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Chapter 762 Su Qin's Mouth

Celine and Jeanne were determined to show off in front of their master, and at the same time they also had the idea of ​​competing with the dancers in Kunji Mansion, and they danced very hard. Chinese website When the music stopped, the two beauties were already dancing.

The moist, creamy skin reveals a pink glow, making it even more delicate.

"Okay! Okay!"

The guests and hosts in the hall cheered in unison, and the two beauties smiled brightly and handed the pipa to the musician in the side compartment. They walked towards Xia Xun with their waists swaying and their steps graceful. The two beauties beside Xia Xun were also stunning, but they were charming.

Compared with these two beauties from Qiuci, she was inferior by a few points. When she saw them approaching, she felt ashamed and gave up her position.

The two beauties sat generously next to Xia Xun and occupied the seats of the two girls. Xia Xun seemed not to have paid any attention to the overt and secret fighting between these girls' families. He raised his wine glass with a smile and said to Kun Ji,

Su Nan and others said: "The beautiful scenery is delicious, and the wonderful dance helps the wine, hahaha, come, let's drink this cup!"

Everyone held cups of wine and drank with him. Xia Xun put down the wine cup and sighed: "Everyone, I never thought that in the desolate land, this place would be like a paradise on earth. No wonder this oasis on the fortress is known as the Western Region and Jiangnan."

.This place is beautiful, rich, and full of outstanding people. It is like a paradise-like resort. My father-in-law has just arrived here and has already fallen in love with this place. I really hope that I can often have the opportunity to come to Dunhuang in the future and drink like this with you. How happy it is?

However, a powerful enemy is coming! Timur conquered the world and destroyed countless countries. Wherever his troops came, he only looted and destroyed. Every place he occupied was like a grassland beaten by autumn frost, withered and withered.

There is no life. If he takes over this place, it will be difficult for us to enjoy our carefree days!"

When everyone heard this, they all knew that Xia Xun was going to talk about business. Kun Ji, Suin Nan and others immediately pricked up their ears. Feng Suiyan and Sai Hazhi, two great guys, ate the "leather cup" with rouge lips on their faces.

He was red, but he was sitting upright, with a serious look on his face.

Xia Xun was chatting and laughing just now, staring at the beautiful dancing beauty, but in fact, he kept thinking about how to bring up the topic. It was easy to explain his intentions, but it was difficult to arouse the resonance of these powerful people in the Western Regions. Who should I follow?

You are all popular and drink spicy food, so why do they have to fight tooth and nail for you?

Who are you fighting for?

This is the primary issue related to morale and morale of the military.

This is true for his own soldiers, but it is even more true for these local forces that are only controlled by the policy of restraint. Therefore, Xia Xun's entry point is the common interests.

I would rather be a chicken head than a cow queen. These powerful gentry are the free kings in the Western Regions. They are definitely not willing to be Timur's cannon fodder. The question is how much confidence do they have in the Ming Dynasty? If they believe that the Ming Dynasty Chen Bing Jiayuguan will

If they give up the territory outside the customs, or believe that Timur can occupy the middle land, then they have no choice but to join Timur.

Although everyone is singing and dancing and enjoying themselves now, if it were not him Xia Xun but Tiemu'er who came now, the local emperors in these places would still receive Tiemu'er with this kind of treatment or even more solemn courtesy.

It doesn't matter loyalty. Asking them for loyalty is impossible at least at the current stage of management. Only interests are fundamental. Therefore, Xia Xun first used their vital interests to resonate with them and attract their attention, and then

Only then did he talk about his own opinions.

"Timur has 200,000 elite cavalry and nearly 500,000 troops as troops. He drives a large number of cattle and sheep to the east. I believe you all know this!"

Xia Xun paused, and then said: "The imperial court has stationed heavy troops in Hexi, locked the Jiayu Pass and defended the interior. Do you want to give up the Western Regions? Otherwise! The Western Regions must not be lost, and must not be lost! This is the attitude of the Ming Dynasty! Hexi

Youyan and Youyan are the two arms of the Central Plains Empire. If one arm is cut off, although it will not cause death, it will be weakened from now on. It can only be passively beaten. The enemy attacks and we defend. Under the decline of one and the other, the power of the Central Plains country is gradually depleted.

, will one day be destroyed. Update

And if everything outside the pass is owned by the enemy chiefs, can Hexi and Youyan still be defended? From the Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors to this, all the examples tell us that it cannot be defended! Therefore, if the imperial court defends Youyan, it must pass through Liaodong; the imperial court defends Hexi

, we must pass through the Western Regions! If the imperial court will not give up on Hexi, it will never give up on the Western Regions!"

Xia Xun's tone was decisive. There was no fool present. Some words did not need to be said so straightforwardly. This attitude was enough.

What does it mean that we will never give up the Western Region? It means that as long as Tamerlane comes and occupies this place, we must take it back. This is the place where you were born and raised. I, the Ming Dynasty, have never treated you badly.

Once the war continues here, you will be the most unlucky. If you join Tamerlane's camp, you local cowards will be cannon fodder. You will be the first to bear the brunt of the wrath of my Ming army!

