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679 Force me to kill

Chapter 679 Force me to kill someone

The day after Xia Xun rushed back to Huzhou City from Nanxun Town, a Jin Yiwei dressed in casual clothes quietly came to the prefect's Yamen. The gate guard first found the old man, and saw Fu Guogong's bodyguard, and then the Jin Yiwei explained to him After discovering his true identity, Lao Pang checked his Jinyiwei waist badge and immediately took him to see Xia Xun.

"My lord, this is the secret message that the governor asked me to give to my lord!"

The Jin Yiwei took out a secret letter from the upper layer of the shoe and handed it to Xia Xun. Xia Xun checked that the fire paint seal was correct. When he opened the letter and took a look, he couldn't help but be surprised. Liu Yujue's letter naturally did not mention the Taoist surname. It is very clear. There is no title or signature, and the content is very implicit. People who don’t know the inside story may not be able to guess what is being said after seeing this letter. But Xia Xun personally confessed to Liu Yujue, how could he not clear?

Xia Xun's expression changed slightly, and he immediately lit a candle and burned the secret letter in front of his face. Only when the letter was burned down to the last piece, did he gently let go and watched the piece of paper fall to the ground and burn to ashes.

"Go back and tell Mr. Liu that he did a good job. You should be more careful and keep an eye on him!"

"As you command!"

Xia Xun nodded, and Lao Fan led the Jin Yiwei from Nanzhen Fusi away. Xia Xun's brows immediately knitted tightly.

He had already received a letter from home and knew that Zi Qi had gone back to Shandong with his children for a funeral, but he did not expect that this would attract Ji Gang's attention. The Eight King Kongs were halfway through, bringing with them no less than a hundred people. Such a large battle must have What was discovered.

If Ji Gang was following Xie Xie, Xiaodi or even Su Ying, who was a pirate, Xia Xun wouldn't panic at all, but the Peng family... the Peng family's secret identity was the emperor's betrayal! Although he deliberately induced him In recent years, the Peng family has gradually neglected academic affairs and focused on making money through business. However, once this identity is exposed, it will still be a disaster.

The White Lotus sect has penetrated deeply into the people, and there are too many ordinary believers. When the imperial court encircled and suppressed the White Lotus sect, it never exterminated ordinary people. Ordinary believers who had worshiped in the incense hall and entered the religious altar, as long as they did not rebel with guns, they would destroy them. After the church, Todoroki can just go home, but those big and small bosses, core figures... will never let him go.

Who would believe that with the power of the Peng family, someone from White Lotus would be an ordinary member of the church?

If we know the true identity of Old Mrs. Peng again...

Xia Xun stood up excitedly, wishing he could fly to Shandong immediately.

"Don't panic, don't panic, the more serious things happen, the less you should panic!"

Xia Xun rubbed it and gently closed his eyes.

Ever since he pretended to be Yang Xu and became a scholar in Qingzhou, he has experienced many thrills. However, in recent years, he has rarely encountered such a life-or-death crisis. And this time is not only dangerous, but may even turn into a crisis for the whole family. life and death crisis.

After closing his eyes and thinking for a long time, Xia Xun's breathing gradually calmed down. He leaned back on the chair, closed his eyes slightly, and said nothing. He sat like this for more than an hour before gradually clearing up his thoughts.

"Ahem, here comes someone!"

Xia Xun said hello, and Lao Fan immediately walked in.

At this hour, several groups of people had come to see Xia Xun. However, Lao Pang went to the door and reported several times, but Xia Xun turned a deaf ear. Lao Pang was worried and quietly opened the door to check. He saw that his master was in good condition. Sitting on the chair, his chest rose and fell slightly, as if he was taking a nap. The old man didn't dare to disturb him, so he went out again, looking for any excuse to coax everyone away.

Since then, he has been waiting outside the door, waiting for Xia Xun to summon him. When Xia Xun called, he immediately walked in and bowed to obey his orders.

Xia Xun said: "Ask Gao Chu to come see me!"

Lao spray was stunned for a moment and said: "My lord, I don't know...who is Gao Chu?"

Xia Xun said: "The one who drives the car for me."

