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Chapter 672 There are many clowns in officialdom

Chapter 672 There are many clowns in official circles

Secret skills, white lotus, golden Buddha... These ordinary things that looked like magic tricks were made by a child. He also claimed to be a magician. What else could he call the founder? Li Renhu immediately thought of the White Lotus Sect, which was very noisy in the first few years.

, Could it be..., Li Renhu thought hurriedly in his mind, and slowly walked out as the crowd finished paying their condolences.

A few days later, the Peng family officially held the funeral. Chen Yunan and others all came, pretending to be guests, mixed in with the crowd, and followed all the way to the cemetery. The entire funeral process was held in accordance with local folk customs in Shandong. There is no mention of burial in the religious rituals of the White Lotus Sect.

There are too many requirements, even if there are some special requirements, the composition of the people attending the funeral is complex and mixed, and the Peng family will not risk such a big deal or make anything too conspicuous.

Chen Yunan did not lose confidence because of this. He moved all the people at hand away, followed the girl and her group all the way, and followed them to the podium. On the other hand, he selected a group of guests who had left Peng's house and looked like they were well behaved.

The most suspicious thing was that he went on quietly. He stayed alone in Qingzhou, and while continuing to understand the situation of the Peng family, he wrote a secret letter to Ji Gang through the official post.

At this time, Guanyi had just been spread across the country for a few years, and Jinyiwei had risen not long ago. The post had not yet become the peripheral eyes and ears of Jinyiwei, but for official document transmission, Guanyi must go all out, and Chen Yunan directly found the post.

The Prime Minister revealed his identity, and a secret letter was quickly delivered to the capital with the highest standard of delivery procedures.

Ji Gang couldn't help being surprised and happy when he received Chen Yunan's report: He found a treasure!

He wanted to get out of Xia Xun's shadow and establish his supreme position in the court and in the government, but no matter what aspect, Xia Xun was a mountain that he couldn't avoid, and he knew very well that his behavior recently

Xia Xun gradually became dissatisfied with Xia Xun's handling of things, so he wanted to get some handle on Xia Xun. He didn't want to destroy Xia Xun, but he just wanted to take the handle and turn Xia Xun's resistance into his own help.

But he didn't expect to catch such a huge clue. Ji Gang was so happy that he wanted to rush to Shandong to investigate the matter in person. However, if he wanted to leave Beijing now, the noise would be too great. In desperation, Ji Gang had to

Immediately deploy sufficient personnel to Shandong to increase the strength of the detectives there. Half of the eight kings under his command were directly transferred to Shandong. Recently, his most favored Qianhu Yin Shenghui also went to Shandong. These are only the main characters, plus the powerful men,

Xiaowei, Xiaoqi, and hundreds of people in total, using various identities as cover, these spies attacked Shandong Mansion aggressively.

Liu Yujue's instructions to Xia Xun were really more important than the imperial edict. Since receiving Xia Xun's instructions, he went back and made arrangements overnight. Chen Dong and Ye An'an were sent out by him. Liu Yujue also had secret spies in Nanzhen.

It's just that there are not as many people as North Town. Due to the department's functions, South Town's establishment will not give so many secret agent places, and the court will not allocate that much salary.

However, although there were not many secret agents, it was still possible to keep an eye on the movements of a few people. Liu Yujue sent out all his limited power to keep an eye on only Ji Gang and his Eight Great Kings. He had few people and could only keep an eye on important people.

Even if there are thousands of troops in Beizhen, the news will eventually be reported to these few heads. As long as you keep an eye on them, you won't be afraid that the problem will not be discovered.

Sure enough, the news that half of the Eight King Kongs rushed towards Shandong Mansion with a large number of men was quickly sent to Liu Yujue by Ye An. Liu Yujue was baffled by the news and immediately ordered Chen Dong to pursue Shandong. Chen Dong rushed to Shandong as soon as he was sure

After the large team of troops, the target was actually the natal family of Mrs. Qi of Fu Guogongfu, they immediately sent someone to send the news back. Liu Yujue was shocked when he heard the news. He ordered Chen Dong to continue to keep an eye on Ji Gang, and Ye An continued to keep an eye on Ji Gang.

