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Chapter 642 I'm Coming

Chapter 642 I’m coming too

The newly built Fu Guogong Mansion now has the strict laws of the Hou family as deep as the sea.

The whole house, inside and out, is in order under the joint efforts of Ming'er and a group of capable family members.

Inside the inner house, there are winding corridors, deep passages, various houses, and complicated and winding roads. Without the guidance of people in the garden, if an outsider breaks in rashly and wanders around among the many doors for a long time, he may not be able to find the right place.


In the exquisite warm pavilion in the west wing, the spring is cold and the humidity is heavy, so a pot of animal charcoal is still burning to warm the room.

The room is lavishly decorated, with stools, chairs, tables, cases, cupboards, cabinets, stands, screens... all made of red sandalwood, rosewood, and mahogany. The shapes are simple, concise and concise, exuding an aura of nobility from the core.

.The antique porcelain placed on the hollow ancient shelves is also a treasure. Things that can never be bought on the market are priceless.

It is in the evening, and several palace lanterns made of fine wood and covered with colored glass will be placed on the table, illuminating the room. Not to mention anything else, these lanterns alone are extremely expensive items.


Several female members of the Yang family were sitting in the room, some leaning on the Arhat bed, some sitting on armchairs made of golden rattan, and beside the small round table made of rosewood.

She is wearing a silk Hangzhou tuan, her long hair is like glossy dark clouds, she is wearing a white lotus root silk short jacket and a moonflower Xiangshui skirt, and she is sitting tall and graceful.

Qiao Yun led several maids in, bringing in steaming, sweet and delicious rock sugar, bird's nest and japonica rice porridge. They were all served in small blue and white porcelain nests. Each of the ladies had a bowl. Ming'er used a spoon to gently stir the porridge.

He smiled and said: "I have already returned to Beijing with the order. I estimate the distance and we will arrive in five or six days. I will not leave again for a while after my return."

The master is back, and he has to make the final decision on the family affairs. Counting the days, he has been gone for more than a year, and he has to know many things about our family. Xiaodi, our fields, mulberry, hemp, and silk tea, including

Your father and daughter are in charge of everything in the house, so you have to make sure these aspects are sorted out and the master must be well aware of them."

Xiaodi held the porcelain bowl, blew in a little impatiently, and nodded with a smile. The man is the backbone of the family, and his husband-in-law is coming back. The whole family is beaming with joy, and Xiaodi is no exception.

Ming'er said: "Sister Ziqi is in charge of many businesses from Shandong to Liaodong, sister Yufei is in charge of the shops and semicolon in various places, sister Ying is in charge of the business in eastern Zhejiang and Nanyang, and she also keeps a clear account, etc.

After the master has had a rest, I have to ask him to look over everything."

When Ming'er first became pregnant, her reaction was more intense than that of other women. She would feel nauseous when she smelled something oily and ate very little. Now that she is more than four months pregnant, her pregnancy reaction is no longer as strong, but she still had the reaction during the first few months.

The torment of the month has not yet slowed down, so that the oval face has become much thinner, and the chin is pointed. Looking at it coldly, only two big eyes are left on the small face. It does not look like a pregnant woman, but more like a sunrise.

The beautiful girls in the manga are very kawaii.

Ming'er breathed a sigh of relief, clenched her pink fist, lightly punched her lower back twice, and said with a smile: "After the master ordered to pass through Liaodong, Ming'er and several sisters managed the family. They were always cautious, for fear of making any mistakes.

What's wrong? I can't explain it to the master. Fortunately, everything is fine at home. When the master comes back, we will have an explanation. By the way, there are also Si Xun and Si Yang's studies. We have to pay special attention to them. We have been supervising them in the past two days.

Be tight, the master will definitely test their homework when he comes back, but don't let these two girls show their timidity in front of her father."

Su Ying became angry when she mentioned her two daughters. She was probably used to being wild when she was young. The two girls never paid much attention to learning poetry, music, chess, calligraphy and painting. Instead, they were like boys who liked to climb trees and walls, play and play.

The two tomboys made the teacher so angry that he was blowing his beard and staring all day long. After listening to Ming'er's instructions, Su Ying said: "These two stinky girls, if they are naughty again, I will beat their butts to see if they are still crazy."


Ming'er chuckled and said: "Sister Ying, fighting is not an option. They are just playful and not bad-tempered. When I was a child, neither my parents nor my elder brother ever touched me. I still

Aren't you serious about studying? My third brother, I heard that he refused to study when he was a child and was often beaten up by his father, but the result was still..."

Mentioning the third brother, Ming'er looked a little sad, sighed softly, and then said: "The children have to be taken care of anyway. Let's explain the truth to them clearly. If they still don't obey, they will be punished. Otherwise, they will be punished."

You can punish them by missing one meal, as long as you are willing to do so, sister."

"Are these two girls so unbehaved? Then I, the father, will really spank them. Ying'er won't let it go, but I will!"

