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Chapter 515: Straight Heart is the Dojo

Chapter 515 Honesty is the dojo

The Lotus Abode is the place where Tianjie Temple entertains eminent monks and accomplished masters from all over the world. The temple is quiet at the moment. An old monk with a white beard is sitting cross-legged under the flowers, holding a small bowl of fine white porcelain from Ding Kiln.

Savor it carefully.

What he drank was not tea, but soup. In ancient times, there was no MSG, but there was a condiment that was more delicious and nutritious than MSG: stock. It’s just that ordinary people always have stock on hand when they don’t have the time or financial resources. Stock.

There are meat and vegetables. This old monk is a monk, so the soup he drinks is naturally vegetarian soup.

After drinking a bowl of soup, the old monk smacked his lips and said with endless aftertaste: "In this Lotus Temple, even a bowl of soup is extremely delicious."

"Master, master, the situation is not good!"

A man hurriedly walked in from outside the courtyard speaking ***. Looking at his appearance, he looked similar to the platycodon shop owner in "Smart Ikkyu". He had a short figure and wiped the sweat on his cheeks with a handkerchief. It was only early spring at this time.

It was the season and the weather wasn't too hot yet, so he actually started sweating when he walked out. It looked like he was really anxious.

The old monk put down the soup bowl, turned to look at him, and said in Japanese: "Ah, it's Fatty. Why are you so worried?"

The man who walked in was Fei Fu, the deputy envoy of Japan. Fei Fu was a big businessman in Japan and was extremely keen on re-opening trade with the Ming Dynasty. It was under the impetus of him and a group of people that Ashikaga Yoshimitsu made up his mind.

, trying to reopen trade with the Ming Dynasty, so this time Ashikaga Yoshimitsu sent monk Zua to the Ming Dynasty and specially made him a deputy envoy.

Feifu bowed to Zua, sat down cross-legged on the futon opposite him, and said anxiously: "Master, I went out to inquire about it. The situation is not good. Many officials in the Ming Dynasty are opposed to the reopening of Japan.

Trade, the reason is that Japanese pirates continue to harass the Ming Dynasty's waters, and Japan's own country is ineffective in combating piracy, and is even suspected of condoning it, so they asked His Majesty the Ming Emperor to refuse trade with our country. The news the day before yesterday was true, and today they went to the

I mentioned this matter again during the court meeting. I think people from the Ming Dynasty Ministry of Rites always delay us, and this may be the reason."

"No, no, no, no..., Fatty, you don't understand Chinese people, hehehehe..."

Zua remained calm, stroked his beard and smiled: "Don't worry, what you said will not happen."

Zu'a said happily: "China is a country of gentlemen who care about reputation but not profit. "Disciple Rules" says: "Study only on virtue, only on talent and skills. If you are not as good as others, you should strive for it. If you are not as good as others in terms of clothes and food, don't do it."

Relatives. The only thing the Chinese care about is Tao, and the carrier of Tao is etiquette, and the appearance of etiquette is name. If they are stronger than you, they think it is the victory of Tao. If they are weaker than you, it means that their weapons are inferior to others, and Tao

If it is always in their hands, they think they will always be invincible, do you understand?"

"not understand!"

Fei Fu shook his fat face and replied: "What the master said is really too profound. Fei Fu didn't understand."

Zua laughed and said: "To put it bluntly, I just love saving face!"

Fei Fu suddenly realized: "Ah! Master said this, I understand!"

Zu Adao: "In the entire China, from the emperor and the ministers of the court to all the scholars who control the foundation of the Ming Dynasty, they only live for one thing - face! Even though they give it all kinds of beautiful words

As the saying goes, for an individual, it is that a gentleman is concerned about the way but not for food; a gentleman is concerned about the way but not for food; a gentleman is about righteousness, and a villain is about benefit; for the country, it is like the Heavenly Kingdom that is above the country, and the people who care for the barbarians are kind and far-reaching."

"So, even if some officials put forward different opinions, their emperor and the ministers in power will not care. They will only care about whether we are professed and respectful. As long as we do this, that is their way.

Victory, the Chinese people’s dedication to face is as tireless as your businessmen’s pursuit of interests, which is incredible.

However, this is the guarantee that our mission to China will be successful. Don't worry, when their Emperor receives us, we only need to show our humility and give them enough face, and we will definitely win the favor of His Majesty the General.

