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Chapter 676: Chen Ying's Style

Chapter 676 Chen Ying’s style

When Miss Xi Si was escorted back to the "Huancai Pavilion", the old bustard had already learned about it from the person who had rushed back to deliver the message. He heard that Xi Si had offended the magistrate, and even poured wine on the face of the Duke of Guo, killing the man.

The old madam was so frightened that her lips turned purple.

When Miss Xi Si comes back, there are people from the Duke's Office and the Metropolitan Procuratorate following her. Even if no one is following, the old madam will not dare to step forward. Now even if she wants to deal with Miss Xi Si, it is not her turn.

Now, she had to think about how to give a generous gift, and send a few unopened girls to the magistrate to try, to make the magistrate happy, and not to embarrass her "Huancai Pavilion".

Lao Jing asked her to prepare a small building alone, and the Madam quickly obeyed and settled Xi Si and all the officials. The Madam immediately went to find the internal and external managers to discuss countermeasures. There are usually two internal and external parties in a brothel.

There is a steward. The inner steward is responsible for purchasing food and utensils, taking care of the girls in the courtyard, and is also responsible for dealing with some unscrupulous guests. The outer steward is a well-rounded figure who is good at dancing and is responsible for managing various forces and making friends with the powerful.

Who would have thought that these three people were so anxious that before they could come up with a solution, the government came again. When the old bustard heard that, he thought that the magistrate had sent someone to bring bad luck to her, so he bravely went out to ask, but he still noticed all the people who came.

The people from the hospital are here to take Miss Xisi for questioning.

This time it was Yu Shiji who came in person. He was dressed in official clothes and could not enter or leave the brothel and fireworks place, so he waited outside the "Huancai Pavilion" and asked his men to go in with a flag to pick up the person. Lao Jing was alert.

Guards were deployed around the building. When someone came, he rushed out personally and took a look. Sure enough, it was the Royal Envoy who had arrived, and then he quickly went back to pick up the person.

Miss Xi Si was escorted back to the "Huancai Pavilion". After calming down and thinking about it, she was a little confused about the attitude of the Duke. Could it be that he was really willing to uphold justice for the people and find out the evidence of corrupt officials? But he changed his mind.

When I thought about it, I couldn't help but secretly shake my head. The Duke's attitude was too warm and ambiguous. He seemed to want to investigate the case and to protect Chang Yinglin.

Figures in the officialdom are all cannibals, and their high-sounding words are specious. You don't even want to know what their intentions are. I'm afraid that the Duke is still pretending to be impartial, and he just made a random investigation and dealt with the matter.

The possibility is greater, but by then, I'm afraid she still won't be able to escape death. Thinking about it this way, her mood actually calmed down.

Miss Xi Si thought about it and couldn't come to a conclusion, so she undressed and lay down on the bed. She went there tonight with the intention of dying, but she didn't die, but she didn't look like a prisoner or a witness.

The witness couldn't help but feel a little dazed. She was stunned for a long time before she felt a little sleepy. But as soon as she closed her eyes, there was a quick knock on the door: "Miss Xi Si, get up, get up quickly!"

Xi Si was startled, Huo Di sat up and asked in a deep voice: "What's the matter?"

Lao Xiang said outside: "Your Majesty Yu is here and wants to ask you a question!"

Xi Si's heart skipped a beat and she thought to herself: "Bringing an interrogation case in the middle of the night?"

Lao Jing banged on the door outside: "Miss Xi Si, hurry up, the Royal Envoy is still waiting outside the yard!"

Xi Si understood a little bit and knew that her time had come. She sat up calmly, turned on the lamp, straightened her clothes, walked over to the room, opened the door, smiled brightly, and said, "Let's go!"


