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Chapter 457

Chapter 457: Casting stones to ask for directions

The Empress, the eldest prince, the third prince, Master Dao Yan, the British Duke Zhang Fu and other people who stayed in Peiping will arrive in Beijing today. Zhu Di issued an order to take a day off from court, and all civil and military officials of the court came to Yanziji to welcome the Empress.


In fact, Zhu Di ascended the throne in June. If Concubine Xu and others went south immediately, it would not have taken so long. However, in the past four years, Peiping and Yongping have been under the direct control of the Yan Palace. Now the Peking Palace

All the personnel went south, and some arrangements had to be made at the local level, and various powers were transferred from the royal palace to the local areas. After everything was arranged properly, it was postponed to this day.

Today, those who come to Yanziji to greet the Queen are not only the civil and military officials at court, officials who have served as officials, famous scholars, distinguished ministers and ministers, relatives of the emperor, but also monks, nuns and Taoist priests. These monks are not only here to welcome the mother of the country, but also

In order to welcome Daoyan, Monk Daoyan was appointed as the Senglu Si Zuo Shanshi, who was in charge of monks all over the world. Naturally, the Taoist temples and monasteries in Beijing sent people to welcome him. People from all walks of life were arriving from the capital one after another. Yanziji was already crowded.

Full and full.

Fortunately, although Ji Gang, who was in charge of security affairs, was hosting such a big event for the first time, all aspects were arranged in an orderly manner. He had divided different areas in advance, and the various people who came to greet him were waiting in different places according to their status.

This way, even though it is a bit crowded, the order will be in order.

On the pier, the Ministry of Ceremonies set up a colorful shed three feet high, with red silk hanging high, flags fluttering, and singing, dancing and music all in place. Considering the length of the waiting time, it is difficult to determine, and it is inevitable that there will be some weak, old and sick among the people greeting the Queen.

, fearing that they would not be able to stand for too long, many sheds were erected on both sides of the road for those waiting to sit down and wait, and tea was served in the sheds.

The Second Highness Zhu Gaoxu appeared. He usually wears arrow sleeves and is dressed as a warrior, but today he is dressed very grandly. He wears a Yishan crown on his head, a red robe with a coiled collar and narrow sleeves, and a rhinoceros horn jade belt around his waist. He still looks heroic with thick eyebrows and big eyes.

Lie, but his demeanor became very calm. He kept walking in various sheds, saying hello to the princes and ministers he knew and didn't know with a smile. As he walked, the two jade pendants hanging on the jade belt only swayed slightly.

At such a young age, so calm and condensed, many old ministers saw it and nodded secretly.

Zhu Gaoxu is good at martial arts. Except for veteran generals who are accustomed to fighting and have strong martial arts skills, he can be admired and convinced. He will be more respectful and kind when meeting others, and he usually doesn't pay attention to others. But today, I don't know that it is because his mother is coming from Beijing.

For some reason, he became very polite and courteous to his relatives and ministers, relatives of the emperor and even civil and military officials. Such a humble and courteous attitude naturally won the favor of many people who met the second prince for the first time.

"Your Highness, you are here. Commander Jin Yiwei is looking for you."

Zhu Gaoxu had just come out from a tent to express condolences to some veterans when he bumped into an officer of the Jinyi Guards. Judging from his clothes, he must be from a thousand households.

"Oh?" Zhu Gaoxu also knew that the Jin Yiwei was solely responsible for arranging the safety of the entire welcome ceremony today. He didn't know what Ji Gang wanted to do with him. He asked where Ji Gang was and then walked away. The Jin Yi Qianhu immediately called the crowd.

gesture, and then continued to check the security defenses as if nothing had happened.

There is a tent set up in the corner of the pier. This is Ji Gang's temporary command place. Thousands of Imperial Guards and Jin Yiwei's arrangements and dispatches are all issued from here. Orders are issued one by one from here. Any disturbances in various places are reported directly here.

, to ensure that the entire welcoming ceremony went without any glitches. However, the Queen's guard of honor had not yet reached the other side, so there was no rush for the moment. Ji Gang also went out of the tent to inspect the scene in person, leaving only two people on duty in the tent.

One of these two people is called Zhu Tu and the other is Ji Younan. They are both confidants who were promoted by Ji Gang after he took over the Jinyi Guards. At present, Ji Gang is still expanding the Jinyiwei team. There are eight confidants promoted by him. In addition to Zhu Tu,

In addition to Ji Younan, there are also Wang Qian who was looking for Zhu Gaoxu just now, as well as Yuan Jiang, Zhuang Jing, Li Kunchun, Zhong Canghai, Gao Xiang, eight thousand households, known as the Eight King Kongs of Beizhen.

As for Liu Yujue's side, it is far less prestigious than Ji Gang's side. Liu Yujue is only the Southern Town Fu, one level lower than Ji Gang. He is also mainly responsible for the military discipline and justice within Jinyiwei, and his external powers are not as good as those of the North Town Fu. Therefore, there are only two thousand

The householder is Chen Dong, Nan said: "I say, Lao Ji, you are just free. Whether the emperor can save money easily or not is none of your business! Take your job well, it is better than anything else, this kind of idle grinding teeth

Son, don’t talk about it.”

