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Chapter 005 Shanzhai Yang Xu

Chapter 005 Copycat Yang Xu()

The carriage bumped along the uneven road, and there were only two people in the carriage, Xia Xun and Zhang Shisan.

The car is a horse-drawn sedan built by Yang's own yard. It is very spacious, with a pine wood carriage and exquisitely carved wall panels. There is a large and comfortable soft couch in the carriage, as well as several brocade beds and a small bed.

There is a mezzanine built into the lower half of the wall panels on both sides of the table, which can be used to hold musical instruments, chess and cards, or fine wine and preserves to relieve boredom along the way. Light curtains are hung on the four walls of the car, and relatively sparsely woven curtains are used for the windows.

Bamboo curtain.

There were four burly men in front and behind the car, all dressed in riding attire, with horses on their crotches. Ordinary wealthy families, even if they were rich, were not so luxurious that even servants and guardians were equipped with horses, but the Yang family

With this convenient condition, since the imperial court allowed private racecourses, people began to try to open racecourses one after another. The Yang family opened a racecourse in Yidu.

The four nursing homes all wore narrow-edged swords on their waists. The imperial court allowed the wearing of knives. After all, the imperial court did not want good people to be harmed when the road was rough. However, it was okay to wear a knife, a bow, an arrow, and a spear.

You'd better not take it with you, not even as a collection, unless you want to accuse yourself of trying to rebel.

The destination of their trip was Qishipengzhai, where there was a quarry established by the Yang family at the beginning of the year.

Zhang Shisan swayed slightly with the car and said: "If you show up in Qingzhou City at this time, your true colors will be revealed in less than half a day. Therefore, we have to find an excuse to leave Qingzhou first. Unload the mining materials from Shipeng Village

The quarry has just been established at the beginning of the year. The King of Qi wants to rebuild the palace, and all the stones needed are supplied by this quarry. You are the owner of the quarry, because the stones are supplied to the palace, so you can't worry about it and rush to take charge of the overall situation.

This reason is still valid."


"The stewards at the quarry are all local people employed and are not familiar with Yang Wenxuan's boss. It is easy for you to hide it from them. However, after all, the quarry is not the main industry of the Yang family and does not need a boss.

We have been staying there, so we can only stay there for ten and a half days. During these days, I will keep track of Yang Wenxuan’s hobbies, temperament, temper, speech, and behavior, including the friends he associates with and the close servants in the house.

All the relationships from near and far tell you that you must be familiar with everything about Yang Xu in the shortest possible time, in order to achieve the effect of confusing the fake with the real."


"The King of Qi has a distinguished status, and there is little chance that you will be able to be received by him. If there is any matter, the prince will ask the eunuch in charge of the palace to discuss it with you. If the eunuch in charge discusses business matters with you, you can be vague and wait.

Discuss with me when you come back. Even if the prince sees you in person, don't worry too much. As long as you can hide it from your family and friends, it will be easy to pass the test of King Qi."

Xia Xun was surprised and said: "What? You still have to deal with the prince?"

Xia Xun's expression became tense: "We... we..., this... rebellion, isn't it... related to King Qi?"

Seeing his timid expression, Zhang Shisan couldn't help but secretly worry: "This boy is an ignorant countryman. The biggest official he has ever seen in his life must be just a person like the head of the household. Where have we seen noble people? We

Tell him that he is here under the emperor's order. If he sees other people, it will be enough to embolden his courage. But if we let him know that the person we are going to deal with is a prince, I am afraid that this boy will be like the twelve-year-old murderous warrior Qin Wuyang.

When you see the King of Qi, you will be so intimidated that he turns pale. Even if his words and deeds look the same, won't he arouse suspicion? A warrior who has never seen the big world will find it difficult to remain calm and composed in front of the prince."

Thinking of this, he smiled and reassured: "It's ridiculous, how can it be related to King Qi? King Qi is the son of the current emperor, will the prince rebel against the emperor?"

Xia Xun said with a look of disbelief: "If it has nothing to do with the King of Qi, then... the adults are here under the imperial edict. Just say that they know the prince and arrest the traitors together. Why... why do you have to be so secretive? Is the prince kept in the dark?"

Zhang Shisan laughed angrily at him and said to himself: "Although this unruly man doesn't have much knowledge, he is not stupid, which is not bad. If he is as stupid as An Litong, I will use 100% of my strength to educate him." He, I'm afraid he won't be able to cultivate him."

Thinking of this, Zhang Shisan's heart moved, and he suddenly thought of a wonderful reason, and said: "You have to know that the person who intends to rebel may be someone who is teaching, or he may be an official of the palace. The people of the White Lotus Sect are used to hiding. With status, they are attached to wealthy families and secretly do evil things; as for the officials of the royal palace, the princes have soldiers, money and great power. If some bold and arrogant palace officials want to seek wealth and wealth for a lifetime by following the dragon's merits, and imitate Chen Qiao's mutiny, Huangpao was added to the story, so it was not impossible for him to plot evil, commit rebellion first, and then force the feudal king to submit.

