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Chapter 451

Chapter 451 Being a maid and having to warm the bed

Xiaodi suddenly opened his eyes wide and said, "Master...why do you ask that?"

Xia Xun sighed softly, his eyes were a little distracted, and after a while he said: "The first time I saw you in Qingzhou, it seems like it was yesterday. Who would have thought that so many years have passed..."

Xiaodi said quietly: "Yes, young master... you have become the Duke of the country now."

Xia Xun's drunken eyes were blurry and he didn't hear what she said clearly. He said to himself: "Now, I have two lovely daughters, one is five years old and the other is three years old... Xiaodi, you have grown up too...


Xiaodi looked at him eagerly. She couldn't tell whether it was anticipation or fear, but her heart was beating faster and faster, like a deer, banging desperately in her chest, which made her heartache.

"Xiaodi, you know... I am not a young master, and I am not nobler than you, but my love for you is no less than that of your young master... Yang Xu. I dare say, even more than him!"


Xiaodi nodded, her eyes gradually becoming misty.

Xia Xun said: "I watched you... grow from an innocent little girl to a big girl. You have biological parents. It's not my turn to take care of you, but I feel that I have a responsibility. If you like

If you have Xu Yilan, then tell me, I will help you to come forward, no matter what Xu Hu is now, he is a fourth-grade Dusi, I have this face... He has to give it! They don't dare to bully the girls who are married in my family. "

Xia Xun said, feeling sad unknowingly. He originally thought well, if Xiaodi found someone he liked, then he would marry Xiaodi as his own sister, but when things came to pass, he somehow turned out to be very...

Sad. It was extremely difficult to say these words. If he hadn't drank so much today, he wouldn't have been able to say it so fluently.

Xiaodi is not a wealthy heroine like Zi Qi, nor is she a quirky river girl like Xie Xie, nor is she a female pirate like Su Ying who is proud of the sea. She has never been able to accompany him through life and death and experience all the wonderful things.

Only when he returns home, will he cuddle up to him like a gentle kitten, gently hand him a cup of tea, and then comb his hair while happily telling him some family stories. He goes out to do things.

At that time, she could only wait silently, she was just a little girl who could come and go at a moment's notice.

However, such an inconspicuous little girl has unknowingly found a place in his heart. He will never forget the peach he took a bite of, his eyes wide open in shock, as if he was holding a peach.

The innocent little girl who is the little squirrel in the pine cone; I can't forget the strong little girl who suffered Liu Xu's torture but did not reveal a word about him.

In fact, he always thought that Xiaodi would wait for him without any regrets, but when Xiaodi found someone he liked, he wouldn't feel resentful. He had been away for so long, with no name or status, how could he keep waiting?

It’s no wonder that he? She spends time with Xu Yilan day and night...

That young man is indeed good, what else can he say? If he had been from this era from the beginning, he would not have asked Xiaodi for his opinion and would have kept the person as long as he liked it. It is natural and natural, but he is not, so

...He is willing to fulfill Xiaodi's wish.

He couldn't help but took Xiaodi's hands, slid them in along the sleeves, stroked the injured area of ​​her forearms and still felt the hard muscles, and asked softly: "Xiaodi, tell the young master, do you like it?"

Got him?"

Xiaodi's heart sank to the bottom, and she felt chills all over her body. She had been worried, and what she worried about finally happened: "Young master... doesn't want me anymore, he is going to drive me away..."

Xia Xun asked stubbornly: "Xiaodi, tell me!"

"I don't want to be disliked by the young master. If the young master doesn't like me anymore, I'll leave!"

Xiaodi thought to herself and nodded slightly, her smile a little bitter.

Xia Xun only said that she was a little embarrassed, but finally understood what she meant. Xia Xun gave up. He smiled, but he didn't know if it was because he drank too much. The muscles on his face were a little stiff, so his expression was a bit stiff:

"Okay, then... I'll talk to your parents later. If they agree, I... will propose marriage to you. No, no, I will... tell Xu Hu and ask him to come to propose marriage..."

Xiaodi said softly: "Thank you, Master!"

It was strange that she could hold back her tears even though she wanted to cry.

"Okay, don't be shy, leave this matter to the young master. Have Ziqi and the others not come back from going on the street?"

"not yet."

"Oh, you go and take a rest. I'll... have a cup of tea and take a nap later."


Xiaodi turned around, walked to the door, turned back, looked at him reluctantly, walked out quietly, and closed the door, as light as a cat.

As soon as the door was closed, Xiaodi's tears flowed out uncontrollably. She leaned her head up against the door, hot tears streaming down her lips, making them salty.