The benefits you want! Goods, coins, poems and books... everything!"

"Ha ha ha ha!"


When they talked about their satisfaction, the two of them laughed together.


At the gate of the courtyard, Xia Xun asked the interpreter of Honglu Temple who had just caught up with him in confusion: "I said, what are these two people talking about? Are they so excited?"

The interpreter was tall and thick-set, with a full beard. He looked like a wild warrior. He glanced into the courtyard and said in a low voice: "I don't know, sir. I just chased you when I heard something

'Everything, everything!'"

Translators are not necessarily knowledgeable. Especially at that time, the translators were not serious scholars, and they had not even read books at all. They were just proficient in foreign languages. Since the Ming Dynasty had more contact with

They are all northern ethnic groups, so most of the translators at the Translation Institute at that time were selected and sent from Liaodong, including Jurchen translators, Korean translators, Japanese translators, Japanese translators, etc.

This tall, bearded Japanese translator is a Jurchen from Liaodong. His mother is a Jurchen woman who was kidnapped when she went out to sea to rob the coast of Japan. Therefore, he is proficient in Jurchen, Japanese and Chinese.

Language, in the Institute of Interpretation and Translation, is an interpreter from the seventh grade, which is the highest level.

Xia Xun nodded and signaled to the young novice Yuantong. Yuantong walked in and said to the two Chinese envoys: "Master Zu'a, the rich benefactor, and the Ming Dynasty's Assistant Duke Yang Xu have arrived."

"Ah! Who is the Duke of Fuguo?"

Zu'a's face changed slightly. He turned around and saw Xia Xun standing at the door of the courtyard. He quickly stood up and hurriedly walked to Xia Xun. He clasped his hands together and saluted with a straight face: "This must be Mr. Fu Guogong, Lao Na."

Zu'a, a monk from Luyuan Temple in *** country, has met you!" Unexpectedly, this man actually spoke fluent Chinese. Xia Xun glanced at the translator next to him and thought to himself: "This man is of no use."

The fat man on the side also hurried over and bowed to the ground with a very respectful attitude.

Xia Xun bowed slightly and returned the salute, saying: "Master Daoyi sent the eminent monk to my Ming Dynasty, right? My father-in-law has been busy fighting against Japanese pirates these days. Master Lao has been waiting for a long time."

After hearing this, Zu'a raised his eyebrows slightly and looked at Xia Xun again, with a look of surprise on his face.

The Ming Dynasty regarded itself as the supreme kingdom of heaven, and had never deliberately understood the surrounding countries, and the same was true for Japan. When Ashikaga Yoshimitsu first sent an envoy to establish diplomatic relations with the Ming Dynasty, he used the phrase "Japanese general Minamoto no Yoshi"

In the name of "Manchu", Zhu Yuanzhang rejected the request of the Muromachi shogunate because at that time the Ming Dynasty mistakenly believed that Prince Huairiang of the Southern Dynasty was the monarch of the Ming Dynasty, and "Chimei" (Chimei Yuan, the head of the Imperial family at the time)

He is a rebellious minister. Ashikaga Yoshimitsu is a military commander of the "Meiji" faction, and he should not be associated with him.

By the time of the Jianbun Dynasty, Ashikaga Yoshimitsu Shimazu Mitsuo and Shin'emon went to the Ming Dynasty to pay tribute in the name of "*** Kokushun Sangogen Doichi". At that time, Ashikaga Yoshimitsu had already become a monk, but

The Ming Dynasty knew nothing about this. Emperor Jianwen was very happy to see the foreign countries coming to court, and named Ashikaga Yoshimitsu the "King of Japan".

After that, the regime in the Central Plains changed, Zhu Di ascended the throne, and Ashikaga Yoshimitsu once again sent an envoy to the court. This time, he used the name of the King of Japan conferred by the Ming Dynasty. The Ministry of Rites has always called him this, and never knew that Ashikaga Yoshimitsu had become a monk.

However, this Duke of the Ming Dynasty not only knew that Ashikaga Yoshimitsu was a monk, but also called out his Buddhist name, which showed that this person was very familiar with the situation in Japan, so Zua couldn't help but be a little cautious.

Zu'a and Feifu let Xia Xun into the Zen room. The environment in the Zen room was quiet, with light sandalwood. There was a tea set on the low table. Feifu brought water. Zu'a poured tea and performed a tea ceremony for Xia Xun.

