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Chapter 628

Chapter 628 Aftermath

Since the members of the "Huaguna" tribe were scattered and settled in various forts, the news spread throughout Kaiyuan early the next morning. Some people who were suppressed and punished in the last Kaiyuan massacre

Or their family members were dissatisfied with the government. They took the opportunity to spread rumors that the court wanted to settle accounts after the fall, and that the government wanted to rectify all the subordinate tribes. This caused panic for a while.

Xia Xun had already been prepared for this. When he learned that the hangover soup tested by Zuo Dan did contain poisonous ingredients, he could endure it and continue to investigate instead of immediately arresting Wulantuya and his tribe because he was worried about it.

There will be such a situation that is unclear and unclear. Now that he has found out the details of the other party and started arresting people, he naturally will not allow the arrest of these people to be used by others to cause trouble.

The leaders of each tribe had just returned from attending a banquet at the Governor's Mansion the day before. After only one sleep, the situation suddenly changed and everyone became a little uneasy. They were snooping around each other and wondering whether they should probe Governor Yang.

, Xia Xun actually sent people to invite them to Kaiyuan City to participate in the trial of the crimes of the "Huaguna" tribe.

At first, some people were worried that Governor Yang was trying to trick them into going to Kaiyuan City in order to catch them all. However, when Aha came out, Mengge Timur, Magulhun, Alatancang, Wuri and so on...

When the tribal leaders rushed to Kaiyuan City one after another, the other tribal leaders figured out that the people the Lord was arresting were all the Huaguna tribe, which meant that he did not intend to attack them.

Besides, you can't control a clan by catching a clan leader. Although the clan leader drank a lot last night, he is not still drunk and unconscious. He wants to use such a clumsy trick to start a war in the entire Liaodong.

, so the leaders of other ministries also set off for Kaiyuan.

Pu Ladu, a fur goods merchant in Hada City, had been restless all day. All the people in "Huaguna" were arrested, and it was Governor Yang Xu who ordered the arrest. Others did not know the reason, but Pu Ladu immediately

He guessed that Ulantuya must have failed in her attempt to assassinate the governor. What he was worried about was that if all the "Huaguna" people related to Ulantuya were arrested, would they be able to confess him after being tortured and interrogated?

After he learned that Amul, who had been in contact with him, had indeed been arrested, Pu Ladu finally lost his temper. He was a member of the Jurchen Temur tribe, but a long time ago, he was captured by the Tatar Grand Master Ah

Lutai was bribed with a lot of money to act as Alutai's eyes and ears, delivering news from Liaodong to Alutai. Over the years, he has made enough money, and there is no need for him to stay here and take risks.

During lunch, Pu Ladu put down his rice bowl without taking a few bites, and he was too lazy to shout when doing business in the afternoon. Finally, when the stall was about to be closed, his mother-in-law was carrying fur goods into the shop.

Ladu finally made up his mind, grabbed her and said: "Ask the waiter to clean it up, let's go home right away!"

His mother-in-law didn't know what her husband was doing secretly, so she said in a daze: "Put the leather away first. Why are you in such a hurry to go home?"

Pu Ladu said angrily: "Just leave if I ask you to leave, there is no nonsense!" After saying that, he pulled her and left.

The merchants in other shops were closing their stalls. When they saw Pu Ladu dragging his mother-in-law away like her buttocks were burning, they all laughed and joked at him: "Haha, Pu Ladu, why are you in such a hurry to go home? You are not newly married.

Mother-in-law, you are so impatient."

Pu Ladu's mother-in-law was ashamed and ashamed. Pu Ladu laughed and didn't say anything. When he returned home, he hurriedly packed up his belongings and told his family to get ready. When the sun went down, Pu Ladu's family had already left the place where their own people lived.


"Hey! Pu Ladu, are you going on a far journey?"

Some tribesmen came back with their flocks from afar and greeted him.

Pu Ladu responded quickly: "Hey, well, my aunt who is married far away is seriously ill. I just sent a letter. I rushed to see her for the last time and came back in three or two days."

"Hey! That's an emergency. You have to pay attention to safety when you go on the road at dusk."

Pu Ladu responded vaguely and urged his family to hurry up. His youngest son asked doubtfully: "Dad, where are we going? Why are we in such a hurry?"

Pu Ladu said solemnly: "Shut up! Walk quickly!"

Pula didn't even go west. He was carrying his family and his family, and it was not easy for him to leave the country to go to Tatar. Moreover, there was no need for him to go to the Arutai Grand Master. For the Tatar Grand Master,

, he has lost his use value, carrying so many valuables, it is not safe along the way. If he really reaches Tatar... it is still unsafe. He prefers to live in Liaodong.

Liaodong's current household registration and population control in all aspects is far less than that in Guan Nei. As long as he escapes from Kaiyuan and changes his name, he can be at ease wherever he goes. However, he left the place where the tribe lives and headed in the direction of Yishuhada. He had just bypassed

At a mountain pass, I saw dozens of tough men in horse clothes waiting there quietly. As soon as they saw him coming, they immediately mounted their horses and drew their swords and guns.

