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Chapter 068 Sweetness and tenderness

Chapter 068 Sweetness and Tenderness

"Master, no need..."

Xiaodi shyly called him, still calling him the same title he had been used to since childhood, but somehow, he still called him exactly the same person. He used to call him young master, but in fact he thought he was an elder brother. Now he calls him young master, and he... seems to be young master.

"Then why, if you are inconvenient now, let me comb it for you. When you recover from your injury, you can comb it for me every day."

Xia Xun took the comb and gently combed her hair. Before he finished speaking, a narrow smile appeared on his lips. Xiaodi now knew what the other meaning of combing was. Listening to Xia Xun

After saying this, she was so embarrassed that she just wanted to hide under the sheets. But it was really difficult for her to move her body. It had been several days and her injuries were still far from healed.

Her arms were tightly wrapped in white bandages, which were bandaged by Xia Xun himself. Xia Xun also changed the dressing every day. There were scars everywhere on her body, and the injuries on her arms were particularly serious.

, that kind of umbrella-shaped silver needle completely destroyed her subcutaneous muscle tissue. She could only dig out the rotten flesh, apply ointment, and wait for new muscles to grow again, otherwise the broken meat inside would condense into sarcomas.

, not only affects her appearance, but also affects her future activities.

She had endured such pain, but it had been seven or eight days, and she still couldn't adapt to Xia Xun's service to her. She said coyly: "What are you combing? It's... it's combing your hair."

Xia Xun blinked and teased her, "Didn't you say that? Combing your hair means combing your hair."

Xiaodi blushed and argued arrogantly: "Normally... in spoken language, I only talk about combing my hair."

Xia Xun smiled and said: "Okay, when we talk about it, we just comb our hair, and when we write it on paper, we call it combing."

Xiaodi spat lightly and said: "You shameless person, I won't tell you anymore."

Her cheeks looked pale due to excessive blood loss, and her originally pink lips were also pale in color. Just because of Xia Xun's teasing, her cheeks were slightly flushed with blood. Her long hair was scattered around her shoulders, and her forehead was

Her thin eyebrows are lightly covered by her bangs, and she is dressed in a loose and soft moon-white dress. She looks soft, cute, and pitiful.

Mrs. Xiao's wife poked her head out the window to look inside, smiled happily, and tiptoed away.

"Okay, your hair is combed. Look, it's much cuter now."

Xia Xun praised her, and Xiaodi smiled sweetly, but as soon as she saw Xia Xun picking up the medicine bowl, her little face immediately fell down, and her big bright eyes looked at Xia Xun with a pleading look.

Xia Xun was unmoved and said with a straight face: "You said you wanted to put the sugar in, but the sugar has already been put in. You said you would talk about it after it cools down. It's already cold now. Why are you making excuses to open your mouth!"


"Open your mouth!"

Xiaodi reluctantly flattened her mouth and opened it helplessly, letting him put a spoonful of the bitter soup into her mouth.

"so bitter……"

Xiaodi cried out in pain. Under Xia Xun's coaxing, both soft and hard, it took half an hour to finish the bowl of medicine.

"Okay, you lie down and have a rest first." Xia Xun put down the medicine bowl, tucked her into bed, got up and was about to go out.

Xiaodi looked at him with bright big eyes and suddenly said: "Young Master..."


"I heard dad say..."

Xiaodi buried her chin in the quilt and shrank down, revealing only a pair of eyes, flickering: "I heard from dad that after I disappeared, the young master offered a reward of five thousand gu to find my whereabouts?"

Xia Xun raised his eyebrows: "What?"


Xiaodi said regularly, lowering her eyes gently, covering her eyes with her long eyelashes, and sighed softly: "Five thousand guan, I... no one is worth that much money, I can buy hundreds of them.

It’s so cute…”

Xia Xun said funnyly: "Then tell me, how much are you worth?"

Xiaodi calculated it carefully and replied: "Ten...fifteen strings, you should be able to sell them, right?"