Want to fight both ways? Okay, you can have both sides, but after this battle is over, it's easy to say that Tamerlane wins, but if he loses, he will return to Samarkand. But what about you? Your homeland has been completely destroyed by the war, and you are vassaling Tamerlane.

Mu'er will be punished by my Ming Dynasty again. The consequences... I want to go!

Kun Ji pondered for a moment, then coughed and said: "What the Duke said is true. This... the last general has heard about the Liaodong plan. But... all the imperial troops and horses were stationed in Jiayu Pass and abandoned thousands of miles away.

Regardless of the land, where is this...this Western Region and Liaodong?"

Xia Xun smiled slightly and said: "It's right here! Dunhuang is Shenyang Guard, Hami is Kaiyuan City, and this is Liaodong in Hexi!" General Kunji may feel that the court does not pay as much attention to Hexi as it does to Youyan. You see,

Beyond Youyan, in the land of Liaodong, there are 150,000 garrison officers and soldiers, and government offices have been set up. After many years of strategy, they have become indestructible. The imperial court will never give up on Liaodong, and it recruits officers and soldiers from Shanhaiguan. Why does it take a completely different approach to the Western Regions?

What about the measures?”

This is what the officials and gentry present are most concerned about. Their original plan was to avoid offending both sides. When the Ming Dynasty came, they welcomed the Ming Dynasty, and when Timur came to welcome Tamerlane, that's right! When a powerful enemy is approaching, you close the door.

Just lock us up and leave us outside. Why do you ask us to sacrifice our lives for you?

Xia Xun said: "The reason is very simple. The court can't take care of it now!"

Xia Xun withdrew his hands from the round and charming waists of the two beauties and counted them: "My lords, the imperial court is now sending troops to conquer the Tatars. Two hundred thousand troops are marching out of the fortress. How much food does it cost to feed people and horses? This is

To the north and to the south, 400,000 troops entered Annan, rising and falling, seeking justice for King Chen of Annan. In these two places, there were 600,000 troops!

Speaking of the East, I have a good friend. Baidu Jinyi Night Post Bar Huangmen Neipin provides proofreading and error-free text updates. Speaking of which, like you, he is also a devout Muslim believer. He worshiped me as the emperor.

He was ordered to lead an army of 100,000 men and a thousand battleships to proclaim and pacify the countries in Southeast Asia. If you do the math, this is an army of 700,000 men. It can only be said that Tamerlane picked the best time to take advantage of us.

If there is an opportunity to use troops everywhere, raise your troops to the east."

"Seven hundred thousand troops..."

The leaders present were a little dizzy when they heard this, but they did not doubt it. Firstly, Xia Xun was exaggerating a little, but not too much. Secondly, their news was lagging behind. It was impossible for them to know the detailed information of the military operation. They only did it last year.

I just learned that during the Jingnan period, the imperial court first sent 500,000 troops and then 600,000 troops to suppress the King of Yan. Comparing the two, I don't think there is anything untrue in Xia Xun's words.

Xia Xun added: "Now, the imperial court has 150,000 elite soldiers in Ganliang!"

He did not exaggerate in this sentence at all, because it is impossible for these Western Region generals to not understand the Ganliang troops so close at hand. If he exaggerated, it would be self-defeating.

Xia Xun said: "A large number of troops have been gathered in Shaanxi, Sichuan, and Henan. Even if the Beijing garrison is not used, the imperial court can invest another 300,000 to 400,000 troops in Ganliang at any time!"

This number immediately made everyone present feel excited. Su Nan couldn't wait to say: "My lord, if you want to ensure the battle in the Western Region, at least 500,000 horses are no problem. This... why does the imperial court still need to recruit officers and soldiers?"

, stationing troops in Jiayuguan Pass?"

Xia Xun glanced at him, his eyes were very flexible, and he interpreted the five words "Do you know about soldiers?" very clearly, which made Su Nan blush and shrink his neck with guilt, but he still didn't understand.

, since the imperial court could mobilize so many soldiers and horses, at least twice as many as Timur's army, why not give him a head-on attack.

Xia Xun saw that Suin Nan was very ashamed, and then explained: "Because both the north and the south are using troops. Try to keep some mobile troops in the Central Plains. Once there is any problem on the north and south battlefields, we can dispatch troops at any time."

, before thinking about victory, think about defeat first. Now fighting on three sides, how can we not leave any remaining strength? If we fight so recklessly, if we lose something, won't we lose everything?"

"This is just one of the reasons, there is another more important reason!"

Xia Xun said solemnly: "We must face up to our shortcomings. The Central Plains army is mostly from farming. It is impossible for the people in the Northern and Western Regions to be good at riding and shooting since childhood. Therefore, they must undergo rigorous training to become an excellent

Soldiers. We need to spend a lot of money to train an outstanding cavalry, but people in the grassland and desert have already completed this training in the process of herding horses and sheep in order to survive since childhood.