Those people were all dressed in Hufu, but from their uniform saddles and uniform movements, Pu Ladu, who had lived in Han for a long time, immediately recognized that they were elite soldiers of the Liaodong frontier army. The warriors in Hufu became an umbrella

They came up, and a strong warrior in the middle held a spear under his ribs, pointed the sharp spear tip diagonally at the ground, and said in a thunderous voice: "Abandon your weapons and dismount, and you will avoid death!"

Pu Ladu's face is as pale as earth!

Pu Ladu disappeared from then on. A shepherd tribesman said that the last time he saw him, he was clad in the sunset of the day, carrying large and small packages and hurriedly leaving the tribe with his whole family, saying that he was going to visit a man.

He married his sick aunt from another tribe and never came back since then.

His family's sheep, cattle, and the fur shop were first taken care of by the tribe. When it was determined that he would never appear again, the acting patriarch Magulhun summoned the respected elders of the tribe, and after a public discussion

It was divided equally among the clan members.

Puratu has since become a legend.


The truth is revealed.

In order to enhance the persuasiveness of the confessions, Xia Xun did not use torture to force confessions from all the arrested "Huaguna" tribesmen. The tribal leaders who rushed to Kaiyuan City participated in the entire process and witnessed the entire interrogation process.

Xia Xun detained the arrested "Huaguna" tribesmen separately and interrogated them separately. He also used the intelligence obtained from Ulantuya to get the upper hand. With a sudden surprise, he revealed the true identity of the other party in his first sentence.

Those grassland herdsmen may be fierce in fighting, but if they are scheming, how can they, who deal with the blue sky and white clouds, cattle and sheep pastures all day long, beat these public case masters?

The presiding judge is Mo Ke. He was originally a household clerk in Kaiyuan Bingbei Road, but now he is the general judge of Kaiyuan Prefecture.

The "Huaguna" tribesmen who were detained and interrogated separately, you let it slip, he let it slip, Mo Ke used the information they accidentally revealed to continue to extort confessions from other prisoners, without the need for punishment, it only took two days, and the remaining

The criminals who committed the crime no longer need to be brought to trial, and the entire case has been revealed to the world. Only then did all the tribal leaders know that it was this group of people who were responsible for the original massacre that day, when the various tribes were fighting against each other.

Thinking of the dead and injured tribesmen and the arrested and punished tribesmen, the tribal leaders were extremely angry. They hated Arutai for being despicable and also hated the heavy losses caused to them by the so-called Huaguna tribe. They rushed to Xia Xun.

Petition, demanding that all these people be executed.

Xia Xun did not interrogate himself. When the tribal leaders rushed to see him, he was discussing with Zhang Jun and Wanshiyu the issue of military camp reform. This was the first step. Only after the war soldiers and campers were clearly separated can the next step be carried out.

Step one: Recruit troops.

The three people were having a detailed discussion about some relevant details, and the leaders arrived impassionedly. When Xia Xun asked what happened, he couldn't help laughing. He said to the tribal leaders: "It's easy to kill them.

The governor can make a decision with his words! But do you really hope that I will go beyond the law and kill you if you want?"

The tribal leaders were speechless.

Xia Xun glanced around everyone's faces and said calmly: "They have ulterior motives and are indeed hateful. But what have they done? They are just doing part-time labor for your people. When they are clerks, they make the shopkeeper jealous.

What will happen if you say a few sarcastic and sarcastic words to the locals? They are as powerful as water and fire, and they are like enemies!"

All the tribal leaders were silent.

Xia Xun said: "Gentlemen, we all live in the land of Liaodong. We are facing the same sky and stepping on the same land. We are all the people of the Ming Dynasty. Do you hope that there will be peace between the various tribes and between the various tribes and the Han people?

, fighting and killing all day long, are we like enemies? If we were as close as a family, would something like this happen because of such a clumsy trick, or because of someone's instigation in a few words?

You, as leaders who are deeply loved by your tribe and highly respected elders in the tribe, what did you do when there were grievances between the tribes and between the tribes and the Han people in the past? You were their backstage and provided support for the Han people.

Are they supporting them, adding fuel to the fire and encouraging them to cause trouble, or have they truly fulfilled their responsibilities as a leader and an elder? Guide them, persuade them, make more friends and make fewer enemies?"

The tribal leaders were so ashamed that no one could ask Xia Xun to execute those "Huaguna" tribesmen anymore.

Xia Xun said: "According to the crime, these people should not be killed! Mo Ke has told the governor the crimes they confessed and the results of the punishment according to the law, and the governor agreed with the results of his punishment. After the reform of the military camp, the officers and soldiers of the guard station will retain

Part of the land is set aside for military farms, which will be taken care of by logistics troops. Some prisoners of war and those who have committed misdemeanors will be handed over to their care for labor reform.

Labor cannot reform people, but it is a kind of punishment and prevents them from having to eat free food. During this process, they can make up their minds and truly regard Liaodong as their home. Perhaps, in ten or twenty years, one of them will be born

The two Su Wus still want to return to their hometown, but they are in the minority after all. I hope that all the leaders and elders can truly fulfill their responsibilities as heads of the clan and work together with the government to make Liaodong Camp your beautiful home. If you can

Through this incident, it has become a good lesson, and they have done a good thing!"

The tribal leaders who came with high spirits left silently and thoughtfully.

Wan Shiyu moved his buttocks, glanced at Xia Xun carefully, and asked tentatively: "Budang, how should we deal with that Sakura?"

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