Xiaodi never cried, but now she cried. In fact, she had never known whether she was dependent or in love with the young master. Now she knows, but she doesn't even have the courage to confess. She is just a cattail, the only one.

Its purpose is to weave a pair of straw sandals. Whether it is her young master or the Duke of the Ming Dynasty, she is worthy of it.

Xiaodi slowly squatted down and buried her head between her knees. Her sad tears fell one by one to the green brick floor, slowly moistening it...

Xia Xun finished drinking tea, but his head was still groggy. He thought about the news revealed to the officials at the banquet today. What he originally focused on was that Chen Ying would handle this matter. In terms of means, Ji Gang was more

A bit ruthless, but when it comes to scheming and power, Chen Ying is obviously better. To deal with those treacherous old officials, only people like Chen Ying can deal with them like a fish in water.

Everything went as expected. After Chen Ying heard the news, he took the initiative to ask for help. This man was very utilitarian. If this thing was done, he would not only please the Duke of Fu, but also the emperor. How could he not strive for credit?

Even if he knew that Xia Xun wanted to take advantage of him, he would still do it.

Of course, just in case, he still asked people to prepare enough evidence. Of course, these evidence could not be handed over directly to Chen Ying. However, as long as he deliberately exposed some flaws, Chen Ying's astuteness would definitely be able to discover it.

Although he is a cruel official, he is also a capable minister.

He doesn't need to worry about other things. Chen Ying is a good dog. If you give him a piece of meat, he will bark vigorously, follow the vines, pick melons and vines, and make a big patch for you. And Xia Xun

All you have to do is sit on the sidelines and watch.

When things have reached this point, Zhang Antai's status and even his life are not guaranteed. How can he not turn to the forces behind him for help?

Xia Xun sneered coldly and felt that his head was getting dizzy. He didn't want to think about it anymore. He calmed down and suddenly heard a faint sound of sobbing. He listened again and found that the sound was gone. He just took a breath and that faint sound was heard. Yue's sobbing came again, and Xia Xun was surprised, so he stood up and walked towards the door.


Xiaodi was sitting on the doorstep crying so hard that when she looked at the door, she let out an ouch and fell in.

Xia Xun looked at Xiaodi with her feet in the air, shaking on the ground like a gold ingot, and asked in surprise: "What's wrong? Why are you sitting here crying? Who bullied you?"

Xiaodi got up, knelt on the ground, and started crying: "Master, please... don't drive me away, Xiaodi... I don't like Xu Yilan, I don't like being an official wife, Xiaodi really doesn't like it... "

Xia Xun was confused when he heard this. He bent down and picked up Xiaodi and said, "Get up, get up quickly, what's going on? Didn't you just agree to it? Then tell me what you want."

Xiaodi stood up, wiped her tears, and said timidly: "Xiaodi... I don't want to get married, I just want to serve the young master. As long as the young master doesn't drive me away, I can do any job you want!"

Xia Xun looked at her blankly, his eyes gradually softening: "If you marry me, you will be the daughter-in-law of a fourth-rank official. Don't you like it?"

"I don't like it!" Xiaodi shook her head.

"If you stay here with me, you will be just a little maid, and you will have to do very hard and tiring work. Do you like it?"

"I like it!" Xiaodi nodded simply.

Xia Xun sighed softly. If he didn't understand this girl's thoughts, then he would not be Xia Xun, but a pig. So, he felt inexplicably happy in his heart.

"I want to bring tea and water."


"Make the bed and fold the quilt."


"You need to comb your hair and tie it up."


The smile in Xia Xun's eyes grew stronger and stronger: "I also have to be responsible for warming the bed!"


Xiaodi opened her eyes wide and looked at Xia Xun pitifully. She was from the north, and people from the north slept on fire beds. Later, although they left Shandong, they went to the island to stay for a few years. She didn't understand the rumors spread among them. This is a common saying in the Huxiang, Jingchu, and Hunan areas.

"Why? Don't want to?"

"Yes! Yes! Yes!"

Xiaodi nodded hurriedly. The young master is worthy of being a prince. He is much more refined and dignified. Two days ago, I heard from the newly hired servant that some noble people drink ** every day in order to maintain their health. *, I didn’t expect that even the bed needs to be warmed by someone.

Xia Xun laughed heartily and waved his hand: "Okay, okay, go and do your work. The young master will not marry you. From now on, you will stay with the young master and you will never have to go out for the rest of your life."

"Well! Thank you, Master!" Xiaodi burst into laughter and ran away happily.

Xia Xun looked at her back with a smile, and was also very happy.

