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Chapter 784

Xia Xun stepped closer to Miao Yi and said in a low voice: "There is a high probability that they are coming for me. I will go back to the village to hide first!"

There are reeds here, but they only grow close to the lakeside. Although they are dense but not wide, they are easy to find. As for the tall poplar trees, they are ten feet high, but there is a piece of yellow sand under the trees, so there is no way to hide them.

Not to mention people in the desert. Not only is there nowhere to hide, but the terrain is similar, making it easy to get lost. According to Suleiman, unfamiliar people will get lost just walking in. They can be fooled all the way here.

, may not be able to be pushed back to the depths of the desert.

As for the small village... In fact, the place that Xia Xun pays most attention to is the place where business travelers are stationed. It may not be easier to hide in the village than here, and there are many Han people here. It is too obvious when you get to the village. But

Since Miao Yi was still hostile to him, Xia Xun proposed this idea in order to retreat.

Sure enough, when Miao Yi heard what he said, his heart softened and he said, "No, you guys are more eye-catching there. Li, please quickly bring two sets of clothes for them to change into!"

"Yes!" These guards were experienced enough to be familiar with strange things. As soon as they heard the lady's instructions, the guard named Li Bie immediately hurried to a camp.

Xia Xun secretly breathed a sigh of relief and hurriedly said to Laqin: "Laqin, go back to the village quickly and tell everyone that if anyone interrogates you, just say that there have never been strangers in the village! Otherwise, you will be killed!"

La Qin blinked his big eyes and looked at him curiously, not understanding what he was talking about.

After mumbling a few words, Laqiu opened his eyes wide in surprise, nodded vigorously, spread his legs and ran away like flying.

"General, we are passing merchants. Speaking of which, many of the goods we sell and buy are produced in your country. Hahaha... We are all businessmen. We only do business to make money, and we will not mix in other things.

, there are absolutely no strangers here, let alone no strangers."

The leaders of several business groups surrounded a general dressed in Turkic style. Two groups of Timurid soldiers held swords and swords, guarding the front and rear with murderous intent. The general strode like lightning, and they followed him at a trot. One of them

As the merchant spoke, he secretly stuffed a bundle of things into the general's hand, wrapped in cloth, and it was all gold or silver.

Today, the leaders of the merchant groups were having a drink in the tent of a merchant surnamed Jing. After taking a rest, they were discussing some details about setting off tomorrow. Suddenly, a group of cavalry came from a distance. When the guards on guard saw the large number of people on the other side,

Walking into a saloon in the desert, I couldn't help but be so frightened by the momentum that I peeed and hurriedly broke into the tent to report.

Because there are no villages or shops in this section of the trade road, it is impossible to get enough living materials to support such a large population. Therefore, due to the living environment here, a team of horse thieves with more than a thousand people is very rare. In fact, there is no such thing.

The team of horse thieves on Duan Shang Road could not be too large, so when they heard that there were at least two thousand people coming, the leaders of the merchant groups were shocked.

When the people arrived, they realized that they were Tamerlane's army. The desert was vast and could be divided into three parts. However, only Tamerlane was actually stationed here, so his army would not appear here.

Strangely, the leaders of the business groups were immediately relieved. As long as it was an army affiliated with a political force, it would always have more rules than horse thieves.

"What...who is that person? Stop!" [baidu Jinyi Night Post Bar]

Seeing that they had reached the location of the Ying family's caravan, the two guards stepped forward with half-drawn swords. Judging from their stern and internal quarrels, it was clear that they were afraid of the opponent's strength. It was just their duty, but they had to bite the bullet and come forward.


"Get away!"

The two Timur cavalrymen pushed the two blind cowards aside with disdain to clear the way for their general.

The two nursing staff stumbled to the side and watched helplessly as they rushed past in an extremely domineering manner.

Ying Zhan's face turned rosy after drinking. At this time, he also followed the cavalry general of the Tamerlane Empire with a smile. When he saw the two guards being pushed aside, Ying Zhan couldn't help being slightly startled. The guard he had brought to the courtyard

There are about a hundred warriors. Of course, he may not be able to name all of them, but most of them are familiar. These two warriors...

Ying Zhan glanced at them suspiciously, and then glanced at the other Ying family guards who were standing aside. He knew that something must have happened, so he didn't dare to say anything. He quickly caught up with him and blocked the way for the two of them, intentionally or unintentionally.

The sight of others.

In fact, no one recognized Xia Xun and Liu Yujue without him blocking them. Yu Jian did recognize Xia Xun, but when he deliberately leaked the news to Hu Shangtuo to recruit Mingde, the identity he mentioned was just an official from Ganliang.

If he could tell his relatives and draw the Duke's appearance, it would probably be self-defeating. Not only did Tuoba Mingde not believe what he said, but he also thought that he had been seen through by him and that this was a deliberate design to frame one of his own.

What's more, as long as there are no special marks on the face, what can be said by dictating a few sentences? As for painting, even if every student in modern times learns to paint in school, how many people can draw people lifelike with a single stroke? Not to mention that in that era,

Moreover, Yu Jian was only proficient in writing.

As Tuoba Mingde's "favored" chief steward, Yu Jian is following Tuoba Mingde closely. Although Xia Xun now has a beard, if he were asked to look carefully, he might be shocked, because

He could still recognize it, but he didn't pay attention to the two nursing homes of the Ying family, especially Xia Xun and Liu Yujue who were the first to come forward to prevent them from entering the Ying family's territory, which made people ignore it. This is the effect of darkness under the lamp.


