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Chapter 599

Chapter 599 Telltale signs

It was dusk, and the gates of the border city were about to close. Dozens of fast horses galloped from the southeast, bathed in a ray of sunset, as if their shirts were coated with a layer of golden brilliance.

They were wearing the uniforms of Ming army generals, so the veterans who were about to close the city gate waited for a while, and then the group of people rushed to the city gate, checked their waistbands, and then pushed the half-closed gate open. Ten fast horses galloped in. By this time, the market had dispersed, and there were not many people on the street. A group of people let their horses gallop, and the horseshoes hit the gravel road, like heavy rain hitting the windows, making a crackling sound. .

Tang Jie invited Wei Chunbing and several other generals, as well as a familiar captain who had rushed from Liaoyang to Shenyang to escort the mountain goods. When he returned to Kaiyuan City, he saw only a few people walking on the streets. He thought of his precious son who was going to spend the night in jail. Tang Jie was so distressed that he didn't even bother to return home. He spoke to several generals and went straight to the Governor's Mansion.

All the yamen set up under the shogunate surrounded the Governor's Mansion. When these people passed by Chang Shi's Mansion, they suddenly saw a group of people coming out. One of the women was being supported by two people, and her legs were so weak that they were almost weak. When he landed on the ground, his wails were unbearable.

Tang Jie took a closer look and saw that the woman who was crying so hard was his wife Ke Yun. He couldn't help being shocked and quickly reined in the horse. As soon as he fell, Tang Jie got off his horse, walked quickly towards his wife, and called out: "Ke Yun, why are you here?"

When Mrs. Tang saw him, her voice, which was already hoarse and weak from crying, suddenly amplified, and she cried: "Mr. sir, sir! Our child died so miserably! Wu Zhu...he was beheaded!"

When Tang Jie heard this, he was like thunder, his face suddenly turned pale, and he said in disbelief: "How is it possible? How is it possible? Even if it is the Procuratorate of Punishment, who has the right to criticize and kill him?"

Next to him, his brother Tang Hao said with tears: "The governor invited the king's flag, so..."

Tang Jie took two steps back and almost fainted, but luckily he was supported by Wei Chunbing and others who rushed over immediately.

Tang Jie's eyes fell on a bed carried by his family members. There was a piece of white cloth cut on it, and a person seemed to be lying underneath. The white cloth at the head was soaked with blood.

Tang Jie trembled: "This... this is..."

Tang Hao blocked him and said sadly: "That's Zhu'er's body... Second brother, you... don't look at it, the body is divided into two parts, it's really..."

Tang Jie's vision went dark and he almost fainted. He didn't expect that he just returned to his hometown to visit his relatives, and in just one day, his son would be separated from him.

For a moment, Tang Jie burst into tears, looked up to the sky and shouted: "Wanshiyu! Yang Xu! Hello! Hello!"

Wei Chunbing and others looked at each other in silence.

Wei Chunbing was originally a close confidant of Shen Yong. After Shen Yong's fall, he gained Xia Xun's trust through the Battle of Yinma River. Now, he also has military exploits and has gained a lot of benefits from mutual trade. His personal Xia Xun's future and interests are already tied to him. To be honest, he doesn't want to be in trouble with Xia Xun. It's just that it's hard to let go, and an old friend comes to visit...

Besides, I just went to ask for a favor from the Lord of the Ministry. How could I not help with this matter, so I rushed here. Whoever wanted to rush here encountered such a situation. Tang Jie's son had already been executed. , Wei Chunbing breathed a sigh of relief inexplicably, and felt a little sad when he saw his old friend burst into tears. He felt the same way, and several other generals also expressed their condolences, but Tang Jie just couldn't stop crying.

Filled with hatred, Tang Jie suddenly became malicious.

There were many soldiers patrolling outside Chang Shi's Mansion, obviously to guard against his desperate situation. Tang Jie gritted his teeth and looked at Chang Shi's Mansion bathed in the afterglow of the setting sun, and the hatred in his heart became deeper and deeper...


Ulan Tuya gently put down her eyebrow pencil and looked at herself in the mirror.

Her arched eyebrows, red lips and white teeth, and the dim light gave her flawless white skin a layer of warm jade-like luster, adding a bit of charm.

Ulan Tuya tilted her head towards herself in the mirror, subconsciously holding the ends of her braids in her hands, with a sad look on her beautiful face.

She once thought she was omnipotent, until she had nothing, she realized that her only weapon was herself. She wanted to cut Xia Xun into pieces with a thousand knives, but before that, she had to pretend to be obsessed and admired, and dress herself up like

Present it handsomely to him for him to enjoy.

"It's time!"

Ulantuya pursed her lips, stood up resolutely, and walked out of her room gently.

According to her observations over the past few days, the Ming Governor went to bed very late every day. Sometimes he slept too late and had supper brought in from the kitchen. She then found out from the people in the kitchen that the Governor had to deal with a lot of official documents every night.

