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Chapter 496

Chapter 496 It’s over (Three updates, 12,000, please vote for me!)

The matter of Long Duan was brought to court.

The sergeants on both sides stood leaning on their guns, and everyone supported Zhu Gaochi to come in. His Majesty took his seat first, and everyone took their seats in order according to their official rank, from Yang Xu to Zheng Ci, and then to Xue Pin.

Zhu Gaoxu and Chen Ying had not yet arrived. Everyone sat down and tea was served. After waiting for a while, Zhu Gaoxu and Chen Ying hurried over. They stepped into the lobby and were about to walk to their seats when suddenly they were startled and felt a little weird.

After taking a closer look, I realized that the position had changed. Originally, there were only two desks for the hearing, one on the left and one on the right, belonging to the two princes respectively, followed by the three judicial officers.

Now it seems that the number of side judges has increased, so that the main trial, hearing trial, and side trial have formed a semi-encircling structure for the entire court. Zhu Gaoxu and Chen Ying looked at it again and couldn't help being surprised. Zhu Gaoxu pointed at Yang

Xu, surprised: "Yang Xu...why are you still in the hall?"

At this time, Zheng He, who was sitting on the outermost seat, stood up, smiled humbly at Zhu Gaoxu, and said: "Because the Shuangyu Weitong Japanese case is related to the case of Fu Guogong, now Fu Guogong has been vindicated.

The emperor has authorized the auxiliary Duke to hear the trial together with the two highnesses. This servant has been ordered by the emperor to come and have a look, so that he can explain the outcome of this matter to the emperor when he returns."

"Ah, Eunuch Zheng is here too? I see, then... Eunuch Zheng, please sit down!"

Others don't know, but as a prince, Zhu Gaoxu knows that the eunuchs serving his father are like his father's relatives, and they have extraordinary favor and trust. He nodded to him in a more polite tone. Then, his happy eyes

Xia Xun's eyes that showed no trace of anger turned to Xia Xun again. Xia Xun was sitting there, smiling and arching her hands to him, very kindly, just like she always did when she saw him.

Zhu Gaoxu also smiled, nodded to Xia Xun, and walked towards his seat.

His expression and behavior were impeccable, and he looked very indifferent. The jade pendant around his waist was stable and his robes were not swaying at all. However, Xia Xun's eyes fell on his official shoes, and the corners of his mouth were raised, half-smiling but not smiling.


Black satin thick-soled soap boots, the soles are very elastic and comfortable to wear. These are official boots exclusively for officials at the "Wujintang" in Jinling. The craftsmanship is top-notch. Just this pair of boots costs four thousand gold coins. Zhu Gaoxu

Every time his foot hit the ground, the sole of the boot would sink deeply before recovering its elasticity. I don't know how hard Zhu Gaoxu used to suppress all the anger under his feet without venting it.

Xia Xun smiled faintly, and when You looked back, he suddenly saw Zhu Gaochi's eyes looking at his younger brother's boots, with a half-smiling look, and couldn't help but burst out laughing.

This Zhu Xiaopang, everyone praises him for his generosity and righteousness. His generosity and righteousness are obviously different from Zhu Yunwen's hypocrisy, but it is also different from generosity and righteousness in the traditional sense. It seems that when people talk about generosity and righteousness, they become honest and humble.

Zhu Gaochi is obviously not synonymous with being mean-spirited. His temper and mind may be very generous, but this person is by no means an honest person in the traditional sense.

The royal family cannot produce honest people, nor can it produce honest people. It is impossible for such an honest person to guard the local government organized in the name of imperial rebellion, and govern Beiping, Yongping, Zhending and other places for four consecutive years, and never fail.

If anything goes wrong, his father can charge forward and conquer the world without any worries.

Zhu Gaoxu and Chen Ying sat down and looked around the hall. At this time, the balance of power in the court was obviously leaning towards Zhu Gaochi's side.