, he sent another confidant to immediately go to eastern Zhejiang to report to Xia Xun...


Xia Xun has rushed to Huzhou. Along the way, the disaster relief work in various places has been pretty good. Some officials are working hard on the front line, which is very hard. Many officials still have a strong sense of responsibility to serve as officials and benefit one party.

, not to mention that effective disaster relief will gain both reputation and political achievements. Regardless of whether it is for public or private reasons, most officials can do their best to provide disaster relief and help the people.

Xia Xun is also very accurate in his positioning. For the officials who are trying their best to provide disaster relief, Xia Xun does not dictate but does everything for them. When it comes to familiarity with the local area, can he, a dragon crossing the river, be as familiar as a local snake? Xia Xun

Xun is only responsible for solving problems for them that they cannot solve.

According to the decree of the imperial court, for people who have lost all their food supplies due to flooding in their homes, each adult will be given one dou of rice, six to fourteen years old, and children under five will not be counted. If the population of each household exceeds ten,

For the time being, rice and one stone will be given. As for families that are not severely affected by the disaster and have all their property destroyed, but are only temporarily short of food due to floods, rice will be borrowed. One adult will borrow one bucket of rice, a family of two to five people will borrow two buckets of rice, and a family of six to eight people will borrow rice.

A family with a family of 9 or more borrowed three dou of rice, and those with a family of nine or more borrowed four dou of rice. Both of them issued IOUs, which will be repaid without interest after the next autumn harvest.

In these areas, local officials have intricate relationships with various local forces. Once this power is handed over to them, local governments will put pressure on them. They want more from one side and more from the other. It is hard for local officials to offend them.

, must be suffering from a severe headache, so Xia Xun was completely in the hands of the officials from the Ministry of Household Affairs who brought food relief from the imperial court, and approved and distributed it one by one.

In addition, operations such as cracking down on profiteers who are hoarding housing, driving up prices, etc. who are making a fortune for the country, arresting and severely punishing criminals who have caused chaos due to floods, and the government is temporarily unable to control the overall situation and take the opportunity to defraud, abduct, and steal, are also carried out at the same time. Some local actions are also carried out.

Background, powerful people, local officials shouldn't play bad, but Xia Xun doesn't care.

And there is no need for Xia Xun to push in this regard. The imperial envoy Yu Shiji and Yu have a cold-faced and iron-faced Xiao Zujie attitude. As long as he is caught, he will die. It seems that Chen Ying has been in charge of the Metropolitan Procuratorate since

, under his leadership, most of the officials in the Metropolitan Procuratorate have developed this style of handling cases, but now Xia Xun needs such cruel officials, so he is very supportive.

Doctors and doctors also actively distributed medicines wherever they went to treat various epidemic diseases such as dysentery, colds, ulcers on hands and feet, pink eye, etc. caused by floods. Xia Xun personally called on local gentry to donate money and materials to carry out local self-rescue.

He urged the Suzhou Prefecture to dredge the river and remove the stagnant water. When he was so busy with these things, he rushed to the next place without stopping, but he didn't know that Ji Gang had a black hand behind his back.

When Liu Yujue sent people to eastern Zhejiang to report to him, Xia Xun had already arrived in Huzhou, which was the last stop for him to personally take charge of the disaster relief. The disaster in other areas was not serious, and the localities could help themselves, and the imperial court would allocate more food for relief.

Yes, there is no need to go to the place in person.

News from the Huzhou newspaper said that the disaster situation was not as serious as that of Suzhou, Songzhou and other places. This was also in line with the court's judgment. Logically speaking, based on the topography of Huzhou, the floods should not be too serious, but Huzhou is located in the south of Taihu Lake.

On the other hand, compared to other areas, the damage was relatively serious. Besides, it is convenient to walk around from Beijing and back to the capital, so this was decided by Xia Xun as the last stop.

