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Chapter 807 Adam and the Snake

Tang Sai'er said: "Yes, they put all those things in a bag and tied them on the back of the camel. When we were taken to the backyard, our camels and goods were also brought to the yard. Aggar

People are watching."

After hearing this, Xia Xun thought to himself: "Argus? Harry didn't hide it from Argus... So, this Argus is his?"

Xia Xun thought about it and then said: "Well, Sai'er, whether we can escape from this prisoner status depends entirely on you. Listen, you have to do a few things for your godfather..."

Xia Xun gave Tang Sai'er instructions carefully, and Tang Sai'er nodded while listening. After Xia Xun finished giving instructions, he said: "Fortunately, that unlucky Dumb was also locked up, otherwise only you can get through it."

Come out, this plan really can't be implemented. I just don't know if he will help us..."

Tang Saier clenched his fists and said viciously: "If he doesn't help, I'll ask Uncle Chen Dong and Uncle Ye An to beat him until he agrees!"

Xia Xun hurriedly said: "There is no need to beat him. He is tied to a rope with us now. As long as we tell him that the plan is successful, he will have a chance to escape. Then asking him to write a few words is just a piece of cake. I think he is


Tang Sai'er quickly put away her ferocious expression, said "Yeah" meekly, tried to make up for it, and acted like a good girl.

The next step is how to send Tang Sai'er out again. The doors and windows here are sealed, and there are guards guarding the outside. If Tang Sai'er wants to leave, the only way is through the dome of the roof.

But it was not easy to get down from there, and it was even more difficult to go up again. Xia Xun tried to throw Tang Sai'er up, but at a distance of more than four feet, even though Tang Sai'er was light and soft, it was not easy to do it.

Xia Xun's residence was very luxurious and had all kinds of daily necessities. Harry did not treat prisoners of Xia Xun's status harshly. Xia Xun looked around and quickly found something he needed.

He took apart the curtains and sheets, twisted them into a long rope, tied it to two stone pillars, climbed up the stone pillars, pushed the rope to the highest point of the stone pillars, and then used a copper lampstand as a handle and tied it on both sides of the rope.

Tighten the rope from end to end until the entire rope is stretched straight and is strong enough to bear Tang Saier's weight.

Next, Tang Saier climbed up along the pillar like a monkey, and then moved sideways on the rope. When she moved directly under the dome stone arch, her hands were like climbing up and down a horizontal bar.

Hanging on this elastic "rope", the moment she suddenly sank and bounced back up, she released her hands and pushed hard, using the elasticity of the rope to launch her whole body up to the dome.

Then Xia Xun once again witnessed Tang Saier's miraculous bone shrinking skill. She twisted and bent her body on the dome as if she had no bones. This time, she first stretched out one leg, and then half

The body, then the head, and finally the other leg also retracted.

Xia Xun, who had been watching below without blinking, breathed a long sigh of relief. When he saw Tang Saier reaching back with a small hand, he made a thumbs up gesture to reassure him.

At that moment, Xia Xun laughed from the bottom of his heart.

"Water, water..."

After sleeping until midnight, Harry drunkenly cried out that he was thirsty, and Omi hurriedly put on his clothes and got up.

There was still one lamp on the wall, so Omi didn't light another lamp. He poured a glass of water under the light, then quickly returned to the bed and helped Harry up. Harry sat up in a daze, taking the glass in his hand.

When I wanted to drink water, there was a sudden "pop" sound in the room, and then a piece of blue light appeared, making the whole room look indigo.

Omi screamed in fright and threw herself into Harry's arms, spilling the glass of water.

"Well! What's going on?"

Harry woke up from the drunkenness and reached out to touch the saber on the pillow. In just a moment, the blue light turned into purple light again, purple, orange, yellow and green, flashing several colors in succession, and then with a "pop" sound, the knife placed on the table

An oil lamp that had been extinguished long ago suddenly emitted thick smoke from its oil mouth.

Harry and Omi stared at this bizarre scene with their mouths open. Even though Harry was brave, he was stunned by this strange scene that he had never seen before.

While the thick smoke was billowing out, lights of different colors were still flashing in turn. When the smoke rose, a pair of white silk suddenly appeared in the smoke. The silk floated down, and a line of golden characters suddenly appeared on it,

As soon as Harry saw the words on the silk clearly, the silk burned out of thin air, burning and falling on the marble table.

The silk quickly turned into ashes, but a line of golden characters that suddenly appeared on the silk was deeply engraved in Harry Sultan's heart!

In the morning, when Xia Xun was having breakfast, Harry suddenly appeared in front of him with his interpreter.

After Tang Saier completed his mission last night, he climbed to the dome above Xia Xun's residence without anyone noticing, notified him, and brought something he wanted.

