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Chapter 517 Palm Print

Chapter 517 Palm Print

Zu'a and Feifu continued to be active in Jinling for a while, but the entire negotiation reached a deadlock. After Yang Xu left, there was no progress at all. People from the Ministry of Rites told them bluntly that the emperor had decided whether to establish diplomatic relations with Japan.

This power was completely delegated to the auxiliary Duke Yang Xu. If you want to reopen trade, you must get Yang Xu's nod.

That's all. The people from the Ministry of Rites showed them the drafted trade list, which included more than 1,000 kinds of commodities in twelve major categories. They were listed in great detail to show that they were sincere in establishing trade relations. The problem was **

*The attitude of the country is not sincere and hinders the establishment of trade relations.

Once these things are traded, they are all money. Seeing the wealth, his eyes are almost like Brother Kong Fang. However, there is a hurdle stuck there, and he cannot make so much money. Zua does not give up,

He also wanted to follow Dao Yan's path. He had already found out how important Monk Dao Yan was in front of the Ming Emperor. Unfortunately, his Taoism was far inferior to Monk Dao Yan's. Every time he saw Dao Yan, he didn't know.

Before he knew it, Dao Yan brought the topic to the Buddhist scriptures. He talked about it in a mysterious and imaginary way, and when he returned to the monastery in a daze, he realized that he had not said a word of what he wanted to say.

Zu'a was anxious, and Fei Fu was even more anxious. He pestered Zu'a all day long, demanding to return home immediately, and asked the general to make a judgment on the conditions of the Ming Dynasty. Zu'a had no choice but to nod and agree. As soon as Fei Fu got permission, he immediately set off on the road.

I rushed to eastern Zhejiang in a hurry and prepared to return home.

Outside Yixing City, Fei Fu's motorcade was passing by in a hurry. In line with the principle that neither thieves nor merchants would steal money, Fei Fu filled his motorcade with all kinds of luxury goods purchased from all over the Ming Dynasty. Huxiu Hang

Silk, gorgeous Sichuan brocade, exquisitely crafted jewelry... With the privilege of being a diplomatic envoy, he could bring these goods to his ship and transport them back to Japan, which would be a huge fortune.

On the roadside, he saw a team practicing. The soldiers' clothes were all mixed up, and the weapons they carried were not uniform. They were different from the Ming army with bright armor and bright swords and guns he had seen in Jinling. He was so fat and curious.

, quickly asked a Ming army flag officer who escorted him back: "Ah! Mr. He, is this your local army? Why...the clothes and weapons are so scattered?"

The commander-in-chief reined in his horse, slowed down, glanced at the soldiers who were training with long bamboo spears in the field beside the road, and replied: "Your envoy has misunderstood, these are not the officers and soldiers of our guard station, but the soldiers from nearby villages and towns."

The common people. The governor-general of the five provinces to suppress the Japanese has ordered regiment training to be established in various places to train troops in leisure time to suppress the invading enemies!"


Fei Fu rolled his eyes and said slyly: "Sir, the peasants have limited fighting power. Can they shoulder the important task of fighting against bandits?"

The commander-in-chief glanced at him and said with a smile: "What do you think our army does? You can't take the initiative to go to war to protect your villages and towns and your home. As long as you train the people, you can do it."

Arm them to prevent Japanese pirates from coming and going freely, and other things..."

The commander-in-chief slapped the sword on his waist and said murderously: "Of course we will do it!"

Fei Fu subconsciously shrank his neck and said with a dry smile: "My lord, what you said is, what you said is..."

"Ah! What are you doing there? Are you building a house on the top of the mountain?"

Feifu suddenly saw a hill in front of him. On the top of the hill, some people were building a huge stone house. He couldn't help shouting in surprise.

