not express his speculations. He just said to Zhu Di: "Your Highness, don't worry. Even if the emperor really escapes, seeing how he abandoned his wife and children and escaped alone, he doesn't have the courage or intention to make a comeback at all.

You and I are just hiding their names and trying to survive. I will definitely investigate this matter and get to the bottom of it."

Zhu Di nodded and said: "Only if I leave this confidential matter to you, can I rest assured. Remember not to make it public!"

"I understand!"

Just as he said this, a guard came in and reported: "Your Highness, another group of officials have arrived in the city. They are kneeling outside the camp gate, begging Your Highness to succeed to the throne of the emperor!"

Zhu Di frowned, waved his hands disdainfully and said: "Tell them to go back, I am missing!"

"Yes!" The guard responded and retreated.

Ji Gang immediately said enthusiastically: "Your Highness has inherited the throne, which is expected by everyone. Your Highness should not refuse for too long. You must know that if you are not honest, your words will not be obeyed, and if your words are not obeyed, your orders will be difficult to implement. At present, there are many wastes waiting to be done, and only Your Highness can determine the people's will."

Only when you ascend the throne can you take charge of the center, issue orders, and put things back together that have been corrupted by the war."

His subtext was not spoken, but Zhu Di understood it as soon as he heard it. At present, the people's hearts need to be stabilized, and the fundamental way to stabilize the people's hearts is to re-birth an emperor to hold the central power. Governments and garrisons everywhere are now waiting and watching, including Mei Yin

400,000 troops, as well as tens of thousands of troops in Fengyang, the central capital, as well as King Qin’s divisions being formed in various places...

If they do not ascend the throne quickly and announce the establishment of the new emperor, these people will inevitably be in a dilemma. Should they continue to be loyal to the dead emperor, or should they seek refuge with a vassal king? If the death of Emperor Jianwen is announced and the emperor is officially enthroned, Gen in Beijing will

This problem in the minds of civil and military officials from all over the country was easily solved.

Furthermore, with so many civil servants and generals who followed Zhu Di through life and death, now is the time to repay them, and not to chill the hearts of loyal ministers. Look at how many civil servants and generals from the imperial court turned their backs and surrendered as soon as King Yan's army crossed the Huaihe River, and then think about how even

When Zhu Di was in the most danger, his people remained loyal and loyal, which is especially valuable.

The most important thing is the saying "If the name is not right, then the words will not be right." This right name not only refers to the succession of the emperor, but also to make a comment on his four years of Jingnan. He started the army in the name of Jingnan.

, as a result, Jing Nan stayed for four years, and the emperor was imprisoned. The treacherous minister who wanted Jing was not removed, how could he explain it to the world?

If he wants to ensure the justice of his position, he must give an explanation to the people of the world about the reason for his raising the army and the result of the emperor's death. This explanation means that he must arrest a few people and let them defend the cause of raising the army and the emperor's civil war.

* to take responsibility. These people are naturally Fang Xiaoru, Huang Zicheng, and Qi Tai. These people must die. King Yan raised his army to clear them out. If they don't die, they are not traitors. They are not traitors. Then Zhu Di is.


This is politics. If Fang Huang and others do not die as traitors, Zhu Di will live as a usurper.

These people are all central ministers. Only when Zhu Di deals with them as an emperor can he be justified and final.

Zhu Di actually thought about these things more clearly than Ji Gang. He only thought about it for a moment and figured out the pros and cons, so he nodded and said: "I understand, then... just wait for two more days!"

Ji Gang understood the idea and immediately said excitedly: "Okay, let me go to the camp gate and persuade those ministers to go back."

The so-called persuasion to go back was naturally a hint to them to come back tomorrow. Zhu Di watched Ji Gang's figure disappear from the tent and smiled: "Ji Gang is quite capable!" He turned to Xia Xun again, his eyes softening: "

How's the matter of taking over Jin Yiwei going?"

Xia Xun gently touched the scroll in his arms, bowed slightly and said, "Luo Qian committed suicide, and I have taken over the Jinyiwei Yamen."

Zhu Di nodded and said: "The country is uncertain and the people's hearts are not yet determined. The Jinyiwei can do a lot. The Feilong Secret Agent will be merged into the Jinyiwei in the future, but as an independent secret force! When you formed Feilong, you used a pseudonym.

Xia Xun, let’s use this name from now on, Xia Xun, just be my Zhu Di’s shadow!”

Xia Xun bowed and said: "Yes!" He knew that King Yan had already begun to make some arrangements after becoming emperor.

Zhu Di pondered for a while and then said: "Ji Gang is very clever and his actions are in line with the king's wishes. He is your close friend. According to your understanding, can he do what he wants to do as the commander of the Jinyi Guards?"

Xia Xun was shocked: "King Yan wants to hand over the Jin Yiwei to Ji Gang? Although my Feilong Li belongs directly to the emperor, it is nominally subordinate to the Jin Yiwei. Is this a way for King Yan to prepare a balance for a rainy day, or is it against me?"

Are you wary?"

He did not dare to let King Yan see the gloom in his eyes, so he quickly lowered his eyes and cupped his hands and said: "Your Highness has a keen eye, and I also think that Ji Gang is very qualified as the commander of the Jinyi Guards."

Zhu Di nodded and said: "Well, that's him. There must be someone to take charge of official affairs. I have thought about it, and besides you, Yang Xu, Ji Gang is suitable. Since you can't show up... then let me

He does it!”

Xia Xun said with some confusion: "Chen... why can't you show up?"

"Because the commander of the Jinyi Guards is only a third-rank official at the highest level."

Zhu Di smiled and said to Xia Xun: "I, Zhu Di, will never treat my own people badly!"

p: I got a cold last night. I stayed up until 12 o'clock in single clothes and trousers, posted chapters, added some content, and read book reviews~~, but when I woke up this morning, I sneezed one after another. I just ate white and black~~, eh

, two updates and 8,000 already, please ***, recommendation vote.

Some book friends said that the three days at the end of this month were double ***. Guan Guan is a confused person and can’t remember whether it was double at the end of last year. Does anyone know?

Another: Ecstasy's new book "Shen Ce" ISBN: 2171537. Content introduction: Martial arts, fighting spirit, mind, this is a world of martial arts where the winner is king. Wang Ce's second life is based on traveling to the spy group as a

Beginning. Wang Ce’s fighting spirits are Li Bai, Yue Fei, Gai Nie, Li Xiangjun, and Qin Shihuang. His heart shape is a Chinese knot, please appreciate it.

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