Xia Xun looked at her without saying anything, and Xiaodi felt guilty: "Well... although... although I can't cook or be a female celebrity, I... I'm very diligent in my work, so I won't even be fifteen in a row.

You can’t even sell it at the same price, right? Or… or thirteen strings, it can’t go any lower…”

Xia Xun chuckled, leaned down, gently scratched her nose, and said softly: "You are a priceless treasure in my heart. I won't sell it no matter how much others pay."

Xiaodi's face turned red again, but her heart felt sweet.

Xia Xun turned around and walked to the door. Xiaodi called again: "Master!"


Xiaodi looked at him worriedly: "That person..., will someone else come to trouble you?"

Xia Xun's face darkened quickly, and then turned into a relaxed smile: "These days, when I am staying by your side, I have been reading a book. I saw such a sentence in the book, which makes a lot of sense."

"What words?"

"Those who are driven by others are slaves; those who respect others are called guests; those who cannot establish themselves are called temporary guests; those who can establish themselves are called long-term guests; those who have been guests for a long time but cannot take charge are called humble guests; those who are able to take charge can gradually grasp the secrets and become the master.

Okay. Therefore, in a situation where the guest is the main player: the first step is to fight for the guest position; the second step is to take advantage of the gap; the third step is to step in; the fourth step is to seize the opportunity; the fifth step is to be the host. If the host is the host, then merge with the other people's army.

"This is a gradual strategy."

Xiaodi said blankly: "What do you mean?"

Xia Xun smiled and said: "It means that if the guest does well, he can be superior to the master."

Xia Xun stepped out. As soon as he took one leg out, Xiaodi called out again: "Master!"


Xiaodi showed her small white teeth and smiled sweetly: "It's okay, Master."

Xia Xun also smiled.

Kill Liu Xu and rescue Xiaodi.

The news of Xiaodi's disappearance has spread throughout Qingzhou before. She has been rescued. There must be an explanation for Liu Xu's death. No matter what he explains, the government will definitely check it. How can he hide it if he just made up the news in a hurry?

Man, this time is an emergency, and saving people is the most important thing. We can't look forward and backward, so we are destined not to cover up the past like the deaths of Zhang Shisan and Feng Xihui.

In this case, Xia Xun simply made the matter worse. After taking Xiaodi back to Qingzhou, he insisted that it was shopkeeper Liu who had kidnapped Xiaodi to extort money. He rushed to the rescue and killed Liu Xu during the fight.

The prefect and the judge readily accepted this answer, because these two gentlemen were about to go to Jinan.

A series of major public security cases that have occurred in Qingzhou recently have angered the two elders of the Jinan Chief Envoy Department and the Jinan Sentencing and Prosecution Department. The two adults jointly issued an order, ordering the two adults, the prefect and the state judge, to leave Jinan immediately.

The government is waiting for inquiries. Now that the case was solved on the second day after the incident, it can be regarded as a credit to some extent.

After prevaricating the government, Xia Xun immediately went to find An Litong. He had already prepared a plan and decided to tell An Litong some half-truths and half- lies. Only when lies are true can they confuse people. He planned to tell An Litong that Liu

Xu suspected that he was related to the death of Thirteenth Lang and Feng Zongqi, so he kidnapped Xiao Di and wanted to scratch his sore feet. He rushed to rescue Xiao Di, but Liu Xu did not listen to the explanation and wanted to kill him instead.

Liu Xu was killed by mistake.

As for whether An Litong believed this nonsense, he didn't care. Anyway, regarding the deaths of Zhang Shisan and Feng Xihui, An Litong could never find any evidence to prove that he did it. As for Liu Xu's death, since it was an internal conflict, he was killed by mistake.

, then when Jin Yiwei is relying heavily on him, he will never do anything to him. He is not the person in the current situation that Jin Yiwei can pinch or rub whenever he wants.

He has a lot to rely on now: first of all, he has established himself as Yang Wenxuan. Everyone in Qingzhou Mansion has recognized his identity. Even Xiaodi, Yang Wenxuan's personal girl, has recognized his existence.