.At this time, he should not have slept yet. Sure enough, when Wulantuya quietly walked outside Xia Xun's bedroom, she saw light reflected in the window.

In this courtyard, apart from Xia Xun's master bedroom, there are three tile-roofed houses in a row, which are the left and right wing rooms. Since her arrival, Zilata and Sanapova have felt like they are facing a formidable enemy and regard her as an invitation to be favored by adults.

Her strong rivals shared the same hatred and rejected her very much. So the two girls lived in the wing opposite, while she lived alone here.

At night, the government office was also closed, and there were soldiers patrolling along the walls outside and inside the government office. Instead, the two guards standing guard at the entrance to the inner courtyard withdrew and lived in the two courtyards on the left and right, so they would not come easily.

Opposite, the lights in the two Ross women's rooms had been turned off. Wulantuya glanced disdainfully and gently opened the door of Xia Xun's room.

As soon as you enter the main room, there are calligraphy and paintings hanging on the wall directly opposite, a long table made of pear wood, an official chair on each side, and a table and two chairs on the left and right vertically. There is a hanging hanging on the doorway to the two-sided study and bedroom.

Behind the wall with calligraphy and paintings, there is a wooden wall with carved patterns. Behind it, there is another set of tables and chairs leaning against the wall. Going out is the back door.

On the left and right sides, there is a study room on the left and a bedroom on the right. The study room and the bedroom are both large and small suites. The study uses a large room, and the small suite only has a couch, which is used for lunch breaks and naps during the day.

When Tuya seduced Xia Xun, she was in a small suite in the study room. The bedroom suites on the other side are actually quite large, because according to the architectural pattern, this place is where the owner of the house lives.

A nobleman who owns a large mansion like this always has a maid to attend to his daily life. They live in the outer room and can be called upon at any time.

However, since this place was turned into an official residence by Xia Xun, because there was no hostess, and to avoid suspicion, he never used personal maids. Now the three women he left to serve him all live in the left and right wing rooms.

Ulan Tuya turned to the bedroom on the right, and as soon as she stepped in, she was startled.

Two people suddenly appeared on the Kang in the originally vacant bedroom. The candlestick fixed on the wall was burning candles. It felt dark under some lamps, which just covered their faces, but it was not dark and they could still be distinguished.

It was clear that they were Sanapova and Zilata, side by side, talking quietly. When they saw her coming in, their beautiful eyes widened.

Unlike Ulantuya, they changed into Han women's clothes after entering the Governor's Mansion. At this time, both of them were wearing double-breasted gauze pajamas, covered with a thin quilt, shoulder to shoulder, each with their own breasts

On the front are a pink and a lake green "myrobalan", one embroidered with lotus flowers emerging from the water, and one embroidered with mandarin ducks playing in the water, wrapping their unusually plump breasts.

Under the light, the vagina is deep and the clothes are torn out, outlining the thrilling hot curves; both girls are young and unmarried girls. Although their bodies are extremely mature due to their race, their faces remain the same.

Pure and lovely, with a pair of blue eyes like the clear sky after the rain, they look bright and clear. Such graceful and graceful human beings lying there in pairs are really enough to make people imagine.

Ulantuya was stunned and didn't know how to deal with this scene. After a while, she couldn't help but ask: "Why are you here?"

Sanapova blinked her big blue eyes and said in stiff Chinese: "Sir, I'm asleep!"

Zilata said provocatively: "Sir, please wait for us!" Speaking of us, she also deliberately pushed out her hot breasts. Compared to Ulantuya, her breasts were obviously better.

Ulan Tuya gritted her teeth, feeling ashamed and angry!


In the inner room, Xia Xun listened quietly until Ulantuya's angry footsteps went away, then he smiled slightly at Zuo Dan and said: "Send someone to the Yeliguna River Basin controlled by the Tatars.

Holding her portrait and going around to inquire about the Huaguna tribe that had been massacred and this Ala... Muqi's situation is simply delusional, and there is no need to do so.

When they come to Liaodong, we can't count on foreign aid. If there is a problem, the problem people must be her and the tribesmen she brought with her. Her tribesmen have been placed in more than 20 fortresses by me.

It is unrealistic to cast a net everywhere and conduct surveillance and investigations. The governor is very busy in Liaodong and does not have the time to waste all his manpower on her."

When Xia Xun returned to the mansion, the North Korean envoy who had been waiting for the governor for a long time did not return. Seeing that it was getting late, he had already left and returned to his residence. Zhang Jun waited at the mansion until Xia Xun came back and told him the purpose of the North Korean envoy's visit. Xia Xun

They didn't take it seriously. If they wanted to talk, it would just be a verbal spat. They said one thing with their mouths and did another secretly. This is what both parties did, so don't worry about it.

So Xia Xun simply explained a few words, asked Zhang Jun to deal with the other party, and dealt with the annoying fly, and that was it.

Tang Wuzhu's case was handled quickly and quickly. The unlucky Jurchen woman died of her husband and son, but there was only one culprit. She and her relatives had a quarrel with the Changshi Mansion, and they also knew that the man's father was a member of the Ming army.