Lao Jing patted the back of his head and suddenly realized: "Oh, the coachman Xiao Gao, what are you looking for him for? Yes, yes, yes, Lao Jing will go right away!"

Lao Pen left in a hurry, and within a moment, Gao Chu stood in front of Xia Xun.

She has a thin and strong body, fair skin, and always smiles like a young girl with a very gentle temper. From groom to driver, this profession has been very good since ancient times. Of course, this refers to

A driver who serves dignitaries. A qualified driver must be discerning, diligent, and keep his mouth shut.

Basically, he is just like the horse pulling the cart. No matter where he goes, people pay attention to the people in the cart, and no one will notice him. Although he is responsible for driving the cart for Xia Xun, even Xia Xun

The confidants and guards only call him Xiao Gao, and no one remembers his name. However, such an inconspicuous person is usually one of the car owner's confidants.

At this moment, the groom Xiao Gao was standing in front of Xia Xun, calm and calm. Many officials might feel a little embarrassed when they were around Xia Xun, but he might not appear calm.

There were only two of them in the room, and Xiao Gao asked calmly: "My lord, is something big going on?"

Xia Xun nodded heavily: "Yes, you go to Shandong immediately, to Pengjiazhuang, Qingzhou, find Mrs. Qi, and give her my handwritten letter. Then..."

Xia Xun whispered to him. No matter what he heard, Xiao Gao didn't show any surprise or panic on his face. He listened so carefully. It wasn't until Xia Xun finished his instructions that he nodded and took the letter close to his body.

He hid it, cupped his fists and raised his hands to Xia Xun, turned around and walked out.

Xia Xun stood in silence for a long time and murmured: "Old Ji, are you trying to get dirty information about me? You are forcing me to fall out!"


"Your Majesty, the people of the four counties have suffered from floods. All the old and old grains have been lost, new seedlings have not yet matured, the old and the young are crying, and they are hungry and have no complaints. Although the imperial court provides food relief and local governments can help themselves and temporarily settle the victims, relief efforts cannot

If it continues into the Ming and Autumn Period, the tragedy of selling one's sons and daughters will be inevitable in our prosperous age of Yongle.

I believe that it is better to teach people to fish than to teach them to fish. Today, the Great Baoen Temple in Kyoto requires more than 100,000 workers, and people from all over the country have to take turns to come to Beijing to serve. If the people who were affected by the disaster in eastern Zhejiang can go to Kyoto to build the Great Baoen Temple.

For one thing, if we use work instead of relief, the victims will be able to settle down and avoid trouble, and people from all over the world will be spared the pain of running around..."

After several days of review, a series of crimes committed by Chang Yinglin came to light one after another. Xia Xun reported the disaster-stricken situation in various places, the relief situation, the performance of the military and civilians, especially a series of problems that occurred in Huzhou during the entire disaster relief process.

It is written in the memorial, and a separate section is taken out at the end, focusing on the arrangements for the affected people after the disaster relief.

With Xia Xun dictating and Xia Yuanji writing, the memorial took an entire afternoon to write. Xia Yuanji checked it several times to confirm that there were no typos or contaminations before handing it over to Xia Xun for signature and sealing, and sending it to his confidants.

Send him to the capital immediately.

After this matter was dealt with, Xia Xun left the prefect's Yamen and headed outside the city. Because the water was slowly receding, the people who fled outside Huzhou City heard the news and were worried about the pots and jars at home and were eager to return to their hometowns. The government distributed a certain amount of money based on population.

After providing food relief, the victims have been returning to their hometowns one after another in the past few days.

The top leadership team of Huzhou Prefecture was almost taken over by Yu Shiji. Fortunately, the grassroots officials are still there. Most of them have no major problems. They follow the example and follow the example. There are more or less corruptions, but the crimes are not obvious and the harm is not harmful.

In Yu Shiji's opinion, if there is any problem, it should be raided en masse. But if all the local officials in Huzhou are caught, who will do the disaster relief at the critical moment of disaster relief?

This is not a child's play. If you can't do it, I can just pick up a friend and let him do it. How can the officials of the imperial court give it to each other privately? You wait for the imperial court to appoint officials again, and then wait for them to get familiar with it.