The mountains in the south are not too high, but there are many. Hills of 200 to 300 meters can be seen everywhere. Because they are not high, you can see clearly from the bottom of the mountain. Looking at the scale, the stone house being built on the top of the mountain has a radius of more than ten meters at the bottom. Zhang, the house gets narrower as it goes up, and now it is more than three feet high. It is said to be a house, but in fact it is more like a pagoda.

The chief flag officer took one look and said, "That's Yandun!"

Fei Fu said curiously: "Yandun? What is this?"

The chief flag officer said: "It's the beacon tower!"

Fei Fu said in surprise: "Beacon Tower? I've heard of this thing. It seems that there are many in the north. Are there also... in the south of the Ming Dynasty?"

The chief flag officer said: "That's natural! In fact, since the late Tang and Song Dynasties, there have been many Yanduns in Jiangnan, Southern Fujian and other places. Fuzhou, Fengzhou, Quanzhou and Guangzhou all have beacon towers, but they are not like those in the north. Relying on the Great Wall, and with officers and soldiers always taking care of it, once the world was at peace, it was abandoned and ignored. Then the people pried off the stones and went home to build houses, so there were not many left. But the foundations are there, and this beacon is If it is built on the old site, the nearby villages and towns can take turns sending people to guard and guard it, and it does not cost the court a penny."

"Ah! Ah!, I see..."

Fei Fu nodded and quietly retracted his head into the car.

In a tavern in Zheshan Town, He Tianyang stepped on a bench, stacked a wine bowl, wiped the wine stain on his chin, and said loudly: "The Japanese pirates used some small favors and abducted many people for them." The Japanese are begging to do business with us. Why don't we ask them to help? They are not our grandchildren, so why don't we give them good food and drink for free? Well, what?"

He Tianyang listened to a report from one of his subordinates, and a treacherous smile appeared on his face: "Jin Zhan, Wei Xian, hurry up and find a few subordinates who are familiar with Japanese dialects. The deal is coming!"

The subordinates cheered and gathered around, all talking: "Boss, what kind of business is this? Why do you still need to understand Japanese dialect?"

He Tianyang said: "The Japanese envoy is going back, let's see him off properly. Get a few people who understand the Japanese language, put on Japanese clothes, and then drag out their broken boat to rob him!"

When the subordinates heard this, they immediately geared up, and He Tianyang said again: "You guys heard it clearly, you can't kill people. The old rule is to strip him down to only a piece of crotch cloth, and tell them to go back and cry to the master. Hahaha……"


Hangzhou and Zhejiang Commandery Department.

There were many soldiers standing under the tent, standing upright with their swords drawn, full of murderous intent. Two lines of guards lined up in a row, leaving the hall to the front door, like two copper walls and iron walls. There were so many people, but they didn't make a sound.

In the commander's hall, Xia Xun sat quietly, with a thoughtful look on his face. To his side, the supervisor Zheng He was holding a cup of tea, taking a sip from time to time, with a leisurely expression.

Although Zheng He did not have many contacts with Xia Xun, they had a good impression. Zheng He was able to accept the arrangement of Empress Xu, attend the banquet of Ding Guogong on behalf of the empress, and support the eldest prince Zhu Gaochi. This basically consolidated his faction. With these two points, he would not misuse the power of supervising the army to interfere with Xia Xun's actions. Not to mention the instructions of his master Dao Yan and the future arranged by Xia Xun for his son...

People from the same faction sometimes have different opinions and sometimes fight overtly and covertly for credit, but Zheng He, the supervisor, will definitely not hold back Xia Xun.

The Zhejiang Dudu Commandery Division is under the Zuojun Dudufu, and has jurisdiction over more than ten guards including the Hangzhou Vanguard, Hangzhou Guard, Taizhou Guard, and Ningbo Guard.

In Zhejiang, before he arrived in Hangzhou, he had already issued a military order, ordering all the military commanders to arrive on time and assign tasks. It was still half an hour before the agreed time.