The high-ranking officials originally expected that the case would be settled sooner or later, and that at most they would be sentenced to exile. They would release him as soon as he was out of their sight. There was nothing they could do about it.

I don’t think Governor Yang’s “fair enforcement of the law is equal to a bowl of water” is really not just talk, so he saw the prisoner being tortured with his own eyes. He neither released him secretly without the protection of officials, nor dragged a death row prisoner to compensate.

The resentment and anger subsided, and when the matter was over, they expressed their gratitude to Xia Xun, and the family members, old and young, left happily, and they had to make a big deal about it when they came back.

Virtue without authority will lead to indulgence, authority without virtue will lead to disloyalty. Xia Xun's act of combining kindness and power will definitely serve as a warning once it spreads.

When Xia Xun asked Wan Shiyu to investigate the case, he went to Taitang to visit Wuzhu's family. In the end, only Mrs. Tang and her eldest brother-in-law came, but Tang Jie was not at home. He expected to invite an acquaintance, so he couldn't help but secretly rejoice at the decisive decision.

.Waiting for the case to be concluded, he was worried that Tang Jie would come back and find his son dead, so he went crazy and went to Chang Shi's Mansion to arrest him, so he specially arranged for soldiers to garrison him.

After these matters were dealt with, he returned to the house, summoned Zuo Dan, and began to make arrangements. To be honest, Xiaoying is a very special girl, with beautiful appearance and refined temperament, and he loves his beloved wife

All concubines are different. Even if she comes with some purpose, Xia Xun is confident that he will not be taken advantage of by her now that he has heightened his vigilance. It may be easier to find out her purpose if he uses the trick.

But today's Xia Xun is no longer the young boy he used to be. He has reached the age of thirty, has a family, a career, a wife and children. He will not be so willful in his behavior. If he wants a personal

Girl, the problem is not big, but if the identity of the other party is unknown and the purpose is unpredictable, he will not be so hungry, so he made this arrangement tonight.

Xia Xun said: "You send two people to keep an eye on her. If she fails, she must have another plan. As long as she takes action, she must be in contact with people and keep an eye on her. Sooner or later, she will be able to find out her true purpose."

Zuo Dan responded: "Yes!" Then he winked at Xia Xun and said with a smile: "Actually, Xiaoying is quite beautiful. Bentang doesn't have any family members around, so since she took the initiative to throw herself into his arms, why not Bentang use her trick...

, Hehe, it would be nice to have a beautiful woman to warm the bed with!"

Having been with Xia Xun for a long time, he knew that Xia Xun had an easy-going temperament, so Zuo Dan dared to joke with him. Xia Xun glared at him, laughed and cursed: "Instigating this governor to violate the king's law, huh? Go do it seriously! Your Majesty will be here soon.

We have just arrived in Beijing, and I have to prepare to go to Beijing to pay my respects. Nothing can go wrong here!"

Zuo Dan hurriedly suppressed his smile, solemnly agreed, and left. When he walked into the outer room, there were two enchanting beauties in sleeping clothes on the kang next to him, but Zuo Dan didn't look away. Xia Xun kept him in the room.

Listening to others and understanding the rules are his greatest characteristics.

Sanapova and Zilata were very happy to be transferred to wait outside the bedroom by Xia Xun. Rus women did not value chastity very much, not to mention Xia Xun was their only support. If Xia Xun wanted to call them to wait inside, they would

They happily obeyed, but Xia Xun didn't signal, and they didn't dare to make any obvious provocation.

In ancient Russia, before the time of Peter the Great, the ideal female beauty common to all social classes was to be young, healthy, with beautiful features and a plump body. The so-called "two-hundred-pound beauties" were the typical ones, and they were called "Russians with tight skin"

"And are favored by men. These two girls are very beautiful in the aesthetic point of view of the Han people, but in the Russian country, although they are not ugly women, they can only be regarded as pretty faces, and their figures are really lackluster. So they

I never thought about seducing Xia Xun, because I feel a little inferior...

Wulantuya returned to her bedroom in shame and anger. She never expected that Xia Xun would use such means to reject her "dedication". When she thought about it, she suddenly became frightened: "Maybe he realized that there was something wrong with him.


After thinking about it again and again, she found that she had not revealed any flaws, so she rejected the idea: "No! He shouldn't have noticed anything. He was obviously attracted by today's provocation... Could it be that he has a fierce wife in his family?

A little henpecked? I heard that his wife is the sister of the Queen of the Ming Dynasty. I guess this woman is not only arrogant but also jealous, so she must be like this."

Thinking of this, she felt relieved, but now, how to avenge the blood feud? Ulan Tuya couldn't help but feel worried. After thinking for a long time, she suddenly remembered the North Korean envoy she saw today, and her heart suddenly moved: "For a moment, I indulged

If you don’t have the chance to make a move, you can still create some trouble for him!”

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