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Chapter 574 Bargaining

Chapter 574 Bargaining

"Governor Yang said that when ligers and tigers compete, a sheep is not qualified to fish in troubled waters. Since you can't stay away, join them. Either become a lion or a tiger. There is no other choice!"

Fancha repeated Xia Xun's reply to his brother. Several of Mengge Timur's women were there. He didn't have a special meeting room, and the women around him didn't worry that they would leak the news. These women were married.

, some were bought, some were snatched, no matter what, they are all his people now. Among his tribes, the nearest other tribes are hundreds of miles away. Even those who have different intentions cannot even think of sending any news.


Meng Ge said solemnly: "If I want to join him, I will serve him. If I want to fight against the Tatars in the future, if my troops are requisitioned, wouldn't I mean to serve him?"

Fancha said: "Yes, that's what I said, but Governor Yang said that he believes in your surrender, brother, and what he wants you to do is exactly the order he would give to his own people."

Meng Ge slapped the case and said: "Nonsense! That ferocious wild wolf in Tuha is already planning to attack me. He wants me to stay here and wait for an opportunity to attack Wanhu Mansion in Tuha. What will happen to my tribe? There are so many old and weak people.

Women, children, cattle, sheep and horses, will there be enough time to evacuate to Liaodong?"

Fancha smiled bitterly and said: "Brother, Governor Yang said that the battle against the Ugu tribe was just the beginning. Originally, the second battle he wanted to fight was against our tribe!"

*** was startled, and the angry look on his face immediately turned to horror. Several women next to him looked at their men with panic eyes. Their family owned many slaves, and of course they knew the misery of slaves. They didn't want to be

After being kidnapped, they were sold into slavery. Only Minmintemuir remained calm. Her father was the governor of 30,000 households, so she certainly didn't have anything to worry about.

Fancha said: "Now that we are willing to defect to the Ming Dynasty, Governor Yang said that he welcomes us. But if we accept our whole family in this way, it will affect his next move and destroy his entire Western Expedition plan. We are with him

In the plan, it was originally the first target to be conquered. Now that he has become one of his own, he must take on the responsibility of being a vanguard.

As for the migration of the whole clan... Governor Yang said that when Tuha had strong troops and horses, he could move the entire reluctant Ugu tribe back to Liaodong. We are willing to defect to the Ming Dynasty. We will defeat Tuha after we defeat them.

When the time comes, are you still afraid that you won’t be able to return east calmly?”

Brother Meng pounded the table and said viciously: "That bastard Tuha, if he didn't have evil intentions, why would I have to humble myself to Yang Xu? Do you think I don't want to avenge this, so do you want Tuha to regret attacking me? But

Now Tuha is going to attack me. If I don't leave, Tuha's army will surround my tribe before Yang Xu sends his troops! I sincerely surrendered to him, but he still put me in danger!"

Fancha said sarcastically: "The problem is... Governor Yang doesn't know that our situation is already so dangerous..."

Brother Meng choked and remained silent for a long time.

Minmin Temuole rolled his eyes slightly and said to Fancha: "What did my father say?"

Fancha spread his hands and said: "What else can you say? The Governor is not a discussion, but an order, and Lord Temuer has no choice but to obey. He also told me that in the previous battles, both tribes suffered casualties, but now...

Although we have become in-laws now, when we get along in the future, there will inevitably be some resentment between the two tribes. It would be beneficial if we fight this battle side by side, at least we will be a real family from now on."

Minmin Temuor breathed a sigh of relief and said softly to Meng Ge: "Otherwise... let Fancha go again and tell the truth to Governor Yang. In that case, Governor Yang may change his mind."

Meng Ge concealed the truth of the matter and used grand words of admiration for the Celestial Dynasty and reverence for the duke to offend Xia Xun. His original intention was to lay an ambush for himself to gain more advantages in Liaodong in the future. However, when he thought about it, this reason was also the Han Dynasty.

What the officials like to hear most is that they cherish the princes, be gentle with the distant people, and subjugate the enemy's troops without fighting. These achievements are what the Han officials pursue endlessly, and they can be regarded as following their favourites.

At that time, Emperor Ming felt that his face was bright. Governor Yang's achievements in pacifying Liaodong were marked with great success. Everyone was very happy. The rewards they requested from Emperor Ming, including official positions, territories, privileges, and money, would be doubled.

The land increased, but I never expected that Governor Yang was actually a blind man. He didn't want the fame that could make him more glorious, but he had to...

Meng Ge thought about it for a long time, then sighed longly, and said to Fancha listlessly: "Stop hiding it, go see Governor Yang again, tell the truth, and compare our current predicament with him.

Make it clear, hurry up! It's too late, I'm afraid Tuha's black case has already been reported to the Grand Master Arutai. Although I also sent people to see the Grand Master, they are all Japanese. Let's talk about it.


Fancha grabbed the big bowl in front of him, drank the remaining kumiss in one gulp, wiped his mouth and said, "Okay, I'll leave right away!"


The first batch of merchant ships have already left Jinzhou Port fully loaded with goods.

He was generously rewarded with a memorial medal, and he quickly reported to the capital.

With promotions and fortunes, Liaodong soldiers suddenly felt that their lives were full of hope.

