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Chapter 788

When he woke up early in the morning, Xia Xun felt dizzy, and the alcoholism seemed to have not gone away. He groaned, walked to the table, grabbed a water bottle, and drank from the mouth of the bottle, filling half of the bottle with cold boiled water.

After eating it, my thirst was slightly quenched.

Yesterday, the great Persian businessman Argus, whose status was second only to the city's lord Ashina Langsha, was very satisfied with his goods, so he warmly invited him to the banquet hall for discussion. There were many businessmen from the Western Regions talking loudly there.

Naturally, there is no shortage of good wine and beautiful women. For Persians, good wine and beautiful women always go together.

They drank all the best wine. Xia Xun felt relieved now that his goods were located. He would be safer if he could show less publicity. Before the winning caravan returned home, if he could stay hidden in Argus

In the hotel, it is the safest. With this thought in mind, Xia Xun began to fully interpret his new identity.

These big businessmen were both good at wine and lustful, so Xia Xun couldn't be out of place if he wanted to blend in, so he followed suit and tasted the ice-cold grape wine. He also chose a voluptuous Persian dancer to serve the wine.

The girl has jet black hair, charming, blue, and dreamy big eyes. Her face is covered with a gauze and it is difficult to see her true face, but the outline of her facial features that is vaguely revealed is definitely very delicate and beautiful.

Her eyes were captivating, and what was even more captivating was her belly button. Her strong and flexible waist, snow-white and round belly, and sexy belly button... It was because of her enchanting belly dance that Xia Xun was attracted to her.

He took a liking to her. He just stared at her slim waist a few more times, and the considerate Dumb ran over and said a few words to the girl who had just finished dancing.

Compared with those fat-headed guys, Xia Xun's figure and appearance are the same and it is easier for people to like her, so the girl looked at Xia Xun with a smile, then walked over openly, what's her name, Xia Xun?

He had forgotten all about it. He only remembered that the enchanting dancer liked to caress his strong chest and his mighty beard. She liked to wrap herself around him like a snake. She was so entangled that Xia Xun became sexually aroused and wanted to have sex.

She took it back to "rectify the law on the spot" and killed a big horse to bring honor to our country.

However, in the large banquet hall that resembled a bar, the businessmen were very interested in this new little brother. Everyone would hold a glass and come up to talk to him and introduce themselves. They were all in business.

Pay special attention to making friends with other businessmen, especially those from far away. Even though Xia Xun’s current caravan is small, with one successful trip, his family wealth may increase tenfold. Next time he comes, he will be a business partner who can be equal to them.


The merchants from far away areas have no competitive relationship with them. On the contrary, they can help each other, so they are most keen to make friends. And almost every one of them has an astonishing capacity for drinking. Xia Xun and every enthusiastic guest have to raise their glasses and drink. Especially, the drunk ones

Argus, who was in high spirits and drunk, announced in public that he had packed all Xia Xun's goods, and when the price was 10% higher than the market price, everyone celebrated and forced him to drink a few more glasses of wine.

Although the wine had enough stamina, it might not have happened at that time, but when the wine was full, music suddenly played in the side compartment. The foreign businessmen almost subconsciously squirmed when they heard the music, and the Persian dancer was even more enthusiastic.

After dragging Xia Xun down to the ballroom and dancing wildly, Xia Xun fell down completely. The beauty didn't eat anything, and her head still hurt.

Xia Xun had finished washing, and when he walked out of the room, he gently stroked his forehead.

As soon as he went out, Ah-Dai rushed out diligently, like the most dedicated servant. He had been waiting patiently under the colonnade for a long time. When he saw Xia Xun coming out, he greeted Xia Xun enthusiastically: "Ah, my master, you

Okay, did you enjoy your drink last night?"

Xia Xun smiled bitterly and shook his head: "I'm so happy! My head is about to explode. The drinking capacity of those guests is really amazing!"

Duan winked at him and said with a smile: "Are you regretting that I didn't enjoy Miss Dai Qisi's tenderness? The price of staying with a girl here for one night is quite high. I see that I am already very drunk, so I'm afraid I won't be able to enjoy myself to the fullest.

So I made my own decision and didn't ask her to serve the master. The master will stay here for a while, so there are plenty of opportunities!"

"Ha ha……"

"Ha ha……"[]

The two men laughed tacitly, and Xia Xun knocked on his head and said: "Oh, by the way, yesterday was not without success. Didn't Lord Argus promise to buy all my goods? Didn't you?

Contact him and make a settlement as soon as possible."

Duan opened his mouth and smiled happily: "Hahaha, my master, you are really a straightforward person. This matter has not been settled yet. Mr. Argus went out early in the morning and said that he wanted to invite an important person.

The characters will attend his birthday party, let’s talk about it after he comes back.”

Xia Xun said in shock: "Not decided yet? Last night... wasn't it announced in public? Did I remember it wrong?"

