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Chapter 413 The new official takes office

Chapter 413 New official takes office

The gurgling clear water is slowly poured into the leak along a small hole. The leak arrow moves little by little at a speed that is invisible to the naked eye. Every time it moves eight degrees, which is half an hour, the leak is marked.

The eunuch in charge of the room will notify the eunuch Zhidian, who immediately rushes to the emperor's palace holding a sign indicating the new time to report to the eunuch Zhidian.

The palace was completely silent, except for the guards in uniforms who were on night watch in the outer hall, and the eunuchs who stayed up all night and moved the lights from time to time. To the entire palace complex, it was silent and dark.

At the fourth watch of the day, the "Time Tablet" with gold characters on the green ground was delivered to the emperor's palace on time. The eunuch sang, and Emperor Yongle got up quickly, began to bathe and change clothes, comb his hair and beard, then have breakfast and drink tea, and then the eunuch began to serve him.


At the same time, Keluo Fang was still working. Seeing that the time had arrived, they immediately trotted to the Meridian Gate to notify. The Bell and Drum Division rang the bell, the Meridian Gate opened wide, and civil servants and generals filed in one after another.

In the harem, eunuchs with palm prints and eunuchs with pens followed the energetic Emperor Yongle, who was sitting on the sedan chair, towards the Fengtian Hall.

Twelve strong and healthy eunuchs led the way, accompanied by guards in royal robes. At this time, in front of the Fengtian Palace, the eunuchs began to "whip". The imperial guards, palace maids, eunuchs, and civil and military ministers shuttled like looms, for

This gorgeous palace brings life.

This place is like the extremely precise time machine in the carving room. Every link is operated meticulously. This is the heart of the entire empire. The results of its operation will directly affect the entire Ming Empire and thousands of people.

The fate of the people.

The first day of going to court was new and unfamiliar to Zhu Di, but he quickly adapted to this rhythm of life.

There are too many things to deal with under the new emperor and new policies. Moreover, although he has ascended the throne, many places have not yet surrendered. There are many things in military, political, economic, and all aspects that require him, the emperor, to make decisions. Zhu Di listened carefully.

The ministers reported all kinds of news to him and gave him instructions at any time.

Because there were too many things to deal with, today's morning meeting seemed to pass very quickly. Many ministers had not had time to say what they wanted to ask for, and the morning meeting was already over.

It was cloudy today and it seemed like it was going to rain. Zhu Di was busy until noon before going to the side hall for lunch. In the eyes of the eunuchs, the new emperor was very majestic and capable, but Zhu Di was actually very uncomfortable now. He had been in the north for many years.

, likes to eat pasta, he is in his prime and has a big appetite, but for this meal, he only ate one steamed bun, a piece of delicious cooked mutton, and some tofu, so he ordered the banquet to be dismissed and went to the Zhengxin Hall to rest.

While drinking afternoon tea, he asked someone to send the imperial doctor to him. At the same time, he recalled the various issues about the empire that he had heard in the morning, thinking about whether there was anything wrong with the handling, and what new things he planned to inject into the empire.

From what angle? At the same time, he gently beat his legs, where the pain was unbearable.

He has rheumatism. This is a problem caused by his early expedition to Mobei Yuan Dynasty, when he crawled and rolled with the soldiers, climbed on the ice and lay in the falling snow. Because it was cloudy today, his bones were sore and painful, but he could not do it during the court meeting.

Showing a little impatience and pain, he had to make a gesture of listening carefully when each minister reported to him, and he did listen carefully.

Although he was confident that he was more capable than his stupid nephew, and if he were to govern the world, he would be able to govern the country and the people better than Zhu Yunwen, but he was inherently deficient, and he lacked an orthodoxy, which happened to be

What scholars care about most is above the interests of the country and thousands of people. For the sake of orthodoxy, they are willing to sacrifice everything, including their own lives. Someone has already proved this outside Chaoyang Gate.

So he must work hard, not only work hard, but also work a hundred times harder than Zhu Yunwen, and also create brilliant achievements. Isn't this what Li Shimin did? He hopes to use the achievements he has created to gain the support of the world's scholars and govern the world

, you have to rely on them after all.

