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Chapter 568

Chapter 568 A million profits

Ma Guerhun said boldly: "I heard that the Lord of the Ministry has arrived in Liaoyang, and we wanted to pay him a visit. Before we could go, the Ministry of Finance arrived in Kaiyuan. My brother was busy with military affairs and could not leave the military camp. I just

I sent a letter to ask him to come back at some time so that he could introduce me to the Lord of the Department. By chance, you are here, Lord of the Department.

These things are all grown on the grass on the mountain. They are not rare things. They are just a little bit careful. Sir, you must accept them! Otherwise, Magulhun’s old face will not be the same.

The place has been put aside. Haha, Chu Bingbei, you guys have worked hard, Ma Guerhun also has gifts for you, and I will take them with me every time I go back!"

Chu Bingbei was overjoyed, and just when he was about to express his thanks, Xia Xun smiled and said, "I appreciate your wishes, so I cannot accept this gift!"

Chu Bingbei's hands were arched. Upon hearing Xia Xun's words, Chu Bingbei's arched hands quickly continued to move upward, moved under his nose, and coughed twice in a civilized manner with his mouth closed.

Magulhun was startled for a moment, then forced a smile and said: "They are just products from the mountains and fields, just a few thoughts from below. Sir, you..."

Xia Xun smiled and said: "Ask them to go down first. I have a few words to say to you."

Ma Gu'erqun's heart skipped a beat, and he quickly waved to his nephews to carry the gifts down, and said anxiously: "Master, please speak."

Xia Xun said: "This time I came to Hada City, my governor did come for a purpose. The purpose is very simple, to seek money! But don't get me wrong, I don't want to beat you, but I want to fight with you.

Let's make a fortune together!" He glanced at Chu Bingbei, the young imperial envoy and others again, and said: "I want to let everyone in Liaodong benefit and make everyone rich, for the country and the people, for you and me.

There’s a lot of money to be made!”

Ma Guerhun also said that he was not polite, because other tribal leaders had given generous gifts to bribe the governor, and wanted to remove him as the lord of Hada City. Unexpectedly, Xia Xun said such words, and he couldn't help but be surprised:

"My Lord, I don't quite understand what you said..."

After marrying Temur, Ama became a general of the Ming Dynasty. Among the Jurchens, their family had the most contacts with the Han people. Logically speaking, she did not have much hostility towards the Ming people. It was just the Tatars last time.

Her father desperately resisted the invasion and was injured but retreated to defend Kaiyuan City. However, Liaodong Dusi received seven or eight letters asking for help and saw the beacon fire with his own eyes, but refused to come to help, which aroused great repercussions among the people of Kaiyuan.


After Temur's brother-in-law died in battle and his pregnant sister was kidnapped, he was furious and naturally became hostile to the Ming army. However, after that, Xia Xun beheaded Shen Yong and sent a large army to suppress the Tartars.

When these news reached her ears, her resentment subsided.

She is the daughter of a family who grew up on the grassland. The environment here is harsh, and the people here know better about the principles of survival. She knows that no one can control the Tatars' attack on the border. The key is the attitude of the Ming army, whether they can control them.

The tribes that surrendered were treated as one of his own. What Governor Yang did proved that he really cared for the people of Kaiyuan as his own, and that was enough. It’s just that the girl was tender-faced and had sarcastic remarks in the previous episode. Today

I'm sorry that I suddenly changed my attitude.

She went out for a walk and then came back. When she came back, she saw several cousins ​​coming out of the house in large and small packages, as if they were delivering dowries. Usually the elders of the clan fawned over the Ming army generals, so she

It was common, but it was rare to give out so many generous gifts at once. She stopped and asked in a low voice: "Ahui (brother), are these gifts from Amoji to Governor Yang?"

One of her cousins ​​shook his head and whispered: "I want to give it as a gift, but Governor Yang won't accept it! This gift is heavy enough. Why does he have such a big appetite?"

After hearing this, he became angry again: "What, such a generous gift is too little for him? Does he think that our family's property is obtained for free? Why are these Han officials more appetitive than the last! Could they be trying to destroy our family? Are you satisfied if you move them all to him?"

One of her cousins ​​joked: "Come on, didn't you say that you met him when you were in Kaiyuan City? Now that he has chased him to your home and refused to accept the gift, he might have taken a fancy to you." Otherwise, I'll give you to this Han official. If you marry me and become his concubine, our Temur family's support will be weakened!"

She rolled her eyes at him and said angrily: "You're just talking nonsense, why don't you ask your sister to send him off?"

The man smiled and said: "My sister is not as beautiful as you. If I give it to others, they won't look down on her. Otherwise, I would rather let my own sister enjoy a happy life."

Ma Guerhun's wife sighed and said: "You still have the intention to joke around. He still refuses to accept such a generous gift. I don't know how many things are going to be taken away from our house this time. I heard that this Han official belongs to the Ming Emperor." Klee (brother-in-law) can’t afford to offend me.”

After hearing this, he became even more angry, so he took the tea tray from her hand and walked into the room. Ma Gurhun's wife became anxious and said hurriedly: "That's it, what are you doing?"

Without looking back, he said: "Don't worry, Amu, I'll go and see how much property the Han official is asking for before he is willing to give in! He won't cause trouble!"

Several people in the room were talking, the door curtain was raised, they walked in with a tea tray, put the freshly brewed tea on the table, but did not leave, only stood aside. A pair of thick black eyebrows raised slightly. She raised her eyebrows and looked at Xia Xun with a hostility in her bright eyes. Xia Xun did not pay attention to her gaze and continued to talk seriously to Magulhun.

