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Chapter 528

Chapter 528 Circumstances

In Jinshen Palace, Zhu Di Yin Yin gave instructions: "The Sui Dynasty conquered Japan and the Yuan Dynasty conquered Japan. They all returned in vain. Instead, because of the tiny land, they exhausted the national power and buried the country in ruins. Going here, although it is to suppress

Bandits, and with the help of *** officers and soldiers, it is a dangerous matter after all, you must be careful again and again!"

Xia Xun said: "Your Majesty, don't worry. When I go, I will definitely make plans before taking action. If things don't work, I will return intact. The new dynasty of Yongle has just been established. It is better to seek stability and make progress in stability. I will not let me make great progress."

Trapped in trouble."

Zhu Di nodded approvingly, and Xia Xun added: "Regarding Sino-Japanese trade, it is the way to maintain the long-term development of the two countries and eliminate the root causes of Japanese pirates. Once the sea market is reopened, we, the Ming Dynasty, will not just sit back and accept it, but we should also send people to support it.

Regarding the joint trade with Japan, I believe that the conditions can be relaxed on some materials, but of course they will have to pay a corresponding price."

Zhu Di glanced at him and asked, "What do you mean?"

Xia Xun said: "For example, copper coins are strictly prohibited from being exported, and the Japanese are very poor at making money, and the copper coins they make are often damaged and cracked, so they are all circulated in my Ming Dynasty currency. If exports are prohibited...


Zhu Di immediately shook his head and said: "Wenxuan, this point is not negotiable. Money is a tool for trading and the source of life. I, the Ming Dynasty, don't have enough to spend it, so I can only use banknotes as tokens. Do I still need to use copper coins to benefit others?"


Xia Xun smiled and said: "That's it, traders, exchange what they have. However, who would sell to outsiders something that they themselves don't think is enough? But there are a few points, has the emperor ever thought about it?"


"My Ming Dynasty has a relatively short supply of copper coins, gold and silver, and I don't have enough money to use it. Banknotes are a substitute for gold, silver and copper coins. But these banknotes are issued in an disorderly manner and have no actual value. Once there is war and turmoil, natural disasters and man-made disasters

, it will quickly depreciate and even be worthless. Those who originally had a lot of wealth will have nothing left. Isn't this a source of corruption?

Substituting banknotes for money was a last resort. If there were enough gold, silver and copper, the court would not adopt this method. Since the Tang and Song Dynasties, people often destroyed Buddhas and destroyed temples for copper coins, and took copper to make coins.

But compared to the huge world, this is just a drop in the bucket. As far as I know, there are many gold, silver and copper mines. They need copper coins. Why not ask them to exchange them for raw ores or smelted metals?

We take its ore or silver and copper metal and use it to cast copper coins. We must collect benefits, right? We can solve part of the copper problem, and the copper coins cast for them are returned to ***, and they buy our Daming goods.

It has to be circulated back. When *** need copper coins, they exchange them for gold, silver, copper and iron. This is called reprocessing. They do the rough work of mining and smelting, while we do the more detailed and technical work. In the end, we still benefit.

Why not?"

Xia Xun carefully thought about the advantages and disadvantages of paper money. In that era, the disadvantages of issuing paper money outweighed its advantages. To reform it, there were too many aspects involved and it took a long time. At the same time, its issuance still depended on the financial system.

The reserves of silver and other precious metals would be a great leap forward if you want to make a fortune in one go. The current stage is the stage of accumulating capital. When the storage of wealth and the development of industry and commerce reach corresponding conditions, various changes will naturally occur.

Xia Xun didn't want to be Wang Mang and do something too advanced, not to mention he didn't have as much power as Wang Mang. The treasure banknotes in the early Ming Dynasty were enforced by the political power with legal protection. The fact that it collapsed later has proved that it was

It is an unsuitable product at this stage. Since there is too little gold, silver and copper, treasure banknotes are a last resort. What Xia Xun wants to do is to expand the sources of these metals.

In fact, it is not that there are no copper mines in the Ming Dynasty, but there are too few mines surveyed now, and Xia Xun does not know how to survey. Moreover, if they can be transported in from outside, why should they let their own be buried underground for a few more years and be left to future generations?

Not better?

If it were Zhu Di in the past, he would not have agreed. However, recently there have been too many memorials on opening and banning seas, so it is inevitable to talk about economics, and there are many knowledgeable people who are proficient in economics among the officials.

Under the indoctrination, Zhu Di also gained some knowledge about economics. After listening to Xia Xun's words, he was moved. He hesitated for a moment and said: "In this way, all the benefits will be gained by my Ming Dynasty. Will the King of *** agree?"

Xia Xun smiled and said: "It's still the same sentence: exchange what you have. If they can use it to obtain the method, they won't ask me for help. Since they guard the treasure mountain by themselves but are like a pile of scrap metal, how can they not

Promise? Now they are asking for it from us. Furthermore, we can also use some methods, such as specially making some molds to cast *** copper coins with the name of *** Wang Yuan Daoyi for them.

Does the emperor think that Yuan Daoyi will readily agree?"