He also hopes that through his own efforts, future generations will recognize him as a competent emperor. He is now ranked ninth and fifth, the supreme emperor in the world. Apart from his posthumous reputation, there is nothing he wants to pursue but cannot obtain.

You have to work hard for this.

After taking the medicine sent by the imperial doctor and taking a short lunch break, the pain in his body eased slightly. Zhu Di cheered up and summoned officials from the six ministries to continue the discussion.

First of all, it was the Ministry of Personnel. Officials from the Department of Literature and Selection and the Department of Jixun provided him with a long list. At the enthronement ceremony yesterday, he appointed and awarded the highest-level officials, and there are more appointments and removals waiting for him to decide.

, after some serious inquiries and finalizing one by one, he finally determined the list of promotions and rewards.

Then the Ministry of Household Affairs reported to him the country's population, the number of acres, the harvests of previous years, the military disasters this year, and various drought and flood disasters that had not yet been dealt with due to the military disaster. Zhu Di listened carefully and ordered to exempt Shandong provinces affected by the war and drought and flood disasters.

Half-year taxes in Hebei, Henan, Gansu and other places.

Then the Ministry of Rites reported to him the detailed arrangements for the funeral ceremony of Emperor Jianwen and the Crown Prince, and urged the Emperor to bring Princess Yan and the Crown Prince over from Peiping as soon as possible, to confer the title of Queen and to establish the Crown Prince as soon as possible.

Then the Ministry of War reported on the garrison movements in various places, including Sheng Yong's remnants, Tie Xuan in Shandong, the garrison in Fengyang Zhongdu, and the garrison in Huai'an with an army of 400,000. So far, they still "know nothing about Zhu Di leading his army to invade Nanjing"

"He also reported to him the situation of Mei Yin Mei's prince-in-law. At the same time, he also reported to him the story of Xiangshan and other coastal areas being harassed by Japanese pirates, and the death of Yi Shaozong, a thousand-household guard in Xiangshan, on the battlefield.


Zhu Di sneered. He could not take care of those Japanese dwarfs who were ridiculed by his father as "looking at the sky and sitting in a well, and the king and his ministers talk to each other." He thought for a moment and said: "Order the officers and soldiers along the coast to strengthen defense and prevent the Japanese pirates from attacking again."

Intruding on my subjects, I ordered Chen Xuan to lead the navy eastward to strengthen coastal defense. Yi Shaozong sacrificed his life for the country and was commendable for his loyalty and bravery. He decreed that he be promoted to one level, buried in Xiangshan and Yuquan Mountain, and given a monument to commend him.

The family's money and food were provided to his son, who succeeded his father and served in the army."

"According to the order!"

Ru Chang agreed and said: "Huai'an Meiyin Department has 400,000 soldiers and horses..."

Zhu Di sneered again, he had already understood Mei Yin's thoughts.

He led an army of 150,000 troops southward and even occupied the city of Nanjing. The prince-in-law of Mei, who had been ordered by Emperor Jianwen to go north to Huai'an in order to prevent him from going south, actually knew nothing about his movements and the situation in Nanjing.

Do you know of any such self-deceiving joke in the world?

This plum consort obviously cherished his feathers and did not dare to fight with him. Also, because he was a trusted minister who stayed at Gu Ming's bed before Emperor Kao's death, he could not directly betray Jianwen, so he pretended to be deaf and mute and stood still.

Zhu Di was very disdainful.

If Mei Yin could lead the troops to fight with him, or if he saw that the situation was over and simply surrendered, he would be an upright man. However, Zhu Di looked down on him from the bottom of his heart. He thought for a while and called out: "Mu'en!


"The slave is here!"

Mu En hurried forward to pay homage to him. Mu En was no longer an imperial chamberlain. After Zhu Di took charge of the palace, he had already promoted him to the rank of eunuch in the palace. He was also a very powerful figure in the palace.


Zhu Di said calmly: "I ordered Princess Ningguo to write a family letter and invite her prince-in-law to come back!"

Mu En quickly said: "Yes!"

