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Chapter 612

Chapter 612 Speak freely

"Ms. sir, have some tea!"

Ming'er held a cup of fragrant tea and walked up to Xia Xun gracefully. Her waist was as soft as a wicker that had absorbed enough water. Her gait and body were extremely graceful. Xia Xun didn't even raise her head, "Yeah."

He shouted: "Let's leave it there for now!"

Xia Xun was revising the materials he used to persuade the emperor and ministers. The debate on Liaodong's ethnic policy in the past two days gave him a timely warning, making him notice that over-emphasis on his policies would be beneficial to the future.

, the persuasiveness is very limited.

What he is worried about does not have much influence on the current Liaodong, where there is not yet a strong local armed force that is not directly controlled by the court. Six hundred years ago, when the population was sparse, the court had to

When we are making great efforts to immigrate everywhere to replenish the desolate areas, tell them: In order to avoid overcrowding in a few hundred years and being forced to implement family planning, we should not let go of birth now. That is unrealistic.

Even in modern times, there are still countries with negative population growth. They have to do everything possible to formulate various welfare policies to encourage people to have more children. Different problems will lead to different solutions. You just invented the plastic bag, and people

When people find it convenient and convenient but cannot imagine how much white pollution it will cause in the future, they loudly speak out about the environmental issues of plastic bags, and there are bound to be very few people who respond.

Policies should change according to the times and circumstances. Ideas that are too forward-thinking lack mass support. If you stand as a time traveler and always consider issues for future generations while ignoring the needs of the current generation, you will become a public enemy of society.

If you achieve nothing, no one will support you.

Xia Xun has now created the conditions for change as much as possible in Liaodong, but if he wants to promote greater changes, he must make all levels of society feel that it is really necessary to carry out a big and strenuous change.

If this is not possible, even if the emperor fully supports it, it will definitely end in failure. Wang Anshi's reform was fully supported by the emperor, and Wang Mang's reform was the emperor himself. What was the result?

"Mr., eat some cherries!"

Ming'er brought another plate of freshly washed red cherries and handed it to Xia Xun.

"Uh, uh huh..."

Xia Xun responded absently and continued to think about the problem along his own train of thought.

When Ming'er saw it, she couldn't help but feel disappointed.

In the past few days, her husband-in-law had been pestering her, and the frequency of sexual intercourse was too high, which she couldn't bear. Later, when her husband-in-law came close to her and showed some affection, Ming'er became a little scared. As a result, tonight

It was rare for her husband to calm down and think about official matters and leave her aside, but she felt a little uncomfortable with it.

So, she deliberately wandered around Xia Xun. After wandering for a while, she saw that her husband was not distracted. Ming'er rolled her eyes and walked around behind Xia Xun. She lightly hit his shoulders with a pair of pink fists and said diligently: "Mr.

If you work hard, others will give you a pat on the back..."

Xia Xun put down the zhazi in his hand, looked back and said with a smile: "What? You are a little unhappy because you left my wife in the cold? Do you want my husband to do something interesting with you?"

Ming'er was shocked. She just liked to pester her husband and get tired of him talking to him. As for the matter of bed, at her age, she was really not very hungry. With Xia Xun's demands, she couldn't bear it.

I can't afford it, otherwise I wouldn't have taken the initiative to ask my personal maid to serve my husband last time. When I heard Xia Xun say this, she turned around and ran away: "No, no, my husband has done a good job, and he is a good boy."

, let’s go chat with my sister!”

Xia Xun shook his head and laughed: "This girl..."


In the hall, Xia Xun, who had been fully prepared, spoke eloquently: "The northern Tartars have been a thorn in my side for more than a thousand years since the Han and Tang Dynasties. However, the grassland is as vast as the sea, and the tribes migrate in pursuit of water and grass.

, has no fixed place to live, and whether it is annihilation or complete conquest, it is as difficult as ascending to the sky. With the power of the Han Dynasty, it exhausted the power of the country and destroyed countless families, but it only slightly dampened its majesty. It did not take long before it revived..."

Xia Xun's words were taken seriously by the civil and military officials. You can scold these evil neighbors on the grassland for coming uninvited. They are shameless and don't care at all. Just fight them. If you don't have enough troops, you are sending a sheep into the tiger's mouth.

When there are too many soldiers, they will grease their soles, run away, and lead you for a walk on the grassland. Your soldiers will be tired and your country will be thin. You will have to take the initiative to withdraw your troops, otherwise they will drag you to death.

The imperial court had no good way to deal with such an enemy. During the Anti-Japanese War, the Japanese aggressors also had a terrible headache for the guerrilla zones. When they were desperate, the Japanese invaders could still adopt the three-guang policy, but the central government failed to do so when dealing with the northern nomadic tribes.