Before Xia Xun arrived in Huzhou, he had already distributed food relief for emergency relief. He was providing disaster relief in other places, and the delay in dredging rivers was relatively long. By the time he arrived in Huzhou, the floods had receded a lot, and land was exposed in most areas.

Outside the city of Huzhou, they started to drive out the victims three days in advance, hired idle men to dig a big pit, collected the dead bodies and burned them, and then buried the big pit. On the first day when Xia Xun arrived, Magistrate Chang set up a large pit outside the city.

When the tent was settled, he asked the refugees who had a bit of human appearance that he deliberately selected to stay to live in them. He also used the relief food sent by the court to cook porridge in front of the shantytown for charity.

Don't fall.

He also invited doctors to build medical shacks, and those who gave up doctors and medicines showed their diligence and love for the people. Magistrate Chang also personally went to the shanty towns to inspect, and asked the government officials to urge them, and ordered the unkempt common people to tidy up.

The clothes must be neat, the hair must be combed, and the face must be washed, otherwise they will not be given porridge. As a result, the shanty towns of the victims were naturally transformed into new ones in a day, everyone's clothes were neat and clean, and it seemed that the local self-rescue was effective.

It was just that in order to help these victims recover their complexion as soon as possible, the porridge given out on the first day was opened to eat. Some of the refugees had been eating grass and chewing tree bark for too long. They ate and drank so hard that their stomachs couldn't bear it. As a result,

Two "promising" refugees actually suffocated to death, and Magistrate Chang hurriedly ordered people to bury them overnight.

When Xia Xun arrived in Huzhou, he saw such a prosperous scene.

Chang Yinglin, the magistrate of Huzhou, led the gentry and officials in the city to welcome Xia Xun ten miles away and enthusiastically welcomed Xia Xun to the city. He saw that the victims were living in neat and clean tents with uniform standards and were neatly dressed. Although most of them looked not very good,

But I was still energetic when I saw someone from the imperial court. Under the organization of the government officials, the refugees lined up on both sides of the road to welcome them. They were very enthusiastic.

The porridge pot was steaming, and the smell of rice wafted from afar. Xia Xun, Xia Yuanji and others couldn't help but nod their heads when they saw it. Magistrate Chang said with a smile: "My lord, your lord, my lord, my lord.

The disaster situation in the prefecture was much lighter than that in the Susong area. After the flood, the lower official immediately organized the Huzhou gentry to organize self-rescue.

According to the court system, the government's grain stocks were first used to provide disaster relief. The Huzhou gentry also donated a lot of grain and clothing. When the court's grain relief arrived, the people would have no worries about food and clothing. The official can say with certainty that at least after the flood,

The people who fled to my Huzhou Prefecture have all been properly resettled, and so far not a single person has starved to death!"

Chu Meng, a big grain gentry in Huzhou, said with great emotion: "There is no mercy in floods, but there is great love in the face of great disasters! As we are rooted in a warm land, we should share the worries of the court, do our part, and benefit the people!"

Among the welcoming crowd with forced smiles, there were many men and women who were forced by the government to come to greet them. The voices of Chang Zhifu and Chu Liangshen were loud, and everyone could hear them clearly. They heard that these two traitors were working together to do evil.

*Without any shame, a few unnoticed glances hidden behind others immediately turned towards them with hatred!

p: Dear friends, it’s Monday, please vote for recommendation! Sincerely speaking, many book friends have tried their best to vote for Guan Guan’s ***. Guan Guan is sincerely grateful. But if it hadn’t been for two or three critical moments, all book friends would vote.

Appreciation can turn the tide, we have been surpassed a long time ago. We have the upper hand in subscribing and collecting, why is this so? Is it really that difficult to distance ourselves? I know that many book friends read books but not ***, let me say this here

Now, if you see this, please don’t remain neutral; there are many book friends who read both sides, voting for me this month and him next month, or two votes here and two votes there, really.

Helpless, Guan Guan's ability to win votes is relatively poor, and he is not good at writing touching single chapters. I..., alas! Continue to code the next chapter...

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