Zhu Di's character is very similar to that of his father. Zhu Yuanzhang has such a character: "Screw it!"

Zhu Yuanzhang chose a piece of land, and if you said that there was a lake in that place and it was not suitable for building a palace, he would fill in the lake and not move the place anyway; if you embezzled military rations, he would crush you to death with thousands of dan of grain;

If you embezzle the money to build a school for the students, he will chop off your head and bury it on the road in front of the school, so that the students will trample on it every day...

Didn't Mei Yin just want him to issue an edict and then go down the donkey? King Ning also did this kind of thing of being both a police officer and erecting a memorial arch. At that time, Zhu Di had to cooperate, but now the initiative is in his hands.

In his hands, he naturally does not have to compromise. Zhu Di refused to give that edict. If you want to go downhill, ask your wife to give you a letter from home. You will love it! When the Northern Army passed Huai'an, you didn't dare to send troops to fight. Could it be that

Do you dare to rebel now?

Mu En hurried to the "Ten Princes' Mansion" to convey the emperor's oral instructions to Princess Ning Guo. Zhu Di asked Ru Chang about the situation of the Horse Racing Department, the Chariot Driving Department and the Arsenal Department, and said: "I have ordered the firearms craftsmen of the Ordnance Bureau to

The workshops will all be handed over to the supervision of Fusi of Jinyiweinan Town. You can arrange the handover as soon as possible. In addition to the 3000 Battalion and the 5th Military Battalion, I will form a separate Beijing-based army, the Shenji Battalion, which will focus solely on firearms. In this regard

, you have to work with the Fifth Army Governor's Mansion, Jinyiweinan Town, and the Ministry of Industry to handle it."

Ru Chang quickly bowed and said yes.

Zhu Di looked at Chen Ying, the newly appointed imperial envoy, and ordered: "After I ascended the throne and proclaimed myself emperor, there was no general amnesty for the world! As the saying goes, when a person becomes enlightened, chickens and dogs ascend to heaven, but if because of me becoming emperor, murderers, prostitutes, and corrupt officials

Isn't it unreasonable that prisoners who have committed the most heinous crimes should all be honored for this? However, your Imperial Commission must carefully sort out the cases that have been decided by the Ministry of Punishments and the pending cases. Those cases that are indeed minor cases and have been severely sentenced must be corrected.

Those who committed corruption and accepted bribes were given light sentences because of their status as scholar-bureaucrats. If they were not sentenced, they would be retried and given heavier punishments!"

Chen Ying hurriedly said: "I obey the order, and I have two more things to report to Your Majesty."

"you say."

Chen Yingdao: "Jianwen's old ministers, many people were ordered to go to various places to recruit troops to prepare for the defense of the capital. Among them, Huang Guan has recruited more than ten thousand soldiers and horses, and rushed to Jinling by warship. The ship arrived at Luochaji in Anqing. I heard that Emperor Jianwen was assassinated. Your Majesty

After Jinling City was defeated, he threw himself into the river and the soldiers and horses he recruited also dispersed."

Zhu Di's face suddenly darkened: "Another one, another one, who refuses to admit me to death..."

Chen Ying looked at the face and said: "Wang Shuying was returning from recruiting troops. On the way, he heard that his majesty had inherited the throne and had committed suicide."

Zhu Di suddenly clenched his fists. He suddenly felt that his sore knees were even more uncomfortable. He was so uncomfortable that he just wanted to lie down.

Chen Yingdao: "There is also Tang Zong. Tang Zong disguised himself as a commoner and tried to escape from the capital. He has been caught. Your Majesty obeyed the orders of heaven and inherited the great rule. He has become the master of the world. However, these people who served Jianwen to death have not changed the past and are dedicated to fighting against the emperor."

Your Majesty is an enemy, and I believe that those who are still alive should be killed, and those who are already dead should not be spared, and their clan should be barbarized!"

This Tang Zong was the former Peiping official who took the lead in "reporting" King Yan's rebellion to the court on the instructions of Emperor Jianwen. Chen Ying was also an official in Peiping at the time. It was because Tang Zong reported that he had close contacts with Prince Yan's palace that he was demoted.

