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Chapter 638 Spring Light

Chapter 638 Spring

Xia Xun was shocked when he saw this. He raised his head and looked at the girl again. Her face was shy and she was holding back. Only then did Xia Xun understand. He quickly picked up Ding Yu, pulled him aside, and asked in a low voice: "

What did you do to this girl...?"

Ding Yu said: "I slept with her!"


"She's pregnant now!"


"Sir, please stop complaining. What do you think should be done about this matter?"

"Isn't she someone else's wife?"

"Look what you said, I, Ding Yu, a tall, seven-foot-tall man, can do that."

"Didn't your wife die of illness long ago?"


"That's it, won't it be over if you marry her?

"But my deceased wife was the daughter of a family friend. My father-in-law had made an agreement with my father to marry my deceased wife's little sister to me."

"Have you been hired yet?"

"Not yet, she's too young. My sister-in-law is only eight years old this year!"

Xia Xun felt relieved, patted his chest and said: "Haha, it's easy to handle this. I'll take care of this matter. With your father, I'll talk it over for you and cancel the marriage with your family friend."

Didn’t you? Didn’t your father also come to Kaiyuan a few days ago? I also talked with him, he is a very kind man, so I will take care of this!"

Ding Yu was overjoyed and hurriedly called to the girl: "Okay, come here quickly. Your Majesty has said that our matter will be handled by your Majesty. Thank you very much for your help..."

"Wait a minute, wait a minute!"

Xia Xun's face tightened and he said, "Okay, why is this name so familiar? I seem to have heard of it. Whose girl is she?"

Xia Xun had already given the guarantee, and Ding Yu looked relaxed and said, "Okay, the girl is the daughter of Mr. Pei Shitemuir."

Xia Xun was taken aback and lost his voice: "The daughter of Temuldus?"

Xia Xun was really a little surprised. Temuer was the leader of a Jurchen tribe and the captain of the 30,000 Guards. His daughter was pretty and looked not too young. Who knew she might have a family like this?

If a tribal leader's daughter is married to someone else, it is very likely that he will be the son of another tribal leader. If Ding Yu is involved, if this matter cannot be resolved, it will be a big dispute.

Xia Xun was a little angry, and just as he was about to ask clearly, a voice from afar sounded: "Where has my unscrupulous daughter been hiding?"

As soon as he heard the sound, he panicked and said hurriedly: "Oh no, my dad is here!"

Xia Xun hurriedly said: "You two go and hide behind the wall, and I'll check his tone!"

The two of them did not dare to say anything more and hurriedly ran to the back of the screen wall. Xia Xun straightened his clothes and hurried forward to greet him. Just after taking a few steps, Pei Shitemuir rushed in with a riding whip. When he saw Xia Xun, he hurriedly

Standing sideways on the roadside, he cupped his fists and saluted him: "Pei Yishi, a humble official, has seen the ministry!"

Xia Xun said "Oh", stood still, and asked: "Sir Pei Yishi, why are you in such a hurry?"

Pei Yishi stamped her feet fiercely and said, "Ahem, that's embarrassing!"

Xia Xun knew what was going on and asked: "What's the matter? Calm down and speak slowly."

Pei Yishi looked around and saw that there was no one else around, and then said to Xia Xun with shame and shame: "To be fair, my unlucky daughter actually... had an affair with someone!"

Xia Xun pretended to be surprised and said: "Is this happening?"

Pei Yishi gave a heavy hum and said: "In the past two days, the girl has been feeling nauseous. I was afraid that she was sick, so I asked the doctor to come back to see the doctor. After taking her pulse, he said congratulations to me and asked me about it.

Next time, I realized that this girl is... unexpectedly unhappy!"

Pei Yishi was so angry that he stamped his feet and said, "To be honest with you, my daughter is getting older, and I am thinking about arranging a marriage for her. A few days ago, I just told Qing Geertai of Tielingwei that my name is He brought his youngest son over and asked my family’s prime minister to take a look at him. If he liked him, he would agree on the marriage. As a result, my daughter... was so embarrassed!"

Pei Yishi said bitterly, and then added: "I asked her who that little beast was, but she didn't say anything. I pressed harder, and she ran away. I asked my nephews and nephews to look around, and there was someone among them. I saw her hiding in the governor's office! My nephew didn't dare to break in, so he informed me, so I came. Hey! She knew where to hide, and she was thinking of hiding with you in the department, so..."

When Pei Yishi said this, his voice suddenly stopped and he looked straight at Xia Xun with his eyes.

Xia Xun was confused by what he saw. He was stunned for a moment. When he suddenly reacted, Xia Xun was startled and waved his hands quickly: "It's not me, it's definitely not me. Mr. Pei Yishi, don't get me wrong!"