Zheng He only brought a pair of eyes and ears today. He only listened and saw, and would not express any opinions. However, when the entire situation was already in Yang Xu's favor, him sitting here and watching the battle was equivalent to being sent by the emperor to Yang Xu.

The person over there is Xu. He doesn't need to be biased. He just needs to sit there, which is enough to deter anyone who wants to cheat.

Mr. Xue, who was sitting on the wall, sat there, looked around, and made up his mind.

Doesn't he still understand which side to turn to in this current situation?



The person on trial was not the duke of the country, so Long was confident in his decision. The gavel sounded crisp and loud.

"Come on, bring the suspect Xu Hu and others, as well as all the witnesses and material evidence to the court!"

He obviously remembered Xia Xun's teachings. At least in front of Xia Xun, the suspect was the suspect, and he would no longer call him a criminal.

Xu Hu and Wang Yuxia were brought to the court. Wang Yuxia was shackled and shackled. He was a big man with strong bones, but his expression was very haggard. It was obvious that he had been tortured in prison. Xu Hu was even worse. His eyes and lips were

His cheeks were deeply sunken, and his face was pale. A messy beard covered his face. From that thin face, it was no longer possible to tell that he was the first brave and brave man on Shuangyu Island.

The two of them will definitely suffer in prison.

Xu Hu was shot, and Luo Yu couldn't sit back and watch this important person die, so he had to find a doctor to diagnose and treat him. However, it was only limited to the rescue and treatment at that time. From then on, he was no different from ordinary prisoners in terms of medicine and diet.

.In other words, Luo Yu could not let him die when he was not dead after being shot, but he wanted to torture him until he was dying. After he was handed over to the Fifth Army Governor's Mansion, he was under the joint custody of the Ministry of Punishment and the Fifth Army Governor's Mansion.


He was injured on the battlefield, the wounds were difficult to heal, and the vitality gradually disappeared, so he died of illness, which had nothing to do with him.

But this Xu Hu has a good foundation, and he has not died until today. However, he is really dying now. After today's trial, if he loses the lawsuit, he will definitely die; if he wins, I don't know if he can still survive.

Can survive it.

When Xia Xun saw the situation between the two of them, his eye circles immediately turned red. Through the inquiring of the Metal Dragon Secret Agent, he had already known the current situation of the two people, but it was one thing to hear it, and another thing to see it with his own eyes. But

He can only endure it now and try to control his emotions. Now is not the time to have an attack. Xu Hu's unjust case must be overturned with real evidence, not hysterical roars.

At the same time, he must seize fighter opportunities at any time and cause as much damage to the opponent as possible. This is not a personal grudge, but a struggle between two forces. The best way to retaliate is to try to destroy the enemy's relationships and connections and weaken them.

Their power maximizes opportunities, so... calm down, you must be calm.

Wang Yuxia looked at the officials in the hall coldly, with fire-like anger hidden deep in his ice-cold eyes. Suddenly, he saw Xia Xun sitting on top. He was stunned for a moment, and then suddenly thought about it.

Come, step forward, kneel on your knees, and without saying a word, tears have already flowed: "My lord, I am unjustly accused of holding such a low position, so unjustly accused!"

"Wang Yuxia, my princess is not the chief judge!"

Xia Xun first said something businesslike, then glanced to the side and said: "Today's chief judge is Mr. Long, the judge of the Fifth Military Governor's Mansion, and the side judges are Mr. Zheng, the Secretary of the Ministry of Punishment, and Mr. Xue, the Minister of Dali Temple.

Your case has been heard by heaven. The emperor attaches great importance to this case and has sent the eldest prince, second prince, my father-in-law and the internal prisoner Eunuch Zheng to hear the case together to ensure that the trial of this case is fair and honest!"

Xia Xun said: "So, don't worry, if you have any grievances, just tell the presiding judge. There will be a final conclusion today!"