Ran sat cross-legged on the futon, waited until Zu'a offered the tea with both hands, took the tea, and took a sip.

Zua smiled and said: "Although General Yiman has become a monk, he is still the actual controller of the Kingdom of Japan and the king of Japan who was granted the title of the Ming Dynasty. This time, Lao Na and Fei Fu paid a pilgrimage to the Ming Dynasty on the order of the king.

We are pious and respectful, respect the Ming Dynasty as a monarchy, and pray to the Heavenly Kingdom to reopen the door to trade, so that the people of Japan can inherit the kindness of the Heavenly Kingdom.

It has been some time since we arrived in Beijing. Officials from the Ministry of Rites said that His Majesty the Emperor has entrusted this matter to Your Excellency. I wonder when Your Excellency can introduce us to the Emperor? Our king is looking eastward in the ***, and he is already eager to see what's going on.

." Fei Fu hurriedly responded from the side. It turned out that Fei Fu could also speak fluent Chinese.

Xia Xun said: "I know that Minamoto Yoshimitsu is still the actual ruler of the *** country. He is qualified to represent *** and contact me, the Ming Dynasty. But there is one thing that the master did not understand!"

Zu'a quickly and respectfully said: "My lord, please speak!"

Xia Xun said: "My Majesty, the Emperor of the Ming Dynasty, has given me full authority over this matter. It is full power, not just responsible for reception. Therefore, I can decide whether the Ming Dynasty accepts the country of *** as a vassal state, and whether to cooperate with the country of ***

Before these matters are finalized, I, the Ming Emperor, will not recognize the title granted to you by the Jianwen Dynasty, so naturally there is no need to meet you!"

Zu'a and Feifu looked at each other. They had never expected that the Ming Emperor would completely delegate the power to establish diplomatic relations with Japan to the young Duke in front of him. After being stunned for a while, Zu'a tentatively said: "Then, the Duke has seen it.

Credentials of our country? Our relationship with the Ministry of Rites..."

Xia Xun interrupted him and said bluntly: "No, I didn't read those things! I believe in your sincerity in establishing diplomatic relations with the Ming Dynasty, but I have no interest in those false courtesy! Sincerity must be reflected with honest actions! The master is

As a monk, with profound spiritual practice and insight into human feelings, do you think what I said is correct?"

Zua said cautiously: "So, how do you think we should express our sincerity?"

Xia Xun said: "To be a minister, you must fulfill the obligations of a minister. Look at what Korea did. Our emperor wanted to recruit horses, so they collected all the horses in the country and let me, the envoy of the Ming Dynasty, choose the horses.

Not enough, even the cattle were used to ride on them. Our emperor wanted to recruit some Korean women, so they banned all girls of marriageable age from getting married until the women of the Ming Dynasty were selected. This is only respectful. Kowtow a few times and say hello.

What’s the use of shouting long live, this kind of false courtesy?”

Zu'a was stunned. The Ming Dynasty Fu Guogong in front of him was completely beyond his understanding. He had never seen a Ming Dynasty official who was so straightforward and cared about actual interests. He had never considered this aspect at all.

The fat man was startled when he saw Zuafa. He was a little anxious. He was a businessman, just a pure businessman. What he cared about was only the profit, the huge benefits he could get after re-opening trade with the Ming Dynasty. As for surrendering to the Ming Dynasty, it was only a matter of etiquette.

He doesn't care whether he wants to become a minister or fulfill these obligations.

Feifu glanced at Zua and said quickly: "Your Excellency, regarding the two points you mentioned, I think... we can also do it. Of course, this must be agreed by our king, but we can report the matter

King, I believe in our king..."

Xia Xun waved his hand and said: "I'm just giving an example, I'm not asking you to do this!"

Are you kidding me, Japanese horse? There were no Japanese tall horses at that time. Was the Japanese horse bred through the introduction of improved breeds after the Meiji Restoration? The Japanese horse at that time was not much bigger than a donkey. Yamagata was 1.60 meters tall.

Changjing and Machang Xinfang rode "donkeys", brandished long knives, and shouted "Yeah, give it, give it". It seemed like that. If a bunch of *** horses were really recruited to be sent to the Ming Dynasty,

The strong men of the army are riding on them, why can't they crush the horses? As for the *** women, if they wash off the white dust on their faces and grow the little clusters of "eyebrows" a little longer, maybe they will become more charming and attractive.

