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Chapter 078 The Sun and Moon in the Dream (5)

Chapter 078 The sun and moon are long in the dream (5)


Wen Yuan rushed in front of Du Tianwei with a quick step. He was about to stretch out his hand to feel his pulse, but after taking one look at his face, his hand froze there.

Du Tianwei was already dead. With Wen Yuan's many years of medical experience, he could tell at a glance that his uncle had passed away. His face was gray and gloomy, and his face maintained a ferocious expression because of pain. What was even more terrifying was that his corpse

He was still twitching. Although the person was dead, his body functions were not completely dead, and he continued to react stimulated by the poison.

Wen Yuan took two steps back and said in a deep voice: "Seizing the opportunity! It's definitely the poison of seizing the opportunity. Hurry! Give me the medicine immediately!"

The two doctors quickly took the medicine bowl from the young boy and treated Sun Xuelian. Miao Yi stared blankly at Du Tianwei's body. She couldn't tell what she felt. She couldn't even talk about sadness because she had no feelings for this man.

Feelings. But no matter what, this man was supposed to be the one who would accompany her throughout her life. Before she could even see his appearance clearly, he was already dead...

"Open the door! Open the door!"

The door banged. As soon as the servants opened the door, a fat man rushed in with help. He stumbled on the threshold with his back foot and pushed the person holding him down to the ground. The fat man hissed.

He shouted: "Help...help...it hurts...it hurts so much..."

The servants were busy helping the man in, and someone who recognized him already called out: "An Yuanwai?"

An Litong shivered in pain: "Hurry...see a doctor quickly, I...I'm in pain..., I can't breathe..."

As he spoke, his hands and feet twitched. Seeing this, the doctors didn't know what happened to him, so they hurriedly helped him into the hall and lay down. Fortunately, the doctors had determined the cause of the poisoning, prescribed the right medicine, and rescued him immediately.

, he did not suffer many unnecessary crimes for no reason like Du Tianwei who was holding up his body there.

"Lao Wen, Lao Wen, something is wrong."

Fang Ziyue crooked Wen Yuan with his elbow and whispered: "My uncle, my boss, and An Yuanwai were all poisoned one after another. Do you think...are they the only three who were poisoned?"

Wen Yuan said: "What do you mean?"

"I'm worried...will more people be poisoned? And we..."

When Wen Yuan heard Youran's expression changed, he immediately turned around and ordered his apprentice: "Quick, follow the recipe just now and grab ten pairs of medicines, no! How many pairs can you make? Hurry up, let the big pot boil..."

Sun Xuelian had already induced vomiting and gastric lavage and taken the antidote. Although she could not recover immediately, the toxins had stopped invading her body, her complexion was much better, and her mind was still clear. When she heard this sentence, she also realized that she was afraid

More people were poisoned, and they hurriedly said: "Yi'er, Yi'er..."


Sun Miaoyi hurriedly rushed to her side. Before she could speak, tears flowed down. She had been living a happy and carefree life. When had she encountered such a situation? In a short time, everyone in the family who could do anything fell down, and the rest

She really didn't know what to do now that she was alone.

Sun Xuelian ordered with difficulty: "Yi'er, listen, if... mother dies, the Sun family... the Sun family will be handed over to you. Being the head of a family is not... that easy. You

You want... you want..."

"No! No! Mother will not die, mother will not die." Miao Yi cried and shook her head.

"Shut up!"

Sun Xuelian exerted all her strength, and her majestic gaze forced Miaoyi to dare not cry again. She quickly bit her lip and listened to her with tears.

Sun Xuelian said: "Listen, immediately... gather all the people in the mansion. Once... once someone shows symptoms of poisoning, immediately... take medicine. All the food in the mansion... are all... gathered together, and no more food is allowed...

Use, press... press the gift list, go door to door to notify, notify all guests today, if... if someone happens..."

Sun Miaoyi nodded repeatedly: "Mom, I understand, I know what to do, please just rest and stop talking."

After saying that, he stood up and hurried to arrange the arrangements according to his mother's instructions.

An Litong only drank a glass of poisonous wine, and he was also wide and fat. The amount of medicine he received was much smaller than that of Sun Xuelian, who was slender and slender. He was rescued in time. At this time, he was squeezed into the Taishi chair, although he was still wilted.

, a life was finally saved.

He gritted his teeth and cursed: "Someone poisoned it. Someone poisoned it. It belongs to his grandmother. Who wants to poison it?"

Just as he was talking, two more scoundrels walked in outside the door that he had knocked open. These two scoundrels were the same two scoundrels who were standing on the street that day and laughed at the Geng officials. They were selling lamps and serving as porters. The two scoundrels opened their arms.

His mouth smelled of alcohol, and there was a disheveled man with disheveled hair on his arm. One of them said with a smile: "Hey, why is it so lively? Isn't the Sun family having a happy event today? What's going on?"

