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Chapter 685 Target: Little Lolita!

Chapter 685 Target: Little Loli!

"Book of the Later Han Dynasty? Chen Chan Biography": "In the first year of Yongning, the king of the Shan Dynasty in the southwestern Yi went to the palace to present music and illusions. He could spit fire, dismember himself, and cut the heads of cows and horses. The next year Yuanhui, he made it in the court, and Emperor An and his ministers shared it.

Look, it’s amazing.”

"Taiping Yulan? Alchemy Department": "... Huang Gong, a native of the East China Sea, was an illusion when he was young. He was able to stab tigers. He wore a red gold sword and tied his hair with crimson silk to raise clouds and mists and build mountains and rivers. As he aged, his strength was exhausted.

If you drink too much, you cannot resume your practice."

Volume 2 of "Sou Shen Ji": "In Yongjia of Jin Dynasty, there were people from Tianzhu who came to cross the south of the Yangtze River. They had several skills. They could cut off their tongues and reconnect them, spit out fire, and everyone there gathered to watch. When they were about to cut off, they would spit out their tongues to show the guests

. Then cut it with the knife, and the body flowed back to the ground. He took it and put it in a vessel and passed it to others. When he looked at it, half of his tongue was still there. After returning it, he took it and continued it. He sat there for a while, and when people saw the tongue, it was just the same..."

""Yiyuan" says: "Shangyu's sun slaves have many illusions. They rebelled in the early Yuan and Jia Dynasties, and returned to the people in Jian'an. To treat head-on-head syndrome, bleeding is torrential, and the hush will be cut off, and the wound will be cured."

After reading this, Xia Xun thought: "This illusion is very similar to the head-moving technique in modern magic..."

Xia Xun has already set off for Shandong. Before leaving, he gave instructions to Qianlong's people, asking them to collect books on alchemy, Taoism, and illusion. Regardless of official history and unofficial history, as long as there are records, they will get them for him.


It was naturally easy for Qianlong to do such a small thing. He searched all the libraries in Jinling overnight and bought all the books with such records. So there was nothing else in the box under Xia Xun's buttocks in the sedan. They were all history books.

, miscellaneous notes and folk tales, most of the records were related to alchemy and illusion, and Xia Xun often read them.

"Sir, General Xue Lu is here."

Suddenly the voice of a fool came from outside the car. Xia Xun said "Oh", stuffed the book back under his seat and said, "Please come in, Mr. Xue!"

Xia Xun's chariots traveled day and night, all the way to Shandong, accompanied by Xue Lu and several of his bodyguards.

Xue Lu was only three years older than Xia Xun. They were similar in age and had similar temperaments. Although Xue Lu was an illiterate master, Xia Xun was also a half-hearted writer in literature.

When it comes to martial arts, the martial arts inherited from Xue Lu's family are truly extraordinary. He was able to stand out from a small soldier, make great achievements, and rise to the rank of Governor General of the Fifth Army Governor's Mansion in just a few years. This is because of his true ability.

Unlike Xue Lu, Xia Xun had practiced martial arts since he was a child and had gone through countless battles to practice martial arts, and finally developed a set of martial arts with excellent practical effects. However, he learned from famous teachers from the beginning, first from General Hu, a general under Zhang Shicheng, and then from Jin Yiwei.

Commanding Qianshi Luo to defeat the enemy, his martial arts skills are astonishing and stunning.

Over the years, he has practiced diligently and his martial arts has become more and more sophisticated. This time, he and Xue Lu walked together, drinking tea and chatting while drinking, and comparing their skills with each other. They soon became very close friends. After becoming familiar with each other, Gong Lu no longer wanted to

Being so restrained and lonely during the journey, Xue Lu often ran up to his car and the two of them chatted.

Xue Lu got in the car, and the two started chatting again. Today Xue Lu happened to talk about the thrilling battle at Baigou River that day: "My lord, you were not there at the time and did not know the danger. Our army was attacked by the enemy at that time.