Xia Xun already knew that his plan had been successfully implemented. When he saw Harry's haggard face, he immediately understood that this was the last straw that finally tilted the balance in Harry's heart to his side.

With Harry's age and strong body, he would not be so haggard after a night of sleep, and his eyes would not be bloodshot. However, if he spent this night struggling in the battle between heaven and man, his rationality and survival instincts

, troubled by various factors, it is not surprising that such a situation occurs.

Xia Xun picked up the napkin and wiped the corners of his mouth gently. He was gentle and elegant. If he were given a suit and tie, his demeanor would be...

"Good morning, Mr. Harry!"

Xia Xun nodded elegantly to Harry Sultan. Harry ignored Xia Xun's greetings. He pulled out a chair and sat down opposite Xia Xun. He exhaled a breath of turbid air. Xia Xun immediately smelled a strong smell of alcohol.

Xia Xun frowned and sat up straight. He just hoped that Harry Sultan didn't have the problem of Persian Argus. For important decisions, he would always make a decision soberly, and then make a decision again when he was drunk.

Really decided.

He knew very well that this was his last chance. If he could not convince Harry today, he would become one of Timur's trophies and be under house arrest forever.

"Duke, what kind of cooperation do you mean by the cooperation you mentioned yesterday? You have to know that Gesuyedin will come to receive my troops soon, and no one dares to defy the Khan's decision, and I can't either.


He didn't lie about this. He got his army by himself. Timur had four sons, each of whom had a large fief. As the governor of the fief, they recruited, trained, and raised troops, all by themselves.

, so their army is absolutely loyal to them personally.

But the prestige of Timur the Great is unmatched. In the Timur Empire, he is like a god. Although his enemies are endless, not only external, but also internal, including his son who is more powerful than his own son.

The beloved adopted son Tuotuomimi always kept causing trouble for him, but in the empire under his direct rule, no one dared to openly resist this great existence.

Harry looked directly at Xia Xun: "It will be no more than ten days until I hand over my military power. How can you cooperate with me?"

Xia Xun's expression also became serious. He looked at Harry seriously and asked, "I want to know, what do you want? Safety or power?"

Harry asked sarcastically: "Your life and death are in my hands, and you promise me to give me safety?"

Xia Xun nodded and said: "I can! You give me freedom, and I will take you away! His Majesty the Ming Emperor will be very happy for your defection. If you can bring your direct lineage with you, the generous Emperor will also grant you the title of

Duke, even king!"

Harry sneered: "Your Majesty the Duke, if you are willing to say to Timur Khan: 'Willing to surrender,' even if you don't bring a single soldier, you will receive the most solemn courtesy. Our Khan will

He is more generous than your emperor. Maybe he will give you a piece of the countless territories he conquered, and let you become the governor of the ruling party, like a king. Are you willing?"

Xia Xun took a long breath and said: "Timur Khan is nearly seventy years old. He has never been defeated in his life. But you and I both know that there is an enemy that he cannot defeat.

Yeah, that's years! How long can he live?

If you lose power at this time, it is equivalent to death, because you can't even wait for him to change his mind and use you again. Harry, you have a powerful army, and the person guarding Samarkand at this moment happens to be your father.

What a rare opportunity, have you never thought that you can also become the king of Timur's empire?"

Harry's expression suddenly froze, and he didn't even move his eyes, as if his whole body was petrified. His mind couldn't help but think of the apocalypse he saw with his own eyes last night: "Go back to Samarkand, and you will be the king."


This sentence was firmly engraved in his heart and gave him endless reveries.

Xia Xun did not give him a clearer and more detailed instruction under the guise of divine will. In front of such a smart person, the more vague the revelation, the easier it is for him to make various associations, and it can also leave enough for himself to change at any time.


"As long as...as long as Khan is still alive, it is...absolutely impossible..."

When Harry said these words, not only was Harry's voice trembling, but his body was also trembling. He had already had a terrible idea, and this idea was aimed at that great being who he had not dared to disobey before yesterday.

! And when he said these words, a terrible thought had already formed in his heart.

Xia Xun was like the snake that tempted Adam to eat the golden apple, saying softly: "How about letting him die?"

p: Please give me recommendation votes and monthly votes!

Recommendation: ISBN 2305770 Book title: "Beauty's Personal Butler", there is a link on the Jinyi book page.

He is a hereditary butler expelled from a wealthy family, and he is a gourmet restaurant owner worth hundreds of millions;

He is a street wanderer with nothing to do, and he is a personal butler who is taken in by a beautiful woman;

Carrying a blood feud, he walks around in a low profile, taking care of every step;

See how he starts magnificent counterattacks in the picturesque world!

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