However, there is currently insufficient evidence, and these are just our speculations. If we go to the palace to investigate the case with great fanfare, but in the end the investigation is untrue, wouldn’t it hurt the father-son relationship between the emperor and Prince Qi? Or maybe our information is wrong, and this is deliberate The rebels have no real relationship with the palace, so if we go to the palace to investigate so rashly, wouldn’t we just alert the enemy?"

Xia Xun mustered up the courage and said: "Then, wouldn't it be enough to ask the prince to keep it a secret and help secretly? When the county officials came to our village to arrest the thieves, they first informed the household head and assisted secretly. .”

Zhang Shisan raised his eyebrows and said in a deep voice: "Can a major case of rebellion be the same as an officer arresting a thief? Even though you live in the countryside and are ignorant, you must have heard about King Tan's self-immolation, right? Regarding rebellion, Who knows whether the prince’s favorite people or his relatives and friends are involved, and how deeply they are involved. If King Qi knows about the matter before it is found out, who will dare to take responsibility if the prince is too worried and repeats the same mistakes as King Tan? "

A few years ago, the Ningxia commander Yu Hu, the elder brother of Tan King Zhu Zi, was accused by Hu Weiyong of betraying the party. Tan King Zhu Zi was terrified. When Zhu Yuanzhang heard that he sent an envoy to express condolences to his son, he also specially summoned him back to Beijing for an audience. Who knew that Zhu Zi However, he thought that his father wanted to summon him back to the capital to question him, so he died in fear. Because Zhu Zi had no children, his feudal status was revoked.

This incident caused a sensation in the world, and the imperial court specially issued a newspaper to inform the world of the details of the incident, so that no one in the world knew about it. According to Zhang Shisan, it is for this reason that the emperor They were extremely cautious when investigating the rebellion case in Prince Qi's Mansion, fearing that if they didn't handle it well, Prince Qi's son would also be "scared to death", so the Jinyi guards were extra cautious.

After all the talk, Xia Xun was finally calmed down. Zhang Shisan took a long breath, raised the silver cup filled with wine, and said with a smile: "Would you like some?"

Xia Xun shook his head and said, "I'm not thirsty."

Zhang Shisan picked up the clip, picked up a few crystal-clear ice cubes from the silver plate, put it into his glass, shook it gently, listened to the pleasant sound of tinkling, and took a sip of the wine slowly. Authentic: "You should drink a little. There are two kinds of wine that Yang Xu loves most, one is ice-cold wine, and the other is home-brewed old wine. This is one of them."


Xia Xun followed Shan Ruliu and poured a glass of wine. He followed Zhang Shisan's example and put a few ice cubes in, shaking it gently, watching the red wine liquid and white ice cubes ripple in the silver cup to create charming colors, and then

He took a gentle sip.

Zhang Shisan couldn't help but smile when he saw that he was imitating it, and said: "This Yang Wenxuan is from Jiangning, Yingtian Mansion. The Yang family has a huge family over there, but you know a little about things over there.

That’s it. You don’t need to pay too much attention to it. No one here will ask you about things over there. Moreover, the reason why Yang Wenxuan’s father came to Qingzhou was because he had a conflict with his family and left his hometown in anger.

, neither father nor son like to hear people talk about things about their hometown, so even if someone really asks you about things about your hometown, you can just avoid talking about it with an unpleasant expression. Besides, Yang Wenxuan only left Jiangning.

At the age of six, I can’t remember much about my hometown.”

As Zhang Shisan spoke, he picked up a small hammer and tapped a cube of ice on a silver plate. The ice was taken out from under the soft couch. Under the soft couch was a box filled with ice cubes.

, use thick quilts to insulate the temperature, and the ice cubes can not only lower the temperature in the carriage, but also can be drunk, killing two birds with one stone. The rich and wealthy are very good at enjoying it. Many people have ice cellars built in their houses to store them in winter and use them in summer.

Snow is used to cook tea, and ice is used to suppress wine. It not only has a romantic atmosphere, but also shows the luxury of a wealthy family.

"When Yang Wenxuan was a child, his parents had decided on a marriage in his hometown, but I don't know the details about his unmarried wife. Yang Wenxuan never wanted to talk about anything about his hometown, including him.

My marriage has always been vague, so if anyone asks about it, you can just be vague and ignore it."

"There is a steward Xiao in Yang Wenxuan's house, who is Yang Wenxuan's most trusted person. He was the only servant who accompanied Mr. Yang from his hometown in Jiangnan. He has always been loyal to the Yang family and will never leave. Yang Wenxuan is the person he has watched since he was a child.

