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Chapter 609

Chapter 609 This world and eternity

The reason for this fight before the emperor was the reform of Liaodong that Xia Xun mentioned to Emperor Yongle last night.

Xia Xun has arrived in Beijing. The prisoner ceremony is a major event to promote the country's prestige, and Xia Xun and Zhu Di are the two protagonists of this event. Now that he has arrived, the officials should discuss holding a prisoner ceremony and at the same time surrendering to various ministries.

The leader paid homage to the sky to show that we were heading to the Weijia Sea and that we would be kind to the barbarians and care about the distant lands. Of course, during this period, the reward for the Liaodong soldiers had to be publicly announced.

This was a happy situation for everyone, but it was rare for everyone to gather together like this, so Xia Xun mentioned the changes in Liaodong in public again. He really wanted to seize the day, and it was also out of a very simple national sentiment.

I hope that the future of Liaodong can be turned into a powder keg, the place where the gravediggers of the Ming Dynasty were located, and it can be completely transformed into a solid border wall of the Ming Dynasty.

The first thing Xia Xun mentioned was to upgrade the shogunate office to a government office. The officials accompanying Yongle and the ministers in Beijing had no objections to this. After hearing him talk about the necessity of upgrading the shogunate office to a government office, most of them expressed their agreement.


Even Qiu Fu, who saw Xia Xun's seven disobediences and eight dissatisfactions, could not object to this. Xia Xun governed Liaodong not only with military exploits, but also with cultural governance. This is a manifestation of outstanding cultural governance. The day before yesterday, they were in

In front of the emperor, he was praising Xia Xun's excellent management of Liaodong. Wouldn't he be a slap in the face if he spoke out against it?

Furthermore, the entire Liaodong area is not small. Once such a large place is upgraded from a shogunate agency to an official office, there will be a large number of job vacancies. Liaodong does not have so many talents, and the court does not allow so many officials to be selected locally.

If this is the case, a large number of officials will inevitably be selected from within the customs to fill these bureaucracies. Who does not have disciples, old friends, relatives, children and nephews? Maybe he can get one or two positions to accommodate his relatives and friends. Opposing this matter is tantamount to cutting off people.


What's more, the establishment of an official government can strengthen the control of Liaodong. Regardless of their political opinions and personal grudges, these ministers are still unified on this goal. They also hope that Ming Dynasty can strengthen its control of Liaodong and reduce the disasters from the north.

So this was passed almost unanimously.

But when it comes to the resettlement of the surrendered tribes, the opinions of the civil and military officials are completely different.

Qiu Fu first raised an objection.

He believed that it was very dangerous for the surrendered Hu tribes to live together with the Han people. In his view, the Hu people were fierce and aggressive, and if they lived together with the Han people and the parents were short-lived, some trouble would inevitably arise, and

The Hu people are accustomed to living together as ethnic groups, helping each other, and whenever something happens, they will mobilize as a whole to seek justice from others. In that case, what happens to one person will quickly become a family matter, and then a clan matter, causing great turmoil.

However, Xia Xun believes that due to the development of industry and commerce in Liaodong, the Han people and ethnic minorities have formed a close cooperative relationship. Both parties are also accustomed to having the Judicial Department and the Department of Commercial Affairs to negotiate and resolve disputes, so the judicial power has basically been vested in the tribal chief.

It has been returned to the special administrative office. Although it is currently only managing social security and business operations, it is already a good transition.

The establishment of local government can smoothly expand judicial power. At least in occasional incidents, the presence of the Liaodong army is enough to ensure the control of the situation. Problems are temporary, but the benefits are long-term. If this change is not carried out, the tribe will surrender.

It has always had great independent power, and now the court has saved a lot of trouble, but what it has left to its descendants are some big disasters that will break out at some unknown time.

There are still a few tribes in Liaodong that have independent judicial power. They are small tribes that have not participated in the industrial and commercial operations of Liaodong and live a self-sufficient life in remote mountainous areas. This is no exception in the Central Plains. Some people live in remote areas.

For Han Chinese in remote mountainous areas or in villages with inconvenient transportation to the big cities and towns, why are the main forces that dominate the order of villages and towns not the clan elders? This does not matter.