Dumb smiled and said: "No, no, you remember correctly. But according to their customs, whenever there is something that needs to be considered and decided, they will drink a lot of wine first and get very drunk before making a decision. However,

Don't think that the matter will really be decided. After they sober up, they will seriously consider it again and negotiate with you. If their thoughts at this time are different from their previous decision, then the previous discussion will naturally be cancelled, and

It doesn’t mean they broke their promise.”

"So that's it..."

Xia Xun suddenly realized: "The decision made after drinking was indeed inappropriate. If I had known this, I should have negotiated the deal with him yesterday before drinking."

Dumb shrugged and said: "It's useless, sir, if they made the decision while sober, they will make it again after being drunk. This is the final decision!"

Xia Xun's eyes were dazed and he murmured: "What a... wonderful good habit!"

Dumb smiled and said: "But don't worry, sir. I can see that Lord Argus is very satisfied with your goods. I think it is not likely that he will change his mind. If he clearly likes it, but in order to lower the price or other

If they deny their previous decision for whatever reason, that is deception, and in their minds, the most shameful thing is lying, followed by owing money, so it is unlikely that they will regret it."

Xia Xun couldn't help but laugh after hearing this: "This is really a good habit. No wonder his business is so big. Although it is said that there is no businessman, but a short-sighted person will deceive and deceive only if he does small business. If he wants to be like this

A big undertaking must be done with sincerity and trustworthiness.”

Ah-Dai said: "Maybe, in fact, the only thing they hate is lying. The reason why they hate owing money is because if you owe others money, you will definitely lie in the end. Master, would you like Ah-Dai to accompany you for a walk outside first?

, select the goods you plan to buy back, so that as soon as Lord Argus settles the account, I can buy the goods immediately, saving a lot of time."

Xia Xun nodded and said, "Okay, call my steward and let's go together!"

The steward he was talking about was Liu Yujue. Of course Ah-Dai knew it and hurriedly agreed: "Okay, sir, he lives next door to you and has already gotten up."

Doing as the Romans do when they are in the country, in order not to be overly impressed, Xia Xun and Liu Yujue went out with the local Tong Ah Dai, and first asked him to buy two sets of clothes with more local style for them, and they were very expensive clothes. What Ying Zhan gave to Xia Xun was

A bag of gold coins that traveled through the Western Regions. This bag of money was very rich. Xia Xun didn't really want to do business and was willing to spend money. Dressed like this, he looked like two local rich men. The wealthy businessmen in the Western Regions integrated politics, business, and military.

He was very high-status and swaggered around the city, so young people didn't dare to get close to him, so the two of them virtually avoided a lot of trouble.

Xia Xun casually browsed the street scenery and said to Ah-Dai: "Ah-Dai, sir, this is my first time coming back here to do business. Although I have heard some introductions from senior businessmen, I haven't seen the way, and I still don't understand some things.

, do you think, if I sell the goods, what would it be more cost-effective to buy back?"

Duan smiled and said: "Well, it depends on what you choose, sir. I don't know if my shop is located in the Dunhuang area of ​​​​Shazhou, or in Ganliang, or in the Central Plains of the Ming Dynasty? Different places have different easy-to-sell goods.

, the products that make more money are also different, and it also depends on whether you want to buy something that is easy to carry and sell, or you are eager to recover your capital."

Xia Xun said "Oh" and said modestly: "I would like to hear the details!"

Duan said: "Actually, when Han guests travel to the Western Regions, they buy nothing more than horses, camels, pearls and jade, spices, slaves, iron and other items. Among them, the spices need to know how to store them without spoiling along the way, and they have to earn a high price.

It is only suitable to sell them to the Central Plains. Taking care of horses and camels is not easy, as they require a lot of water and grass along the way, but it is easy to sell them. Just transport them to the sandbank, where they are sweet and cool, and buyers flock to them.

Let’s talk about pearls, jade and iron. These things are easy to carry along the way, but you have to sell them to the Central Plains to make a big profit, and you have to be a good seller. If you don’t have a shop in the Central Plains, you may not be able to let go of them for a long time.

The other one is the slave. Slaves are easy to manage, and they can be sold anywhere in Shazhou, Ganliang and even the Central Plains. As for the price, it fluctuates high and low and it is difficult to grasp. If there is a female slave with good looks, and

When you meet a big buyer, the profit is huge, which can be said to be the highest among all kinds of goods, but sometimes you can't sell it, so it's in your hands. What do you want to buy, sir?"

Xia Xun thought for a moment and then said: "Pearls, jade, iron and slaves, these are the three things!"

Pearls, jade, and iron are easy to carry, but as for slaves, his "merchant group" has a large number of people, so it is easy to conceal his identity. Although Xia Xun thought that Timur's cavalry would have withdrawn when he returned, he was prepared after all.

I don't want Dui to be in awe when he heard this: "So Master, you have connections in the Central Plains? Haha, let me tell you, Master, why are the goods you carry not much, but they are all so exquisite, and Master Ying treats you so well?"

With such high regard, I must be here just to explore the road, right? Since I have connections in the Central Plains, I can make a lot more money than others by taking this trip. Well, sir, you see, this East City is a slave trading area.

Let's go and see if there is anyone we like."

This chapter has been completed!
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