Yu Shiji was pacing back and forth in front of the "Huancai Pavilion" waiting impatiently. There were tall lanterns in the courtyard, and Lao Jian and other guards escorted Miss Xi Si out. Miss Xi Si was still dressed in the same outfit as in the evening and did not bow when she saw Yu Shiji. He bowed and said solemnly: "The people's daughter only knows what she said in the evening. If you want to verify it, you should check Chang Yinglin's account and ask the displaced victims. What else do you need to ask the people's daughter?"

When Yu Shiji saw her coming, he couldn't help but be overjoyed and said: "Otherwise, the girl knows more than that. I have something to ask, but I don't know who in the local area I can trust. It's best to ask the girl for advice. It's urgent, girl, please get in the car and we'll talk in the car!"

As Yu Shiji spoke, he pointed to a carriage behind him. Girl Xi Si's heart tightened. She knew that she had no room for negotiation at all, so she could only clench her pink fists and walk towards the carriage. Her posture was like A martyr who died heroically.

In Miss Xi Si's heart, she only thought that the Duke of Fu was hypocritically benevolent and righteous, pretending to be fair in front of others, but now he asked people to come and take her life. It was too much for a Duke to let a life disappear without a trace. It would be easy, just get her out, kill her, bury the body casually, and tomorrow morning just say that she was guilty and cowardly and run away. Who knows the truth?

Who dares to say that it is not the madam, the manager, the big teapot, or the poor girls of "Huancai Pavilion"? The people who did it are all the confidants of the Duke of the country, and Chang Yinglin is the local emperor of Huzhou City. This hand can cover the sky!

Even if it can't be covered, how can the sky care about her life, which is as lowly as cattail grass? Women like her live like summer flowers and die like winter snow. Who in the world cares about their survival?

But it was such a woman who was despised by others, but when others dared to be angry but dared not speak out, she attacked a prince in front of the country and let out an angry cry for countless lonely souls who died unjustly!

As soon as the sedan curtain was lifted, Miss Xi Si was stunned. She thought that there must be a killer hidden in the car. If she put her head in, someone would immediately cover her mouth and cut her throat like a chicken. Which one? The material truck was empty, and there was no one there. After a moment of surprise, Yu Shiji also got in and hurriedly ordered: "Drive!"

Then he said to Miss Xi Si: "Miss, please sit down. I want to inquire about the location of several places. I don't dare to use anyone in this city of Huzhou now. Only you, Miss Xi Si, can make me feel at ease!"


"Hurry up, hurry up! Damn it, you're so strong when you lie on her belly, move it faster!"

Chu Meng was carrying a leather whip and scolding his domestic slaves and thugs. It was enough to carry one or two bags of one hundred kilograms of grain. It was unbearable to carry it for a long time. But where was he going in vain? To hire so many coolies, it would be impossible for the whole family to join the battle, and all the servants and thugs would be put to use.

"Master, there were more than 200,000 dans in this warehouse overnight. We are really tired..."

Before he finished speaking, Chu Meng's whip arrived: "If you have time to talk, your grandson can carry a bag of grain again! Shut up, I will use all your energy to suck milk. It will be done tonight." , I will give each of you an extra month's salary, and give you three days of vacation. In the brothel run by our family, you can have as much fun as you want, for free!"


When the house slaves and thugs heard this, they immediately became energetic, and the moving speed that had been slowing down became much faster.

Lanterns and torches illuminated a long path of light from the granary to the grain truck. In the distance, Yu Shiji and a few people watched quietly.

Miss Xi Si said: "Sir, this is the last family. This family member's surname is Chu, and his name is Chu Meng. He is Chang Yinglin's most loyal minion. He has followed him and done many bad things."

On the other side, a banner from the Metropolitan Procuratorate asked: "Sir, these families are transporting food overnight. It seems that the treasury has been emptied by them. Should we take action immediately and arrest them?" ?”

Yu Shiji picked up a handful of jasmine seeds and said with a smile: "No rush! Wouldn't it save us some effort to wait for them to rush to the treasury and throw themselves into a trap? Let's go, lest the news leaks and disturbs their good deeds!"

He waved his hand, and several figures quietly disappeared into the night.

