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Chapter 468

Chapter 468 Love Decision

"Ah, Eunuch Zheng!"

Although Xia Xun deliberately concealed it, he still showed a surprised expression.

Zheng He smiled slightly and said: "The Duke of Fu has saved lives for the emperor's family several times, and the queen has always remembered it in her heart. However, it is not as good as before. If the queen held a banquet just to thank the Duke, it might cause unnecessary controversy between the government and the public.

Discussion. Today, His Highness accidentally mentioned to the Empress that Duke Ding was going to have a banquet with Duke Fu. I was sent by the Empress to borrow Duke Ding’s wine to thank Duke Fu.”

"I don't dare, I don't dare. This is all a matter that belongs to the ministers. I love you so much."

Xia Xun thanked him profusely, already understanding in his heart that the Queen was paying attention to the eldest prince. She sent Zheng He here today not to thank him for saving his life, but obviously to win her over and serve the eldest prince. Even if it wasn't for this reason,

It also reminds me to stay out of the situation and not to be used by the second prince.

Everyone sat down one after another. Although they said that today was a family banquet and there was no need to distinguish between superior and inferior, who could take the top spot in front of Zhu Gaochi. After several humility, Zhu Gaochi was still allowed to sit at the top, with Xia Xun and Xu Jingchang on the left.

On the right, going down in order, are the chief minister of the cabinet, Xie Jin, and other officials. Zheng He naturally ranks at the bottom. Regardless of his fame in later generations, in front of these courtiers, his rank is obviously the lowest now.

Zhu Gaochi was very kind to Xia Xun, and he was indeed not arrogant. However, his words still revealed the meaning of solicitation, but his words were more roundabout and obscure, such as "The justice of the country is still in his prime, and he will have great achievements in the future, and he can make greater contributions to the court."

"Meritors" and other words, the words contained a hint of solicitation and the intention to grant him an official title once he became the prince, but the words were very tactful, and even if spread, it would be the prince's praise and praise for the important ministers in the court.

, so that people can’t find anything wrong.

Xia Xun, who was a little nervous, could not help but relax. Zhu Gaochi was so reserved and did not put the issue on the table nakedly, so he would not be forced to express his position on the spot, and he could use some diplomatic rhetoric to deal with it. But Zheng

The appearance of He still gave him quite a shock.

Based on Empress Xu's temperament, she obviously prefers this eldest son who is calm, honest and honest. In addition, during the four years of Jingnan, the mother and son shared joys and sorrows in Peiping, so it is normal for the empress to favor Zhu Gaochi more. But the empress

Sending Zheng He here clearly represents her intention. Obviously, she not only prefers her eldest son emotionally, but also in terms of actions and stance in fighting for heirs, she has clearly sided with her eldest son.

Xia Xun was very clear about the position of Empress Xu in Zhu Di's heart. Empress Xu was to Emperor Yongle, just like Empress Ma was to Emperor Hongwu. Her influence was very huge. Although she was forced by the ancestral precept that the harem was not allowed to interfere in politics, Empress Xu could not clearly express her wishes to Emperor Yongle.

The emperor expressed his position, and it was impossible for Zhu Di not to consider the queen's opinion.

What about Dao Yan? Apart from Empress Xu, the person who has the greatest influence on the emperor is the eminent Buddhist monk who is both a teacher and a friend in the emperor's heart. If he also sides with Zhu Gaochi... In view of this, Xia Xun cannot clearly state that he wants to stay out of the matter.

, the attitude is somewhat ambiguous.

After three rounds of drinking, Xu Jingchang ordered the dancers at home to sing and dance to cheer him up. After watching a song and dance, Xia Xun felt anxious, so he apologized to Zhu Gaochi, got up and went to the toilet with his family. As soon as Xia Xun left, Xu Jingchang came to join him.

He reached Zhu Gaochi's ear and whispered: "Cousin, the Duke of Fu has a warm and ambiguous attitude and has always refused to express his support. This..."

Zhu Gaochi smiled slightly and replied in a low voice: "Jingchang, don't be anxious. Duke Fu is already a very respected minister. I am just a prince now. I have no title or reward for him. He can have such an attitude.

It's very valuable. Don't be too hasty. If today's drink can make him hesitate a little and prevent him from throwing himself into the arms of his second brother, that will be enough!"

Xu Jingchang saw that Zhu Gaochi looked calm and was really not in a hurry, so he had no choice but to shut up.

In politics, although he has acquired experience, some things also require talent. Zhu Gaozhi is a very politically talented person. He knows that he is not very popular with his father. If he woos the courtiers too much, it will arouse

His father's backlash was self-defeating. As the eldest son of the emperor, he had an innate advantage and was favored by his mother. As long as he made no serious mistakes, his father could not do anything to him.