, but he is not a pimp.

Xia Xun said: "My Majesty, the Ming Emperor, is very satisfied with Minamoto Yoshimitsu's respectful attitude, but I hope he can prove his reverence with actual actions."

Zu'a had recovered his composure at this time and asked hurriedly: "So, what does His Majesty the Ming Emperor want us to do?"

Xia Xun said: "It's very simple, fight against pirates! You know that your country is now in trouble with pirates. They not only rob the people along our coast, but also treat ships at sea without distinction, killing people and stealing goods, and do all kinds of evil. They are members of the Communist Party and the Ming Dynasty.

Common enemy! If our two countries establish tribute trade and trade ships, but they are used by pirates, this is what our Emperor does not want to see."

Zua and Feifu have nothing to do with Japanese pirates and are not opposed to cracking down on pirates. However, this kind of thing is not something that can be decided, and the relationship between Japanese pirates and the people of the country is more complicated. On the one hand,

The Japanese government's fleet is not powerful. On the one hand, if they take the slightest action, the news will be leaked in advance. Even if they are determined to suppress the bandits, they are often exhausted and return without success.

Fighting requires money. Even for the Ming Dynasty, being tied to a long-term war is a huge drain on national power. With the family background of the Japanese country, they cannot afford to go through the trouble. At the same time, Zua has always thought that he

He was very unwilling to be led by others, so he said with some hesitation: "Your Excellency, we also hate pirates deeply, but the country has only a few soldiers and a weak national power, so I'm afraid...


Xia Xun said: "This is simple. Combating pirates requires our full cooperation. However, considering the strength of your country's navy, the main task will of course be borne by us. We only need you to do three things: first, crack down on the trade of dirty goods, arrest

Hunt down dirty pirates, attack and suppress the islands occupied by pirates that have been detected; secondly, provide information to each other and provide information about the pirates we have. When our navy needs your cooperation, we must work together and join forces.

Fight; third, since our Ming navy is the main force in suppressing bandits, when we go to sea to fight, you must open the port and allow our Ming warships to dock, rest and replenish!"

Zu'a frowned tightly: "These conditions are not within my authority..."

Xia Xun said readily: "I know! Therefore, I suggest that Master Zua stay in the capital, talk more about scriptures and Taoism with Master Daoyan, and exchange each other's opinions. Master Daoyan is proficient in the scriptures of Buddhism, Taoism and Confucianism. I believe you

Our discussion can benefit both sides a lot. As for this rich deputy envoy, why not ask him to go back to the country, meet the moral master, and tell him our terms. If he agrees, you will be treated by my Ming Dynasty immediately.

With the audience of His Majesty the Emperor, the door to trade will be reopened."

Xia Xun smiled slightly, stood up on his knees, and Zua quickly stood up to stop him: "The Duke is staying, we can discuss this matter carefully."

"No need to discuss!"

Xia Xun simply said: "Negotiation is a very laborious matter. Determine your attitude, understand your opponent, make tentative contacts, make various negotiation plans, engage in verbal exchanges, intrigues, and sometimes be devious to be straightforward, and sometimes retreat.

Enter..., haha, Yang also knows a little bit about these. But in front of Master Zua, I think we don't need to work so hard.

The master is a virtuous monk. You should know that the straight heart is the dojo. Only by being consistent with your heart and words, and consistent with your words and deeds, can you save yourself and others. Therefore, please be frank and tell us frankly. This is our bottom line. This is also the only and most important condition.

.I know that the master cannot be the master, so on this matter, please ask His Highness Minamoto Yoshimitsu to come and give an answer, okay?"


Faced with such a person who only wanted profit nakedly, and the initiative in the negotiation was in the hands of the other party, and it was himself who was asking for help, Zua was really at a loss. His original calm and calmness was swept away, and he suddenly felt that everything

Everything was out of his control. In an instant, he changed from the special envoy of the King of Japan to a dispensable messenger. The auxiliary Duke had already passed him and directly sent a message to His Excellency General Ashikaga Yoshimitsu.


Is my mission going to end here?

Zua was still making his last struggle, trying hard to retain Xia Xun. Xia Xun smiled and said: "Master, unless I don't want to stay, I really can't get away. I will rush to eastern Zhejiang soon to preside over the suppression of Japanese pirates."

For one thing, I will be there, waiting for your good news! Master, farewell!"


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