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Chapter 507 You Are My Fuwa!

Chapter 507 You are my Fuwa!

Li Yifeng's fleet carried out various maneuvers meticulously following the instructions given by the flagship.

Reconnaissance, feedback, tentative contact, outflank, interception, charge...

The majestic lake water was plowed back and forth by warships one after another. The waves were rolling, and the violent fluctuations on the water surface were felt. Fish, shrimps, turtles, crabs, and all kinds of underwater creatures fled far away.

On the main ship, in addition to Li Yifeng and Xia Xun, the main figures of the Yu family came, all neatly dressed, and stood on the battleship to watch. Even Princess Jinhua and Princess Ming'er also boarded the battleship, but the princess seemed

Feeling unwell, she forced herself to support herself and watched half of it before entering the cabin to rest with a flushed face. The strength of her wine was so light that she could stay drunk for a long time with a glass of wine, let alone this aged wine made by the Yu family.

Yu Zhenglong stood steadily on the battleship, with a disdainful smile on his face, pointing with his brothers, and snickering from time to time. Regarding the many changes made by Li Yifeng, he felt that they were just sensationalism, good-looking, and of little use.

. He didn’t read many books. Commanding battleships relied on the oral and personal teachings of his elders. His ability to command battles was honed little by little by his elders. Li Yifeng had read a lot of military books in his spare time and always liked to ponder new ideas.

In fact, Yu Zhenglong had some curiosity about this, so he had a tentative fight with this brother-in-law. It was an exercise that was close to actual combat. As a result of the two exercises, he won a complete victory. The actual results are there.

, he naturally no longer paid attention to Li Yifeng's flashy command tactics.

His sarcastic chatter and showoff about his two great victories drifted faintly with the wind into the ears of Xia Xun and Li Yifeng, who were standing side by side. Li Yifeng's face turned red and white at the expense of him.

, but he couldn't control it, so he had to pretend not to hear.

His two tentative exercises with Yu Zhenglong were indeed a complete failure. No one in this world is born a genius. His first battle exercise was the first exercise after he made drastic reforms to his fleet. The ships

The running-in between them was not enough. As the soul of the entire fleet, his reforms and innovations did still have many immature aspects. That time it was a real failure, and the loss was not unfair.

After this battle, he corrected many flaws in his tactical design based on the actual combat results, and strengthened training, so that his naval officers and soldiers who were only familiar with traditional combat methods gradually became familiar with his tactics. However,

In the second exercise, he failed again. Although this time it was not as immediate as the last time, they faced each other evenly for a long time, and finally lost in a head-on conflict.

In fact, this failure was not due to improper tactics of Li Yifeng. There were three reasons why he failed. First: his reform of the fleet was to imagine going out of Chaohu Lake to deal with various water conditions and various enemies.

The tactics they created, and this is Chao Lake, the place where they fight is always Chao Lake. Everyone on both sides knows the water conditions here very well, and his superiority over the opponent in reconnaissance and detection is completely useless.

Second, know yourself and the enemy. Because we are a family and we practice in Chao Lake all day long, the number, functions, equipment and personnel of the ships on both sides are all clear to each other. Many of his tactical moves cannot be hidden from the other side, and they are naturally in the eyes of the other side.

It became flashy.

Third, and most importantly, a fixed area is demarcated during martial arts exercises. The water area is narrow and the combat space is limited. Many of the roundabout and outflanking techniques he devised are useless. And his reform is giving up part of it.

On the basis of force, the maneuverability and specialized functions of each ship have been strengthened. At this time, it was forced to conduct a head-on collision, and its advantages could not be reflected at all.

Advanced ones are not superior to traditional techniques in any environment or under any conditions. If such a competition lasts for a thousand years, he will definitely lose. In this regard, Li Yifeng, who has always been stubborn, believes that it is not

His tactics were not feasible, but his design was not perfect enough, so he made corrections to the flaws exposed in the battle and continued to improve his tactics. However, he has not conducted actual combat exercises since then, so he cannot test it.

own results.

No matter how careful you are in actual combat drills, there will always be losses. When the world is at peace and there is no pressure from external threats, the elders of the Yu family do not agree with such drills. Li Yifeng is the son-in-law of the Yu family. If they don't propose to sparring, they will

It was impossible for him to come to his door and ask for a battle. Yu Zhenglong, who was qualified and capable of proposing another battle, had completely lost interest in his fleet and was too lazy to fight him again.

Therefore, Li Yifeng had to always carry the title of the often defeated general. The entire fleet could not hold its head high in front of the other two fleets of the family. This is why Princess Jinhua and Li Yifeng took the initiative and even eagerly wanted to seize the leader.

The reason for the opportunity to fight is that they have reached a time when they must prove their abilities and win the respect of their families with their military exploits and strength.

Just by being born with a eldest son, their voice in the family will become smaller and smaller. If things continue like this, the only privilege they will have is the honor of having the eldest son to offer sacrifices to their ancestors. Ming

Through his previous contact with Princess Jinhua in the palace, as well as some occasional discussions he heard from his brothers, he knew the troubles in the Yu family's family.