It's okay that Xia Xun didn't defend himself. With this defense, Pei Yishi was even more convinced that it was him, and he couldn't help but suddenly said: "I said that the girl didn't say anything about how to beat her to death. She couldn't escape anywhere, so she fled to the Governor's Yamen! Lord of the Ministry. , This is your fault. Although I, Pei Shitmul, am your subordinate and my official is younger than you, my daughter is an innocent and good-natured girl. Sir, you cannot eat dry food. You don’t even acknowledge your debt!”

Xia Xun was about to cry but had no tears. He spread his hands and said helplessly: "It's not me, it's really not me! I was wronged so much that it poured snow!"

Peishtmur said: "What year does it snow less? What does it have to do with this matter? My wife is a good child. She is young and has nothing to do. I asked you to fool this innocent body. You can't help it." Admit it! Although I, Pei Yi, work under you, I can't let people say that I used my own daughter to sleep with Shangguan in order to get promoted and make money. You have to give me an explanation for this matter!"

"Dad! What nonsense are you talking about!"

Xia Xun was dumbfounded when Temuer heard what her father said was so outrageous that she couldn't help but duck out from behind the screen wall.

When Pei Yishi saw her daughter, she couldn't help but said with joy: "You are indeed here! Sir, what else can you say now...? Huh? Ding Dusi, what are you doing?"

How could Ding Yu let his woman bear the responsibility alone? When he saw her running out, he quickly stepped out, stood next to her, and took her little hand. When Peishitmuer saw this scene, he couldn't help but become suspicious.

Xia Xun breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Master Pei Yishi, please calm down, this matter..."

Pei Yishi looked directly at Ding Yu and suddenly said: "Is it you?"

Although Ding Yu had the courage to swallow the sky, he slept with his daughter, and now that he came to his door, he felt extremely guilty. He stood there with a sullen look on his face, and said in a polite voice: "Master Pei Yishi, this... ...I...I made peace...actually..."

Seeing his hesitation, Pei Yishi already understood. He strode up to Ding Yu and Liao, and circled around the two of them. Liao was a little scared and couldn't help but shrink towards Ding Yu. Ding Yu hurriedly protected her with his arms. .

Pei Yishi walked around the two of them, and suddenly said without a clue: "You have to marry her!"


Regarding Pei Yishi's reaction, Ding Yu's reaction was a little sluggish, thinking that the two sides were going to fight, and Xia Xun, who hurriedly rushed to break up the fight, also stayed there.

Pei Yishi glared at her and shouted: "What? You don't want to! Even though you are more senior than me, you are still the Marquis. You have taken advantage of my daughter. If you dare not marry her, I will never end it with you!"

"Yes! Yes!"

Ding Yu had been worried for a long time after getting married. He never expected that his father-in-law would react like this. As soon as he understood it, Ding Yu immediately nodded his head like a chicken pecking at rice. He was so happy that there was no limit to it.

Xia Xun looked at the pair of living treasures with a mixture of laughter and envy in his heart: "Look at how open-minded I am! Oh, I think back then, for Zi Qi, I was really strong and received a good beating!"


The germination of talent warms the law and nourishes the benevolent heart.

Take care of Qicang's business and know that your destiny is deep.

The climate begins with the three Yangs, bringing about new things.

When the thunder begins to blow, the world knows spring.

The spring breeze is warm, the spring flowers are beautiful, the spring dishes, the spring cakes, the spring wine, the spring streamers, the spring swallows, the spring butterflies, the spring flowers on the hairpins, the spring flowers on the hairpins, the whole sky is full of spring colors, and Liaodong is full of splendor.

It is a custom in Liaodong that after the beginning of spring, everyone, regardless of rank, competes to eat radish, which is called "biting spring". A piece of radish is crispy, sweet, white and moist, and a piece of Qiongyao is chewed like ice and snow. It really tastes like spring when you taste it.

The plan for the year begins with spring, and Liaodong ushered in the new year with a brand new look.

It has been confirmed that Temuer and Ding Yu's wedding is scheduled for this spring. The Ding family and Temuer family are enthusiastically preparing for the wedding. And the entire Liaodong is also busy as if planning a happy event. This is

A spring different from previous years.

Zhang Xitong is nervously preparing for the children's examination. This is the first time since Liaodong surrendered to the Ming Dynasty that it has its own government examination, so it is natural to pay special attention to it. The children's examination includes three stages: county examination, government examination, and hospital examination.

County examinations are held in each county and are presided over by the county magistrate. They take five consecutive exams. After passing the test, they can take the prefectural exam hosted by the prefect or magistrate and take three consecutive exams. Those who successfully pass the county exam and prefectural exam can be called Tongsheng.

The academic examination is hosted by Liaodong Xuezheng and Xuedao. Only those who pass the academic examination can obtain the qualification of scholar.