; Secondly, he has become famous throughout Shandong Prefecture. With the spread of the Putai County incident, people even in Yingtian Prefecture in Jiangnan are spreading his stories and promoting his reputation.

Sometimes, identity and fame are themselves a talismanic weapon that people dare not touch. With Jin Yiwei's current power, at least in public, he would never dare to touch him, not to mention that he can also take down King Qi if necessary.

The tiger skin was pulled out to make a banner. However, King Qi's tiger skin could not be pulled off for long. The news that he lost most of his property in a huge gamble has spread, and the prodigal son of the old Yang family has become the father and mother of Qingzhou City.

The number one negative teaching material for educating children.

Recently, two girls have become famous in Qingzhou City. One is a purple-clad girl from the "Mirror Flower Waterside Pavilion" who costs thirty combs. She has become the number one laughing stock in Qingzhou City. Even the guests who go to the yard to have fun see her.

Even she had to make fun of her. The purple-clad Teng girl, who was only seventeen years old, was in a state of embarrassment and flushed face all day long. She was already showing signs of suffering a cerebral hemorrhage and dying young. She now hated Yang to death.


The other one is Miss Xiao Di, who offered a huge reward of 5,000 guan to find her whereabouts. Although the reward price posted by Manager Xiao was only 350 guan in the end, the eldest young master of the Yang family wanted to redeem his bodyguard with a huge sum of 5,000 guan.

The story of the little girl has spread throughout Qingzhou through the mouths of the people in the Yang family. If people were still doubtful about the factuality of this news, then when they learned that the eldest son of the Yang family ran to the outskirts of the city single-handedly and fought a bloody battle with the gangsters to save her,

When I returned to Xiaodi, I no longer had any doubts.

The prodigal son of the old Yang family immediately became the number one loving and righteous man in the eyes of the young girls and daughters-in-law of Qingzhou City, especially the maids and maids in the wealthy compound.

When Xia Xun rushed to see An Yuanwai, he had a good plan, but Fatty An refused to see him. It was said that An Yuanwai was suffering from malaria and he did not want to infect his friends, so he refused to meet him. Yang Xu and An Yuanwai were good friends.

, everyone in the An family recognized him, and at his insistence, the old housekeeper of the An family sent more than a dozen messages back and forth, and An Yuanwai finally reluctantly invited him in and met him through the curtain.

At this time, Officer An was wrapped in three layers of quilts. He was sweating profusely but his face was blue. He was swaying constantly. There were at least ten servants standing in the hall, looking at them with big eyes and small eyes. Xia Xun

Under such circumstances, there was really no way to talk to him. He could only ask about his condition briefly and then resigned. Afterwards, Xia Xun wrote his explanation into a letter and sent it to An Mansion, but An Litong had no idea.

Xia Xun didn't know what his attitude was, so now he had no choice but to remain unchanged in response to all changes, waiting for Fatty An to make his move.

As soon as Xia Xun entered the front yard, he heard the chirping of warblers, and he couldn't help but feel a headache. It had been like this in his house for the past few days. Xia Xun hurried forward, and as soon as he entered the front hall, he scratched the edge of the screen.

Taking a peek, I saw several servants holding sticks in front of the door. There were many women with thick foundation or fair-looking girls outside, waving their arms. Steward Xiao was sweating profusely and explaining at the top of his lungs.


Xia Xun didn't dare to go out. He stood behind the screen and looked around. Just as he was about to call Manager Xiao over, the women and girls outside suddenly screamed and staggered around. For a moment, the waves split, and two missing helmets shot out from the pile of powder.

The young man who had taken off his armor had his hat crooked and his belt untied. The two men finally rushed in, pushed aside the servant who was blocking the door, and stood in the hall breathing heavily.

Xia Xun couldn't help but smile: "Zhu Zhihou, Zhu Zhichun, I guess it's time for them to come..."

This chapter has been completed!
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