By the time the local government knew its subordinates and prepared to open an office to do business, the victims would have long since starved to death, or gathered in the mountains and forests to rob their homes and rob their homes.

Therefore, under the unanimous control of Xia Xun and Xia Yuanji, Yu Shiji's attack range was not further expanded.

The gentry and common people in Huzhou were completely mobilized. Once the long-pent-up anger broke out, the common people who were once like sheep and could only play the role of minor sufferers turned into angry lions. In recent days, they have publicly demanded the execution of a number of corrupt officials in retaliation.

The people of Huzhou became more and more vocal in repaying the victims who died in the disaster. First it was the people affected by the disaster who petitioned, and then the people in the city petitioned. Now the gentry also publicly recommended highly respected figures as representatives, and submitted the Letter of the People to Yu Qingtian.

Yu Shiji could keep his composure at first, and he sent all the petitions to Xia Xun, but Xia Xun could keep his composure even better than him. He always ran out of Huzhou City and went to villages and towns for on-the-spot inspections.

See if any officials are lying to others, and whether they are being vague about disaster relief matters. As for the charges and petitions submitted by Yu Shiji, Xia Xun is equally saddened, indignant, and understanding, but there is nothing he can hear from his mouth.

The word "kill".

Yu Shiji was anxious. At first Xia Xun supported him to investigate Chang Yinglin. He thought that the Duke of Fu was selfless, had no distracting thoughts, and would not give Ji Gang any face. Now looking at it, it seems that the Duke of Fu is slippery than a loach. Chang Ying

Both himself and Xia Yuanji had heard about Lin's case in court. If the Duke of Fu did not investigate, once it reached the ears of the emperor, it would definitely be detrimental to him, and there was no way he would not investigate.

But after he investigated, he hid behind the scenes and used himself to investigate and deal with this corrupt official. Now that the truth of the case was revealed, he wrote to the court and explained the process, without any of the killing decisions he made in Liaodong. You can understand this as waiting for the Holy Spirit

It can also be understood that he is giving Ji Gang face and leaving room for mediation. Once Ji Gang can really convince the emperor...

Yu Shiji couldn't sit still, so...

When Xia Xun was about to arrive at Dongcheng, countless people gathered around several well-respected old men in Huzhou City to welcome Xia Xun.

"My lord, Chang Yinglin has done many evil things. God is angry and people are being wronged. Not killing him is not enough to make the people angry!"

"My lord, kill corrupt officials!"

"The souls of those who died unjustly are watching in the sky!"

Seeing them raising their arms and shouting like this, Xia Xun frowned slightly: "How did you come back?"

At this time, the crowd dispersed, and Yu Shiji walked over with a solemn look. Immediately, excited shouts came from the crowd: "Yu Qingtian is here! Mr. Qingtian is here!"

Yu Shiji walked up to Xia Xun, stood firmly with his feet apart, cupped his hands, and said loudly in a clear voice: "My lord, the elders of Huzhou are very angry, and the lower officials have repeatedly tried to dissuade them, but they still

They could not be appeased, because the lower officials could not take the initiative, so the elders came to petition the Duke of the country. The Duke of the country and the lower officials also thought that Chang Yinglin and his gang of traitors had committed heinous crimes, and not killing them would not be enough to anger the people, so the lower officials

I am willing to speak on behalf of the people and plead for the people!"

He lifted up the train of his robe, knelt down straight, and said solemnly: "I ask the Duke to sacrifice the king's flag and kill the common thieves to bring justice to the world!"

When the Huzhou petitioners saw the elders, they immediately knelt down and a crowd of people crowded the long street. They shouted in unison: "Please sacrifice the king's flag and kill the common thieves to bring justice to the world!"

p: Every morning when I first wake up, I feel like there is no liquid in my eye sockets. My dry eyes hurt when I turn them. I always close my eyes and apply eye drops to moisten them before opening my eyes. However, I can see things during the day.

Normally it's fine, but these two days it's been a bit serious. People are older and cry when facing the wind. I cry when I see something. I couldn't stand it anymore yesterday, so I rested first and only updated 7,000. I will continue to work hard today!

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