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Chapter 708

There was a pile of memorials in front of Zhu Di: the Shandong Prefecture's Chief Envoy, the Inspector's Envoy, and the Commander's Envoy jointly submitted the memorial, with testimony from Putai County, saying that Shandong Prefecture was diligent in political affairs. Although there were some remnants of Bailian in the early years, but in Hongwu

During my time, after a severe crackdown, the White Lotus sect bandits had disappeared, indeed they had not left any traces for many years.

The memorial from Qingzhou Prefecture stated that Qingzhou Prefecture was under the management of Prince Qi and the Third Division of Shandong Prefecture.

The local government is clean and clear, and the people live and work in peace and contentment. In recent years, lawbreakers have been severely cracked down on many times. The streets are peaceful, no litter is picked up on the road, and the houses are not closed at night. The territory has always been peaceful, and Pengjiazhuang has never been out of place in the local area...

Xue Lu, the governor of the Fifth Army Governor's Mansion, wrote a petition, saying that as far as he knew, Granny Qiu and Tang Sai'er were indeed skillful actors and well-known in Shandong Mansion. Xue Lu had invited her to celebrate his father's birthday.

The troupe performed in the government and were very popular with the villagers. Everyone knew that it was a trick, and no one regarded it as a witchcraft. They also did not see them pretending to be gods and ghosts, and playing tricks on the villagers.

Several imperial envoys wrote to the imperial envoys. Some said that the case was revealed to the world. Zhu Tu and Chen Yunan immediately committed suicide by taking poison. Their motive for plotting against Duke Fu was unknown. There was fear that there was a culprit behind the scenes, and they requested the emperor to investigate strictly.

Another imperial envoy reported that Chang Yinglin, the prefect of Huzhou, had embezzled money from the government treasury and had the surname Yurou. He was investigated by the auxiliary Duke Yang Xu and the imperial envoy Yu Ji. Previously, someone had impeached Ji Gang for accepting Chang Ying.

Lin bribed Lue and was related by marriage to Chang Yinglin, so he framed the case of Guogong. Ji Gang had serious suspicions and asked the emperor to investigate thoroughly.

Ji Gang wrote a letter to plead guilty, saying that he was negligent in management, which made his subordinates bold enough to sue the Duke and ask for punishment. At the same time, he defended himself that he had only taken Chang Yinglin's cousin as a concubine. They had always been estranged and had no close contact with each other, and they had never accepted bribes.

Please ask the emperor to investigate clearly. The reports from the Metropolitan Procuratorate, the reports from Dali Temple and the Ministry of Punishment, the impeachment of the cabinet scholar Xie Jin...

Some of these memorials were sent two days ago, and some were presented today. Behind each memorial represents the tendency, intention and interest of a person or a force.

"Xu Zeheng was weak and shouted angrily, vomiting blood and died. Zhu Tu and Chen Yunan saw that the situation was ruined and immediately committed suicide..."

Zhu Di tapped the desk gently and suddenly said: "I like watching plays, especially ghost plays. This play will be reviewed by the Three Divisions. It is even more exciting than that ghost play, haha, haha..."

Ran Shi's eunuch Gou'er stood behind him and Zhu Di suddenly asked: "Are you a little strange? Why did I order Chen Ying to close the case quickly without waiting for Sanbao to come back and hear his report?"

The dog bowed and said, "This slave is indeed very confused!"

Zhu Di smiled and suddenly asked: "Is Yang Xu coming soon?"


When the results of the joint trial of the three departments of the Metropolitan Procuratorate were reached, it was already too late to report to the emperor, so the relevant people were still escorted back to their original places, waiting to report to the emperor the next day. Early this morning, Chen Ying, Xue Pin, and Lu

The three men went to the palace to state the case to the emperor, and reported the results of the trial. Xia Xun, who was still staying in Xianglin Temple, received the imperial order and entered the palace to see him.

When Xia Xun walked across the Jinshui Bridge, he saw the imperial guards and the eunuchs in the palace lined up on both sides in the open space in front of them in the shape of wild goose feathers. There was a person standing in the middle, calm and calm. It was Zheng He. The big man who was torturing in front pulled up a piece of white cloth.

, raised it vigorously into the air, and threw it downwards, making a muffled sound, which turned out to be the punishment of Shi Tingzhang.

Xia Xun was startled, and walked over, only to see that the Jin Yiwei had peeled off the white cloth, and what was wrapped inside was Ji Gang. Ji Gang was the leader of the Jin Yiwei, but Eunuch Zheng in the inner court personally supervised the execution, and these Jin Yiwei who carried out the torture did not

If anyone dared to follow him, Ji Gang was stripped of his official uniform and was only wearing a small coat. His crotch fell down to his trousers, and his buttocks were a bloody mess.

This fall almost killed him. Although Jin Yiwei seemed to have used all his strength when he fell hard, he cleverly used a little strength on his wrist, which relieved him a little when he landed, but this

It was enough for him.

