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Chapter 804 Don't give him a chance to speak

Chapter 804 Don’t give him a chance to speak

Harry smiled more happily than Xia Xun: "I completely agree with you. Think about it, what kind of surprise and shock was it when you, as my prisoner of war, appeared in front of the Ming army that was waiting at Jiayuguan Pass.


Xia Xun gave a light high-five and praised: "Yes, maybe the morale of our Ming army is depressed, and His Highness Harry can defeat it with one attack and achieve a more outstanding record than His Highness Iskandar!"

As soon as he said this, Harry's face suddenly darkened.

Iskandar is the cousin whom Harry Sultan admires most, and the most outstanding military genius among Timur's many descendants. He led an expedition at the age of thirteen and planted the battle flag of Timur's empire in the land of Beslopali.

The person above, but he has made great military exploits, has now turned into a pile of withered bones.

Xia Xun looked at his face and suddenly said: "I believe that when you know that I am Yang Xu, you will be very happy. But if you think about it rationally, you should be very clear that the biggest effect of catching me is just

It will damage the morale of our army, and this may not bring you any personal benefits. Don’t you want to make a bigger deal with me?”

Harry Sultan looked at Xia Xun and sneered: "Do you really think of yourself as a businessman?"

Xia Xun said nonchalantly: "It's just a transaction. When it's used for businessmen, it's just a transaction; when it's used for politics, it's called cooperation. What's the difference?"

"So, what do I need to work with you on?"

Xia Xun glanced to the left and right, and Harry said calmly: "Everyone in this room, I can trust them as if they were myself!"

Xia Xun smiled and said: "Okay, then... please forgive me, as far as I know, your situation in your country is not very good. You cannot give up military power, because giving up military power means never turning over; but having military power

, there will be people who want to push you to the front and consume all the troops loyal to you. If you win the battle, some people will want to deal with you! If you lose the battle, there will be people who will deal with you!

When you face a powerful enemy and you should go all out, you have to consider that the sword cannot be struck too hard, because you have to save some strength to guard against the cold arrows from behind; when your opponent

When a spear strikes you, you should take a step back. The purpose of taking a step back is just to avoid the enemy's sharp edge.

What an embarrassing situation this is. When you make a strategic retreat in order to launch a more violent counterattack, you have to distract yourself and explain to your Khan that you are trying to counterattack, not avoid, let alone escape.

Escape yourself from the countless slanders, Harry, do you think that in this situation, you can really fight with me, the Ming Dynasty?"

Harry Sultan did not speak, but his face became more gloomy.

His situation is not only so embarrassing. In fact, since he received the letter from Tamerlane Khan, his political future has been over, and even his life cannot be guaranteed. Now Xia Xun's life is in his hands.

Isn't his life and death in the hands of others?

Xia Xun added: "I think you may already know that our Ming Dynasty is at war with Annan and at the same time with the Tatars. Do you know what this means? Why did Timur Khan give up the Western Front battlefield and abandon those things that are about to begin?

The monarch who wants to surrender to him and end the war there? Because he wants to concentrate all his efforts to fight against me, the Ming Dynasty!

Mr. Harry, to be blunt, our Emperor didn’t take Timur in his eyes at all, that’s why he dared to start a war on three sides! Taking a step back, if the war on the Western Front is really tight, our Emperor

We can also withdraw troops and horses from Annan and the Tatars at any time and replenish them on the Western Front. Do you think the little Annan and the Tatars who are frightened by our Ming Dynasty dare to counterattack?"

Xia Xun didn't know that Harry had just received a letter that would end his political future. Otherwise, what Xia Xun said now would be more powerful. Unfortunately, he didn't know that Harry's situation was already precarious, even more dangerous than him.

He is the Duke of the Ming Dynasty. Once he falls into the hands of Timur, he will be a rare commodity. Although his freedom will be restricted, his life will not be in danger. If he is lucky, his living conditions will not be much worse. But Harry Sultan

Otherwise, as long as he hands over his military power, there will be countless black hands at his throat, just like they did against his genius cousin Iskander.

Because he doesn't know, Xia Xun doesn't dare to incite Harry to rebel against Tamerlane now. He just tries his best to impress him with common interests.

Xia Xun said: "To sum up, in this war, our chances of winning are far greater than yours. The Timur Empire's expedition was very labor intensive, and there were many tribes under his command. They were not united, so it was easy to fight with favorable winds.

Once you encounter setbacks, all kinds of problems will arise, and the prince who is enjoying the success can use this to attack you. Instead of this, why don't we... join hands in a little cooperation? "

Xia Xun's voice carried a strange allure: "If we cooperate, then on the battlefield, we can join forces to put on a seamless show. We can work together to defeat Shaharul, who has always had ulterior motives for you.

Kill him and you can annex his army.

