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Chapter 668: Unexpected Joy

Chapter 668 An unexpected surprise

Hua Ming is finished.

Since then, he has been hiding in the cabin in despair. Naturally, no one came to see him. Everyone was afraid of getting into his bad luck. Even his brother Li Ren stayed far away. He said things he shouldn't have said.

, and asked the Duke to hear it. Isn’t this bad luck? No one can save him now. He has just taken the first step in his career, and it has come to an end.

After this incident, the officials on the ship became much more cautious. No one dared to talk nonsense, and they also paid more attention to their words and deeds. I believe that under this punishment of killing one person as a warning to others, they will be more attentive in their work after rushing to the disaster relief area.

Towards evening, Xia Xun had a simple meal in the cabin, and continued to study disaster relief matters with Xia Yuanji and others. Suddenly there was a noise outside. Yu Shiji quickly stood up and asked, and after a while, someone ran in and reported that it was possible.

The people who survived the disaster were found. Xia Xun, Xia Yuanji and others quickly exited the hatch and saw many officials, handymen, and boatmen crowded on one side of the ship, gesticulating in the distance.

The man next to him was still explaining that the ship was about to anchor. Suddenly, a boatman discovered that there seemed to be surviving people on the roof of a nearby building. Xia Xun couldn't help but be moved after hearing this. He quickly went to the side of the ship and raised his hands to cover the setting sun.

Looking into the distance, I saw a dark place on the white water. There was a small official next to him who quickly took the credit and said: "My lord, it was the lower official who discovered it first. The lower official noticed that there were several faint spots there.

The light came out, and the light swayed back and forth, dazzling people... Ah! My lord, look, there is another light flashing!"

Not only did Xia Xun feel it, there was indeed a flickering light there, and the intensity was definitely not the sunlight naturally reflected by the water. At the same time, it was still moving back and forth. When the light passed through his eyes just now, it pierced his eyes.

It was also a little black. Xia Xun was overjoyed and said quickly: "Hurry! Drive over quickly!"

All the boatmen worked together, and the ship changed its direction and sailed towards that place. When we got closer, we looked at the roof building. It seemed to be a temple. No wonder the roof was higher. There were several people lying on the roof on the eaves.

There, he waved weakly and looked unkempt, which made Xia Xun feel sour. He had not known the taste of tears for a long time, but after he was over thirty years old and had a wife and children, his heart seemed to have softened a lot. Such a scene, how could

Can it make people cry sadly?

Xia Xun was worried that the ship was big. Once it got close, the building would be soaked in water for too long and collapse due to a slight collision. He hurriedly called for the salvage team behind to quickly come over and get a bamboo raft to rescue people. The raft was already set up.

Many corpses were laid out in a horrible mess, but the idle people in the city were neither too dirty nor afraid.

They were overjoyed to see that there were still survivors, and quickly and carefully drove the raft closer. Then two big men jumped up to the top of the temple, and loaded the few survivors on the top of the temple onto the raft, and then put them on the big ship.

Among the few survivors were an old abbot with a white beard and a young novice monk. They were monks in this underwater temple. When the flood came, they ran away for their lives. The whole temple was in chaos. The old monk was unable to run far, so he called the attendants.

The young novice helped him climb to the top of the temple, but he saved his life.

As for the other people, there are men and women, old and young, six or seven people in total. Some of them floated here along the current and were rescued by the old monk and the young disciple using sticks as poles. Some of them were still conscious when they floated here.

Climbed up by myself.

The thing they used to shine was a bronze mirror mounted on the dressing table. The dressing table floated under the eaves of the temple and broke into pieces. The mirror fell on the top of the temple. But who would look in the mirror in this situation? Unexpectedly, the critical moment

, but saved their lives.

There were originally more than ten victims who escaped by climbing to the top of this temple, but some were already dying, and some died one after another due to hunger and illness. The old monk was knowledgeable about medicine and knew that the dead bodies were placed in this limited place.

Being exposed to the sun can easily infect others with the plague, so they pushed the dead into the water. Therefore, when Xia Xun's boat arrived, all the people rescued were alive.

But these people had been hungry for at least seven or eight days, and the water they drank was far from clean. They were all sick or hungry, and their faces were extremely haggard.

They ate enough and asked the medical doctor who came with the ship to examine their bodies. After all this busy work, it was getting very late. Xia Xun saw that they were extremely tired, so he asked someone to put them to rest first.

Because there were many buildings in the water, accidentally sailing at night would be like hitting a rock, so the ship anchored, rested on the spot, and waited until dawn before continuing on. At dawn, they continued to set sail, and Xia Xun chose the rescued person who recovered better.

I asked about the people nearby. When the flood came, their homes were flooded. They struggled in the water for a long time before they found a foothold. Their families and homes were all destroyed by the flood. When they talked about their sadness, they couldn't help crying.

Xia Xun, Xia Yuanji and others hurriedly expressed comfort and asked them to follow their disaster relief team to Suzhou first, wait until the flood receded, and then help them rebuild their homes...


A man from Shandong hurriedly rushed to the foot of Ci Lao Mountain. He went to Jinling first, but failed when he arrived at Fu Guogong's Mansion, so he rushed to Ci Lao Mountain again.

He came from Pengjiazhuang to report Peng Ziqi’s funeral: the old lady of the Peng family has passed away!”

Mr. Peng is nearly a hundred years old, and his body has always been strong. However, life is limited, and it is not possible for a strong body to live forever.