The treacherous plan had been defeated, and the emperor was deeply surrounded and in danger at that time. The general's heart was really cold, and he only thought that he would die on the battlefield today.

Coincidentally, when Li Jinglong leaped on his horse and crossed his spear to cover our army, a gust of wind came, and his central army flag snapped with a click. Do you think it is strange? This is not because my emperor is the real dragon emperor, and he is destined by destiny. What's the point of returning? In an instant, all the soldiers and horses of the imperial court were eclipsed. The morale of the officers and soldiers of our three armies was greatly boosted. The emperor raised his arms and immediately attacked and defended against the trend. He was killed..."

Xue Lu was beaming as he spoke, while Xia Xun just smiled and said nothing.

The inexplicably broken flag did not come from unofficial history, but was something confirmed in official history. Xia Xun had been puzzled by this before. Of course he knew the truth now, but he couldn't tell it. The myth-like legend was beneficial to Zhu Di's rule, and he would certainly not expose it.

The reason why the name of the secret agent in silk robes who tampered with the commander's flag is unknown is also for this reason. Credit must be rewarded, but his credit cannot be announced to the outside world.

Xia Xun smiled, and while Xue Lu said that his mouth was dry, he lowered his head to drink water and said to him: "The general is returning to his hometown to visit relatives and wish his father a birthday. It is a filial piety. I will stay longer when I return to Shandong this time. In a few days, if I have enough time, maybe I will go to Jiaodong, and maybe I can catch up with your father's birthday."

When Xue Lu heard this, he was surprised and happy, and said with some fear: "If the Duke of the country can attend my father's birthday banquet, then... it will be a great honor for the general. The entire Xue family will feel honored. It's just that the general What kind of status do you have, how can you be the official leader of the labor force?"

Xia Xun said: "Otherwise, my father-in-law specializes in trade with Japan and North Korea. There is Pengjia Pier in Jiaozhou Bay with dozens of large ships. I plan to go there to have a look when I return, and then go back by sea. , to avoid the pain of a bumpy journey. Therefore, if it is convenient, I should pass by you."

Xue Lu was so happy that he opened his mouth from ear to ear and said quickly: "No matter whether my father's life span has passed or not when the Duke comes, the Duke must tell the general and sit down at the general's house, and the general will rush to respond in person. Just show off your friendship as a landlord."

Xia Xun smiled and agreed.

Going further, the two of them had different paths. Xia Xun wanted to go northeast, directly to Qingzhou, while Xue Lu went directly to the east. The next morning, the two broke up halfway, and Xue Lu took a few of his The guards, fast horses and light cavalry, went straight to Jiaodong.


Zhu Tu and Ji Younan from The Eight Great Kings of Jinyiwei, together with Chen Yunan and his team, are investigating the suspicious little girl in Putai County.

Ji Gang has sent a secret message, saying that Duke Fu is coming to Shandong. If Qingzhou cannot get real evidence before he arrives, they must hide underground and never let Duke Fu notice their existence. But in Putai County Here, they were asked to take action immediately, take away the suspect without anyone noticing, and conduct a secret interrogation.

Although their visit to Shandong this time was not as miserable as when Luo Kedi sent Feng Xihui and four others to Qingzhou, it was still a very secret operation. This was a popular figure investigating the emperor's presence, the auxiliary Duke of the dynasty! Not only did they not He dared to inform the local government and used his identity as a businessman to conceal his true origin.

As soon as they received Ji Gang's notice, they were ready to take action. It's ridiculous to say that the dignified Jin Yiwei, from thousands of households, hundreds of households, general banners, small banners, and a large group of capable spies, they fought like this, as if they were facing a powerful enemy. The first target that we planned to attack turned out to be a little girl who was only eight years old. If word got out, it would really make me laugh out loud.