Another scoundrel shouted loudly: "Give me money, give me money. Mr. Geng has promised. As long as we brothers help him come back, we will reward him with ten guan each. Madam Sun, your husband-in-law personally agreed to this, you

You can’t cheat.”

As soon as he said this, everyone recognized that the guy they were holding, with a bruised nose, swollen face and dying breath, turned out to be Geng Xin, Wen Yuan, Fang Ziyue and several other doctors who were extremely busy secretly complained, and hurriedly stepped forward to take him over.

Without even looking, he hurriedly greeted me: "Hurry up, here is the emetic medicine."

Gengxin had a splitting headache, and his facial muscles were always twitching involuntarily due to loss of control, so his expression looked particularly ferocious. Saliva was flowing out of the corners of his mouth, but he was still conscious. He once asked the Yunnan man

The druggist carefully inquired about the properties and onset of the poison that triggered his illness. He knew that he was already too late, the poison had already taken effect at this stage, and taking the antidote would only prolong his life for a moment and make him suffer more pain.

He wanted to cry, but also wanted to laugh: "How did things end up like this? It was a perfect plan, but an assassin was killed halfway. It just happened that this assassin was from my house, and it ended up being trapped in a cocoon."

"I'm not willing to give in! I'm not willing to give in! Even if I have to die, I will... watch them die first!"

Not knowing where the strength came from, Geng Xin suddenly stood up, struggled hard, and broke away from the two doctors. He stared at the embarrassing situation in the hall with a pair of blood-red eyes, and hissed: "One of them died? Only one died.

Got one?"

He staggered forward two steps, looked at Du Tianwei's body, and then at Sun Xuelian, who was sitting sluggishly in the chair, and shouted: "You're not dead? You're not dead?"

Sun Xuelian opened her eyes wide and looked at the man who had been sleeping with her for more than ten years as if she were a stranger. She suddenly understood something: "I'm not dead. I have taken the right antidote!"

I won’t die, why are you..."

Gengxin was furious and stretched out his hands to strangle her throat, but his muscles contracted and his arms were curled up in a strange posture. At the same time, he lost his balance and fell to the ground with a thud.

He lay on the ground so weirdly, with his arms still flexing and stretching, his will and poison repeatedly fighting for control of the body, roaring: "How can it be possible? How can you not die? I have tried so hard, I have tried so hard, I want to

Kill all of you, how can you not die!"

His face was distorted, and every time he spoke a word, the corners of his mouth twitched involuntarily, and everyone in the hall looked at him in horror.

Geng Xinhao said: "How can you not die! God forbid me, I originally wanted to poison you all, but... in the end, I only poisoned such a useless waste!"

He gasped a few times, slowly raised his head, his neck was weirdly stiff, his eyes turned a few times, and suddenly he laughed crazily: "No, no, he is dead, he must be dead,

That thief Yang Xu, hahahaha... Yang Xu must be dead, at least I killed your adulterer, hahaha..."

After calling all the people in the house, Miao Yi, who had just rushed back to the hall, happened to hear these words. Her heart skipped a beat and her face suddenly turned pale: "How did he know that Brother Wenxuan and I..., that's not right, then

What does it have to do with him, why would he be so angry that he would poison and kill someone?"

Miao Yi looked at Geng Xin, who was like a lunatic, and then at her mother, who was turning blue. An ominous premonition came to her mind, but she didn't want to believe it, and she didn't dare to believe it. It was really more difficult for her to accept than the scene in front of her.

Geng Xin screamed again, and his whole body hunched up, gradually forming a full stop. He could no longer see clearly who was standing in front of him, he just kept twitching, venting his pleasure in the severe pain.

: "At least, I killed Yang Xu, hahaha..., I am not a waste, at least I... I killed one, I... I am not... a waste..."

He was linked head to foot, his eyes wide open, with a hint of a sinister smile on his lips, and he slowly exhaled his last breath.

People inside and outside the hall were dumbfounded and stood there dumbfounded. Someone in the crowd who had just been called to the front hall by Sun Miaoyi burst into tears. It was Geng's father. Geng's father howled: "Son! My

My son! My father is not dead yet, how can you leave me and never come back, my son!"

He struggled to jump forward, but no one came to lift his wheelchair. Geng's father pushed the wheelbarrow hard, and his body fell to the ground with a thud. He climbed up to the hall, crying as he climbed: "Son, how could you do this?

You are so stupid to come up with such a method. My son, it’s all dad’s fault, it’s all dad’s fault, dad shouldn’t have said those things to you..."

He hugged Gengxin's body, cried loudly, and suddenly slapped his face hard, like a madman. Everyone looked at this disheveled old madman, and they were confused by this series of accidents.

Going crazy.

At this time, Fatty An suddenly slapped the armrest and shouted: "Yang Xu! Yang Xu! Didn't you hear what he said? Go and save Yang Xu quickly! If you go late, another life will be lost. What's wrong with you Sun family?"

What kind of monster is this? What kind of evil has he done? Oops... my stomach still hurts..."

This chapter has been completed!
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