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Chapter 497 Qianlong's answer sheet (seeking the moon)

Chapter 497 Qianlong’s answer sheet (please vote for me!)

"Who are these people?"

Chen Ying was not an idiot. When he saw so many people pouring in, how could he believe that they were all the same people who went to the Fifth Army Governor's Mansion to file a complaint? Where is the Fifth Army Governor's Mansion? It is beside the royal road not far from the main entrance of the palace. , such a mixed group of soldiers and civilians, including old and young, with a few people tied up in the team, and no one who can control them, would they have a chance to come here?

He immediately stood up, his face darkened, and shouted: "How brave! The case of Shuangyu Weitong Japanese is being tried here. What a solemn place, can cats and dogs break into it? You are so brave, how dare you He tricked Governor Xu with clever words and sneaked into the Governor's Mansion of the Fifth Army. Come on, kick them all out!"


There was a chuckle from the side, and Xia Xun said: "Envoy Chen Du, you are so powerful! Here are His Highness, His Highness the Second Highness, and Eunuch Zheng who is here to hear the trial on behalf of the Emperor. What is the reason for this? Investigate the matter clearly, is it clear? Since there are clues, you should listen. If you listen to both, you will be enlightened, and if you believe only one, you will be concealed. Although it is a bit harder, but serving the emperor as an errand and earning a salary from the imperial court, isn't this what you have to do? "

"This king..."

"That's right! Ask them to stay. If they are not witnesses, but are deliberately causing trouble, it won't be too late to take them down and punish them. Eunuch Zheng, what do you think?"

Just as Zhu Gaoxu said "I am the king", Zhu Xiaopang had already spoken first. Although his movements were slow, his speech was not slow. Zheng He was smiling, and it was impossible to tell that he had superb martial arts. He said slowly and calmly: "This is the matter. , let the decision be made by the presiding judge. I am following the emperor’s oral instructions and just listen to the trial. I just want to hear a clear and obvious result, just echo it to the emperor!”

When Long Duanshi heard this, he still didn't understand what they meant. He quickly walked down the slope and said, "Who are you? Tell me your names!"

Zhu Gaoxu gritted his teeth and swallowed the words again.

Xu Jingchang looked at it, laughed, and said: "In that case, I don't have anything to do here. Your Highness, Your Highness, I take my leave."

Xia Xun stood up and clasped his fists and said, "Dong Guo, go slowly!"

Zheng Ci, Xue Pin and others also stood up one after another. Xu Jingchang waved his hand and went out.

The situation in the hall suddenly changed. Li Tianhen, as the leader of this new group of witnesses, stood at the front and gave an impassioned statement. This guy was just a pirate, and his speech was not very coherent. Xia Xun's people did a lot to train him. After working hard, it finally came in handy.

According to his own words, as a person close to General Xu Hu, he was the first to enter the Guanhaiwei naval camp along with General Xu's main ship. The causes and consequences were described one by one, which was exactly the same as what Wang Yuxia said. In this way, it is also However, the rebel army has another general who refuses to plead guilty, which has nothing to do with the overall situation.

But as soon as his words changed, his next words were different. Li Tianhen said: "As soon as General Xu saw that he had been tricked, he immediately pushed the last general into the sea, saying: 'Look for evidence, report to the court, and seek justice!' The last general will not Dare to disobey orders, we had no choice but to flee all the way by taking advantage of the excellent water properties. In the early morning of the next day, we escaped from the Guanhaiwei Navy Camp and met several Shuangyu soldiers who had escaped. We changed into civilian clothes and hid.

We went everywhere to inquire about news, and it was heartbreaking to see Guanhaiwei chop off the heads of our brothers and Japanese pirates and hang them on high poles for public display. We knew that since Luo Yu, Ji Wenhe and others framed our general, they should shirk the responsibility. The responsibility for the failure of the Japanese campaign must be a lot of hard work. If we can't find real evidence, we won't be able to save General Xu and General Wang, but what evidence can we find?

Later, our whereabouts were discovered by the Guanhai Guard officers and soldiers who were arresting us and waiting for our retreat. They chased us all the way. When we fled in panic, we happened to encounter a group of Japanese pirates who came ashore to rob us. We took the opportunity to hide, and the officers and soldiers and the Japanese pirates

We met and started fighting for a while, but they didn't care about me waiting anymore. As a result, after they were both injured and the officers and soldiers retreated, we took the opportunity to rush out and captured a few Japanese pirates who were left alone when they retreated. These are the ones!"

As soon as Li Tianhen waved his hand, those big men pushed up some small files. Those little dwarfs were really fierce. Even after they had fallen to this stage, they were still yelling and cursing. Li Tianhen slapped him whenever he said a big mouth.

He went over, his hand was so big that it almost covered the Japanese man's face, and then he shouted: "You are just a Baga! Your whole family is a Baga! Your ancestors have been a Baga for eight generations! Tell me everything you know, and I will let you

You commit seppuku, or else I’ll cut off your torso, and we’ll see if your Amaterasu will let you go to heaven!”