Therefore, what he wants to strive for is to keep the courtiers neutral, which is easily accepted by the courtiers and can get twice the result with half the effort. His father is in his prime and has a long future, so why force the courtiers to express their stance.

Frankly speaking, Zhu Gaochi does have a calm temperament and an honest nature, but being honest does not mean that he has no desires, no temper, and no scheming. He has always been cautious, filial to his parents, and friendly to his brothers, but his father favored his second brother and treated him badly.

No matter how hard he worked and how diligently he worked, he could never please his father, so he didn't feel resentful.

He is the crown prince, and the crown prince should be his. Now that the father has been slow to establish a crown prince, the ministers are talking a lot. Many people are turning to the second brother, putting him in an embarrassing situation, causing people to criticize and ridicule him.

, he is not angry. But he knows that his advantage lies in his natural status as the emperor's eldest son, and his disadvantage lies in his lack of favor from his father.

Therefore, he cannot be as unscrupulous as the second brother, let alone use naked means to win over the ministers like the second brother. Zhu Gaoxu can do the same thing, but his elder brother cannot. He can only be neither humble nor arrogant, neither civil nor fire.

During this time, let the balance of victory tip towards you little by little.

However, Zhu Gaochi was very moved by Xu Jingchang's enthusiasm. He did not have much influence among the military officials. Zhang Fu was barely one, and Xu Jingchang was one. However, both of them inherited their father's duties and currently have little influence in the army.

This is why he rarely appeared in public and tried his best to put pressure on Xia Xun.

Xia Xun seems to be involved in everything and not deeply involved in any aspect, but now he has Shuangyu Guards, using it as a bridgehead, he has taken the first step to get involved in the military world. He is still young, who knows

In five years and ten years, how far will he go? Those veteran generals who lead the army have a romantic relationship with their second brother and cannot win over them. Now he can only attack Xia Xun. He is afraid of his father's majesty, so he must use his own methods.

Be gentle.

It's not easy for him either.

He patted Xu Jingchang on the shoulder, leaned over, and said with a smile: "Some things are just a click away, and going too far is never enough!"


"Ah! Duke!"

When Xia Xun came back, he happened to bump into the little princess Ming'er.

What a coincidence, Xu Jingchang was hosting a banquet in the atrium, and the female family members lived in the back house. The lights were already on, but the little princess appeared here.

Xia Xun wanted to see Ming'er but was afraid to see her at the same time. After kissing her on the bridge last time, he often couldn't help but think of her. Logically speaking, he was no longer the first brother in love. He didn't know how much things had happened.

, there is no reason why he should be obsessed with the little girl because of such a young kiss, but this little girl just aroused his love.

However, this fantasy was awakened by Zhu Di's words. Yes, the little princess may really like him, but as a princess, how can she let other women share the honor and status of his wife with her.

Xia Xun's heart became cold. The illusion that he didn't dare to let it sprout was completely shattered. He was even more dissatisfied with Ming'er's unreasonable demands.

Seeing Ming'er appear, Xia Xun was startled at first, then his face turned cold. He cupped his hands and said stiffly: "Princess!"

Ming'er was very happy. Her long-cherished wish was about to be fulfilled, and she would be able to stay with her sweetheart forever. The joy filled her body and mind, so much so that she, who was always alert, actually ignored the indifference on Xia Xun's face. She stepped forward happily.

He said: "I... knew that Jingchang was inviting people to have a drink today, but I didn't know that you were coming too!" He waved to the servant, who quickly left knowingly.

Xia Xun smiled lightly and said: "Princess, is there anything else? If there is nothing else, Yang will go back to the table."

Ming'er was stunned and finally realized something was wrong. She looked at Xia Xun's face and asked cautiously: "Are you angry?"

Xia Xun said coldly: "Can't I be angry?"

Ming'er's eyes were a little confused: "Who made you angry?"

Xia Xun said: "Why should the princess ask questions when she already knows!"


Ming'er raised her delicate eyebrows and said in surprise: "You can't...are you talking about me?"

Xia Xun said in a cold voice: "Thanks to the princess, Yang Xu is not a hard-hearted person, how can he not notice anything? However, we met late, and Yang already has a wife. Moreover, Yang does not want to be that wolf-hearted person.

A man who demoted his wife as a concubine just to marry the princess. The princess has a noble status, but Yang Xu feels humble and humble and cannot reach her!"

Ming'er couldn't believe her ears and asked in a confused voice, "You...what are you talking about?"