The location of the treasury was far away from the residences for fire prevention, and it was in a very remote part of the city. At this time, the torches in front of the treasury illuminated the whole earth, and several grain trucks came in an endless stream from all directions in the city.

Food relief can only meet temporary needs. Due to floods, food prices in these areas will remain high this year. These grain gentry are hoarding so much food just to make a big profit steadily. But now Chang Yinglin was in trouble, and many of the evil things Chang Yinglin did were handled by them. If Chang Zhifu fell, they would also suffer the same misfortune. They had no choice but to rescue them, so they had to transport the food in heartache. Treasury.

Yu Shiji hid in the dark and watched with a slight smile.

It was really difficult for him. In order not to alarm Chang Yinglin, after he asked for Xia Xun's military talisman, he did not dare to leave the house. Instead, he called a few confidants and climbed back quietly on the wall. In Huzhou City, he He was not familiar with it, but the place where Xia Xun's three thousand guards were stationed was not far away. He knew the road, so he rushed to the barracks first, showed his military talisman and got the help of the sergeant. He led a team of people and a car, and captured a passerby to lead him. Then, we rushed to the "Huancai Pavilion" where Miss Xi Si was.

He sent people to seize the entire Huancai Pavilion, and then let Miss Xi Si, a local girl, guide the way to find out where the profiteers who had colluded with Chang Zhifu lived. Just to avoid alerting these profiteers. , he did not dare to send out large groups of troops, leaving only a few clever officers of the Metropolitan Procuratorate to guard each place. As for the camp of three thousand guards, they were ready, and the soldiers were ready to go out at any time.

At this time, seeing the grain trucks arriving from all directions, Yu Shiji ordered in a dark voice: "Go, lead General Chen's three thousand troops and horses to come immediately, surround this place, and no one is allowed to escape!"

That night, the city of Huzhou was very lively. First, there were loud shouts from the direction of the treasury in the most remote part of the west city. Some people who were a little closer heard the noise in the middle of the night. They got up and took a look. The torches in the direction of the treasury were like those in the sky. Stars were shining, people were shouting horses, and it was so lively. I thought I was out of water, so I cursed angrily: "Damn it, Mr. Futai has that big rat. How can there be food in the warehouse? What can I save?" Help!" Then he went back and continued to scream.

Yu Shiji didn't just arrest those people to get things done. He asked the case on the spot. Taking advantage of those people's panic and incoherent speech, he forced out a few words full of loopholes and immediately caught Li'er. At this time It came in handy to find out their homes and residences in advance, and immediately sent people to lead the officers and soldiers to ransack their homes.

Not to mention, after all, this is the home court of the Chang Prefecture, and it is impossible to completely block the news. Yu Shiji acted so quickly, but he still escaped a few small fish and shrimps. He rushed to the prefect's Yamen to complain like a bereaved dog.

, Unexpectedly, Yu Shiji even sent a circle of soldiers outside the prefect's Yamen. Anyone who broke in, whether they were messengers or passers-by, would be arrested, and their confessions would immediately be interrogated.

In the middle of the night, Yu Shiji had all the witnesses, physical evidence, and the panicked and unprepared confessions. Not to mention that there were other criminal evidence to be investigated, these charges alone were enough to make the most hated person

The corrupt official Zhu Yuanzhang was so angry that he jumped out of his grave and sentenced Chang Yinglin to a heavy punishment of being crushed alive with 600,000 loads of grain. He then skinned Chang Yinglin alive, stuffed it with grass, and beat him to death in front of the Huzhou treasury.

Corrupt officials are showing off!

Yu Shiji is worthy of being the soldier brought out by Chen Ying. He is vigorous and ruthless in doing things, and he is ruthless and ruthless. He will dig out the roots of vines and vines for you!

p: Dear book friends, the pursuers are sharpening their swords. Are we safe above? Not yet! The tiny gap makes us breathless. It is almost the end of the year. I believe that more book friends are already safe.

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