Through cooperation, we can also promote you as the only general with the most military talent in your country. Timur Khan will also have to notice your excellence. When we become partners, you will not have to worry about frontal enemies.

', were you still afraid that you wouldn't be able to deal with the open and covert attacks from behind?"

Xia Xun's words made Harry's heart skip a beat. As a soldier, he should not compromise with his enemies under any conditions, but he is also a politician. Politicians can make clouds with their hands and rain with their hands.

He will never establish a permanent enemy for himself. His choice and determination of friends and foes are only based on interests.

He is a very smart person, and he understands how many mysteries are contained in these simple sentences. If the two sides can really cooperate, he can completely take the initiative on the battlefield and make those who want to use him or frame him use his opponents.

There were so many ways to get rid of them one by one. Just by thinking about it, he could think of more than a dozen very feasible ways to kill without blood!

In this process, he can leave no clues. On the contrary, he can also gain maximum political and military benefits from this war. However... cooperation also requires strength. Does he still have a chance?

If time could go back half a month, it would only take half a month. When Xia Xun said these words to him, the temptation for him would be unparalleled, but now..., of course, he had not yet deeply understood it at that time.

If you are in a desperate situation, you may not make this choice.

Harry smiled sadly and said softly: "It's too late, Your Excellency, at this moment, these proposals are meaningless!"

Xia Xun had been paying attention to Harry Sultan. As long as there was a slight change in his eyes or movements, Xia Xun would quickly figure out what he was thinking in his heart, thereby revising his words and striving to be more attractive to Harry.

He felt that Harry was obviously moved by his words, but what finally emerged was a kind of helplessness and despair. He couldn't understand the reason, and couldn't help asking: "It's too late? So you agree to my cooperation proposal?

, just because of time, this possibility can no longer be realized? "

Harry did not answer, but stood up and said: "Lock him up, separate him from others, and keep him alone!"


The scene that happened in the living room and the servants and the things in the side courtyard of the slave residence were not noticed by the merchants waiting in the main courtyard of the hotel. They were waiting impatiently. Suddenly someone came out to inform that Mr. Xia Xun had decided to leave.

After staying behind for a while, the rest of the caravan could set off on their way, and Harry never mentioned the matter of seeing him off in person.

The leaders of the major caravans all had ugly faces. Look at this situation. The so-called personal send-off was clearly aimed at Xia Xun alone. It was not known what kind of business Xia Xun had finalized with him and he would not leave again. As a result, Harry said

Everyone else was too lazy to send him off. They were embarrassed and left angrily to join their caravans on the road. Among them, only Ying Zhan and his wife and Yu Jian, who was accompanying Tuoba Mingde, knew Xia Xun's identity.

Ying Zhan and his wife were shocked and frightened. They didn't know whether Xia Xun's identity was exposed and detained, or if he had other plans. They didn't dare to say anything at the moment, so they quickly gathered their caravan and hurried out of the city. Yu Jian said to

Xia Xun felt baffled that he didn't leave. Like Ying Zhan and his wife, he didn't know whether Xia Xun had exposed his identity or had other plans.

But when he thought about it, if he didn't say anything, it would be impossible for others to know Xia Xun. From this point of view, it was more likely that Xia Xun would stay on his own initiative. He remembered that Xia Xun had caused earth-shaking chaos several times in Jinling City, and a disaster

The three sons of Prince Yan broke into the Prince of Zhongshan's palace at night, which shocked the court and made the Jin Yiwei disgraced. Now he clearly had the chance to leave but refused to leave, not knowing what kind of big battle he was about to cause in Timur's army.

Thinking of this, Yu Jian was also worried, fearing that Xia Xun would do something earth-shattering here soon, and even he wouldn't be able to leave by then. He thought he was like a lost dog, so he hurriedly left with Tuoba Mingde.

Xia Xun was placed in a separate courtyard, surrounded by heavy guards, and the furnishings in the room were extremely luxurious.

This is a hotel, so of course there can't be a real prison cell, and it's impossible to put someone as important as Xia Xun into a prison cell.

Harry bowed to Xia Xun, whose hands and feet had been chained with iron chains, and said: "Your Excellency, Duke of the Ming Empire, please stay here temporarily. When I hand over military power, I will personally take you to see my grandfather!"


Xia Xun asked curiously: "Relinquishing military power? Harry, you are the commander-in-chief of the right army. Who do you want to hand over the military power to?"

The look on Harry's face was a little strange. He was silent for a moment and then said: "This man should be an old acquaintance of yours. His name is Gesu Yedin. Does your Excellency, Duke, still remember him?"


When Xia Xun heard the name, his mind was like lightning, and all his doubts suddenly became clear. At that moment, he captured the key to the problem and found a breakthrough to convince Harry!

This chapter has been completed!
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