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Chapter 744 Stealing

"Don't worry, my lord, I, Lao Sai, are most familiar with the tactics of our Mongols. I will go back and think about it carefully. I will come up with a few ways to come up with a sneak attack, ambush, etc. along the way. I will train these guys well!"


Saihazhi ate until his belly was round. He held his big belly in his hands and bid farewell to Xia Xun.

Their physical strength is far inferior to these soldiers, and their appetite is so good. The soldiers of the three armies should eat more. I have to ask the local government to prepare more pigs and sheep along the way. To train their physical strength, there will be no oil or water in their stomachs.

It won’t work.”

Returning to the tent and looking at the messy cups and plates, Xia Xun couldn't help but shake his head and smile, then picked up the chopsticks. When Xilin saw it, she couldn't help but ask: "Isn't the master full yet?"

Xia Xun said with a smile: "I was just here to discuss official matters with Lao Sai. Lao Sai was born in the army. He ate and talked at the same time without delay. I am not like that. When I am thinking about things, I eat slowly."


Xilin agreed, pouted at Jeanne, Jeanne understood, and immediately left gracefully. After a while, she came back holding a lacquer tray, came to Xia Xun, lifted the lid of the box, and pouted at Xia Xun


Xia Xun couldn't help but be startled when he saw the neatly arranged roasted meat on the plate, which was both delicious and delicious. "This is..."

Jeanne said softly: "Master, Your Highness the Princess sent this to you. Although the roasted meat is delicious, I think it's just a little missing. If the big-bellied man Sehazhi sees it, I'm afraid he won't be able to eat it again, so

So I hid it secretly."

"Haha, you two are ghosts!"

Xia Xun couldn't help laughing. He tapped the two pretty maids with his chopsticks and said: "This roasted meat is exactly the flavor of the Western Regions. It seems that the princess is deliberately getting familiar with the flavor of the Western Regions. Come on, you two are from Qiuchi."

"It's been a long time since you've eaten hometown food. Sit down and eat together. How does it taste?"

Xilin said coyly: "There is no place for a maid to sit in front of the master."

Xia Xun said: "Hey, where are all the rules? You still don't know me? I'm comfortable with being casual."


Siren agreed, and she and Jeanne quickly looked at each other, with a hint of joy flashing in their eyes.

Along the way, the master has never been so close to them, could it be...

When they thought of this, the two girls' hearts were like deers, and two wisps of red clouds flew up from their moist smiles. Among the two, Jeanne was the more lively and generous. With a swing of her waist, she moved to Xia Xun's side and stood next to her.

When he sat down, Xilin didn't dare to neglect him, so she quickly sat down on the other side of Xia Xun. Xia Xun's original intention was just to ask them to sit across from each other, but he didn't expect that the two of them actually sat next to him.

Two fragrant and hot young bodies are close to him. The warm fragrance and warm jade touch them slightly, and they feel soft and elastic. On the two pretty and charming faces, the big sea blue eyes are shy and timid.

It was so wet that it seemed like water was dripping out, and the affectionate look made Xia Xun feel a little embarrassed.

The two girls entered the role quickly and sat down next to Xia Xun. Each held a chopstick. Instead of eating by themselves, they handed the food to his lips. They had to wait for the master to eat first. The girl's appetite was small and she could do whatever she wanted.

Eat some and you'll be full.

Beautiful color to eat, beautiful color to accompany the meal.

I don’t know whether it’s because these two beauties really whet one’s appetite, or whether it’s because the military work these days requires a lot of physical exertion. Xia Xun ate more tonight than usual. The three of them finished the plate of venison.

After the meal, the two girls happily put away the cups and plates, and poured Xia Xun a cup of steaming, fragrant "Bijian Mingyue" before quietly retreating and sitting by the tent.

Let Xia Xun handle official matters with peace of mind.

Xia Xun has been studying his opponent. To defeat the enemy, he must understand his enemy, especially an enemy as powerful as Timur. The intelligence collected by the Jin Yiwei who rushed to Ganliang in advance will be sent to his camp

One copy, Xia Xun's own Qianlong, because as early as when Albasha and Gesuyedin left the Ming Dynasty, he quietly followed him to the Western Regions to gather information, and the information he learned was more detailed.

Every day, new information was sent to his office, and he would read and analyze it over and over again until he knew all the information by heart. The information he understood was not only military information, but also anything related to Timur.

, Tamerlane's origin, life, family, battle examples over the years, and the deployment situation that can be found in every battle he personally commanded. Through these, he can have a comprehensive and three-dimensional understanding of Tamerlane.