The general of the Timurid Empire passed through the camp and reached the end of this side before he stopped suddenly, glanced at the path among the reeds in front, and said in a cold voice: "Is there a small village just in front of here? Send a team.

People, search for me!" Immediately, a group of soldiers chased menacingly along the path where the birds had just escaped. They spread out and searched the reed swamps. For a while, the reeds were flying and wild birds were jumping wildly.

The general pressed the knife, turned around and glanced at the leaders of the business groups, and said with a murderous tone: "You have never seen any refugees along the way, let alone taken in anyone, eh? If you are lying,

Once we find out, all of you here will die!"

"Sir General, we really haven't met any strangers all the way here. These are all people from the caravan, and we will continue our journey tomorrow morning!" Tuoba Mingde said with a smile, and tugged on the general's arm again.

Sleeve: "General, please take a step to speak!" He said, pulling the general aside.

Of course Tuoba Mingde was sure that he would never take in any strangers in his team, but he never expected that just a moment ago, two strangers had become members of their joint business group.

He also planned to use this business to completely win the trust of these Shazhou tycoons. When the Ming army wanted to clear the country and move all the soldiers and civilians of Shazhou back to Jiayuguan, he would follow them and withdraw, so as to provide internal support. Now it is rare to kill one of his own men.

Going out gave him this good opportunity to sell everyone's favor, how could he not make the most of it.

Therefore, Mr. Tuoba Mingde stood up decisively and prevented disaster for everyone.

Several leaders of the business group saw Tuoba Mingde pulling the general aside and muttering something. They didn't know that Tuoba Mingde was revealing his identity to the other party and asking the other party not to interfere with their actions and to stand by their side.

From this position, I could only see Tuoba Mingde constantly bowing, smiling and talking, his sleeves moving from time to time, and climbing onto the general's arm, as if he was handing over heavy gifts, as if he was trying hard to bribe him.

The two stood there chatting for a long time before walking back together. The Timur cavalry general said arrogantly: "Come here, disperse and search their tents!"

At this time, although his attitude was arrogant, it was obviously softened compared to the previous cold and stern tone. The leaders of the business groups were all good at observing faces. How could they not know that it was Tuoba Mingde who persuaded the general? He couldn't help but

They all looked at him gratefully, but Tuoba Mingde just smiled modestly, without any sign of taking any credit. This attitude won the unanimous favor of the leaders of the business groups.

As a result, Timur's soldiers searched the entire place where the merchant group was stationed. They passed by Xia Xun from time to time, searching hard for Xia Xun.

In fact, along the way, this team of Timurid cavalry had already eliminated a team of horse thieves that they encountered, as well as a business group that came from Xierding that was smaller than the team in front of them. Along the way, there were people

If someone blocks a person, he will kill someone. He would rather kill the wrong person than let him go!

Yes, they are an army and will not kill innocent people indiscriminately like horse thieves, and business travel only benefits them and does no harm to them, but that is normal times. The person they want to kill this time is really too important. At the moment, the whereabouts of this person are unknown, and his life or death is uncertain.

, maybe he has been buried in the desert, which is naturally the best, but since you are not sure, then kill everyone you see, that will be foolproof.

When the general rushed to this oasis, he looked at the size from a distance and knew that the merchant group here was relatively powerful. If he insisted on killing the merchants and resisted desperately, his own casualties would be considerable. He originally planned to pretend to search for the oasis.

The fugitive patrol waited until his troops controlled the entire camp before suddenly killing them. In the end, because of the lovely Mr. Tuoba Mingde, the business group escaped in a daze.


Suddenly a woman's scream came from a tent, and a soldier ran out chasing a woman. The general's eyes lit up when he saw the woman's beauty. At this time, Ying Zhan hurriedly took a step forward, and two people stuck to the wood.

The soldier choked and drew his sword, crossed it in front of him, and blocked him. Ying Zhan said anxiously: "General, that is the villain's wife. Please let her go, General!"

The commander of the Timur cavalry stared at the bright and charming young woman in front of him, swallowed hard, and waved his hand reluctantly.

If Tuoba Mingde hadn't been much higher in rank than him, even if he didn't kill the people in front of him, he wouldn't have let such a coveted woman go. As soon as the soldier saw that the leader had spoken, he gave up the fight.

Miaoyi chased him, but Miaoyi hurriedly fled back to his tent.

When the camp was turned into a mess, all the boxes and cages were opened, and Timur's soldiers took the opportunity to hide a lot of belongings, a team of people who searched the small village also came back. The simple villagers have lived here for generations, and they are like each other.

The family is like a family, and the little bird escaped in time. Everyone agreed, and of course they couldn't find anything. [Baidu Jinyi Night Post Bar Huangmen Neipin provides the first error-free text]

The residents of this small village share the same faith as this direct army of Timur, and the appearance of the villagers is relatively obvious, with nose surgeries and deep eyes. They cannot be passed off as Han people, so there is no need to massacre the village, so the small village was lucky to escape.

A calamity.

The general stared greedily at the felt tent where Miao Yi was, waved his hand angrily: "Let's go! Keep searching!"

p: During the coding period, I wanted to boil some water to make tea. I felt a dull pain in my index finger when I was holding the pot. It seemed that I had no strength to lift the pot. It was strange. Isn’t it so weak? I must have injured my tendon while coding.

Internet! Guan Guan raised his index finger with tears streaming down his face: "Please vote! Please vote! Please monthly vote!"

Advertisement:--Piaotian Literature--Literature Network Military Novel "Meat Mound Grave", written by Haoyue Mingjing, please enjoy it (to be continued)

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