Growing up, during Yang Wenxuan's mourning period in the past two years, some business matters that were not convenient for Yang Shang to be publicized were handled by him.

Guanshi Xiao has a daughter named Xiao Di, who is fourteen years old. Although she is a servant, Yang Wenxuan always treats her as a brother and sister. When Yang Wenxuan is at home, she takes care of the daily life and food. The most important person in the Yang family is

The people who are familiar with Yang Wenxuan are the father and daughter. For the sake of safety, after you return home, you must find an excuse as soon as possible to remove the father and daughter far away, so as not to let them see the truth. "

"Yes!" Xia Xun imitated Zhang Shisan's actions, took a sip of wine gracefully, tasted it slowly, and nodded gently in agreement.

"Yang Wenxuan's father died of illness four years ago. His father's name was Yang Bingkun. He was fifty-four years old. At that time, Yang Wenxuan was only sixteen years old. After completing his filial piety period for three years, he was admitted to a government school last year and became a student in Qingzhou.


Zhang Shisan said, and just as he looked at the ice tray, Xia Xun immediately picked up the clip and filled his glass with a few pieces of crushed ice. Zhang Shisan gently shook the wine in the glass, with a look of satisfaction on his face.


It was impossible for him to receive such treatment in the past. Yang Xu was an officer who officially joined the Jinyiwei and had the status of a military officer. Since he passed the Zhusheng examination last year and gained fame, his worth has increased even more. Although Zhang Shisan and Yang Xu are colleagues,

, but regardless of his public identity or his secret identity, he always has to be inferior to Yang Xu. But now, "Yang Xu" has to be at his mercy, how can he not be proud of him?

There was a sound of rushing water in his ears. Zhang Shisan gently lifted the curtains and took a look outside. He saw a large river with fast flowing water and clear water. It was flowing into the distance in a mighty way. The sun shone on the water, and the scales were like fish.

one slice.

Zhang Shisan raised his voice and asked: "Have you arrived at Gushui River?"

The handlebar agreed outside, and Zhang Shisan said: "After crossing the river, drive the car to the shade of the trees. Young master wants to take a rest."

Xia Xun asked in a low voice: "Aren't you in a hurry to unload the stone shed village? Why do you have to stop here?"

Zhang Shisan smiled slightly and did not answer.

After the car crossed the bridge, Handlebar drove the car to the shade of the trees beside the river. Zhang Shisan walked out of the carriage and told Handlebar and the four guards: "You go to the forest to eat some dry food and take a rest.

, the weather is hot, young master and Miss Tingxiang want to wash up by the river to cool off the heat."

Several people agreed and walked away. It didn't matter if the master wanted to wash up by the river, but since there were still women, the servants had to stay away. The weather was hot and women were wearing thin clothes, so it was not suitable for others to see the river.

There was a dense forest beside them, and it was very cool in the forest. The five people disappeared into the shadows of the trees in a short while.

Seeing that they had gone far, Zhang Shisan returned to the car. Xia Xun said in surprise: "Miss Tingxiang? Apart from you and me, there is no other girl in this car."

Zhang Shisan smiled slyly and said, "Get out of the way and you'll see her soon."

Zhang Shisan walked over and lifted up the soft cushions and bamboo mats spread on the couch, revealing the box containing ice underneath. He then opened the lid of the box and found a thick layer of quilts inside. Xia Xun knew what was under the quilt.

It was just neatly stacked ice cubes. He had already enjoyed the taste of this chilled grape wine on the way. When he opened the quilt, there was indeed crystal clear ice underneath. Even though it was sealed tightly, it had already melted a little.

When Xia Xun saw this, he suddenly understood something. Thinking of the ice-cold grape wine he drank along the way, his throat suddenly tightened and he felt sick.

Zhang Shisan took out the quilt and spread it out, then put the ice cubes on top one by one. Two layers of ice cubes were brought down, and there was another layer of quilt underneath. When he opened it again, a girl with a curled up body suddenly appeared.

The girl in the box had a strange paleness on her face. After the ice cubes melted, tiny drops of water formed on her face. Her mouth was slightly open, and her eyes were supposed to be very charming.

His eyes widened in horror, and his eyes stared straight at him, making Xia Xun's hair tremble.

"This is Yang Wenxuan's woman. She is just a woman he bought. She is very beautiful, isn't she? Yang Wenxuan has a lustful nature. In addition to lingering in Huajie and Liuxiang, he also has another woman in Qingzhou, maybe one, maybe several, maybe in the future.

The lady I married may be a young lady from a well-known family who has a husband. A wife is not as good as a concubine, and a concubine is not as good as a steal. It is just such a secret thing that even I don’t know the details...

Speaking of this, Zhang Shisan suddenly felt that something was abnormal. Is it too calm for a countryman to suddenly see such a corpse? Without warning, he suddenly turned his head...

This chapter has been completed!
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