Xia Xun flicked his sleeves and walked away. The sleeves brought a breeze to Ming'er's body, but it was like a heavy hammer, which suddenly broke her heart. Ming'er's lips turned white and she suddenly shouted

: "Yang Xu, stop right here!"

Xia Xun stopped and did not look back. He just asked coldly: "What other orders does the princess have?"

Ming'er walked over step by step, walked in front of him, looked at him face to face, her eyes were covered with sparkling tears: "You... said that I consider myself noble? You... said that I forced you to demote your wife as a concubine?


Her body trembled, and tears rolled down her cheeks like broken pearls: "Yang Xu, in your eyes, am I, Xu Miaojin, so unbearable? Yes, I brought this upon myself, who can say that?

I look down upon myself! I deserve it!"

Crystal tears fell on her chest one by one, like needles piercing Xia Xun's heart. In shock and panic, she recalled all the things she had done since she met Ming'er, her nature, her personality..., Xia Xun

Xun suddenly realized that he might have made a huge mistake: "Could it be...could it be...that you didn't propose it to the emperor?"

Ming'er raised her chin and said stubbornly: "Who said it wasn't the case? I was the one who mentioned it!"

Xia Xun smiled bitterly and said: "Princess, don't be surprised. At that time... when I heard this, I was very angry and felt dizzy for a while, so I didn't think much about it..."

Ming'er interrupted and said: "So, I, Xu Miaojin, have become such a dirty woman in your heart, right? Yes, I regard myself as noble! This nobleness is not the family background given to me by my parents! I am not from the Zhongshan Prince's Palace.

Status! This nobility is the upbringing of a girl's family! Although Xu Miaojin is naughty and naughty, she still inherits the family's family rules! Since I was five years old, I have had two nuns who taught me every day what is good for a girl's family.

, What’s not allowed! Since I was twelve years old, I have been going to the palace every day to receive the teachings of the female officials, learning how to behave and behave shamelessly, and how to behave and behave according to law!”

The more she spoke, the sadder she became. Tears rolled down her cheeks. She choked and said: "This nobility is the pride and reserve of a girl's family, her status and innocence! But for you, I ignored all of this. I gave up a girl

The dignity and pride of my family are as contemptible as dust. Just to win your favor, in exchange for you being so contemptible? Yang Xu, hello! You are nothing!"

She raised her palm and slapped Xia Xun on the face. Xia Xun was stunned.

"I hate you, I will hate you forever!" Ming'er said with tears in her eyes, turned around and ran away.

Xia Xun stood there blankly, even a little bit drunk. Looking at Ming'er who was leaving in tears, he didn't even have the courage to catch up.


In the Kunning Palace, Queen Xu was one and two heads tall. My sister was crying, and she looked distressed. She also had good intentions for her sister's life-long plan, but who knew... it would get to this point? Last night, her husband was killed

After a lot of complaining, my sister did this again early this morning.

Empress Xu coaxed her sister and said: "Ming'er, please stop crying. It's my sister's fault. My sister...I wanted you to marry in a glorious way, so that you wouldn't have to worry about others, but it's all because of my sister's fault.

Headed off..."

"It has nothing to do with my sister! I know my sister is doing it for my own good..."

Ming'er twitched and answered: "I hate that bastard! He is self-righteous! He treats people wrong! He is arrogant! He has no conscience!"

Listening to her sister's childish words, Queen Xu couldn't help but want to laugh, but she didn't dare to laugh. This little girl is soft on the outside but strong on the inside. If she laughed out loud, the consequences would be disastrous. Queen Xu quickly followed her sister's wishes and advised: "

Yes, yes, this kid Yang Xu is not a thing, he doesn’t know how to praise, and we don’t have the same understanding as him. This matter is also because my sister has not thought carefully about it. I will ask your brother-in-law to make peace later and see if there is any room for maneuver...


"What's the spin?"

Ming'er raised her head and said resolutely: "I, Xu Miaojin, just can't get married, and I have nothing to do with him! Don't mention him to me again!"

Queen Xu hurriedly changed her words and said: "Okay, okay, sister, I will help you choose a good husband who is as good as you want. His character and appearance will be a hundred times better than Yang Xu's!"

Ming'er shook her head and said, "I don't want it, I don't want to stay in Aurous Hill anymore."

Queen Xu panicked and asked quickly: "Then where are you going?"

Ming'er felt sad and said quietly: "Sister, I want to go to Fengyang and live in Guiyuan for a while."

Empress Xu breathed a sigh of relief, gently stroked her hair, and said softly: "That's fine, go out and relax. When you come back, I'll ask Jingchang to take you there."


p: Just in case, come on, Jinyi! Come on, slutty people! I’ll go make noodles, have lunch, and then continue to study code~~~

This chapter has been completed!
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