However, the people of the Central Plains also have their own strengths. They are good at making all kinds of sophisticated weapons. When used alone to compete with the people of the Northern and Western Regions on the desert grasslands, their riding and shooting skills are slightly inferior, but they are better than those that can adapt to various environments.

They are all capable of fighting, mountains, jungles, river networks, plains, defending cities..., so why don't we use our strengths and avoid weaknesses? Only when we use our own weaknesses to challenge the enemy's strengths can we be called heroes? In my opinion, then, then

It’s called stupidity!”

"At the same time, the Central Plains army is a mixed force of infantry and cavalry. It has poor mobility and is more dependent on the supply of food, grass and baggage. When an army of hundreds of thousands moves, it needs a large amount of food and grass supplies. Once the food and grass are insufficient, big problems will occur, and there is no human habitation for thousands of miles in the Western Regions.

, is far inferior to the environment where one city within ten miles of the Central Plains can be supplied at any time, so putting hundreds of thousands of troops in a deserted and uninhabited area is not exposing one's own shortcomings."

Xia Xun said: "Look, the Hexi Passage starts from Wushaoling in the east and ends at Yumenguan in the west. It is between the Qilian Mountains, Altun Mountains, Mazong Mountains, Heli Mountains and Longshou Mountains in the north and south. It is long from east to west and narrow from north to south, with mountains on both sides.

Stretching between mountains and mountains, the widest point is only more than two hundred miles, and the narrowest point is only a few hundred paces. The ancients said that in Hexi, "a line of road hangs alone for two thousand miles." This is not an excellent way to defeat the invading enemy.

Is it a good place?

When Tamerlane came from afar, even if he drove millions of cattle and sheep, it would be difficult to supply them for a long time. As long as he blocked them at the pass, exhausted their food and grass, and waited until his troops were exhausted, and then sent out troops to cover them up, wouldn't it be a minimum?

The price in exchange for the greatest victory?"

Xia Xun looked at the gentry and generals present, and said: "Of course, the areas outside the pass may have to suffer for a while, but there is nothing that can be done about it. For one thing, the imperial court is fighting in the north and south, and has many people in check.

Otherwise, we can use the strength of our troops to make up for our weakness, and there is no need to defend first and then attack;

Secondly, in the Western Region... there are always some people who are wary of the imperial court. Over the years, they have frequently used methods to hinder the imperial power from operating westward. Now a powerful enemy is coming, and in a hurry, the roads here are not smooth, and the food supply

If the reserves are insufficient and the passes are not dangerous, what can the court do? You can't ask the soldiers to make unnecessary sacrifices, right? They also have parents, wives and children!"

Xia Xun smiled faintly and said to them: "Of course, asking you to bear the responsibility alone is also a problem. If a strong enemy suddenly arrives and cannot be resisted, I think it is okay to temporarily avoid its edge, such as escaping into the desert first, or temporarily

Move into the pass and give them a strong wall and clear country..."

Everyone didn't take Xia Xun's words too seriously anymore. They were chewing over the information revealed by Xia Xun's words: the Ming Dynasty still had sufficient troops, and the purpose of defending against the dangerous pass was not to fear Timur's army, but also to

This is not to give up the Western Region, but to consider the safety of the three-front battle while avoiding the consumption of money and food and the unnecessary sacrifice of soldiers.

In the entire military plan of the Ming army, there was no consideration of how to deal with the fall of the Western Region and the fall of Hexi. Instead, there was no consideration of how to consume Tamerlane's troops and how to counterattack. The mastery of this information would give these people who actually control all the resources of the Western Region

The heads of society and the population play a considerable role in deciding their own stance.

Momentary offense and defense, strength and weakness can be completely ignored by them. This is their home, the place where they have lived for generations. It was in the past, it is now, and it will be in the future. So they must judge, who will be the final winner?

They must rely on the person who laughs last to ensure their survival.

Those present, except for a few guard generals, were all local wealthy families, but in this special place, they were the ones who controlled the local armed forces, local politics and local economy. Xia Xun's words here and now were equivalent to

It was to convey his message clearly to the leaders who controlled Dunhuang and its surrounding areas.

They are all smart people. They must now analyze and identify the authenticity of Xia Xun's words. When the two heroes confront each other, they must decide their stance and make a choice. This is related to their and their family's wealth, future and even survival!

As soon as Xia Xun arrived, he threw them a difficult question! Baidu Jinyi Night Post Bar

Thinking about the big issue of life and death for their family, everyone stopped eating, as if the sumptuous food and wine in front of them were no longer so fragrant.

After Xia Xun finished speaking, he felt very at ease. The girl Xilin who was waiting on the left picked up the wine glass and brought it to his lips with a charming look in her eyes. As soon as he drank a sip of wine, the girl Jeanne on the right had already picked it up.

With the knife, he carefully cut off a piece of plump lamb meat and handed it over diligently. Xia Xun took a sip of wine on the left and a sip of meat on the right, without even moving his hands.

His hands just rested on the round and strong waists of the two girls. Tsk, it felt really good, so Xia Xun's big hands started to touch it. It's fun to share the joy with the people! It's so peaceful and close.



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