Zhu Di nodded and said, "Okay, I'll do as you wish. These days, around the suppression of the Japanese, there has been a lot of debris. Officials have written memorials and talked about many things, including the proposal to open up the sea for trade. What do you think about this?"

What do you think?"

Xia Xun didn't take the initiative to mention it, but he tried his best behind the scenes. What he was waiting for was Zhu Di's words. When he heard him ask, he deliberately acted calmly and said: "These days of suppressing Japanese pirates along the coast, what's wrong with these aspects?"

I also know a little bit about this matter. I feel that if we open the sea, we can promote education and promote our country's prestige. At the same time, Nanyang has a vast territory and few people. Because the four seasons are like spring, the food is very abundant. When needed, I can also serve as the leader of the Central Plains.


Xia Xun smiled humbly and said: "My knowledge of these things is limited. I dare not speak nonsense in front of the emperor. There are many talented and learned people in the court. The emperor can open up his opinions and incorporate all things into his mind before making an imperial decree!"

The more things you do, the easier it is to make mistakes. Xia Xun has not forgotten that he still has many political opponents; moreover, in front of Zhu Di, you cannot do everything, and you are asked to do everything, although he can do many things behind his back.

But you can't be a vanguard in person. Anyway, since this matter has been opened, people will keep mentioning it.

In history, during Zheng He's seven voyages to the West, the reason why the civil servants counterattacked crazily was not because it was not good to open a sea market, nor was it because all civil servants were short-sighted, but because what was being implemented at that time was national trade. It was not that there was no money to be made, but that all the money was given away.

The imperial court made a profit. With the behemoth of the country coming forward, those coastal gentry and gentry were completely uncompetitive in terms of supply, scale and price.

Once the sea is opened for trade, it will be free trade and the common people will be allowed to do business. Ordinary people will not have the capital. They will mainly serve these coastal wealthy families and make profits from them. The majority will still fall in the hands of these coastal wealthy families, and they do not have to be sneaky, like

Why not take the risk of smuggling as before? It cannot be denied that people who are officials have political ambitions, but there is no need to be deceived by history books. Really imagine that they are all pure and pure people with no selfish thoughts.

Just think about it, a family, whether wealthy or commoner, spends all their efforts cultivating a scholar and hopes that he will be promoted to an official position. What is the ultimate goal? Once these people become officials, how can they not represent the family and their hometown? What about the interests?

Zhu Di thought for a moment and said: "Well, there is really no rush at the moment. This matter will be put aside for the time being. For now, we should focus on the affairs of the Communist Party of China. It is not appropriate to create too many details. I will first ask Xie Jin to visit the southeast and understand. Wait until you resolve the *** matter."


In the dark quiet room, the man sitting there raised his head and said: "What did he say?"

The man opposite said in a deep voice: "The old Marquis said that the country has been decided, the overall situation has been decided, forget it!"

"What?" The man became furious, slammed the table, and shouted: "What the hell are you talking about!"

The visitor was silent for a moment, and then said: "The old Marquis knows that I will be unhappy after hearing this, so he has three more words to ask me to ask."

The man coughed and said, "You say."

"Yes, the old Marquis said: 'If the world is undecided, who can change it? Emperor Jianwen is dead, and he has a younger brother and a son. Will he have a chance to ascend the throne? Zhang Antai, the general secretary, has died, and the officials will take a test. Zhou Wenze, the doctor, died, Zheng Xiaobu, the chief of the Fifth Army Governor's Mansion, and Ji Wenhe, the commander of the Taicang Guards, died... Why did these people die, hurting others and hurting themselves, who applauded them? Although the country has changed hands, the world still has the same surname. Zhu, sir, what is the purpose of what you are doing? Is it for Emperor Jianwen, or is it for personal vendetta?'"

The man was so angry that he banged the table and yelled: "Coward! Coward! I shouldn't have colluded with him in big things!"

The man opposite looked at him silently and said softly: "Sir, the villain has been following you for many years. As long as the master gives you an order, no matter in water or fire, the villain will never frown. However, the villain also feels that, What the master is doing now is really aimless, and the reasons he gave are hard to convince everyone!"


The man raised his head suddenly, his eyes shining brightly, and the man opposite said sadly: "Master, you have been trapped here for a long time and don't know what is going on outside. Every day, you just imagine your enemies in this quiet room. We have ignored the whole world and no longer know the situation in the world. Since Emperor Jianwen's death and you were imprisoned in the house, hatred has blinded your eyes. Master, there is no way to save the world. What are we doing for? Our people have lost their fighting spirit and are beginning to regret it!"

The man suddenly stood up, and a ray of sunlight shone diagonally across from him. It originally passed high over his head and shone behind him. This time he stood up, it was reflected in his eyes. His face was a little pale, and his eyes were a little pale. There was a sickly blush on his cheeks. Although his expression looked haggard, his sharp eyes were filled with madness and danger: "Is this going to stop? No! Never! At least, let Yang Xu die without a burial place. There is a way. Yes, there must be a way!"

The bright sunshine shines on his face, and most of his cheeks are still hidden in the darkness, but people can already see his face clearly. He is... Xu Huizu!


p: Happy New Year to everyone, please give Zhang***^_^

This chapter has been completed!
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