Policies are of no use. All the belongings of the nomads can be carried on the back of a horse, and they can run away as soon as they want. If you think about it, there is nothing that can be used for it.

Xia Xun said: "Yanshan Mountain is the northern gate that shields the barbarian people from the northern grasslands from riding south and invading the Central Plains to disrupt our Ming Dynasty. As for Liaodong, it is a solid acropolis built outside the right wing of the north gate, which is opposite to the north gate of our Ming Dynasty."

As a horn, we will watch and help each other. As long as Liaodong is there, retreating can prevent the Tatars from colluding with the Jurchens. If Korea advances, it can hit the Tatars directly in the ribs, so they dare not go south with all their strength. The management of Liaodong is related to the foundation of our country, the Ming Dynasty."

Liu Chao, the minister of the Ministry of Finance, frowned and said: "What the Duke said is absolutely true. The importance of Liaodong and the Northern Territory of the Ming Dynasty is very important to us. All the ministers are also well aware of it. However, what the Duke said is not consistent with the system of military settlements and military households advocated by the Duke.

Is there any necessary connection between reform?"

"Of course!"

Xia Xun glanced at him with satisfaction. This old guy was very cooperative. This question was on point. Xia Xun became energetic and immediately continued his topic: "Liaodong is so important to me, the Ming Dynasty, and it is so important to the Tartars."

It is equally important to say that! If the Tartars want to conquer the Central Plains, they must first plan for Liaodong. I would like to ask, Sir, if the Ming Dynasty wants to protect Liaodong, in the final analysis, what kind of power should we rely on?"


Although Liu Chao is a scholar, he can answer such a simple question without thinking about it.

Xia Xun said: "Yes, the army! To defend Liaodong, we need an army! If the army wants to defend Liaodong, what else do we need?"

Without waiting for Liu Chao's answer, Xia Xun said: "The first is combat power; the second is supplies! What I am talking about is aimed at these two issues!"

Xia Xun turned to the ministers and said: "Let's talk about supplies first. The supplies for the army include armor and uniforms, feathers, arrows, and feathers, swords, guns, and horses... The most important thing among them is military rations! And military rations cannot be self-sufficient, so Liaodong must

The biggest weakness of the garrison is transporting grain from within the pass. Firstly, the losses are incalculable. Secondly, once the food route is cut off by the Tatars, even if there are millions of elite soldiers in Liaodong, they will collapse without a fight!"

Qiu Fu said coldly: "Hasn't Duke Fu Guo already opened a sea channel?"

Xia Xun responded with a smile: "What Duke Qi said is that we now have a sea channel, and we don't expect it to be cut off by the Tatars. However, there are still three problems with the sea channel. First, the sea channel cannot solve the problem of transporting grain from the south to the north.

Consumption, and heavy pressure on the people in the south; secondly, the climate is unpredictable, especially in winter, and it is impossible to transport grain and grass during the closure period. Sea transportation can only be used as a necessary supplement to land transportation, not the only means; thirdly, it is still

It has to do with the climate. Even if it is not during the freezing period, if there are heavy rains and strong winds at sea, shipping will have to be temporarily suspended. Wouldn't it be dangerous if the future of hundreds of thousands of soldiers who are isolated in Liaodong are all dependent on shipping? "

Qiu Fu snorted and said nothing.

Xia Xun added: "Since Taizu stationed troops in Liaodong, he has paid attention to planting grain in the hope that Liaodong will be self-sufficient in grain and grass. At first, the effect was good, but now it has gradually become unsuitable for the development of Liaodong. Military settlements, land and output

, are all state-owned. Among the military camps, seventy-eight out of ten soldiers are soldiers, and one out of ten are fieldmen. Although the fieldmen have military status, they are actually no different from farmers.

However, these farmers are doing the same thing as ordinary farmers. They work hard every day with hoes, and the harvest they receive, except for the grain they pay, is very little. They are worse than the tenants of the landlord's family, as if they have nothing.

Household slaves are like ordinary people, so they must muddle along. The more wasteland is reclaimed, the more they will suffer. Who is willing to cultivate wasteland?

No matter how badly the crops are grown, they will never starve to death, because they eat military rations; no matter how well the crops are grown, they will not get rich, the same! Because they eat military rations, the campers naturally do not want to make progress.

Fleeing or resisting, there is even a saying nowadays that "it is better to live in Hu than to be born in Liao", which has led to the desolation of fields, the ruins of farms, the depletion of salary sources, and the depletion of Liaodong's armaments. Whose fault is this?

Therefore, I advise Your Majesty to further reduce the number of garrison soldiers and increase the number of field men, with the ratio of 70% to 70% of the troops currently stationed in Liaodong preparing for military operations and 12% to 10% to cultivate crops, salt and iron.

