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Chapter 065

Chapter 065 Questioning the Heart

If the Sun family doesn't want to make a fuss, there is no need to invite the man's parents to the house today. After giving his family a sum of money, they can directly write a deed, just like buying a man back.

"The boy is incompetent, so he has to change his surname." The man who married into the bride has a low social status and is regarded as despicable, especially by wealthy people. The status of the man's parents is even more conceivable, and they are not regarded as in-laws at all.

Most of the biological parents have no contact with each other since then.

However, because Sun Xuelian wanted to make her daughter's wedding more glamorous, she followed all the etiquette of getting married. Both parents, the three matchmakers and the six certificates were all meticulous, so today she made an exception and called the man's biological parents.

The government signed a marriage contract.

The son-in-law of the Sun family is called Du Tianwei. He has a big name, but he comes from a small family. There are four brothers in the family. He is the youngest and a very honest child. He is only one year older than Sun Miaoyi. Look at him standing in front of the elders.

With such a dull and shy look, I am afraid that his situation after marriage will not be much better than that of his predecessor Geng Yuanwai.

The marriage-invitation document was in a ready-made format, so the matchmaker hurriedly wrote: "Du Duoli, the scribe of the marriage-in-law contract, is a resident of Shangmashi Village, Boshan County, Qingzhou Prefecture. His fourth son, Tianwei, is twenty years old.

I have been married before, but now I have asked a matchmaker to prove that I have married into Sun's family in Qingzhou. I will treat her as a husband. After marriage, I will become a son and receive a gift of thirty years.

Tianwei of the Du family, from the day he married into his wife, he was always the son of the Sun family. After that, he took over the management of the property, went to work on missions, changed his name and surname, and never returned to the clan in life or death.

Ancestor, he went to work as an errand, listened to Yi's education, was filial to his parents, and married well to his wife. If he disobeyed, ran away here and there, drank alcohol and caused trouble, gambled and went whoring, was late and missed work, all of them would be punished by the Sun family.

If anyone inside or outside the family repents, his father, Du Duoli, will bear all the consequences, and he will be fined and sent to the official position, and he will be subject to sanctions. This is the wish of the other party, and for fear that he will have no proof later, the contract document between this person and his wife will be established as the basis."

This piece of paper is similar to a marriage contract. The matchmaker signed it and handed it to Xiao Muyu in the house with a smile. Xiao Muyu picked up his pen and wrote "A certain year, month and day, the person who presided over the marriage, Xiao Muyu", and handed it to Du Duoli.

Husband and wife, when the Dus, Sun Xuelian and the Gengxins sign, it will be signed by the two parties.

Logically speaking, the bride and groom are not allowed to meet each other at this time. After the marriage is written, they should be sent to the room where they are staying to sign and seal it. But this is the Sun family, and Sun Miaoyi has been pampered since childhood. Thank God for her willingness to marry Sun Xuelian.

There was no way he could go against her in these details, so she was also present.

Seeing this dull young boy named Du Tianwei cowering in fear, who was neither great nor great, compared with the suave, handsome and unrestrained Young Master Yang in his heart, it was like the sky and the earth. Sun Miaoyi became more and more discouraged.

He has become like dung, yet there is no good look on his face.

Sun Miaoyi's face was as dark as water. She hurriedly wrote without giving it to her future husband. She slammed the pen on the table, stood up and said, "Cousin, let's go!"

Xia Xun said goodbye to the old shopkeeper of Shengchundang Pharmacy and went out. He stood on the street feeling confused and hesitated for a moment.

Two idle men stood there talking, and one of them said: "Hey, he's a headlamp seller again. Where are you from? I heard he's from Boshan County?"

This "big lantern seller" is a term used by the common people to mock the son-in-law who married into a bride. This is because the ancients would hang a lantern in front of the door and write their family name on it during festivals and celebrations. However, the son-in-law also adopted the same surname.

How can a woman be qualified to write her ancestor's surname on the lamp? She can only write the surname of her family. Therefore, even poor men feel that they have more backbone than men like them, so they ridicule them as "selling big lamps", which means

He sold his ancestors.

The other lazily said: "It's alright, the Sun family is rich, and Miss Sun is so charming. If this son-in-law hadn't been unpleasant to hear, and made our ancestors embarrassed and easily offended, I would have gone there. This surname is

No matter how bad Cao's wife is, the one she gets is still a young lady, no better than that porter like Lao Geng?"

The first idle guy chuckled and said, "That's right. The porter is also selling headlights. He's just showing off in front of me. Damn it, you don't know. Last time there were five people and six people."

The ground passed in front of me, and I saw that his character was not pleasing to my eyes, so I immediately shouted: "Uncle Sun, long time no see!" He shouted in front of his father, which made both of them blush with shame.

, but I can’t even let go of a fart, did I call it wrong? Haha..."

The two people talked and walked away triumphantly. Xia Xun shook his head secretly. At this moment, Sun Miaoyi walked out of the house angrily and was about to walk towards the mule cart when he suddenly saw Xia Xun. He was so happy that he was so happy.

He shouted: "Master Yang!"

As soon as Xia Xun turned around, he saw Sun Miaoyi running over excitedly with her skirt in hand, her face flushed with excitement, her big eyes looking at him lovingly, and she whispered: "You... you are here to find me.