Ji Younan said: "Why don't you use your brain? I heard that our eldest son is kind-hearted and likes music, chess, calligraphy and painting, poems, songs and other elegant things. What do you think of such a prince if he becomes the emperor?

, do you think our Jinyiwei are pleasing to the eye? In the first few years, we Jinyiwei behaved like grandsons, nodding and bowing to anyone we caught. The yamen was so desolate that we could only support a family. Isn't it because Emperor Jianwen looked down on us Jinyiwei? "

At this time, Zhu Gaoxu had already walked to the tent. He was about to lift the curtain and go in. When he heard the conversation between the two, he stood there quietly. However, the two people in the tent seemed to be so absorbed in the conversation that they didn't notice.

Zhu Tu said: "So what? Are we poor in controlling who the emperor wants to be the prince? Now we, the Jin Yiwei, are favored. We can just follow Mr. Ji and make a fortune quietly. Why should we care about so much?"

Ji Younan said: "If you don't have long-term worries, you must have immediate worries. Lord Ji also asked people about the emperor's thoughts in this regard. You also have some calculations in your mind. I just don't know if the second highness has the ambition to fight for the heir. Your second highness is here."

His prestige in the military is extremely high. If he is willing to show his banner, the generals and relatives will definitely join forces to serve him, and we, my lords, will probably also..."

Zhu Tu said categorically: "It's impossible. This rule has been passed down for thousands of years. Who can mess with it? Even the emperor can't. The emperor can just appoint whoever he thinks is good? Then it's not a mess.

, from now on, will the royal family live a peaceful life? Will the princes of each generation form cliques and fight to the death? Even if the qualifications of the eldest son of a certain generation are mediocre, the qualifications of the eldest son of the next generation will not be the same.

They are all mediocre. This is better than the desperate internal strife among each generation of princes. Therefore, even if it is not the best way to establish a eldest son, it has become the best way, and the emperor must do the same!"

Ji Younan shook his head and said: "I think...not necessarily. Our emperor is not the eldest son. Going further up the list, the Yuan people are barbarians. Needless to say, the second generation emperor of the Song Dynasty is the eldest son? The second generation of the Tang Dynasty

Is the emperor the eldest son? Is the second emperor of the Sui Dynasty the eldest son? Our emperor is the founder of the country who rebuilt the world. This country...hehe..."

Zhu Gaoxu's heart skipped a beat when he heard Ji Gang's voice coming from afar: "Your Highness, are you here?"

At the door, Zhu Gaoxu turned around and saw Ji Gang running over from a distance. He smiled calmly: "Oh, I heard that you are looking for me. I was afraid that there was something important, so I came to ask for news. When I arrived at the account, I didn't expect you. But he came back from outside."

Ji Younan and Zhu Tu hurried out from the tent to see them. Zhu Gaoxu looked at them from the corner of his eye and saw that they looked happy, as if they thought he had not heard their conversation. Ji Gang arranged this situation just to test his mind and see him. He pretended not to know what he heard and did not scold him. He already knew it in his heart, so he smiled and said: "I have received the news from the other side. The Queen's car will take more than an hour to arrive at the fastest. I wanted to inform Your Highness. Tell Your Highness to take your time, there is nothing urgent. Now that Your Highness has arrived, please come into the tent, have a cup of tea and have a rest."

"That's fine!"

Zhu Gaoxu smiled and said: "Okay, I used to serve my father in the army together. We lived and died together, and shared weal and woe. We haven't been together for a long time since we arrived in the capital."

Ji Gang also smiled: "Yes, I have always admired His Highness's bravery. Unfortunately, when he was in the army, he was so ruthless that he never had time to get close to His Highness. Now that the world has been settled, His Highness has become a prince, so it is inconvenient for me..."

Zhu Gaoxu pretended to glare at him and said: "So what now? You know, I don't care much about red tape. If you have time in the future, just come to my house, let's ride horses, shoot arrows, eat wine and have fun."

Ji Gang smiled even more happily: "Then I will bother you a lot, haha, please, Your Highness!"

"Master Ji, please!"

The two of them entered the military tent one after the other.

At this time, there were still officials from all walks of life in Beijing rushing to Yanziji. Xia Xun went there on horseback. Such a short distance could be reached in a short time, so he did not get up so early and in a hurry. He got up early in the morning and practiced boxing and sword training as usual. After eating breakfast and washing up, he took eight guards with him, rode out of the house on a horse, and started on the road leisurely.

Xia Xun lived in a private residence owned by the king's consort, which was not near the main road, so after coming out of the mansion, he went directly to the alley. When Xia Xun was walking out of the alley with eight guards, suddenly there was a taxi driver The sedan chair rushed towards him, followed by two servants in green clothes and small hats. The alley was already narrow, so the sedan chair blocked Xia Xun's path, and Xia Xun's guards immediately started scolding him.


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