Although they are few but capable, they are enough to defend Liaodong. The additional troops have their military status converted to civilian status, specializing in farming and owning their own land.

Since ancient times, if the people do not eat, they will be invaders; if the officials do not serve, they will complain; if they do not do well in business, they will enmity; and if they do not have power, they will leave. They must do their best to cultivate the fields for their wives and children, and the grain and tax they receive can be used for the garrison in Liaodong, and farmers

The surplus grain produced is purchased locally, which is much cheaper than purchasing and transporting it from within the customs. With more Han people, our Ming government will be more able to control Liaodong. The most important thing is that when the Tatars plot to seize Liaodong, our grain will be cut off.


Xia Xun's words were reasonable and well-founded, and no one could find any reason to refute them. Seeing that the scene had cooled down, Luo Qian coughed and said, "Then what is the connection between the farming system and the reform of military households?


Xia Xunruo glanced at him meaningfully and said: "Master Luo, I just said that to achieve this, the military villages must be changed into civilian villages, and some of the people with military registration must be classified as civilians.

This will inevitably lead to changes in the military household system. What's more, the military household system is not a method that has been used for hundreds of generations, reached the frontiers, and tried every time."

Xia Xun knew that when it came to military restructuring, he would be challenging generals like Qiu Fu. The country had not been founded for a long time, and the military household system had not yet had any major drawbacks. If he said that it was useless, or he wanted to make a fat man in one bite, change it nationwide.

The old system had too much resistance, and even if it could be done, it would probably take several years, so he wisely fixed the scope in Liaodong.

Because Liaodong is special, reform is needed! As long as it can be passed, it will be a precedent. When it shows greater vitality than traditional policies in actual operation, there will be no shortage of insightful people in the court, and the emperor is not in a coma.

Your Majesty, you will naturally think of implementing this method in other places.

Xia Xun even planned an escape route for himself. If he couldn't achieve it in one step, he would mix the military household system and the conscription system, one place, two systems, and evolve peacefully. Otherwise, there would be major changes to millions of troops across the country at once.

The resettlement of those households that have been demolished and converted into private households is a big problem.

Xia Xun said: "Everyone is very clear about the advantages of the military household system. Military households are hereditary, which can ensure the supply of soldiers and avoid the shortage of soldiers, so it can maintain a larger-scale army. At the same time, if we raise a professional army of millions

, the burden on the court was also too heavy, the army was integrated with the farmers, the army and farmers were integrated, and the military expenditure was relatively light. These were its advantages.

The disadvantage is that if you have been a soldier all your life, you will be a soldier for generations, and there is no other way for the children of military strategists to get ahead. Over time, resentment will inevitably arise. Furthermore, the status of military households is too low, especially the land allocated during the time of Taizu.

The number of children in military families gradually increased, and they could no longer support their families. They were restricted by military status and could not make a living elsewhere."

Xia Xun glanced at the ministers and said in a deep voice: "I don't need to say more about this. Just take the statistics from the imperial court. In the third year of Hongwu, the number of fleeing sergeants reached..."

Xia Xun glanced at the tablet in his hand that recorded events, and said: "Forty-seven thousand nine hundred and eighty-six people. This is the number calculated and announced by the imperial court. I believe you have no objection, right?"

This is all true. In fact, in recent years, the incidents of soldiers fleeing military households have become more and more serious. The imperial court has paid more and more attention to the household registration system. It is necessary to find a way out when traveling far away. It may not be because of the emergence of these phenomena that it is necessary to strengthen the control of the movement of the people.

How do others respond?

Xia Xun said: "Therefore, I believe that it is not appropriate to fully implement the military household system. Especially in Liaodong, most of the military households come from the mainland and are far away from their hometown. From now on, they have to take root there and never leave again for the rest of their lives. The morale of the military and the people will be even worse."

It’s hard to determine. And the tribes in Liaodong that surrendered are not members of the Ming Dynasty’s military and can never serve as our Ming Dynasty’s officers and soldiers. This is not conducive to their use by me and the policy of complete integration. Therefore, in Liaodong, the military household system should be changed!


Qiu Fu asked again: "So, in order to assist the Duke, how should the Liaodong military system be reformed?"

Xia Xun kept saying that the reform of the military system was limited to Liaodong, and Qiu Fu's resistance was indeed much lighter. As long as Xia Xun didn't ride on his head and gesticulate, and only tossed around the one-third of an acre of land in Liaodong, Qiu Fu was now

Still unwilling to confront Xia Xun, who was becoming more and more powerful and increasingly favored by the emperor.

A slight smile appeared on Xia Xun's face, and he said loudly: "If we study the army-building strategies from the pre-Qin and Han Dynasties to the present day, we can roughly find the conscription system, the government army system, and the recruitment system..."