Suddenly a voice came from the door. When Ming'er heard the voice, her body was shaken. She suddenly raised her head and stood at the door of Nuange with a smile. It was Xia Xun!

"Ms. sir!"

Thank you, Su Ying and Xiaodi both screamed in surprise, but Zi Qi was still agile and rushed over with a single stride. He was already carried away and threw himself into his arms, hugging him tightly, as if he wanted to rub him into his bones.


Xia Xun stayed at home for two days. He originally planned to go on the road first and arrive home at least four or five days in advance. However, he was delayed in Zhuozhou for a while. When he went south by the Huaihe River, he encountered several heavy rains.

There was another delay, but the honor guard walking behind did not encounter these troubles. As a result, Xia Xun only spent two days leisurely at home before his large team arrived.

Xia Xun was an imperial envoy with an imperial order, and the imperial envoy returned to Beijing. According to the rules, when he returned to Beijing to answer the order, he must first go to the Golden Palace to see the emperor, answer the order and pay the order, and then he could go home after finishing his work. Even if he had missed the imperial meeting when he returned to Beijing that day

, you have to stay in the post house first, and wait to see your driver tomorrow before you can go home to see your family. This is called putting business before private.

But Xia Xun went on the road first because he wanted to see his relatives as soon as possible. Besides, rules are rules. In fact, as long as officials who live in Kyoto, few people are willing to abide by these rules. Xia Xun used to go out on orders and come back first to his own home.

It had become the norm for a long time. When the honor guard entered Jinling City, he could no longer delay, so he left home again, met his honor guard, and rushed to the Golden Palace to meet him.

In the Golden Palace, Xia Xun, who had been away from Kyoto for more than a year, returned to the court, delivered the decree in court, and stated his experience in Liaodong and his political achievements. Zhu Di was full of joy and praised him greatly. Although Xia Xun had been away from the center of power for three years,

The actual time was more than a year, but the honor and favor did not diminish, and as soon as he returned to the capital, he came into everyone's sight again.

By the time the court meeting was over, many bachelors, envoys, governors, and ministers who were friendly to Xia Xun were about to gather around and have a warm conversation. Mu En came to deliver the order again, and the emperor summoned him to the palace. All the adults had no choice but to be envious.

He watched Xia Xun follow Mu En and dispersed on his own, looking for an opportunity to have a banquet with the Duke another day.

"How is your emperor feeling today?"

This sentence can be regarded as a public code in the official circles. When asking the people around the emperor, the question is not about the emperor's mood, but about whether the emperor's summons is good or bad for him without knowing the emperor's mind. Xia

Xun knew clearly that when he was in Liaodong, there were always imperial envoys who accused him of having too much power, recruiting cronies, recruiting party members, and oppressing the vassals. Tang Jie's death has been reported to the Fifth Army Governor's Mansion. So far, nothing has been reported. This matter also has


Mu En understood the situation and replied with a smile: "Look, slave, the emperor is in a good mood."

After Xia Xun heard this, his heart settled.

When he arrived at the Jinshen Hall, Xia Xun greeted him politely. The emperor called him up and gave up his seat. Xia Xun sat on the Jin pier that Mu En had moved over. Zhu Di asked a few questions about his hard work before getting to the point: "Wenxuan, Liaodong Army

I have read your memorial on how to reorganize the garrison and recruit troops, but the details are not clear yet. Please tell me more."

In the last few months of Xia Xun's stay in Liaodong, even though he almost didn't show up, his whole mind was focused on these two things. He naturally knew it in his heart and stated them one by one without even thinking.

After hearing this, Zhu Di nodded slightly and said: "The method of recruiting troops can be said to have immediate results. It's just that we will not know until this autumn what the effect of the military camp's restructuring will be."

Xia Xun said firmly: "Your Majesty, although we won't know the outcome until this autumn, I am sure that this matter will be accomplished. During these days in Liaodong, I have understood clearly that although the climate in Liaodong is not as good as that in Guanhai, there are many rivers in Liaodong, and most of them are

The area's abundant rainfall is much stronger than that of grasslands, so it is still suitable for farming.

In the past, farming was not done properly, mainly because the harvest had nothing to do with them, and the farmers had no ambition to do so. However, it was different among the people. Many rural landowners tried their best to buy land without saving money. If there was no benefit from farming, why would they?

As for this? But the army's fields have poor harvests every year, so the generals of the guards have to give the court a reason? And the people naturally don't want to say that they have a good harvest in order to pay less for food. Therefore, following what others say, people feel that Liaodong is not suitable for home.

The illusion of plowing.”

Zhu Di sighed softly and said: "Because of your incident in Liaodong, I also paid special attention to the farming. I specifically asked Chen Ying to cooperate with the Ministry of Household Affairs to make a statistical understanding of the farming in the world. I am not very optimistic!