It can be said that no matter in his past life or this life, Xia Xun may not be able to remember his relatives and friends so clearly and understand him so comprehensively, but for the main members of the Timur family, even their long and convoluted names,

He remembered it all too well.

Just like when he used clever methods to kill Feng Xihui, Zhang Shisan and others in Qingzhou, the result was very quick, and it was just a matter of one day. However, every time he killed someone, he made the most complete and detailed understanding of his opponent beforehand.

, plan the action, think over and over again, until you can no longer find any loopholes, then take action. Plan before taking action, maybe the process will not be as bright as fireworks, but this way you will be more sure of victory.

Life is like a play, but life is not a play after all. In a play, the more ups and downs the process is, the better. The more ups and downs the process is, the better it is. The more it can arouse the emotions of the audience, the better the play is. But you only have one life, in your life

Here, you are the only protagonist. Your purpose is not to please the audience, but to ensure your own survival.

Xia Xun looked at the information sent carefully and read it word by word. When he saw a piece of information that he was interested in, he would stop and chew it over and over again. During this period, Xilin had already walked over gently and highlighted him twice.

The oil lamp in front of the case was turned off, but Xia Xun didn't even notice.

Suddenly, someone outside the tent reported: "My lord, there is news from Beijing!"

Xia Xun didn't say anything. He drew a line with a charcoal pen on the information he just read and marked it, and then said: "Come in!"

A guard opened the curtain and walked in, presenting a letter to Xia Xun's case.

Xia Xun took it and saw that it was a letter from home, and he couldn't help but raise his eyebrows.

Although Ming'er is young, she is very knowledgeable. When her husband is working outside, what she does with all her heart is to maintain the home and not distract her husband. At the moment, he is still marching. If it is not a big event, Ming'er should do it.

A letter from home would not arrive so soon. He checked the paint on the letter, used a small silver knife to open the seal, took out the letter and started reading. He only read half of the letter and frowned slightly.

The letter mainly talked about the news of Tang Sai'er's disappearance. When Xia Xun left the mansion to pick up the princess, the four daughters all knelt down in front of Ming'er and begged their aunt to protect them. Ming'er heard that they actually pulled a prank.

He couldn't help but be shocked. Just when he was about to ask someone to go to the backyard to find Yu Qian's body, Yu Qian had already staggered out on his own.

His forehead was bruised, just because of the ink all over his body. The blood mixed into the ink, and the blood stains were almost invisible, and the severity of the injury was unknown. It was just that his whole body was stained by ink, and when he stood there, only a pair of eyes were left.

She is white, and her eyes flicker like an African friend.

Only then did the four girls know that Yu Qian was not dead. Su Ying, Zi Qi, Xie Xie were so angry that they hurriedly taught the children a lesson. Yu Ren is a precious son, and seeing him being teased like this, naturally he was also upset.

I felt very distressed, but when I saw Su Yingziqi trying to beat my daughter, how could I not step forward to try to persuade her? For a moment, the Yang Mansion became a mess. After they finally settled down, everyone realized that the little girl Tang Saier was already here.


Ming'er quickly sent someone to look for her at Tang Yao's house. Naturally, the Tang family couldn't find her, so she went to find Granny Qiu and Su Xinchen. These families lived next to each other, and none of them had Tang Sai'er.

There was no trace of her. Now everyone was in a panic and had to look everywhere for her, but she was nowhere to be seen.

Seeing that the personalities of his son and the four young ladies of the Fuguo Palace were really incompatible, Yu Ren stayed patiently at the Yang family for two more days, then excused himself to return to Hangzhou and sent his son to the teacher, so he said goodbye and left. The Yang family

The Tang family searched all over the capital for people. Thanks to him, they even found senior brothers and sisters whom they had not contacted for a long time. They mobilized the Jinling underworld forces to help find people, but they still could not find the whereabouts of Tang Sai'er, which made a Tang lady who was worried about her daughter cry so miserably.

Ming'er knew that her husband valued his family very much and took good care of the Tang family. She couldn't hide this matter from him, so she had to write a letter to explain the cause and effect to him. Xia Xun felt confused after reading the letter.

It seems that he really values ​​the family and the Tang family, and the reason why he values ​​these two families is precisely because of these two children.


Over the years, he has made friends all over the world, in officialdom, scholars, and in the capital, and the people he has dealt with are unknown. How many people can he take seriously? The reason why the Yu family and the Tang family are so valued by him is just because of this

Both children have done great things in their own history.