However, what her brothers knew was limited, and their discussions were not very detailed. Therefore, Ming'er's judgment in advance was that the Yu family's family was the most competitive force. However, she did not expect that in the past few years, Yu's family would become the most competitive force.

The situation in the parents' room is even worse, and it's time to take the initiative to prove yourself.

Of course, this kind of embarrassment does not mean that the second and third brothers of the Yu family used tricks, stumbling blocks, and conspiracies to suppress the eldest brother in order to steal the status of the head of the family. A big family that has been passed down for many generations will certainly

There are some dudes and some scum, but more people have a sense of family responsibility. If they use these methods to compete, they will kill a thousand people and lose eight hundred to themselves. It will consume the strength of the entire family and create internal disunity.

, not advisable. They rely on undisputed strength. If you cannot fulfill your obligations to the family, you will naturally have no confidence.

Xia Xun took it very seriously. In his original plan, he was planning to choose the fleet of the Yu family. The pressure of internal competition would use all their power for his own use. Even if they were not the best fleet of the Yu family,

But it must be the fleet most suitable for him to command. So he made up his mind before boarding the ship, no matter what the result of the exercise was, he would not hesitate to praise and praise it.

A force that has been ostracized and despised within the family first has the opportunity to stand out and solidify its due status with meritorious deeds, and then is appreciated and praised by his general in front of the entire family. He believes that he can get this army

Loyalty, obedience, trust and support. This is a means and a leadership skill.

But when he saw Li Yifeng's drills with his own eyes, Xia Xun was shocked. This general was not a naval general who was conservative and only knew inheritance. His combat philosophy and command style were very much in line with the more perfect command style in modern times.

.Yang Xu has never been in the navy, nor has he learned any knowledge in this area, but he still has some knowledge in this area. He intuitively felt that he had found a treasure!

Originally, the reason why he chose the Yu family was just because the Yu family's navy had absolutely nothing to do with the East Zhejiang navy. When he went to war this time, he not only had enemies outside, but also enemies inside. He really couldn't divide it any more.

I have no energy left to compete with my own fleet at all times. The reason why I chose Yu's family's room is not because the navy in Yu's room is the strongest, but precisely because I think they are the weakest, and they need military exploits to consolidate their position.

But it seems that is not the case now. Today, after the Ming Dynasty has abandoned the sea for thirty years, there is no fleet more suitable to go out than the fleet in front of it.

As long as they are adapted to the control of sea ships and are familiar with the wind and waves of the sea, they will be a qualified naval fleet. And these aspects can be easily overcome. They are like a group of senior engineers working under the same system in the same field, except that

I have been responsible for a certain aspect of things on a fixed basis, but the knowledge and foundation are still there. If I am transferred to another department, I will be able to adapt quickly.

Following the last general order, the warships slowly sailed back to their original positions and reorganized the fleet formation ready for battle. The lake in front gradually calmed down, and the turbulent waves were calmed by the wind and became one again.

In the blue waves, everyone in the Yu family cast their eyes on Xia Xun. Princess Jinhua and Li Yifeng especially had a hint of nervousness and expectation in their eyes.

If the auxiliary prince who came on behalf of the imperial court also showed disappointment in their fleet, it would undoubtedly make things worse for them who were no longer recognized within the family. Especially Li Yifeng, as time went by, he also had feelings for himself.

He was shaken, and now he was feeling very anxious. If he could not get the appreciation of Duke Fu and get this opportunity, not only would Yu's family lose an opportunity to rise, but he might also be in trouble from now on.

Li Yifeng licked his lips, forced himself to suppress his nervousness, and asked Xia Xun: "Haha, Duke Fu, look... can this fleet of the last general still be in the eyes of the Duke?"

Xia Xun slowly took two steps forward, holding the tall battleship and overlooking the entire fleet. Everyone's eyes fell on his back. After a moment, Xia Xun slowly turned around and looked at the young and old of the Yu family.

He said with a serious expression: "Your Highness, to be rude, before today, Yang always thought that the fleet commanded by General Li was certainly not the strongest among the Yu family's navy, but it was barely enough.

I live in the middle reaches, but when I saw it today..."

Li Yifeng's face turned pale when he heard what he said. Perhaps the next words of Duke Fu would be so embarrassing that people would have to find a crack in the ground to slip through. However, Xia Xun then opened his arms and said very solemnly:

"There is no doubt that General Li's fleet will be the strongest fleet in our Ming Dynasty."

Ming'er lay dazedly in the cabin, feeling a little nauseous. Wine was something she could never conquer. She had been much better after sleeping for a night, but as soon as she boarded the ship, the wind and waves made her feel uncomfortable again. Suddenly

, she felt her little hand being held by someone, and a surprise voice came from her ear: "Ming'er, Ming'er, you are really my lucky general!"

"Ah?" Ming'er opened her eyes in confusion. She couldn't figure out the situation for a while. It took her a long time to adjust the focus and see Xia Xun's face clearly. She answered with a nasal voice: "What's wrong?"

Xia Xun held her hand tightly, and was so happy that he could not speak coherently: "Ah! No, you are really my lucky star! No, you are really my lucky baby!"

p: Book friends, you are all my lucky dolls. Move your little hands and vote for your recommendation. Please vote ***~~~~

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