In addition, the two people were at loggerheads on discriminatory coercive policies such as exemption from forced marriages, exemption from the replacement of Han famous clothes and Hanfu, and various treatment for Hu people as officials. The two argued hard, and what Qiu Fu advocated was actually more

It is conducive to the current stability and stability, but judging from the rebellions and disputes that occurred among the tribes that surrendered in the past, Xia Xun's integration strategy is a solution that can be solved once and for all.

Chen Shou, who was participating in politics, smiled calmly, twirled his beard, shook his head and said: "Your Majesty, I believe that what the Duke of Qi said is the mature opinion of seeking a country. Foreigners and aliens are not our race after all, and they must not be treated by the country. Xuanzong of the Tang Dynasty

Having great love for the Hu people resulted in the An-Shi Rebellion, which nearly destroyed the Tang Dynasty; Song Huizong formed an alliance with the Jin Kingdom, and as a result, when the Liao Kingdom was destroyed, the Jin people's military fronts were directed towards the Central Plains. Treating the barbarians favorably and treating them as themselves is like seeking the skin of a tiger!"

Xia Xun and his wife had a lot of talk last night, and the yin and yang were harmonious. Now he felt refreshed. Hearing his retort, he didn't get angry at all. He calmly said: "Master Chen's words are wrong. In the early Tang Dynasty, when we used foreign troops, we won many victories."

Defeat Shao established the domineering power of the Tang Dynasty, and among these famous generals who made great military exploits, there were many foreigners, and many of the soldiers and horses they used were barbarians. There are twenty-four people in Lingyan Pavilion, try to count the barbarians.

How much does it occupy?

The policy of vassal towns in the Tang Dynasty was a serious problem for the country. When the imperial court was weak, the generals of vassal towns had different intentions. The disadvantage was that they delegated too much power. The reason was people's greed, not the conflict between Hu and Han. Since ancient times, which dynasty has not

Rebellious generals and rebellious ministers? How many of them are Hu people? Even if they are generals of the same clan, seeing that the imperial court is weak, they become ambitious and don't know who they are. From the Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors to the present day, why do you single out An Lushan to talk about the matter?


Chen Shou's hands were frozen on his beard and he was speechless.

Xia Xun said: "The current policy is easy, simple, and does not require much effort. In the long run, it will be a serious problem for the imperial court. Even if there are some difficulties for the moment, if we don't do it, what we will leave to future generations will be uncontrollable.

It’s a mess. You adults read the books of saints, but they say, “Establish a mind for the heaven and earth, establish a destiny for the people, carry on the unique knowledge for the saints, and create peace for all generations.” This kind of change is related to the fate of our Ming Dynasty and peace for all generations.

Why don’t you want to do it?”

This sentence immediately stirred Zhu Di's heartstrings. The country belongs to him, and he has a heavier sense of responsibility for the future than anyone else. Hearing this, he praised the case: "Yang Xu said it well! Qiu Fu, Chen Shou said

This is not unreasonable. But..., where can there be no natural talents? When choosing people for a king, you should only choose whether they are wise or not. Why should you distinguish between them?

If the person is virtuous, he will be appointed. If the person is not virtuous, even if he is a close relative, he cannot be used. Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty valued Jin Rixi (the prince Xiongnu slaughtered the prince), and the prefect of the Tang Dynasty valued Ashina Sheer (the second son of the Turkic Chuluo Khan).

Not only were both of them Hu people, but they were also princes of the Hu people. However, they were loyal throughout their lives and became pillars of the imperial court. Emperor Xuanzong of the Tang Dynasty favored Ren Anlushan, which caused the disaster of relocation because he did not know how to appoint people. Emperor Huizong of the Song Dynasty favored Ren Anlushan,

The excessive desolation led to the disaster of the Barbarians and Di. Is it because they used the people of the Barbarians and Di?

According to the laws of the Spring and Autumn Period, when barbarians enter China, they will be conquered by China. I am the lord of the world, and I will keep it within the realm. Only those who have talents and will not abandon them will be a wise king. In the Yuan Dynasty BC, I boldly entered the Central Plains with invincible military power.

The country had only been in power for less than a hundred years, and yet it was expelled from the Central Plains by our emperor. What was the reason? It was that in the former Yuan Dynasty, the Tatars were used to suppress the Tatars, and the Han people and the southerners were brought to their own destruction. How could we not learn from this past experience?


The emperor's coffin has been decided, and it is no longer appropriate for everyone to argue about this matter, and they all say that they are retreating to the left and right.