"How about it? This matter is of great benefit to you. The tribes in Liaodong have all kinds of rare local products, but there is no way to sell them. I will provide you with a market. Even if you organize a large amount of goods and travel long distances, When going to the Central Plains, you also need an imperial edict to sell or purchase. However, the Han people in Liaodong do not have this restriction, so you can transfer it through them.

The specific process is this. You are responsible for purchasing various rare local goods from various tribes in Liaodong and bringing them to your Hada City. Then you will come forward to deliver the goods to the Liaodong business group. This avoids your direct intra-Customs transactions. The required edict is the Liaodong Merchant Group, which is composed of Han Chinese and military family members in Liaodong. The initial capital can be raised by oneself, and the governor can also borrow part of it.

Then the Liaodong merchant group is responsible for transporting the goods to Jinzhou and handing them over to maritime merchants. Maritime merchants transport these products to Beijing, Shandong, further south, and even overseas countries for sale. When they come back, the purchased goods follow the same rules. But at this point, you have changed from purchasing to selling, and the people of all ethnic groups in the area will come to you to buy all the goods they need. How about that?"

Xia Xun looked at Ma Guerhun with a smile. Ma Guerhun had just drank two kilograms of white wine, and his already red face did not change color. After hearing Xia Xun's words, his face changed. But it changed, his face almost turned purple-black, and his breathing became heavier. If another person told Xia Xun's plan, he would not believe it at all, but if Xia Xun said these words, then No need to doubt it.

When he thought about what could be achieved according to Xia Xun's idea, Ma Guerhun was so excited that he couldn't believe that such a benefit would fall on him...

Xia Xun was also sure that Magulhun would definitely agree. When he does things, he likes to do a full investigation in advance and be aware of it. He has already investigated Hada City in detail. At present, Hada City is only a very small city.

As a simple barter market, the managers of Hada City have very primitive functions as managers. They only maintain the transaction order here and collect taxes. Once they become the direct operators of a large wholesale market,

How big a profit would that be?

If these tribes are left to do these things by themselves, they simply do not have the ability now. If they want to enter the customs and do business on their own, in addition to not having the ability to transport long distances and the financial resources to purchase huge supplies, there are also safety issues. There are no Tatars along the way.

People are just gangsters and horse thieves, and there is no guarantee of safety.

If you conduct transactions in the several horse farms set up in Liaodong, the transaction amount must be limited, and there is also the issue of the imperial edict. The Ming Dynasty's Ming Dynasty's Ming Jvzhen and Taoist tribes all issued edicts, and the main contents of the edicts were issued by the imperial court.

It was a warning to the subordinate tribes to be loyal to the emperor, stabilize the place, and guard the borders. It was just a certificate recognizing that they were tribes belonging to the Ming Dynasty.

But only with this edict, each tribe can have a seat in the market transaction, which is equivalent to a shop in the mall. The Ming Empire will issue different numbers of edicts based on the contribution of the tribes that belong to it. Tribes with more edicts will

, if you can exchange more living materials, you will become rich and powerful.

Historically, the internal struggles among the Jurchen tribes began with competing for the imperial edict issued by the Ming Dynasty. Small tribes annexed each other through wars. In the end, the big fish ate the small fish, and the small fish ate the shrimps, turning into powerful tribes.

Powerful tribes needed to protect their people and property, so they began to build castles. When the castles were built, they needed more people to fill them, and they also needed more living materials, so they continued to annex other tribes and kidnap people into slavery.

When they began to annex tribes that also owned castles, in order to occupy this place, they no longer demoted the conquered people as slaves, but became the people they ruled. Slavery began to develop into feudalism, and tribalism began to develop into tribal alliances.

The system developed, and then the prototype of the country began to appear. The continuous battles and killings also made their military force stronger and stronger. Finally, in Shenyang, a country emerged in Shengjing, known as Houjin in history.

The Jurchens are very adaptable. They are not a completely farming people like the Han people, nor are they a completely nomadic people like the Japanese. Living in the plains, they farm, herd, grow grain and spin thread;

Those who live in the mountains hunt and gather forestry products such as honey, pine nuts, mushrooms and ginseng. Those who live near rivers and oceans fish and collect pearls.

Such a life is so poetic, so peaceful and beautiful, but war will kill people, Xia Xun couldn't bear it; he asked them to grow stronger through cannibalism and annexation, so as to obtain more channels for economic development. As a result, after more than two hundred years

, Xia Xun was not willing to let go after he was still so poor.

The bodhisattva-hearted Xia Xun is determined to use his own efforts to turn them into professional lumberjacks, horse herders, hunters, ginseng farmers, businessmen, farmers, fishermen... to get rich through labor, prosper the Liaodong economy, and do his best to revitalize the Ming Empire.

Make your due contribution!

Attached: The Jurchen tribe’s memorial requesting the replacement of the expired edict and the memorial requesting the reissue of the edict.

The Jurchens of Beerzhen Station in Haixi reported: "When the slaves' grandfather was here, they paid tribute to horses and mink skins every year, and it has not been violated until now. The slaves have been exempted from the imperial edict on the fifteenth day of the first month of the twelfth year of Yongle's reign for many years.

, each of my servants has to exchange for a new imperial edict. I am sorry to see you, but the Holy Emperor will know about it ("Huayi Translation? Letters from Su Shen Guan")."

In the 19th year of Jiajing's reign, a royal slave once lost the imperial edict in Kaiyuan, so he reported to the court to request a reissue: "The slave was given the job on October 27, the ninth year of Jiajing's reign, and was sent to Kaiyuan on October 23, the nineteenth year of Jiajing."

The original edict was lost in this place. I am sorry to see you, but I am willing to give you a new edict so that you can better manage the people ("Hua Yi Translation? Letters from Su Shen Guan")."

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