Is it not suitable for farming outside the customs? Hey! Henan, Huaixi and other places are not outside the customs, right? But after the calculation, I was surprised! "

Xia Xun put his hands on his knees and listened quietly. Zhu Di said angrily: "Not to mention other places, it is these places where military households cultivate the fields and the harvest is not enough for half a year's rations. Chen Ying checked carefully and found that the farmers

When we farm, who can carry water for you, fertilize the fields, fertilize and hoe the weeds? Everyone just sows the seeds and leaves it to fate. Whether it grows or not, it has nothing to do with you anyway. If you don’t harvest a grain, the court doesn’t care.

Military rations must be distributed accordingly.”

Having said this, Zhu Di frowned and stood up, holding his hands and walking slowly: "Therefore, I pay special attention to the reform of the military garrison in Liaodong. If it is indeed effective, I will have to reform other places one by one. However, the method of reform in Liaodong

What exactly it is cannot be confirmed at the moment. I cannot make major changes to the military garrison method and the ancestral system until it is confirmed.

There was almost no rice and millet to harvest in Liaodong, and it all relied on the imperial court to allocate it for reform. Naturally, there was no chance of anything going wrong, but until it was proven to be effective, other places could not follow the instructions. The academics also meant the same thing. Food was the most important thing for the people.

Agriculture is the foundation of the country. However, I am anxious to think that even places with fertile land such as Henan and Huaixi have poor harvests every year!

The imperial court established the system of farming, originally not to increase the burden on the people, but what happened? Therefore, the more soldiers were raised, the more crops were planted, and the crops became less and less. The burden on the people became heavier, and millions of acres of fertile land were occupied by the guards.

The villagers are occupying and causing harm, and this situation will continue for at least another year. It's okay if I didn't know before, but now that I know it, how can I endure it?"

Xia Xun asked calmly: "What is the emperor's plan?"

Zhu Di said: "I asked the Ministry of Revenue to draw up a charter. The Ministry of Revenue came up with a plan and reported it to the cabinet. The academicians discussed it carefully and reported it to me. This method is in accordance with the strategy you implemented in Liaodong.

This is a compromise strategy after making some changes. I want to implement it first while there is still time in early spring and March. You are here just in time to hear whether it is feasible."

Xia Xun was a little curious, blinked and said, "I would like to hear the details!"

Zhu Di did not tell him one by one, but directly handed Xia Xun the charter written by Xie Jin and others.

, and indeed it was derived from his own Liaodong strategy.

This charter has two main points: First, it is to update the ratio of soldiers and field guards in the world's garrison: the ratio of soldiers to field guards is determined according to the degree of remoteness and danger of the place where the army is stationed. For dangerous and dangerous places near the border, more than 100 soldiers should be guarded.

For garrison; inland garrison, there are more garrison troops than guards; although the land is dangerous and difficult to transport, there are more garrison troops than soldiers.

In addition, detailed rules for rewards and punishments for farming were also formulated, and a line was drawn based on the average farm income of local people. Grain production increased and the harvest was good. Those who exceeded this line could receive certain rewards. Those who fell below this line would be punished.

.Although this method is not as effective in mobilizing the enthusiasm of the villagers for production as a complete reform, it is still a method.

Especially when it comes to issues related to grain cultivation, if changes are rashly implemented across the country, but the results are ineffective, it will cause great turmoil across the country, and may even lead to the loss of the country. First, use this safe method to improve the cultivation of farmland.

In terms of output, it would be much safer to wait until the reform in Liaodong has achieved results before carrying out reforms in various places.

Xia Xun naturally strongly agrees with this, and the change of this compromise strategy has clearly been affected by the reform in Liaodong. It is conceivable that when Liaodong has a good harvest in autumn, the nationwide reform will become an irreversible trend.

This is exactly what Xia Xun wants to achieve. Don't let people ruin things and create a correct shortcut, so people will naturally choose it.

Xia Xun nodded repeatedly and expressed his approval. Zhu Di couldn't help but smile with satisfaction and said: "You presided over the reform of military settlements in Liaodong. Naturally, you are more aware of the various difficulties and problems encountered during it than others. I have to make clear the edict."

It's just that we're still a little unsure about how to implement it. Since you said it's feasible, it should be good. I'll immediately ask the cabinet to issue an edict to the whole country."

Xia Xun quickly flattered him and said, "Your Majesty is wise!"

Zhu Di smiled happily and said: "You are wise? You have the final say for wiseness. You have the final say for being stupid. Whether you are wise or not is in the control of you ministers. It is not up to me."

Xia Xun couldn't help but feel nervous when he heard something in his words. He quickly bowed and said, "Your Majesty is joking."

"Are you kidding?"

Zhu Di glanced at him and suddenly asked: "I heard from the Fifth Army Commander's Office that Tang Jie died in Liaodong?"

p: The symptoms of the cold worsened. I got up groggily at almost ten o'clock in the morning. I sat there for a long time and couldn't write anything. I had to take some medicine and lie down again. I took another breath and gained some energy before I got up.

, code one chapter first and present it here. I am going to attend the parent-teacher meeting in the evening. When I come back, I will code the next chapter and give votes to all my friends~~~

This chapter has been completed!
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