Now, Xia Xun has devoted three years of hard work in Liaodong, pushing Liaodong to embark on a completely different path. If there is no more "Tumu Fortress Change" in the future, then there will be no more iron-blooded and loyal Yu in the future history.

Less security.

Xia Xun said earnestly to Qian that day that he hoped he would not become a hero in the future, precisely because of this consideration. This hero's achievements were too tragic. Half a million well-trained Ming troops were killed because of Wang Zhen's blind command.

Tumu Fort. Many famous generals and ministers who accompanied the army on the expedition did nothing in the chaos and died in vain, including the British Duke Zhang Fu who was invincible in Annan, conquered the King of Han, conquered Wu Liangha, conquered the Duoyan tribes, and repeatedly

Zhu Yong, the Duke of Chengguo who made military exploits.

In this battle, the vitality of the Ming Dynasty was severely damaged. All the best soldiers and good generals were gone. This also caused internal strife between the two emperors of Jingtai and Taiyuan. After that, there was a dispute over great etiquette, which caused great damage to the civil servants. If not

With these things, the future development of the Ming Dynasty may be completely different.

Therefore, Xia Xun hopes that Yu Qian will not become a hero in the future. With his talents, knowledge, and moral character, he is enough to be an honest and capable official. Even if he embarks on a different path from now on and becomes a mediocre commoner, it will be better than five years ago.

The bones and flesh of a hundred thousand people were turned into mud, thus achieving the reputation of a hero in times of crisis. His caring for the Tang family was largely due to his concern for Tang Sai'er's future development.

However, just because of the farce of children fighting, Tang Sai'er escaped from his control. In the future, will Tang Sai'er still rebel in Shandong? If Tang Sai'er's life path has not changed after all, then Yu Qian's life

Will the path change? If Yu Qian's life path also remains unchanged, then will the fate of the country... also change? Will all my efforts still be effective?

In the distance, there were shouts of killing. To his surprise, Jing Feng did not wait until the dead of night, but chose to take action when the troops in the camp had just rested and the police posts were still fully vigilant.

Not far from the handsome tent, on a cart where mules and horses were unloaded, squatted in the shadow was an unkempt child, like a little squirrel, holding a handful of fragrant venison in his hand, wolfing down a few pieces.

Then he looked up and looked at the stars in the sky.

There were tears in her eyes, which were shining brightly when illuminated by the stars and the moon. She was homesick...


Lantian, further ahead is Baqiao.

It is located at the northern foot of the Qinling Mountains and the southeastern part of the Guanzhong Plain. It is the southeastern gateway to the ancient city of Chang'an.

There are many places of interest here, such as the tomb of Jing Ke, a martyr of the Yan State, and the tomb of Cai Wenji, a talented woman of the Han Dynasty. Unfortunately, Xia Xun came to the west to meet the enemy in Ganliang. Without that thought, he would not have left his army to visit the mountains and rivers to pay his respects.


It was almost dusk, and the army set up camp in Lantian.

The magistrate of Lantian County had already received orders from Xia Xun's former army, and sent grain, pigs, sheep, and winter vegetables of all kinds. The army set up camp. After settling down, they immediately killed pigs and sheep and buried the stoves to make rice.

Along the way, Xia Xun's training items have increased or decreased, but in general, the training intensity has continued to increase. They were originally elite soldiers. After this period of hard work, they have lost some weight, but become stronger.

Although they were carrying a lot of things on their backs, they looked a little slovenly, and their military appearance was not very neat, but their temperament was very different from when they first left the capital. If they were a sharp sword at that time, it was also hidden in the scabbard.

There was a sharp sword inside, but now, its sharp edge is revealed.

However, no matter how elite the troops are, they are still human beings. Once they take a break, they will laugh, scold, and speak in a pornographic accent. When it is time to eat, they will bang their rice bowls and hum a tune. Soldiers also have emotions and desires, and treat them like machines, regardless of the environment or situation.

, it is not enough to strictly manage everything, just relax, civil and military, it is rare for them to relax, and the generals will not care about it at this time.

Especially today, they had just practiced an "encounter" halfway through the battle, and the soldiers were exhausted. Xia Xun had already given the general's order to rest peacefully tonight and not attack the camp again. The soldiers were even more cheerful.

The meal was about to begin, pork stewed with cabbage, the aroma wafted far away, the soldiers were eagerly queuing up with their rice bowls in hand, when Xia Xun's leader Lao Pang suddenly came in, stood on the high slope in front of the snow, and forked

He bent his waist and cursed majestically: "Grandma, that bastard stole my little cotton-padded jacket, hand it over quickly! Tell me to catch it later, I want you to look good!"

This chapter has been completed!
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