This was Xia Xun's first direct contact with the generals of the eastern Zhejiang guards. The eastern Zhejiang guards were more or less involved in the corruption scandal. Most of them may not have participated in the conspiracy, but when the incident happened

After that, even though he knew that something was fishy, ​​he still shamefully played a role in fueling the trouble because of his personal interests.

However, with the violent deaths of Luo Yu, the commander of the capital, and Ji Wenhe, the commander of the Taicang Guards, all clues were lost, and now it is no longer possible to trace them. Although Xia Xun formed his own navy, it was only used for counterattacks at sea and until the landing**

*For the purpose of war in the homeland, before that, the Japanese pirates need to be given no opportunity to take advantage of and all of them must be driven out from the land. In this way, officers and soldiers stationed in coastal provinces must be used.

He doesn't need to worry too much about Shandong, Nanzhili, Fujian and other places. Only the guards in Zhejiang have more or less had a quarrel with him because of the case of Shuangyu Guards. If they are not trained well, they are not the same as him.

A fierce general, his total defeat will start from the east of Zhejiang. But if he wants to open up the situation, he will first turn the land into a monolith, so that the Japanese pirates have no chance to take advantage of, and then launch a counterattack until they can gather and annihilate them. He will also start from the east of Zhejiang.


Success or failure all depends on this. Even though he has made full preparations, he will still be a little nervous when things happen.

Zheng He smiled softly, turned slightly and said, "Why should Duke Fu be so worried? The emperor has so much trust, the cabinet fully supports it, and he has command of the troops of the five provinces. Isn't it easy to capture the little Japanese pirates?"

Xia Xun smiled, raised his glass and gestured to him, but did not speak.

He did not dare to underestimate the enemy. Most people in the Ming Dynasty today despised Japanese pirates. However, in the history of the Ming Dynasty that he knew, there were most records about Japanese pirates. This shows how serious the Japanese pirates were.

In terms of the strength of support, Wang Yan was no worse than him more than a hundred years later. Wang Yan was appointed as the military governor of Zhejiang and Fujian. Emperor Jiajing also fully supported him. He wanted the wind to prevail and the rain to prevail.

Generals Yin Feng and Lu Ti, who had been imprisoned for their incompetence in the war, were released and restored to their original posts. Jiajing approved. He wanted to appoint Generals Yu Dayou and Tang Kekuan, and Jiajing approved. He successively proposed twelve major strategies for suppressing the Japanese, and Jiajing approved.


The result? The Japanese pirates were inexhaustible. The more they suppressed, the more they came. They covered the sky and covered the sea. Thousands of miles of coastal areas were alerted at the same time. Many health centers in Zhangzhou, Quanzhou, Shanghai, Nanhui, Wusong, Zhapu, and Zhenyu fell into the trap of Japanese pirates.

With his own hands, more than 20 defense posts and prefectures and counties in Suzhou, Songjiang, Ningbo, and Shaoxing were burned and looted. The Japanese pirates landed for three months and left after being well fed.

Wang Yan was defeated by the leader of the Japanese pirates for the same reason as Qiu Fu. He shot mosquitoes with cannons and failed to cope with the situation. He led the main force to suppress the Japanese pirates in Zhejiang, but the Japanese pirates fled to Fujian. He led the main force to rush to Fujian without stopping, but the Japanese pirates fled again.

Returning to Zhejiang, Wang Yan was exhausted and had no chance to confront the Japanese pirates head-on. He defeated his troops, but the people in the coastal counties were tortured even more cruelly than before.

If he wanted to avoid making the same mistakes again, he had to learn the lessons of the losers, and his strategy for suppressing the Japanese needed people to implement it, so he had to deal with the people under his command first, who were not of the same mind as him.

A Chinese army flag board quietly appeared next to his commander's desk. He bowed slightly and said, "Sir, the time has come. All the generals are waiting outside the commander's hall. It's time for you to raise your account!"

p: Please vote for recommendation, ***~

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