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Chapter 477 The ideal of the humble, ask for a monthly pass)

Chapter 477 The Ideal of the Humble (Four updates and 13,000 monthly votes requested)


A blue and white porcelain pen holder fell to pieces. Zuo Dan quickly took three steps back and stood still, not daring to express his anger.

Xia Xun rarely gets angry, but once he gets angry, he is frightening. Zuo Dan was transferred to him relatively late. From the time he came into contact with Xia Xun, he always felt that Xia Xun had a gentle temperament and was a good talker. Until this time, Xia Xun

He was filled with murderous intent, making people feel chills when he saw it, and he suddenly remembered that he, the boss of Metal Gear Solid, would kill people without blinking an eye once he got angry.

When Feilong first entered Jinling, many secret spies were confused by the bustling environment of Jinling and began to violate the ban and break the rules. Boss Xia showed no mercy and ordered Qianlong to kill many of his own people. From then on, Xia Xun never

He was so fierce in both voice and appearance that everyone forgot that not only did he hold the power of life and death, but he also had extremely murderous intent. If he didn't kill, it wasn't because he was soft-hearted, it was just that the time had not come yet.

"Xiangshan County was massacred by Japanese pirates. The county magistrate, county captain, and county magistrate were all killed in the battle, and more than ten or two people in the city were in such a tragic situation. If it weren't for Dengzhou Laizhou in Shandong, Fuzhou in Fujian, and Xiamen were also looted one after another,

There’s nothing we can do to cover it up anymore, they still have to keep this matter in the dark!”

Xia Xun said angrily: "It is shameful to lose a battle as a soldier! It is shameful to lose a battle if you do not dare to admit defeat for the sake of your own selfish desires and do everything you can to pretend to do it! How many disabled people, how many orphans, and how many houses have been destroyed in Xiangshan and even in the villages and towns along the coast?"

Burning all the homeless people, they died because they concealed the information and could not get resettlement, relief and treatment! These people did not die at the hands of the Japanese pirates, but were blocked there by the people who were supposed to protect them, and slowly froze.

He died of hunger and deserved to be killed!"

Xia Xun raised his eyes, with a murderous look on his brows: "Call Xu Jiang, Dongfang Liang, Yue Junhong, and Dai Yubin to put down everything at hand and do their best to adjust this matter. Check it out for me and make it clear!"

"I humbly obey my orders!"

Xia Xun waved his hand, and Zuo Dan quickly withdrew, stood outside the door, let out a long breath, and felt that cold sweat had soaked his back, and then left with lingering fear.

Xia Xun paced back and forth in the room, thinking for a long time, and then said: "Here comes someone!"

When the family came in, Xia Xun ordered: "Go to Ambassador Huang Zhen immediately and ask him to come!"

"Yes, sir!"

The servant didn't know what happened. He only knew that his master was furious, and after leaving the study, he spread his legs and ran away.

The next day is New Year's Day, the first year of Yongle.

A grand celebration was held in Jinling City. Emperor Yongle hosted a banquet in the Huagai Hall for the kings and relatives of the emperor who went to Beijing for pilgrimage, and then worshiped heaven and earth in the southern suburbs. After returning, the civil and military officials held a celebration ceremony.

On this day, everything was done to celebrate the New Year. It was a foregone conclusion that the Japanese invasion along the coast would become more chaotic, and the people who suffered had already suffered. Therefore, although Xia Xun was anxious, he had to endure it. He could not entertain his brothers and sisters at the emperor's banquet.

When the Emperor was worshiping the ghosts and gods of heaven and earth, he rushed to the altar and told him that the Japanese had bloodbathed Xiangshan County. He could only patiently accompany the Emperor to celebrate and then return home.

The next day, the workaholic Zhu Di, who had a fatherly style, was not idle. He summoned officials of fifth rank and above in Beijing to formally announce the personnel adjustments.

Since Peiping has been changed to Beijing, there must be corresponding government offices and personnel. Since then, the Beijing Remaining Army Governor's Office, the Beijing Office, and the Beijing Imperial College have been set up in Beijing. The Peking Prefecture was changed to Shuntian Prefecture, and the Peking Taipu Temple was changed to Beijing Xing.

Taipu Temple. The governor's office has left and right governors, and the governors are both magistrates and ministers. The executive department has two ministers, four ministers, six Cao officials, Hu Libing, Xing Gong Lang, Yuan Wai Lang, and one person in charge.