A few days ago, the children and grandchildren came back from overseas. The family reunited and ate hot pot. The old man was very happy to see that the family was prosperous and the family was full of children and grandchildren. He was in high spirits during the dinner and drank three glasses of wine as an exception. After the banquet, Old Master Peng called

The servants took a bath, put on new clothes, sat cross-legged in the room, retreated from their surroundings, and meditated as usual.

Although the old man is getting older and has long since put aside his boxing skills, the practice of inner breath is still going on. Everyone in the family is used to it. The servants left the room and followed the rules, waiting for the old lady to practice breathing.

An hour had passed, and he opened the door gently and came in to take a look. Old Mrs. Peng was sitting cross-legged on the kang, with a smile on her face, and she had passed away.

Although it was said that the old man was over 100 years old and it was a happy occasion, the whole Peng family was still filled with grief. They immediately organized funeral arrangements for the old man. The younger brothers who were doing business in various places also rushed home to see the old man off. This big man was ordered to come to Jiangnan.

To report the funeral to Peng's son-in-law and Peng Ziqi.

Peng Ziqi couldn't help but feel sad after hearing this. Although she and Old Mrs. Peng are already married and have a distant relationship, not as close as her parents, the old lady likes her very much. She was taken by him when she was a child. At this time

Recalling it, she shed tears sadly. After Ming'er heard about it, she rushed over to offer her words of comfort, because Xia Xun was providing disaster relief in the Susong area. This was a state matter. When loyalty and filial piety cannot be balanced, state affairs must be dealt with first. Peng Ziqi knew that her husband could not immediately

He came back, so he didn't wait for him, so he went back to Shandong with the Peng family's close servant.

Ming'er and several other ladies bought generous gifts and sent generals from the Duke's Mansion to escort them. They followed Peng Ziqi back to his hometown for the funeral. At the same time, they sent people to Su Song to find Xia Xun. They reported a message to him first. Now Xia Xun

I can't go back to Shandong, but as the son-in-law of the Peng family, I have to go on a trip afterwards.

These things in the Yangjiazhuang courtyard attracted the attention of Chen Yunan, a member of the Jinyi Hundred Household.

After Chen Yunan accepted Ji Gang's assignment, he concentrated on monitoring the movements of the Yang family.

Xia Xun went to Su Song to provide relief, and Jin Yiwei also sent people to keep an eye on him secretly. He just wanted to find some excuse for Xia Xun, so it would be too difficult to attack Xia Xun directly!

Xia Xun was born in this field. Even the current commander of the Jinyi Guards, Mr. Ji, was his subordinate at the time. Back then, Xia Xun commanded the Flying Dragon secret agent to control the wind and rain in Jinling City. He broke into the Zhongshan Palace at night and was surrounded by many people.

He went away unscathed, but his extraordinary abilities and highly talked-about deeds have now become legends in the world due to word of mouth and jealousy.

Many Jin Yiwei's secret spies regarded Xia Xun like a god. Chen Yunan was influenced by this and was quite wary of Xia Xun. He had no confidence in asking him to deal with such a person. Besides, Xia Xun was involved in disaster relief, and there were many high-ranking officials around him.

They are all local officials. If you want to know the inside story and grasp the secrets of people of his level, isn't that nonsense?

If you randomly send a few people who can move up and down, you can master other people's secrets, especially the secrets of officials at Xia Xun's level. There will be no secrets at all, unless you can arrange a secret agent around Xia Xun.

He is a confidant of his personal entourage, but who is Xia Xun? He can be asked to be his confidant to work for him. I am afraid that he has already found out clearly what his ancestors did for eight generations. How can the Jinyi secret agent get close to him?

Therefore, Chen Yunan focused on Xia Xun's family. If high-ranking officials committed any illegal acts, their family members would not be able to stay out of the matter. There would be traces that would show up, and they were not the officials themselves, and they were not as vigilant as those officials.

I am of the same height, and my dealings with people are not as smooth and sophisticated as the official himself. It is easier to break through by starting with these family members.

Mrs. Qi’s old lady from her natal family passed away, and the Duke of Guo was providing disaster relief. Mrs. Qi wanted to take her daughter back to Shandong first. This was not a secret that needed to be carried. Chen Yunan’s people quickly found out about this from the servants of the Yang Family Courtyard.

The news was immediately reported to Chen Yunan. Chen Yunan thought for a moment and said: "Send two people to keep an eye on this Mrs. Qi!"

The captain said: "Sir, are we making a fuss out of a molehill? The Duke's wife has returned to her hometown for a funeral. What's the point?"

Chen Yunan said: "Otherwise, we have been squatting under Ci Lao Mountain for so long, and what useful clues have we obtained? They were on vacation in the countryside and had no contact with outsiders, so there was nothing to investigate. Duke Fu went to Suzhou.

Song, since there are people following, the Shandong team may find nothing, but where do the clues come from? Isn't it just casting a net everywhere? If you find something useful, you can peel off the cocoon and uncover a big curtain!"

Chen Yunan smiled sinisterly and said: "Brother, many big fish are caught this way!"

He thought for a while, then shook his head and said: "No, you should lead the people to stay in Ci Lao Mountain. It seems that there are no clues to be found here for the time being. I will personally follow Mrs. Qi to Shandong.

Maybe there will be an unexpected surprise!”

p: I had a drink last night and was fine at the time. But I woke up today with a headache. I was busy scanning photos and printing them, and now it feels like Monk Tang is reciting the Golden Hoop Curse. The first chapter has been coded. I want to ask for votes from everyone.

I'll keep working hard!

This chapter has been completed!
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