Xia Xun made full preparations. In this speech, he clearly explained the advantages and disadvantages of various military systems from the pre-Qin Dynasty to the present. The method of raising troops like the Fu military system originated in the Northern Wei Dynasty. It was originally used by ethnic minority regimes in their spare time.

Mu, a method of raising soldiers during wartime. In the early Tang Dynasty, the system of equalizing land was used to raise soldiers, and this system was carried forward. However, once the equalization system was destroyed, soldiers disappeared. Now there is no condition to implement it.

All said and done, the only two most usable policies are recruitment and conscription. Recruitment mainly started in the Eastern Han Dynasty, and was replaced by the Fubing system in the middle. It was carried forward again in the Song Dynasty, but it proved to be unsuccessful. In those days, good men were not allowed to behave well.

Soldiers, the recruitment system of the Eastern Han and Song Dynasties eventually led to a continuous decline in the quality of the soldiers, the deterioration of military discipline, and they were simply unable to fight a war.

What about the conscription system? In an era when classes were clearly defined, administrative implementation capabilities were a big problem. Xia Xun’s solution was to adopt a conscription system in the main body and partially adopt the characteristics of the conscription system to establish an elite standing corps while partially retaining the military household system.

They are similar to the Forbidden Army and the Xiang Army of the Song Dynasty, but they are different.

When Zhu Di launched an army to quell the crisis, due to the shortage of soldiers, a recruitment system was implemented to recruit young men from three prefectures in Beiping, Baoding and Yongping to join the army. The people may not be willing to join the army, especially under those circumstances. In fact, it was compulsory recruitment.

This military system only stopped after he ascended the throne.

In actual history, the Ming Empire's army construction system was not static. Later, after the Tumu Fort Incident, the army was completely lost, and Emperor Jing of the Ming Dynasty recruited volunteers from all over the world. Later, for example, Qi Jiguang recruited troops to build the Qi Family Army, and Yu Dayou

The Yu family army built by recruiting soldiers can be called a powerful force. The combat effectiveness of the legions composed of recruited soldiers is generally much higher than that of the military household system. This is not only known to Zhu Di, but also to the generals present.

Therefore, as soon as Xia Xun mentioned it, Zhu Di immediately understood the pros and cons of this military system reform and was greatly moved. In fact, his main psychological obstacle now is not that he has any ideas about the military system reform proposed by Xia Xun, but that he has

I am worried about two things. One is that this will change the ancestral system. At present, there is no serious situation that affects the army and military strength, which requires the court to make major changes. The other point is that military expenditures are bound to be much larger than the military household system.

Therefore, even though Xia Xun had fully explained its advantages and the civil and military officials could not come up with strong objections for the time being, Zhu Di was still hesitant and could not make this decision immediately. When Xia Xun finished speaking, the other ministers did not express any opinions.

Zhu Di then said: "What Yang Qing said makes sense, but the system of the army and the important affairs of the country must be treated with caution. There is no rush to make a decision on this matter. After all the beloved ministers go back, they will have time to think about it, weigh the pros and cons, and make a decision after three days."


When Zhu Di made these concluding remarks, Liu Songgeng, the court judge of North Korea, had just crossed the Yalu River.

In Kaiyuan City, under the deliberate instigation and instigation of Huhulu and others, a massacre also started.

Under the planning of Amul and others, the tribesmen living in various fortresses spread rumors, intentionally instigated, and participated directly and indirectly, which has instigated increasingly tense relations between the various ethnic groups.

The secret agents led by Zuo Dan were just a group of agents directly affiliated with Xia Xun. Although they were watching the actions of Amul and others, they were not aware of some of the involvement of the "Huaguna" tribe members before the incident.

The quarrels and fights are the conspiracy they are planning, because there have been quarrels and conflicts between various departments in the past. People from the "Huaguna tribe" did some day labor, and the group they participated in had conflicts with other groups. This kind of behavior is too hidden

It is not appropriate to detect the deeper purpose. Moreover, it is impossible for Zuo Dan and others to directly meet Zhang Jun or Si Hanchao to let them know that there is such a secret force around Xia Xun.

As a result, the constant friction created an increasingly tense atmosphere. Hu Helu, the clerk who worked for the Han merchants, deliberately provoked and angered the merchants from Hada City. The Han merchants already felt that they were superior to others. How could they endure it? They immediately retorted and the quarrel quickly broke out.

Becomes a brawl.

The "Huaguna" people who mixed in among them fanned the flames and added fuel to the fire. The traders who came from Hada City became hot-headed and their grudges broke out. The fights escalated again and turned into beatings, smashing and looting of Han merchants. Blood and money were wasted on people.

When I opened my eyes, my vagina was uncontrollable...

p: My classmates, it’s the end of the month, please give me a recommendation vote!

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