Ji Gang's face was as golden as paper. He raised his eyes and looked at Xia Xun. He seemed a little unsure of the focus. After a long time, his eyes settled on Xia Xun. As soon as he saw him clearly, Ji Gang's eyes lit up.

Shrinking, Xia Xun glanced at him lightly without saying anything, then turned to Zheng He indifferently. Ji Gang's eyes became fierce again, staring hard at his back.

In the past, the two people were traveling together. Ever since Ji Gang became the commander of the Jinyi Guards, the two people began to go their separate ways and went further and further apart. But now, they have become opposites. They will never be side by side in this life.


"I'll carry you adults down and administer some medicine!"

Zheng He gave a faint order, and the Jinyi guards at the side rushed over, picked up the dying Ji Gang, lifted his knickers, and ran away in a hurry. The Jinyiwei and the eunuchs who were watching the execution rushed to the execution.

After they dispersed, Zheng He came up to Xia Xun, gave a slight salute, and a smile on his face: "Fu Guogong!"

When the two of them planned things together, Xia Xun always respected him, and the relationship between the two was relatively harmonious. Later, Zheng He's stepson Zheng Enlai was arranged by Xia Xun to move to Nanzhen and set up a household in Nanzhen. Now he has been promoted to deputy general.

Qianhu, Zheng He owes him a big favor, and this relationship is much better.

Xia Xun also cupped his hands and said in greeting: "Eunuch Zheng, long time no see!"

Zheng He smiled and said: "Haha, yes, a few days ago, I took a trip to the north to check on some things. I just came back today! How are you, my lord?"

Xia Xun said "Oh" and said, "It's okay, it's okay. Is the emperor in Jinshen Hall?"

Zheng He said: "Yes, the emperor is in Jinshen Hall, waiting for the Duke!"

Xia Xun said "Oh" again, cupped his hands and said: "In this case, Yang will go see the emperor first, and then talk to the father-in-law when he has time."

Zheng He smiled at him and cupped his hands, and Xia Xun walked towards Jinshen Hall. Zheng He looked at him deeply from behind and turned to leave.

When Xia Xun arrived at the Jinshen Hall, he waited for Mu En to go in and complete the report. Then he shouted loudly: "Your Majesty, Yang Xu, is here to see the Emperor!"

After a while, a faint voice came from inside: "Come in!"

Xia Xun was cleared of all charges and had already put on his official uniform again. At this time, he stepped into the Jinshen Hall, bowed to the ground in front of the imperial book case, and respectfully said again: "Your Majesty Yang Xu, I have been summoned to see you!"

"stand up!"

Zhu Di said lightly. Xia Xun took a step to the side, straightened up, and was slightly startled when he saw the palace eunuch Gou'er standing next to the emperor with his hands hanging down. Among the several eunuchs in the palace, except

Mu En had followed Zhu Di when Jing Nan launched his army, and he knew them all. Among them, the only ones with unfathomable martial arts skills were Zheng He and Gou'er.

These eunuchs may be brave, resourceful, diligent and capable, and all of them are loyal to Zhu Di.

They now have their own duties in the palace, such as the Chief of Ceremonies, the Royal Horse Supervisor, and other positions in the yamen. It is easy for them not to be around the emperor. It is rare to see such a big dog in the Jinshen Palace.

Eunuch, Xia Xun couldn't help but be a little surprised.

Zhu Di said: "Chen Ying has reported the conclusion of the case to me!"

Xia Xun hurriedly bowed and said: "Yes!" Zhu Di said: "I, of course, believe you. But the Jin Yiwei are my eyes and ears. Since there is a report, I have to investigate. The investigation is also to prove your innocence.

.You cannot be asked to override the national law just because of my trust. This will do you no good!"

Xia Xun quickly bowed and said: "I'm scared! The thunder and rain are all due to the emperor's kindness. The emperor loves you deeply and takes great responsibility. How can I dare to have any grudges against the emperor?"

Zhu Di laughed and sighed: "Since I became the emperor, few people are willing to tell me their true feelings. You are here to comfort me today. There is always a sense of injustice, and there should be some. Say,

How do you want me to compensate you?"

Xia Xun bent his waist deeper and said in panic: "Your Majesty, I have not been wronged in any way. These days in Xianglin Temple, the food, clothing, housing and transportation are the same as at home, or even better, but I am just restrained in my actions.

Since there has been a complaint, the Emperor should order a thorough investigation, and I really have no resentment in my heart."

For some reason, he didn't dare to look up at Zhu Di's face. At a quick glance just now, he found that although Zhu Di looked like the same as before, there seemed to be a layer of mist on his face, making it impossible to see happiness or happiness.

Worry. The most terrifying thing about Zhu Di is not when he is furious, but when his joy and anger are invisible. The terrible peace on Zhu Di's face and the terrible calmness in his tone seem to be better than the last time Zhu Di was in

It was even more terrifying when he said in front of him that he wanted to "kill hundreds of people as a warning".