The people of Liaodong who were rescued from the Wugu tribe were also repatriated and resettled. In this process, for the purpose of statistics, filing, settlement and other matters, the number of people under Mo Ke Mo Wei Li continued to increase. Originally, he was just starting a business

He was a small official in the Sixth Section of Huli, Bing, Xinggong, Bingbei Dao Li, with only three or five people under his command. Now, his staff has expanded rapidly to more than 160 people. Each of these people has their own subordinates and performs their own duties.

The official position seemed to have been restored to the scale of a county government.

Under the cover of such a tedious and complicated work, no one found it surprising that because the people who were abducted involved various liberation groups in Liaodong, Mongolian, Han, Jurchen, Korean, etc., some whole families were abducted, and the resettlement process also required

It involves all aspects of relationships, within a tribe, between tribes, and between different tribes. If you are not careful, all kinds of contradictions and conflicts may arise.

Therefore, the emergence of such a group of mediating officials has avoided a large number of problems, which is in the interests of tribal leaders and ordinary people. Therefore, they are welcomed by all parties. Taking the opportunity of resettling and rescuing refugees, Xia Xun

A part of the administrative power has been unknowingly seized from the hands of the tribesmen. The leaders of each tribe should also warmly welcome these household officials who took the initiative to help them solve the big trouble, and provide them with good wine and vegetables.


The resettlement of the more than 10,000 people of the Wugu tribe was a big problem. Xia Xun came to deal with it personally. He was busy all day long, and soon he lost weight from exhaustion.

The external resistance he encountered was not great. The Han people still have an absolute advantage in the number of people in Liaodong. There are not many tribes who defected to the Ming Dynasty. There are many empty and uninhabited lands to settle these people. Especially when he took the initiative to send troops and defeated the good office.

Chijin Tuha's feat of wiping out the Wugu tribe established great prestige among the residents of all ethnic groups in Liaodong.

In the past, when the Tatars came, it was a great achievement to be able to repel them. Taking the initiative to attack, riding on the heads of these barbarians and beating them up, and that was not all.

, and kidnapped one of their large tribes, which inspired the hearts and minds of the Liaodong army and the people. At the same time, it also eliminated the impression that the tribes and people who surrendered to Liaodong both relied on the Ming army and despised the Ming army.

Some Jurchen tribes along the coast were originally attached to North Korea, and their tribal leaders also accepted the official position "Douman" granted by North Korea. After Xia Xun's battle showed Ming Dynasty power, these tribes successively expressed their friendship to Liaodong Dusi

, although there is still a wait-and-see approach, it is obvious that there is already a plan to rely on it.

The policy adopted by North Korea towards these Jurchen tribes was similar to that of the Ming Dynasty, and it was mainly based on restraint. When they heard that the tribes had defected, they were overjoyed, saying that it was "the way of becoming a king after hearing the wind and admiring righteousness", and its binding force was limited.

, at this time, they are just chasing after water and grass for profit, clinging to the stronger ones, and North Korea has no better way to solve it.

Some Jurchen tribes living in the Bozhu River area to the west of the Yalu River and affiliated with the Korean state even became bolder and went to kidnap Koreans. In the eyes of the Jurchens, who are famous for their riding and archery, Korean women,

Women, cattle, horses, and other goods were easily taken away. They didn't dare to do so before because their power was limited compared to a country and they had to put away their greed.

But now that they have turned their backs on the enemy, their awe has gone, and their greed has returned. When the Korean farmers are scattered in the fields and working hard to cultivate, the Jurchens on the other side of the river in Luyan and other places will sneak into the mountains.

He took the opportunity to cross the river and robbed women and things. The Central Government of Korea was indignant and wrote to Xia Xun, the Governor of Liaodong Military Affairs, to lodge a stern protest with him.

Xia Xun laughed loudly after reading the letter, and said to the envoy from North Korea: "These tribes are not my subjects of the Ming Dynasty. They belong to you North Korea. If the children are disobedient, you can spank them and complain to me, and I won't care."

It's not that lenient. You see, these are all Jurchens who have joined me in the Ming Dynasty, and are the leaders of the Japanese tribe. They are good, law-abiding citizens to me."

They were running to the Governor's Mansion to discuss the purchase in high spirits, and the tribal leaders such as Magulhun, Alatancang, and Wurigeng, who were shipping the second batch of goods, were all sitting there with smiles on their faces, like a group of well-behaved people.

Like a baby, upon hearing Xia Xun's words, he immediately nodded his head like a chicken pecking at rice, which made the North Korean envoy's nose crooked with anger.

After sending the Korean envoys away, Xia Xun concentrated on the resettlement work of the people of the Wugu tribe. The battle against the Tatars made the hearts and minds of the Liaodong army change; the various tribes joined forces to transport Liaodong specialties out of the pass and turned them into wealth, making them

The integration between the two countries has become closer, and all of this is to achieve a political goal: to build Liaodong and take root in Liaodong. It is also for this purpose to personally handle the resettlement of the people of the Ugu tribe.

At this time, Fancha came again...

p: In January, we made a good start. In February, we will continue to work hard. Jinyi will finish 2012, so what is our goal? ***Annual list! So, let us every moment, every day,

Every month, work hard for this goal! Please ***!

This chapter has been completed!
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