Sent to Guangxi, Chen Ying is bound to retaliate. Now that he has captured Tang Zong, how can he let him go?

Zhu Di was silent for a long time and said: "I first raised my righteousness, but I just wanted to punish the treacherous ministers Fang, Huang, Qi and Tai for several generations. The rest of them have the intention of surrender, so they can be forgiven and used."

"His Majesty……"

Zhu Di waved his hand: "They are all loyal to Huang Kao, so they are loyal to Jianwen. I don't hate them for being loyal to Jianwen, I only hate those treacherous people who have sinister intentions, seduce Jianwen, and disrupt the laws of our ancestors!"

Chen Ying has just been appointed as the imperial envoy to the capital, and it is a bit like the new official's appointment. What is the role of the imperial procuratorate? It is to inspect the officials. If he can do a few more important things, his status in the court will be

, his status in the heart of the emperor is naturally extraordinary. However, he made two suggestions to Zhu Di outside the Chaoyang Gate and this time in the Zhengxin Hall, trying to make the implication bigger, but Zhu Di refused.

Chen Ying felt a little frustrated.

Chen Ying only said a few words but did not retreat. Zhu Di asked: "Is there anything else?"

Chen Ying swallowed and said: "Also... Wang Jing, the prefect of Ningbo, rushed to build a warship and wanted to go to the capital to serve the king. When he heard that his majesty had boarded the Dabao, his men dispersed on their own, and some sergeants kidnapped him and brought him to the capital.

I present it to Your Majesty, but I don’t know what to do with this person..."

Zhu Di's enthusiasm since he got up in the morning was dampened by these ladles of cold water. He waved his hands sadly and ordered: "Dismiss him from office and send him back to his hometown!"

Chen Ying was startled. She never expected that Zhu Di's punishment would be so light. She couldn't help but feel disappointed. He only agreed twice and was about to step aside when Zhu Di suddenly said: "By the way, there are several memorials here!"

Zhu Di took out several memorials from the case and handed them to Chen Ying. His originally solemn expression finally turned into a smile: "This is the apology memorial handed in by Jing Qing, Feng Wanshun, Shi Yunchang, Xu An, Zhao Qing and Zhou Xu."

, except for those three criminals, I will forgive everyone who is willing to plead guilty. You can discuss with the Ministry of Punishment and submit a memorial for their release in the near future so that they can be released from prison. Especially Jing Qing, when I was in Peking, he once

He has served as my counselor. He is of honest character and capable in his work. Let him be reinstated and serve in the court."


Although he was hit hard by the incidents involving Huang Guan, Wang Shuying and Ningbo magistrate Wang Jing, Zhu Di felt better again when he thought of these ministers who were on the "treacherous list" but were willing to bow to him and confess their guilt:

"Among the prisoners, Zhuo Jing and Lian Zining are also very rare wise men and capable ministers. You all, the procurators, don't just arrest people. Go to the prison and persuade them. If you can persuade them to be used by me, then that's it."

This is a great achievement of yours.”

Chen Ying was even more unhappy, so she had to reluctantly agree and stepped aside.

At this time, the Minister of Punishment, who had just arrived because of something, hurriedly walked in and saluted the emperor. Because Bao Zhao, the Minister of Punishment, was also a member of the traitor list and had been sent to prison, the Minister of Punishment was temporarily in charge of the affairs of the Ministry of Punishment.

Zhu Di saw that he was sweating profusely and seemed to have run into the palace, so he asked, "What's the matter?"

Liao En, the Minister of Punishment, bowed and said: "Your Majesty, Sheng Yong is coming with his remaining troops to surrender!"

"Sheng Yong?"

All the ministers of His Highness were shocked. This was the third general to rebel. Since Zhu Di started his army, he had only suffered heavy losses at the hands of two people. One was Ping'an and the other was Sheng Yong. Ping'an had surrendered, and now Peking

However, Zhu Di had not yet conquered the world at that time. Seeing that the situation was over, Sheng Yong led his troops to surrender. How would the emperor deal with him?