Zhu Di said "Hmm" and was silent for a moment. In fact, it was only a moment, but Xia Xun, who was waiting bent down, felt that it lasted as long as billions of years. A strange atmosphere that could not be seen but could be felt, called him

Very uneasy. At this moment, he was like a beast with keen senses. He didn't know where the danger came from, but he already felt the existence of danger.

Zhu Di spoke again: "The ones who falsely accused you were Zhu Tu and Chen Yunan of Qianhu in Jinyiweibei Town. When their affairs were revealed, they immediately committed suicide by taking poison and evading national legal sanctions. Ji Gang said that Zhu Tu and Chen Yunan thought that because of Huzhou Chang

In the Yinglin case, you and Ji Gang were at odds, so you thought you were smart and came up with such a stupid plan to win favor. "Heng! Do you believe this stupid explanation?"

Lou Xun bowed and did not respond.

There was a hint of ridicule in Zhu Di's voice: "The smart one is not Zhu Tu or Chen Yunan, but Ji Gang! I trust him very much and regard him as a loyal minister, but he thinks he is very smart and plays tricks.

You can tease me and the palm of your hand, Wenxuan, tell me, isn’t it ridiculous! Haha.”

Zhu Di's laughter was a little sour. Xia Xun bowed and still didn't answer. The unknown feeling in his heart became stronger and stronger.

Zhu Di stood up slowly, exhaled softly, and said calmly: "It's just stupid to be smart. You try to deceive me and manipulate me, but it's unforgivable! How do you think we should deal with Ji Gang?

, just say it! You are the owner of the suffering and have this right!"

It was midsummer, but a chill suddenly flashed through Xia Xun's heart, causing him to tremble. He finally realized what that dangerous feeling was about. He just said something casually to Zheng He

Although he was polite, Zheng He explained it to him in a matter-of-fact manner, which made him feel a little weird at the time. At this moment, the weird feeling was like a thread, quickly connecting the doubtful points.

Why didn't the emperor give him a seat as usual? Why did the emperor torture Ji Gang first and then asked him for his opinion? Why did the eunuch Gou'er, who was rarely seen at ordinary times, suddenly appear next to the emperor? All kinds of thoughts passed through his mind like lightning.

Xia Xun suddenly bent his knees and knelt down in front of Zhu Di.

He took off his official hat and put it aside. He bowed and said sincerely, "Your Majesty, I don't feel that I have been wronged. I am guilty!"

Zhu Di took two steps forward and said in a strange tone: "Oh? You are guilty!"

Xia Xun suddenly said: "Yes! I am guilty!"

Zhu Di said slowly: "This is strange, what is your crime?"

Xia Xun said: "Only when you are upright can you be pure. If I can restrain my relatives and family members, even if someone is pure-hearted, how can I catch them? Is the Putai Lin family a member of the White Lotus Sect? I dare not protect them.

, but they colluded with Qingshuibo thief Shi Song, who was clearly a gentry but was actually a water bandit, but it was a fact. Such a thief was a guest of the Peng family. Was I really wronged?

There is no way for misfortunes and blessings, they can only be brought about by oneself! I feel that there is no injustice at all! The law of our court and the serious crime of rebellion, even though we are neighbors, protectors, and chiefs, we cannot be exempted from the crime, let alone my close relatives! In my father-in-law's house,

Although he gradually followed a good path through the advice and guidance of his ministers, old habits and old disadvantages were difficult to eradicate for a while, and the three religions and nine streams he made friends with were extremely complicated.

The Peng family is my father-in-law's family. As the Duke of the country, I live in the imperial court and am favored by the emperor. However, I cannot restrain my family and accidentally associate with bandits. It is not that I have heard nothing about it, but I am lucky and have not paid attention to it.

In the past few days, I have reflected on myself and deeply felt that I was ashamed of my trust and kindness to the emperor. I believe that even if the Jin Yiwei report is inaccurate, it is not based on nothing. Just because the White Lotus Sect is inaccurate, it cannot be ignored that the Peng family has friends with gangsters.

I am guilty of this crime. I ask the emperor for punishment, cultivate my character and family, and reflect on my own mistakes!"

Zhu Di was silent for a long time, this time it was really a long time. A drop of cold sweat gradually seeped out from Xia Xun's temples and slowly dripped down.

At this time, Zhu Di finally spoke: "Miaojin is about to give birth. You are running all over the world for me, so busy that you can't be by your side when several children are born. I have always remembered this."

.This time, it’s rare that you are in Beijing, go back to your hometown, rest and recuperate, and fulfill your responsibilities as a father and husband!”

,…Lord Long’s grace!”

Xia Xun's tense body suddenly relaxed, and for a moment, he felt like he was losing strength.

After staring at the entrance of the palace where Xia Xun disappeared for a long time, Zhu Di said in a soliloquy tone: "Gouer, are you a little strange? Why didn't I wait for Sanbao to come back? After hearing his report, I ordered Chen Ying to quickly

Case closed? Because…

I simply don’t believe that Yang Xu has any objections!”

He smiled self-deprecatingly and said: "Wenxuan, do you know that you won the lawsuit, but you lost my trust!".

This chapter has been completed!
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