Zhu Di appointed Guo Zi, the former Shangshu of the Ministry of Hubu, and Luo Qian, the Shangshu of the Ministry of Punishments, as the Shangshu of the Xingbu Shangshu in Beijing. He appointed Jian Yi as the Shangshu of the Libu Shangshu in Nanjing, Zhao Zhigang as the Shangshu of the Rites, Xia Yuanji as the Shangshu of the Hubu, Zheng Ci as the Shangshu of the Punishment, and Huang Fu as the Gongbu Shangshu.

The Ministry of Finance, Chen Ying, was appointed as the Imperial Envoy to Zuodu of the Metropolitan Procuratorate, and the six ministries and seven ministers were greatly adjusted. Only the Ministry of War was temporarily vacant.

The Minister of War was Ru Chang. After Zhu Di came to the throne, he treated him favorably. He made his son Ru Jian the official of Zhongfeng, and betrothed Princess Chang'an, the second daughter of the King of Qin, to Ru Jian as his wife. He trusted Ru Chang very much, and he sat on the throne.

The position of Minister of the Ministry of War was absolutely secure. However, on the first day when the emperor was about to issue an order to appoint and remove officials, Ru Chang suddenly proposed to the emperor that he, the current loyal uncle, had a noble title and was not suitable for holding a permanent position anymore, so he resigned as Minister of the Ministry of War.

One position.

Zhu Di was very pleased that Ru Chang knew how to advance and retreat and was not greedy, so he issued an order to remove Ru Chang from the post of Minister of the Ministry of War. The Minister of the Ministry of War was temporarily vacant, and the left and right ministers were in charge of the affairs of the army. He still consulted Ru Chang for advice on difficult matters. In fact, he

He does not receive the seal of the minister, but still holds the power of the Ministry of War.

When Xia Xun heard the news, he was very suspicious that the cunning old guy Ru Chang had heard some rumors, so he was so upright and honest that he resigned as Minister of War.

After announcing the personnel appointments, Zhu Di happily asked Mu En to read out his "New Year's Speech". Of course, this imperial edict was polished by Xie Jin, otherwise Zhu Di himself always spoke in a colloquial manner and never carefully considered every word.

For these solemn occasions, it is somewhat inappropriate.

Mu En read aloud: "The virtue of God is to live well, to be the king, to follow the law of Heaven, and to love people first. The world is so vast that no one person can rule it alone. He must appoint the wise and capable, and rule together. Yao, Shun, and Yu

, Tang, Wen, and Wu were the kings. Throughout the ages, if they use this method, they will be governed, and if they are not used, it will lead to chaos. My great ancestor, Emperor Gao, was ordered by the sky to take care of me diligently. I have lived and breathed for more than thirty years. There has been no harm in the world, no troubles, no chaos, and political and religious cultivation.

, compared with modern times and ancient times. It is also about appointing the wise men of the world to manage the affairs of the world, protect the people and achieve governance, so as to defeat the state.

It is difficult for me to inherit the throne. I attach great importance to the fact that the emperor of the world will test the world, and the emperor of the army and the people will test the innocent. Since I came to the throne, I have been sleeping all day and night, thinking about appeasing peace, so as to fulfill the great responsibility entrusted to me. All the ministers of civil and military affairs cherish my feelings and do their best.

Do not be lazy or neglectful, do not abuse or be greedy, do nothing to restrain, do not indulge in deceit, be honest, upright, diligent, expand loyalty and forgiveness, and abide by the Constitution together, and do not violate it. Only the people pay taxes to

The army supports the army, and the army fights to defend the people. The army will not feed the people unless it is the army, and the people will not be safe unless it is the army. I hope that all civil and military ministers will protect each other and do no harm. Only the emperor has established a constitution, which will be a tool for peace and security in all ages. Follow it.

If it is followed, it will be auspicious; if it is violated, it will be misfortune. He is dedicated and determined, respectful and cautious."

After the edict was read out, Zhu Di said with a smile: "Okay, we are celebrating the New Year today, and I know that you are all busy welcoming us and inviting you to eat and treat us. Today is a big court meeting. Now that these things have been said, everyone can go back and celebrate the New Year in peace.

Yes. Of course, if there is something important, you can still report it. Today, all ministries, departments and yamen have anything important to report?"

Zhu Di looked over with a smile, and the civil and military officials in the court laughed and replied: "I have nothing to report today. Your Majesty, who has worked hard all day and night, has worked hard for the world, so it's time for you to rest and recuperate for two days."