These days, through the investigation of Tang Sai'er, they have found out Tang Sai'er's identity, and even knew that her father moved to Shandong because of the imperial court, and moved from the Huaixi area. Of course, they did not know that Tang Yaoju was originally from Huaihe.

An altar master of the Xibailian Sect.

Spies are also human beings, not living gods who can do calculations. They cannot rely on the power of local officials. When they inquire about the details of the Tang family as a foreign businessman, they have to be extremely careful not to alert the locals.

This information is extremely rare.

By tracking Tang Saier, people who were closely related to the Tang family came into their sight one by one.

Tang Sai'er is a young girl. Apart from playing with a few girls of the same age, she doesn't usually go to many places. There are only three places she often goes to. One is Su Xinchen's home and the other is her ancestor.

The mother-in-law's residence, and then Lin Yuqi's home.

Lin Yuqi took over Tang Yaoju's old army, and of course he had to take good care of Tang Yaoju's widow and daughter. In addition, he was determined to marry the Tang family and marry this girl to his son, so he waited until

When Sai'er was a little older, he proposed to the Tang family's wife that Sai'er could come to his home to learn and read together with his son.

The Lin family is well off and has teachers. In Lin Yuqi's heart, Tang Saier is regarded as his future daughter-in-law. Although girls do not need to read many books, the Lin family has such a big family business. If the housewife can't even read a big character,

If you don’t even know your children, how can you take care of the family business and be a good wife to your husband?

Lin Yuqi not only wanted to show favor to the old members of the Tang family, but also wanted to train her daughter-in-law in advance. Of course, the Tang family's wife would not refuse such a good thing, so Tang Sai'er often went to the Lin family to study with her San'er brother.

As soon as they arrived, the Lin family was listed as the biggest suspect by Zhu Tu.

Xu Zeheng and Su Xinchen became their second suspects. In addition to Tang Sai'er often playing at Xu Zeheng's house, another reason why they became the second suspects was that they also went to Qingzhou with Tang Sai'er.

.Tang Sai'er is just a seven or eight-year-old little girl, there must be a real person behind it, and Jin Yiwei is now using Tang Sai'er as a clue to investigate.

On the contrary, the old woman who was nearly eighty years old was not taken seriously by them at all. Tang Saier only said the four words "grandfather and mother-in-law" to Su Xinchen in private, but Chen Yunan had never heard of this sentence. So he broke their

First, they never imagined that this little girl learned all her skills from that lonely old woman who was over eighty years old and had lost all her teeth.

After their investigation, they found that the old woman had settled here for too long. Ten out of ten residents in the local area knew that this old woman lived in the county town since they were sensible. She did not look like a monster. At the end of the Yuan Dynasty,

Various branches of the White Lotus Sect rebelled one after another, and after the country fell into Zhu Yuanzhang's hands, they infiltrated the people again. And this old woman seemed to be a widower who lived here before the fall of the Yuan Dynasty.

Furthermore, although Tang Sai'er often went to the old woman's house and they hid in the dark, she often saw her climbing up the tree at her mother-in-law's house to pick pears, pull dates and so on, so she just thought it was

The children were greedy, so they liked to hang out at the mother-in-law's house, so they didn't suspect the lonely old woman at all.

However, although they did not suspect the trembling old woman who was ready to be buried at any time, they still chose the place where they started to attack. Because there were few people here, as long as they acted quickly, they would not be discovered. The old woman was deaf and blind.

Yes, if she hadn't found out, he would have spared the old thing. If she had found out, it would have been just a matter of effort to kill her.

In the evening, Tang Saier came jumping...

p: Dear book friends, have a good weekend. Do you feel refreshed in the morning? Guan Guan got up early in the morning and started coding seriously. If I code slowly, the stupid bird will fly first. Jin Yiwei’s goal is the little lolita, Guan Guan

Guan's goal is to get recommended votes. Jin Yiwei grabs them, Guan Guan invites them, everyone bows to each other, friends, please give me a vote!

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