Zhu Di's face, which had just smiled a little, was already clouded with clouds, and there was a faint murderous look in his eyes: "Sheng Yong? Bring him to see me!"

He immediately went out to deliver the order. After a while, the palace guards escorted Sheng Yong, who was tied up with five flowers, to the Zhengxin Hall. When he saw Zhu Di, Sheng Yong knelt down and kowtowed: "The guilty minister Sheng Yong has seen your majesty!"


After not hearing a word for a long time, Sheng Yong's face gradually turned pale. After a long time, he heard Zhu Di snort coldly. Sheng Yong's body trembled, and then he heard Zhu Di ask: "I'm here to ask you, Jinan City is pretending to surrender, in order to

Qian Jin Zha wants to take my life, whose idea was it?"

Sheng Yong did not dare to raise his head, so he bowed his head and said: "Your Majesty, the false surrender plan... was the idea of ​​Tie Xuan, the governor of Shandong!"

"Okay, that's all. Soldiers never tire of deceit, and I don't take responsibility for it."


The dragon's book table suddenly slapped, and all the civil and military officials in the palace trembled and bowed. Zhu Di asked solemnly: "Then, on the top of Jinan City, the Taizu's memorial tablet should be erected as a shield, and the ministers should use it as a shield."

Who is it that humiliates the emperor with his own body and treats the emperor’s spirit in heaven as a puppet?”

These words were full of murderous intent. Sheng Yong did not dare to breathe loudly, but said in a low voice: "Your Majesty, this... is also Tie Buzheng's idea!"

"Is this true?"

"Since the guilty minister has come to surrender, how can he deceive His Majesty? When the success was reported to the court, the guilty minister did not dare to take away the merits from others. He also wrote clearly that all the lords in the court should know about it."

Zhu Di glanced coldly at the ministers in the palace, several officials from the Ministry of War, the Ministry of Personnel, and the Ministry of Rites all bowed and said: "Your Majesty, where are the ministers and other officials, I saw the meritorious memorial that day. These two things are indeed true.

It was Tie Xuan who did it.”

After hearing this, Zhu Di became a little brighter, raised his hand and said: "In that case, get up and loosen your ties with him!"

"Yes, yes!" Sheng Yong secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and the guards in royal robes on the left and right let go of their hands, letting him stand up and untying his ropes.

Zhu Di said: "The two armies are fighting, each showing his own skills, and I don't blame you for victory or defeat. But I am the son of Huang Kao, and you are the ministers of the late emperor. On the battlefield, if you insult your father's spiritual position, you will treat it like a puppet show.

Whether you are a son or a minister, such disrespect will never be forgiven!"

Sheng Yong said tremblingly: "Yes, yes!"

Zhu Di glanced at him and said: "You don't have to be afraid. This matter is not your idea, and you have already come to surrender. The previous crime will be wiped out and the official will be reinstated. Soon, Mei Yin will return from Huai'an. Shandong is still undecided.

Huai'an must be guarded by a general, so you and Li Yuan, the Marquis of Anping, will go to Huai'an to guard it. Huai'an has been trapped in a land of war and revolution for a long time, so you should gather troops and support the people in order to express my wishes."

Sheng Yong was overjoyed and hurriedly clasped his fists and bowed: "I accept the order and thank you!"

Zhu Di looked up at the sky. Seeing that it was almost dusk, he waved his hands and said, "Okay, I'm tired. You all can go down!"

The ministers quickly bowed and retreated. When they all went out, Zhu Di was silent for a moment and said to Mu En, who had just returned from delivering the order: "Send Xie Jin, Hu Jing, Li Guan, and Wu Pu to come and see me!"

"This slave accepts the order!"

Mu En turned around and was about to leave when Zhu Di stopped him again: "Wait a minute, where is Yang Xu? Why didn't I see him after the morning meeting?"

Mu En also showed a smile on his face: "Reporting to the Emperor, when I just went to the Tenth Prince's Mansion to deliver the decree, I heard from Princess Huaiqing that the auxiliary Duke Yang Xu had gone to the Prince's Consort's Mansion to have a drink."