This threat was more effective than anything else. As expected, the Japanese stopped scolding him, but as soon as he chirped a few times, Li Tianhen slapped him with another big mouth and cursed: "***, speak Chinese, I

I know you bastards can all speak Chinese!"

The Japanese glared at him fiercely, then raised his chest and said proudly: "What do you want to ask me?"

Li Tianhen said: "I'm looking at the heads of Japanese pirates hanging on the poles of Haiwei Navy. Are there any of your partners?"

The Japanese proudly said: "Yes, those are our people. Our people are plundering the Sanshan area. Your Ming army has ten times the number of people. We have no choice but to retreat! However, we only died a few people. What can you do?"

Not us!"

Li Tianhen glanced at the official sitting on the throne and asked deliberately: "The Japanese hanging on the pole were killed in Sanshan?"

The Japanese said: "Yes, many Ming troops are coming from the three mountains, so we have to retreat. We retreat proactively!"

Chen Ying couldn't hold it anymore and said quickly: "People are similar, not to mention that the appearance of a person will change after death, especially after being submerged in lime, making it even more difficult to identify. It may not be the Japanese corpse that was moved from Sanshan. Moreover,

, today’s trial is about Shuangyu Guard’s crime of interfering with the Japanese. Shuangyu Guard’s defeated troops brought several Japanese soldiers, so why should they rely on what they said? Who knows that it was not the Japanese who wanted to protect the leader of Shuangyu Guard, who was of great use to them.

Sending a few dead soldiers to take the blame? This kind of thing is not impossible."

When Li Tianhen heard this, he was furious and cursed: "You bitch official! You fart! Go catch a few Japanese and let them try to take the blame for you!"

Chen Ying slapped the case and shouted: "How dare you roar in court and insult me? Come on, drag him down first and beat him with forty military sticks..."

Xia Xun said slowly: "Wait a minute! Mr. Chen, if these forty military sticks go down, I'm afraid people will be beaten to death. In my opinion, why not send these forty military sticks for now and deal with this case after the trial is completed? After all,

...The things that the Emperor cares about are the most important, don’t you think?”

Chen Ying was furious, but Xia Xun carried out the emperor, and there were two princes and a eunuch beside the emperor in front of him. He really didn't dare to be presumptuous, so he had to grit his teeth and sit down.

Long Duanshi said: "What's your name? You're a member of Xu Hu's family, right? What you just said, as well as the witnesses captured, we will use it as an important piece of evidence to support our reference. In addition to this,

, do you have any other evidence? If not, step aside for now!"

Li Tianhen said hurriedly: "Sir, we still have witnesses!"

"Oh? Call the witnesses quickly!"

At this point, Zhu Gaoxu and Chen Ying became nervous again.

Li Tianhen immediately turned around and personally supported a trembling old man to come forward. From behind, he helped several more people, including men and women, old and young. Long Duanshi said curiously: "These are all Who are they?"

Li Tianhen said seriously: "These are all witnesses. There are people near Taicang Guard, people near Guanhai Guard, and people on Shuangyu Island."

After Li Tianhen finished speaking, he let go of the old man, gave him a long bow, and said sincerely: "Old man Shang, the people in the hall are all adults in the court. Please tell everyone what you heard and saw. Sir, it will be fine."

Long Duanshi coughed and asked the old man: "What is this old man's name and where is he from? If you know anything, you can tell me!"

The old man was somewhat deaf, so he listened carefully with his ears closed. After listening, he nodded and said tremblingly: "The old man is... a commoner at the foot of Taicang Mountain. He lives on the hillside next to the Taicang Guards Camp..."

The old man who lived near Taicangwei, together with Guanhaiwei, and the people from the three sides of Shuangyu Island respectively told what they heard and saw. In the early morning of the 27th, the people of Taicangwei saw Taicangwei dispatched in full force and a large number of warships sailing. Leaving the water village and going straight to the sea, this old man is just a representative. There are many nearby people who have witnessed this scene with their own eyes.

The people near Guanhaiwei also described the situation and the time when they heard the loud killing sounds in the camp of Guanhaiwei Water Village. That is what the people of Guanhaiwei told from the night of the 26th to the early morning of the 27th. Naturally, this was the time when officers and soldiers of the Taicang Guard Navy appeared on Shuangyu Island.

Xia Xun doesn't need to go through all the troubles to find endless evidence. Since the other party has revealed a flaw, he only needs to concentrate on attacking this flaw and use the most detailed and powerful evidence as a breakthrough to overthrow the entire case.

If you can knock someone down with one punch, you don't need to expend two punches. This is not an exhibition match. The flaw Xia Xun is looking for is time, and all the evidence revolves around this time. However, it is simple to say, but it is really difficult to collect these evidences. !When presented to the court, they seemed to be just ordinary witnesses and a few ordinary exhibits. Who knows how much strength Qianlong expended.

They knew that the Japanese pirate was not killed by Guanhaiwei, so they used all their connections and contacts to inquire whether any nearby guards had had fierce battles with Japanese pirates in the few days before the incident. After confirming the location, they had to find a way to find out the whereabouts of those Japanese. , in order to find those Japanese accomplices, Xia Xun even used the Jinyi secret spies who were lurking in the local area and asked them to assist. After much trouble, he caught a few people who were spies for the Japanese and interrogated them about the whereabouts of the Japanese.