Xia Xun looked at the girl's affectionate eyes and could only say: "Well, yes, you..."

"You're not my mother yet. Why are you so crazy? You have to force me to get married now!"

After Sun Miaoyi finished speaking, she looked at Xia Xun with burning eyes and said softly: "But it doesn't matter, who is willing to marry a promising man? I have just seen that loser, huh! It's strange that he dares to care about me! People...

I can still see Brother Wenxuan often in the future, but recently... I have been living at my cousin's house, which is really inconvenient."

Xia Xun's scalp went numb after hearing this, and he responded casually: "Are you living at your cousin's house now?"


Sun Miaoyi lowered his head uneasily: "I'm sorry, brother Wenxuan, you asked me to watch over Uncle Li and Gengxin, because as soon as I returned home, my mother sent me to my cousin's house, so I didn't do it. Now.

The good-for-nothing who married into my family came to live in the house again. My mother said that she wanted to arrange a glorious marriage for me and let me ride in the wedding sedan and wear the wedding clothes. But she... I would rather be there with Brother Wenxuan.

Having a tryst in a deserted temple courtyard, I don’t want to have the scenery with that silly goose.”


Xia Xun really didn't know what to say to this infatuated girl. If he said too little, she would be sad. If he said too much, it would make her sink deeper and deeper. Before he could think of the right words, Sun Miaoyi's cousin came to

In front of the car, I saw her chatting with a young man for a long time, which attracted the attention of passers-by. They couldn't help but call her: "Miaoyi, it's time to go."


Miaoyi agreed, looked at Xia Xun again, and said with a pun: "Brother Wenxuan, I'm leaving, you have to be careful, Miaoyi... I'm waiting for the day when my brother returns me "Cui Yingying's Romance of the Western Chamber",

At that time...you and me...you and me..."

She blushed, glanced at Xia Xun, and ran back.

Xia Xun stared at her back and thought in his heart: "I'm afraid this matter has nothing to do with Geng Xin. The Sun family is planning a wedding. He wants to deal with me. He can't leave now. Everyone in the Sun family is cleaning the cloth everywhere."

In the office, servants come and go, and places that can only be cleaned during the Chinese New Year must be frequented at this time. It cannot be used to hide people. If Geng Xin wanted to deal with me, he would not choose to do it at this time, right?

If it’s not Geng Xin, who else wants to do harm to me? Especially..., why didn’t he do something to me, but he did something to my personal girl? What does he want to know?”

Xia Xun was shaken by his own judgment. He took off the reins of his horse, put the stirrup on the saddle and galloped not far away. A gust of wind came and rolled up a piece of paper money. He didn't know whose family was doing the funeral and scattered it on the street. Xia Xun turned sideways to avoid it.

After that, watching the paper money flying away, I kicked my stirrup and went to the government office to ask for news. Just as I was galloping more than ten feet away, my body suddenly shook and I grabbed the reins.

A pair of erratic eyes suddenly appeared in front of his eyes, and then a face gradually became clear. It looked like such an honest and honest face: "Liu Xu, Liu Xu! Could it be him?"

Xiaodi was tied to a pillar with her back, her clothes were messy, and her body was stained with blood. The blood had dried on her body and turned into a light black color.

Her head finally dropped. She did not give in. She gritted her teeth from beginning to end and withstood the brutal torture. She passed out.

Liu Xu tortured her for half a night, and he did not know how many methods he used. He was exhausted. Now he fell asleep on the bunk next to him, so Xiaodi got a chance to breathe. She was still in a coma.

Her body was tied there, like an unconscious corpse. Only a few occasional twitches and sudden rapid breathing showed how much torture she had suffered. She was already in a coma, and her body would unconsciously


Xia Xun was so worried that as soon as he came out of the city gate, he beat his horse like flying, using the fastest speed that his riding skills could control.

He is not a god who controls good and evil in the world, nor is he a high-minded moral gentleman. He has no responsibilities related to the little girl. A rational approach, he should be indifferent to Xiaodi's disappearance, and at most he can make gestures to comfort her.

Let’s look at the mood of loyal servant Xiao Jingtang. It is impossible for Xiaodi to know any of his secrets. Even if she is willing to confess, she cannot provide anything of value to others, so he does not need to worry about anything. If the person who kidnapped her is really Liu Xu

, the more indifferent he is, the more he can prove his innocence and innocence.

But he came anyway. He didn't know if Liu Xu had other helpers, nor did he know if doing so would make all his hard work go to waste. He came without any reason, without any thought of any consequences, and without any thought of any consequences.

Calculating any gain or loss is entirely out of instinct, an instinctive concern for the people you want to protect.

In this time and space, he had only felt that anxious and worried mood before when Uncle Hu was seriously ill. After Uncle Hu passed away, he traveled to Qingzhou. Because he pretended to be Yang Xu, everyone here was him.

He must always be vigilant about potential enemies, not daring to get into anyone's heart, and not daring to let anyone get into his own heart.

But until this moment, he didn't know that someone had already lived in his heart without knowing it. That cute little maid, that little girl who always chatted in his ear like a girl, that person who took care of his daily life and food like a relative.

little girl.

Unknowingly, he had become accustomed to Xiaodi's presence and to seeing her happy smile as soon as he returned to his house.

Now, he just wants Xiaodi to live well, regardless of personal gain or loss!

This chapter has been completed!
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