Zhu Di laughed and scolded: "I have been exhausted all day long, but he is at ease. After being granted the title of Duke, does he just want to enjoy peace and happiness? No, go and get him for me!"

Mu En smiled and saluted, and just as he was about to turn around and leave, Zhu Di said again: "There are also Jin Yiwei North and South Guards Fu Jigang and Liu Yujue, ask them to come together!"


Liu Yujue is forming his team in the long-abandoned Nanzhen Fusi. His people have been transferred from the old members of Jinyiwei. After Emperor Yongle ascended the throne, the palace guards replaced many people from Yanshanwei. The Tianshanwei who were replaced

General Wei had nowhere to go, so he was asked to come over by Liu Yujue. In addition, there were some people assigned to him by Xia Xun from the Feilong Secret Agent.

Liu Yujue is as handsome as a virgin, but he doesn't look very majestic. He used to be Luo Qianshi's little follower, so people in Jinyi didn't take him seriously. Jinyi Nanya has been closed for a long time, and there is dust everywhere inside.

Liu Yujue's men and horses were ready to collect the garbage. Everyone arrived. Early in the morning, he ordered everyone to clean the office first.

Unexpectedly, the old people in Jinyi, especially the two guard commanders who had just been replaced from the palace, had always been accustomed to living comfortably. Their original positions were above Liu Yujue's, so they didn't take his orders seriously at all.

Liu Yujue was busy going to the Jinyiwei Yamen to hand over matters to his old friend and boss Ji Gang. When he returned to Nanzhen in the evening, he saw that the land the two guard commanders were responsible for had not moved at all. The two uncles were hiding under the tree.

They were chatting in the shade. The group of people under their command also talked loudly and sat around lazily.

Without saying a word, Liu Yujue immediately ordered the two guard commanders: "Starting tomorrow, you two won't be coming. Nanzhen Fu can't afford a man like you."

The two guard commanders were startled. They had expected that Liu Yujue would criticize him, but Liu Yujue was young and inexperienced. The best way to establish his authority was to reprimand them openly, win over them secretly, and allow the two of them to do so.

They wanted to secure a more important position in order to consolidate themselves. Unexpectedly, Liu Yujue would actually make such an arrangement in public. The two of them were furious. They jumped up and shouted: "Liu, what did you say? I have worked hard in Jinyiwei for half my life. What do you mean?

No need, no need, where do you want me to go?"

Liu Yujue smiled faintly, put his hands behind his back, and slightly raised his handsome face: "If you don't have a position, you will naturally be laid off. Just wait at home. If there is a vacancy, someone may use you. If you want to ask this town minister for help,

, I can help you move around and arrange a place for you in Xiaolingwei!"

The nearly forty-year-old guard commander was furious and grabbed Liu Yujue with all his might: "You little bastard..."

There was a sneer at the corner of Liu Yujue's mouth, and a cold light flashed in her eyes.

To Luo Qianshi, he is attached and obedient, to Xia Xun, he is trustful and close, and his weakness is only in front of Luo Kedi and Xia Xun. If others think that he is easy to bully, it is wrong.

So wrong!

"There's a good show to watch!"

The royal guards gathered around with cheers...

p: Zhu Di’s treatment of Jianwen’s old ministers quoted above are all historical facts, characters, and deeds, and are not fabricated by me. Friends who are interested can go to the public version to read the relevant information. I will not go into details in the text.

I have a serious cold, and I still have a cough. I have to hold on to the sick body to finish coding. I have to rest. I keep saying that I need to recuperate, but I still have to rest. This chapter is more than 6,000, which is today's update. Next, there will be two chapters every day, 6,000.

It should be about 7,000 words, and it will take a while to prepare.

Another: Gao Yue's new work, "Royal Family" ISBN: 2131476, He is a humble concubine, a young man with a mysterious life experience, a strong man in ten years of business war, and a lazy man who is indifferent to fame and fortune. In his previous life, he was alone and had no one to rely on; in this life, he is a famous royal family,

The house is full of lovely wives. The dynasty is in turmoil, five dragons compete for the heir, and the court battles are strange and shocking. He is a lazy man, where should he go? Please enjoy.

This chapter has been completed!
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