The next step is the most difficult step, which is to capture a few live Japanese pirates. Yang Xu can only use spies, but cannot use the army. Without battleships and troops, how can he possibly carry out the task of capturing live Japanese pirates?

Originally, Xia Xun's people were planning to give up this evidence and look for other ways. Fortunately, they got the news about Ren Juying. Ren Juying was behind the formation. When he saw the opponent, he was going to use an "iron gate" to kill all his troops. After being imprisoned in the water village, he had no choice but to lead a few warships in the rear to break out of the siege and escape from the scene.

After getting the news, Qianlong secret agent rushed to Yangjiao Mountain to find Su Ying. Through Su Ying, he contacted Ren Juying, who was recruiting troops, recruiting various small pirate gangs, and preparing to fight to the death with the imperial court. Ren Juying heard that he could keep the boss and the third son alive.

After being rescued, he naturally obeyed orders and went through a lot of trouble to obtain the witness certificate.

As for the people near these guard stations, except for the people from Shuangyu Guards, who else would be willing to serve as witnesses for them? Ordinary people, even if there is a problem in their own family, they usually resolve it privately, and many people will be killed without seeing the official.

The place has become a tradition.

It's even harder to convince these people. You can't beat them or scold them. If you force them to come, wouldn't it be self-defeating once they go to court to retract their confessions? Then you have to use money and silk to win people's hearts, promise them countless benefits, and even reveal a certain

With his strength, he promised to help his family live elsewhere afterwards. Only then did he find a few people from the vicinity of Guanhaiwei and Taicangwei who were willing to testify.

Most of the people living next to the military camp are miserable. How many of them can withstand the temptation of money?

After hearing the testimony of these witnesses and seeing that the Japanese pirates were still there, Long Duanshi sighed and told the people who were hearing the trial. The princes, princes, ministers, and all the adults on the jury said: "According to the information provided by Xu Hu's general Li Tianhen.

I believe that the Shuangyu Island Tongwa case is full of doubts, and the original evidence used to accuse Shuangyu Wei Tongwa is insufficient. In my opinion, all the relevant persons should be imprisoned, and the trial situation will be reviewed first.

Report to the Emperor and we will investigate again."

Seeing that the situation was over, Zhu Gaoxu had quietly hinted to his confidants to inform Qiu Fu and immediately started the "tail-cutting operation". He was just trying to delay the time, but when he heard this, he hit his mark and said quickly: "I agree. This case is important and full of doubts."

, just to be cautious, we might as well set another date for another trial!”

Zhu Gaochi asked: "What else does Long Duanshi want to investigate?"

Long Fei cupped his hands and said: "Your Highness, I believe that we should conduct an investigation first to confirm that the identities of these Japanese and witnesses are correct. At the same time, we request an order to transfer Luo Yu, Ji Wenhe and other generals involved in the case back to the capital for investigation, and at the same time send people to

East Zhejiang, conduct an inquiry and collect evidence from the officers and soldiers of the guards involved in the case! It will be more appropriate to try the case again after getting more conclusive evidence!"

Xia Xun smiled and said: "In order to find evidence to save our general, this person has traveled across mountains and rivers, and spent a lot of effort. It can be seen that there are details in the rough, and he is a very meticulous person. Maybe he has other evidence that can determine the outcome in one fell swoop.

Maybe, in that case, we won’t have to keep the Emperor waiting!”

Li Tianhen immediately said: "That's right! There is also physical evidence for the final general!"

He dug into his arms and took out something, raised it high above his head and walked forward. He was still six or seven steps away from the chief judge, the jurors and the noble people who were watching. The guards were afraid that he would hurt someone if he got angry.

Having already stopped in front, he took the book from his hand and turned back to hand it over to Long Duanshi.

Long Duanshi opened the book and looked at it, then closed it gently, and said with a long sigh: "Your Highnesses, your lords, Eunuch Zheng, I think that the case of Shuangyu Weitong Japanese can be concluded here.

Got it!"


"I believe that Shuangyu Guards officers and men should be found not guilty! Apart from this, other matters are not matters that this court has the authority to deal with. I would also like to ask your two highnesses and Eunuch Zheng to report back to the emperor for his decision!"

Chen Ying couldn't hold it back, stood up and said: "What evidence, bring it to me!"

Long Duanshi handed over the object and the sergeant forwarded it to Chen Ying. When Chen Ying saw it, his knees softened and he slowly sat back on the chair. What Li Tianhen presented was the one that Luo Yu presented to the Taicang Guards. Warrant to mobilize troops!

A sneer slowly appeared on Xia Xun's lips: "It's time for reckoning!"

The first seven days have just ended.

One month, the road is ahead.

Guan Guan is happy, you are happy,

You are happy, Guan Guan is happy,

Guan Guan is worried, you are worried,

You are worried, you are worried,

Same joys and same worries,

Thanks for having you!

This chapter has been completed!
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