In normal times, ministers would not be able to talk to the emperor like this, but during the Chinese New Year, even in the Jinluan Palace, one must not be impersonal, so everyone spoke more casually.

Zhu Di laughed and said: "In that case, dear friends..."

Xia Xun was the Duke of the country and was standing at the head of the Xunqi class. At this time, he turned his head and glanced at Huang Zhen.

Huang Zhen stood in the civil service class, struggling in his heart. If the people in the Metropolitan Procuratorate wanted to get ahead, the only way out was to punish people. Chen Ying relied on punishing people, and everyone looked at him, and he was famous. But he also had to punish people.

You have to be courageous. Huang Zhen has been on the bench all his life. He wants to stand out, and his heart is burning with the thought, but today's situation is special.

He believed the news given to him by Duke Fu was true. With his current status, Duke Fu could not do anything based on rumors. Besides, Huang Zhen was the imperial envoy. It was the imperial envoy's prerogative to report rumors. Even if he

If the impeachment is wrong, he will not be held accountable. He is not afraid. The problem is that today is a special day. At this time, a book is written to impeach the Ministry of War and the Fifth Army Governor's Office, which will make the limelight big.

So Huang Zhen stood in the class of civil servants, with a memorial in his sleeves and he was sweating. He still didn't have the courage to step out. He was used to disappearing from everyone's sight. It was really necessary to stand up and be the center of attention.


At this time, Xia Xun turned around and glanced at him coldly. This glance made Huang Zhen shivered smartly.

"Wealth can be found in danger! Wealth can be found in danger! Old Huang, I have been frustrated all my life. Today... I will give it a go!"

Huang Zhen felt a surge of blood rushing to the top of his head, making his scalp numb. He bit his teeth and shouted loudly: "I have my own book!" After that, he rushed out.

Under the excitement, Huang Yushi's voice changed. The sound sounded like the scream of a woman who had been raped. He rushed out two steps, his feet went weak, and he knelt down with a "pop" sound.

On the ground, he shakily took out the memorial from his sleeves, raised his hands high above his head, and did not dare to raise his head. He only shouted loudly: "I have this memorial!"

After saying this, he almost burst into tears.

After being a Beijing official for so many years, this was the first sentence he said in the Jinluan Palace!

Xia Xun secretly breathed a sigh of relief. If Huang Zhen didn't dare to step forward today, he would have completely given up on this waste and trained another spokesperson in the Metropolitan Procuratorate. Fortunately, at the critical moment, he finally stood up. Human courage,

Sometimes external stimulation is needed. After this time, the timid and timid Huang Yushi, not to mention a rebirth, should be more courageous than before.

All the civil and military officials and ministers of the court all looked at Huang Zhen. They looked at Huang Zhen in amazement at this little man who had always been a decoration in the Golden Palace and had never been noticed by anyone. They all thought in unison: "This old guy... ate the wrong food.


Zhu Di frowned. This official ran out from the end of the civil service class. He was still a long way away from the throne. Since he didn't explain on the spot what the music was, could it be that it was a secret performance? But if it is a secret performance, you should give it to him.

Come to me.

Zhu Di took a closer look and found that the official did not dare to raise his head. He raised his hands high and his body was shaking like a sifter. He understood something in his heart and couldn't help but feel a little funny. He gestured to Mu En, and Mu En followed.

He went up and down the imperial steps and rushed to receive the memorial.

Huang Zhen did not explain on the spot what the memorial was about or who he was impeaching, because he was too nervous and scared. However, he did it by mistake and did the right thing. If on this good day of celebrating the New Year and celebrating the New Year together, especially

After Zhu Di had just made a remark that was flattering to his own face, he ran out to give the emperor a slap in the face. It was a good thing, and the emperor was also angry with him.

Mu En took the memorial and presented it to the emperor with both hands before returning to the imperial palace. Zhu Di took it and opened it, and his expression suddenly changed.

"Who are you? Where do you serve?" Zhu Di's voice carried a murderous tone, echoing in the silent Golden Palace.

"Your Majesty... Huang Zhen, the imperial envoy of the Metropolitan Procuratorate." Huang Zhen has really become famous now.

Zhu Di slowly stood up, stuffed the memorial into his sleeve, and said coldly: "Imperial Ambassador Huang Zhen, as well as officials from the Ministry of War and the Governor's Mansion of the Fifth Army, are here to await your arrival! Retreat from the court!"

p: New Year's Day in Guanguan is a day of coding. Please ***! Retreat from the imperial court!

This chapter has been completed!
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