Xia Xun also attaches great importance to this, and is teaching Zhang Xitong earnestly at this moment: "The admission conditions for scholars and students below and even for children can be relaxed as appropriate. Don't imitate those rotten Confucians who are stubborn in the past. The foundation of Liaodong is weak, and culture and education are not very developed in the first place. If this year

The Children's Examination has ended, and only a few students have passed the examination. This will inevitably dampen the confidence of students in Liaodong to study and seek education, and is not conducive to the popularization of literature and education in Liaodong.

Don't weaken their enthusiasm for studying. Most of those who studied last year were the children of wealthy families in Liaodong and the leaders of various tribes. They will expand this year, so they can't lose the big because of the small. Besides, after all, knowledge is only one aspect, and you have to study hard for a lifetime.

There are many nerds who have no ability to do anything, but they are really far behind these students."

Zhang Xitong responded respectfully: "Yes, yes! I understand!"

"Okay, I know you are busy, so go and do your business. Yishiha is leaving soon, and the governor is going to see him off."

"Yes, yes, I am resigning!"

As soon as Zhang Xitong left, Xia Xun immediately left the house and rode to Beicheng. Yi Shiha's convoy was about to set off for the Nurgan area to recruit people.

The Nuergan area includes Heilongjiang, Jingqili River (today's Zeya River in Russia), Ussuri River, Songhua River Basin and Sakhalin Island (today's Sakhalin Island in Russia). With the influence of the Ming Dynasty's local officials in Liaodong

As his power grew, he spread to surrounding areas, and many tribes joined him one after another. Some tribal leaders in the Nurgan area also frequently extended olive branches to Xia Xun.

The imperial court was very interested in Nuerqian, and Zhu Di showed his concern for Nuerqian many times when issuing decrees to Liaodong. This time, Yishiha was ordered to form a large team composed of merchants, Confucian scholars, and monks to go to Liaodong.

Nuergan is to propagate and pacify the tribes in the Nuergan area; to go to Sakhalin Island and to visit the overseas barbarians; to meet with the tribal leaders in the Nuergan area who aspire to the Ming Dynasty, and to build a temple there to promote Buddhism


On this trip, Yi Shiha brought not swords, guns, and crossbows, but food, silk, porcelain, tea, and the profound Central Plains culture. Through this inspection, he established trade and cultural relations, and lobbied local tribes to return to the Yuan Dynasty.

The Haixi East Water and Land City Station is a longer Silk Road in the forests and grasslands along the river.

This is just the beginning.

After seeing off Yi Shiha and leaving, Xia Xun rushed to the headquarters of the capital commander, where the recruitment of soldiers was already in full swing.

At this point, the leaders of the major tribes and minority tribes in Liaodong are more supportive than the ordinary people. They are more far-sighted than the ordinary people. They send some nephews to study, and some nephews to enlist in the army. The family also engages in business and farming.

These large families understand the simple truth of not putting all your eggs in one basket more thoroughly than anyone else.

Xia Xun took business as a breakthrough, established an agency from commerce, and centralized power from the establishment, and then vigorously developed farming. Through attracting recruitment, reducing prisoners and transforming, he provided a large number of preferential policies to promote agricultural development, agricultural prosperity, and people's livelihood.

Then the yamen were built and the yamen were rebuilt, then farmland was reformed, military households were reformed, and culture and education were popularized in between. This spanned three years and finally opened up a new road to Liaodong. On this basis, Liaodong was used as the base.

, quietly reaching out the first hand further to the northeast...

In front of the headquarters of the envoy, all generals, officials, heads of tribes, children joining the army, and ordinary people sending their relatives to join the army crowded the three avenues of the main, left, and right, and gathered them into a river of people.

In the center of the wide open space in front of the mansion gate stands a huge stone tablet. The stone tablet is covered with a huge piece of red silk. The base of the stone tablet is surrounded by exquisitely carved stone railings. There is a bookcase in front of it, and there are

A wine glass is filled with fine wine, and all the people across from it stand in awe, either holding a glass or a bowl.

Xia Xun stood behind the case and spoke generously to all the soldiers, subordinates, and people present: "...the concerns of the people, the corruption of officials, the abundance and depletion of grain reserves, the strength and weakness of the army and brigade, and the safety of the place.

It all depends on our Liaodong army and people, the officials and people, the Han and Hu people are of the same family, working together as one! If you all share my heart, please drink up the wine in your cup!"

"Do it! Do it! Do it!"

The response was like a mountain, and the sound was like the sea. After drinking a glass of wine, Xia Xun looked back, grabbed the red silk and struggled hard. The red silk poured down like flames, and slowly flashed out two lines of huge gold characters on the stele: "The sun is bright and the moon is bright."

The Ming Dynasty will be unified, and the king and ministers will be happy forever!"

This volume is over! I planned the content of the next volume tonight, so today there are only two updates of more than 7,000 words. Even so, my average update in seven days is still more than 10,000 words. Guan Guan is confident that these chapters and words have been used

Thank you very much! Dear friends, please support me with *** and recommendation votes!

This chapter has been completed!
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