What he said was so clear. Although Wang Yuxia had never read the book, he could hear the meaning behind it. He was in prison but he didn’t know that Duke Fu had also been in prison and had just been cleared of his charges. He thought he would be like this today.

Such a luxurious lineup was all created by Duke Fu in order to redress their grievances. He was grateful in his heart, kowtowed again, and then stood up and walked aside.

Xu Hu was carried up. At this time, he was so angry that he couldn't speak at all. It was just his strong will that hung on his life. He must see the result with his own eyes. This man obviously couldn't be tried again.

The defendant had no choice but to have Wang Yuxia present his defense alone. The accuser had three people present this time, including a Baihu sent by Guanhaiwei, a soldier from Luo Yu, and a suspect who is now a suspect in the conspiracy.

One of the Taicang Guards Captain Ren Jian.

Ren Jian came up wearing shackles and shackles. Seeing this situation in the eyes of the two officers, they were startled and looked a little flustered.

The case went to trial, and the evidence provided by Luo Yu included the flags of Japanese ships, the bodies of Japanese people, and these generals who were witnesses to the whole war.

As soon as the case was tried, the public argued that the public was justified, and the mother-in-law argued that the mother-in-law was justified, leading to a stalemate.

According to these military officers, Shuangyu Guards colluded with Japanese pirates to attack Guanhaiwei at night. They did not know about it in advance. They did not rush to join the battle until Guanhaiwei's water camp was breached. It was not until dawn when the enemy soldiers were repulsed and the battlefield was cleared, they

Only then did they discover that the enemy actually used Shuangyu Guards as the main force and colluded with the Japanese pirates to attack the navy's stronghold.

Wang Yuxia, on the other hand, insisted that they had received Luo Yu's transfer order and rushed to Taihaiwei to listen to the instructions and dispatches of the senior officials in the capital. However, when asked for Luo Yu's transfer order, they could not produce it.

This is indeed the Shuangyu Guards' mistake. They were originally just a group of pirates. After joining the imperial court, they filled the entire organization entirely with their own people. They didn't know much about the affairs of the military, although their fathers had also served as

Soldiers, and the island has always tried its best to govern the island in accordance with the laws of war, but it does not follow the example of the army and use arrows when mobilizing troops.

The so-called law of war is mainly about daily training and military discipline when going into battle. When pirates mobilize their troops, they only need to send a crony to inform them: "Second Master, the boss asked you to take our troops to Daheng Mountain immediately. The Chumi Gang is so stubborn."

Come grab the territory!" That was the end of it, so they didn't have the consciousness to ask for orders from the people sent by Luo Yu.

All along, when people would give him orders or arrows, he would just keep them and forget about them without giving them to him. He didn't even realize that these were necessary things.

However, although this was greatly disadvantageous to Shuangyu Guards, Xia Xun had already casually mentioned the strange timing of the incident just now, and everyone present had heard it. How could Long Duan stop asking about it now?

Long Duanshi cheered up and stared at Guanhaiwei member Baihu.

"Who was the first person to discover that the Japanese pirates and Shuangyu guards teamed up to attack the camp that night?"

"Reporting to your lord, I am the lower official."

"It was already late at night, why were you in the village?"

"My lord, I am on duty that night!"

"Oh? Since you said that Japanese pirates and Shuangyu Guards teamed up to attack the water village, why did you capture more than 4,000 officers and soldiers of Shuangyu Guards, but only two or three hundred Japanese pirates? How can such a huge disparity be justified, and there are only one Japanese pirate?

All dead and no one alive?"

"Returning to your lord, the Japanese are evil in the sea and do many evil things. My father-in-law and fellow countrymen of the navy officers and soldiers are all there, and they are deeply affected by it, so they hate the Japanese to the core. It is not that we have not caught the Japanese pirates alive, but once the Japanese pirates are caught alive, they will immediately

He was beaten to death by the soldiers to vent his anger. By the time we realized that these were important witnesses and wanted to stop him, it was already too late.