"Maybe... I should have a good talk with Manager Xiao!" Xia Xun raised his head happily, feeling the cool autumn wind and the clear sky!

Xia Xun went to the front hall and walked around again. He thanked Ziqi and the others for saying that they were going to buy groceries early in the morning, but they haven't come back yet. Xia Xun shook his head and sighed: "This woman, she doesn't have enough when she starts shopping. It remains unchanged from time immemorial!”

Erluzi was playing with potted plants in the courtyard when he suddenly saw Xia Xun walking into the courtyard. He leaned over and said, "The master is back."

"Well, I'll go back to the house and take a nap first, and then call me when my wife comes back."

Xia Xun shook his head, and suddenly felt that it was more pleasant to be called young master. He was almost getting old when he was called master, seeing how nice Xiaodi's call was.


Xia Xun's scream suddenly came from the room. Erdu was stunned, picked up the big scissors and rushed to the door and shouted: "Master, what happened?"

"Don't come in..., cough, cough, it's nothing, there's a cockroach."

Xia Xun was stunned, turned around, and asked in a low voice: "Xiaodi, you... what are you doing in my bed?"

Xiaodi, who was wearing close-fitting clothes and shrank to the corner of the bed when he screamed like a woman, huddled up and timidly replied: "Didn't the young master say... that Xiaodi should be responsible for warming the bed?"

Xia Xun laughed loudly, "Xiao Di, you are really a top performer! With this pistachio here, you won't be lonely!"


"The governors of the north and south asked to see him at the same time. I thought something big had happened, but it turns out...it was just to plead for Gao Xianning, huh?"

Zhu Di's tone was unkind, and Ji Gang and Liu Yujue lowered their heads. Zhu Di was pacing back and forth in the hall, suddenly stopped, turned to look at them, and said solemnly: "I don't care about the fact that he wrote a memorandum to insult me, but I still want to do it." He has a rich future, but he actually refuses. He is so ignorant, and you still want me to spare him, eh?"

Ji Gang gritted his teeth, touched his forehead to the ground, and banged the bricks on the ground with a bang: "Your Majesty, forgive me! The ancients said that a favor from a meal should never be forgotten! I... was disliked by the corrupt Confucians in the past and was expelled. I went out to study, but I had nothing to do with my studies and no livelihood. I borrowed books from Gao Xianning and gave me food. I am so kind, but I know I have offended your Majesty, but I dare not not be sincere!"

When Zhu Di heard this, he burst out laughing. Ji Gang had been by Zhu Di's side for a long time and was familiar with his temperament. This time, he chose to advance rather than retreat, and the adventure was indeed a success. Zhu Di glanced at him approvingly and softened his tone: "Well..., he You say you can't be loyal to me just because 'a scholar will die for his confidant', right?"

Ji Gang noticed that Zhu Di's tone was a little loose, and said quickly: "Yes, Gao Xianning said that a minister is loyal to the emperor, and he has the way of being loyal to the emperor. Liu Yujue is loyal to the emperor, and he also has his way of loyalty to the emperor. But Gao Xianning... Su Meng Tiexuan respected him, I relied on him as a support, but if I were to serve the emperor instead, I would not be able to see the face of my old master again."

Liu Yujue hurriedly said: "Yes, Gao Xianning also said that although he and we are our own masters, it does not affect our friendship with each other. No matter what happens in the future, we will still be friends. I see him... I have no objection to the emperor occupying the world. I mean, it’s just that this person is stiff and upright, uh... To put it nicely, he can be regarded as an ancient style of righteous man in the Spring and Autumn Period..."

"Haha, the ancient style of Spring and Autumn, the ancient style of Spring and Autumn..."

Zhu Di waved his hand and sighed: "That's all, if he doesn't want to be an official, let him go home and retire!"

Ji Gang and Liu Yujue were overjoyed and kowtowed quickly to express their gratitude. Ji Gang repeatedly said: "Thank you very much, Your Majesty. Your Majesty is so kind. Your Majesty is so kind and merciful..."

Zhu Di smiled and scolded: "Stop flattering me, I am still helping people in need. You go back and prepare. You will leave the capital tomorrow and cross the Huaihe River to greet the queen, the three princes and Master Dao Yan. As soon as the queen arrives, she will be officially sealed as the queen. You are not allowed to go out on the road. What a delay."

"I... obey your order!"

A trace of doubt quietly surfaced in Ji Gang's mind: "The emperor canonized the queen, why didn't he mention the matter of canonizing the crown prince at all? Could it be..."

p: Brother, please ***! Please vote for recommendation! Please help me!

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