Zhu Di breathed a sigh of relief and added: "Let them be among my eunuchs. They will get close every day and eventually become a family. If you put up a fence and guard them like thieves, how can you educate them? Of course, they are just beginning.

People who come to surrender are mostly out of fear of my power, not necessarily out of sincerity. Appropriate precautions are still necessary. The ancients said that accepting surrender is like being attacked by an enemy. Yang Xu, you are in Liaodong, so you must not be careless or unaware of this!"

Xia Xun hurriedly bowed and said: "I sincerely follow the teachings of the Holy One!"

Zhu Di glanced at Qiu Fu and Chen Shou indifferently. They were both civil and military, singing and singing, but their opinions were extremely unified. Thinking of their unanimous assassination of Xia Xun the day before, Zhu Di had some faint realization in his heart.

Compared with these two people, Luo Qian is much more alert. He was originally the Minister of the Ministry of Punishment in Nanjing. He has spent half his life working in the judicial office and has the most meticulous mind. Just now, Xia Xun suddenly proposed the reform of Liaodong in public, and he had

I have been alerted. Xia Xun arrived in Beijing yesterday and stayed in the palace. He must have communicated with the emperor. Since he dared to raise it in public, I am afraid that even if the emperor did not agree with everything, he would be greatly moved. At this time, he still

Look at how beautiful the wind is.

He didn't remind Qiu Fu and Chen Shou in time, just because he wanted to use them to probe the emperor's tone and see to what extent the emperor supported Xia Xun's advice. Now that he heard the emperor's categorical statement, he couldn't help but secretly feel happy.

In the past, the four people of Xu Huizu formed a blood alliance. Apart from Mei Yin and Geng Bingwen, he was the fourth person. The fact that these four people could come together had their own secrets. In the name of his loyalty, Xu Huizu even sacrificed his own brother in his own life.

How can he still surrender to Zhu Di with his hands in hand? If he does that, he will be despised by everyone in the world, and his reputation will be stinky. He has no other way to go except one way to the darkest place.

Geng Bingwen, a veteran of the previous dynasty, was equally loyal to the heir appointed by Zhu Yuanzhang himself. What's more, after Zhu Di ascended the throne, he gave up his title of Marquis of Changxing and stayed at home. He also had his own political demands. Mei Yin simply ignored him because Zhu Di disdained his shamelessness.

The flirtatious look he cast on him only made the princess sister write him a family letter, and then told him to go back to the capital, without issuing an imperial edict at all. He was so ashamed that he felt so ashamed that he became resentful.

The four people not only have different positions towards the new dynasty, but also have different purposes for forming an alliance. They also know that it is impossible to overthrow Zhu Di's rule and put Emperor Jianwen's son or brother on the throne, but for various purposes

, joined forces to launch a counterattack against the heroes of the new dynasty. As a result, Zhu Di soon promoted Peking to Beijing and transferred Luo Qian away from Nanjing. Fortunately, Luo Qian was not involved in some subsequent events, so he was not dug out by Ji Gang.

Of course, with Luo Qian's shrewdness, if he was still in Nanjing at the time, and with his ability, it is difficult to say whether Xia Xun successfully counterattacked or whether he was redressed forever.

Now Xu Huizu has become a useless person, Mei Yin and Geng Bingwen are no longer alive, and the purpose of the alliance no longer exists. Luo Qian can just take care of his own future. But people are very complex creatures. If emotions

A person who can always and completely submit to the control of reason is no longer a human being. As long as there is a chance, Luo Qian still instinctively wants to stab Xia Xun.

But with this sword, it seems that now is not an opportunity.

Xia Xun wanted to strike while the iron was hot and talk about the other two matters, but Zhu Di didn't want to cause too many disputes and conflicts among the courtiers before presenting the prisoner gift. When he saw Xia Xun wanted to speak, he rushed to say: "Okay, Liaodong

Let’s discuss the matter here for now. The headquarters in Beijing and the Governor’s Mansion of the Fifth Army are responsible for the prisoner presentation, so hurry up and make preparations. I and the queen are going to visit Beihaizi, and you can leave now!"

Everyone dispersed, Xia Xun suddenly became idle, and suddenly realized that his wife was still sleeping soundly in the bedroom.

"Flowers are ready to be cut off when they are in bloom, but don't wait until there are no flowers left to cut off the branches!"

Xia Xun was so excited that he rushed to his dormitory in excitement...

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