As for the small number of Japanese pirates, that is because this group of Japanese pirates originally had fewer men and horses than Shuangyu Guards, and their ships were far less strong than Shuangyu Guards' warships. Therefore, Shuangyu Guards rushed in front, and the Japanese pirates saw that the situation was not going well and escaped.

You have to do it in time, so there aren’t many people who capture it!”

"Okay, you said you were on duty that night, then I will ask you who was on duty the night before you were on duty, and who was on duty the night after you were on duty, time, name, tell me quickly!"

"Back to your lord, the day before Xiaguan was on duty was December 25th, and Wang Jinglue and Wang Baihu were on duty that night; the day after Xiaguan was on duty was the 27th, and Zheng Wei and Zheng were on duty that night.

Hundreds of households are on duty!”

"You are not allowed to gossip in court!"

"Your Majesty, it is clear that everything I said is true!"

When Ren Jian heard this, his heart twitched: "It's over, it's over, this kid is done too! It's really all over now!"

Long Duanshi laughed heartily and was very happy. This was the questioning technique he learned from Xia Xun when he was working as a decoration in the morning. Now that it worked, Long Duanshi was quite smug for a while.

In the morning, he noticed that Duke Fuguo would talk a lot of nonsense when questioning the prisoner. He clearly didn't want to know, but he would ask a bunch of miscellaneous questions. When the other party's thinking could hardly keep up and he had no time to think about anything else, Fuguo would

The gentleman will suddenly ask the question he really wants to know, and the other person will already answer it smoothly, almost blurting it out without thinking.

Long Duanshi is now learning and applying it, and has achieved great success.

Since these witnesses were brought in this morning, they have been waiting in different pretrial rooms of the Judicial Hall. Until they were arraigned, there were too many people guarding them, and they came from Dali Temple, the Ministry of Punishment, and the Fifth Army Governor's Mansion.

, the Metropolitan Procuratorate and other different yamen, they were trapped in that room in a weather-tight manner. Of course, they could not collude with each other to confess, and no one outside had the ability to pass on any information.

Therefore, the Baihuguan of Guanhaiwei had no idea that in the morning, Taicang Guards Captain Ren Jian was questioned by Yang Xu, the auxiliary prince, and was speechless. At this moment, his words once again confirmed Ren Jian's words, Long Juanshi

Then he slapped the wooden door and told Xia Xun's thousands of questions. When the hundreds of households heard this, they were immediately struck by thunder and were speechless and unable to answer.

Long Duanshi re-interrogates Ren Jian. Ren Jian is now a dead pig and is not afraid of boiling water. He bit him to death because he remembered the wrong time. The time when Taicang Wei received the order to go to sea was not the 27th, but the 28th. No matter you

No matter how you ask, Ren Jian refuses to change his story. The matter is stuck here. It seems that the only way to determine the authenticity is to send people to Taicang Guard to retrieve the military orders they have archived.

Zhu Gaoxu suddenly had a glimmer of hope and thought: "If the case is temporarily suspended, maybe there will be time to prepare a new military order..."

Just when he thought of this, he heard a commotion outside. Long Duanshi was furious, slapped the gavel tree, and shouted: "Who is making a noise in the hall!"

Before he finished speaking, a man strode in. He was wearing thick soap-soled boots, wearing a Qilin official uniform, and a black gauze hat made of black silk with jade on the brow and eyebrows. Long Duanshi suddenly became embarrassed.

, said authentically: "Ah! Governor Xu!"

Dingguo Duke Xu Jingchang ignored him and just bowed his hands to the two princes and said with a smile: "Your Majesty Xu Jingchang, I have met His Highness and His Highness the Second Highness. I went to the Yamen today to order mao, and unexpectedly saw someone at the door shouting about injustice. When I asked,

It turned out to be related to the case being tried today, so I brought it here."

Suddenly, a crowd of people came in from outside, and the first one was Li Tianhen, who had been hiding in Xia Xun's house!

Three updates and 12,000, please ***!

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